New York, May 30, 2017 | Read on Web
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
At last, INVOLUTION: The Revolution is Within is ready. This is the late spring into midsummer reading from Planet Waves. I've spent the past month developing and recording extended video readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. We've also now added downloadable audio files, so that you can listen offline -- as many times as you wish.
We're holding the pre-order price through the weekend; you may get all 12 signs here, or single-serving access here.
Go figure! A reading where you actually can understand what the astrologer is talking about. This preview is from the Taurus video. See video samples here for each of the signs. |
I'm one of a rare few astrologers who can read for you without needing the natal chart, and without resorting to fake "custom readings" that are assembled out of a database.
These are actual, coherent, beautifully flowing readings that speak directly to you.
I'm watching video samples of the readings for the first time -- I have not seen any playback.
They are fun!
They offer down-to-Earth, easy to follow ideas based on the astrology and how it influences you. I cover the most relevant topics: love and sex, wellbeing, creativity and work. Exploring in an integrated way, with one topic related to another, these readings reflect the interwoven quality of your actual life, rather than in theory.
The readings factor in all of the astrology of late spring into midsummer, culminating with the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 [read Planet Waves coverage here]. I describe how that eclipse influences you: where it opens up the greatest potential to make changes, which is different for everyone.
Each reading gets a written preview; those are listed below. We've also prepared a video preview, sampling a few minutes from each sign, which will give you an idea of the subject matter.
You'll want to see several of these -- and you can share them with your inner circle of people, so it's "one purchase per household." Rather than adding on more readings, you can get all 12 for less than the price of four.
Planet Waves is about Astrology for the People. Because we make our work available to many people, the cost factor is reduced, and you get much more for your well-earned money.
More than that, I'm mindful of your time: these readings make every minute count, and are focused on you making the best use of your precious creativity, time and energy.
Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

PS -- These readings make excellent gifts. Nothing says that you care like helping someone make sense of their life, in a friendly, humorous way, in the midst of these simply crazy times that we're in. Give a gift reading here.
Written Previews
Before I recorded each reading, I wrote a preview that served as a general outline and someplace to focus the theme. You may read any or all of the 12 signs below.
ARIES Preview | TAURUS Preview | GEMINI Preview | CANCER Preview | LEO Preview
VIRGO Preview | LIBRA Preview | SCORPIO Preview | SAGITTARIUS Preview
CAPRICORN Preview | AQUARIUS Preview | PISCES Preview
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