New York, May 17, 2017 | Read on Web | ARIES Preview
| TAURUS Preview
| GEMINI Preview | CANCER Preview | LEO Preview | VIRGO Preview | LIBRA Preview | SCORPIO Preview | SAGITTARIUS Preview | CAPRICORN Preview | AQUARIUS Preview | PISCES Preview
This letter is part of a series that covers all 12 signs. All the letters have links to all 12 at the top. -- efc
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
If you're born under the sign Cancer, the inner revolution is on its way -- and it's happening in your house of career, mission and reputation. You may be wondering how to handle all this energy, which moves briskly even on a slow day. But if you focus your mind and play your cards well, some unusual success is in the offing.
As you may know, I'm now working on your INVOLUTION video reading, which covers late spring through late summer 2017. You may pre-order all 12 signs here, or individual signs here. Share with your loved ones! No need to order individually for everyone in your household.
Hand-drawn chart of your INVOLUTION reading for Cancer. |
I'm one of a very few astrologers who can do a reading without the natal chart data, using both ancient techniques and new ones that I've developed over the years. This includes mastery of the solar house system used by horoscope writers. In my extended readings, I apply those same techniques to their full potential.
My clients are, sincerely, amazed at how helpful and personally applicable these readings so dependably are. Ultimately, astrology is just a guide. The real substance is ideas.
In truth, the planets are coming at you from all the major directions of life, simultaneously. And that means you can get the whole shebang working together. You're in a position where you have little choice but to rise to the occasion. If you can do that, you will excel in ways that may, to others, seem impossible. But you know your own thoughtful effort is making the difference.
For six years, Uranus has been moving through Aries, your 10th solar house -- your house of visibility, career and responsibility. Sometimes this has seemed like you've had a series of successes that verge on visionary, intermingled with unexpected setbacks from which you had to recover.
One key to your astrology is working with the prevailing state of chaos as a tool for your success. The crazy state of society is really an opportunity for you to grow into your most mature state of success. This demands a full commitment to your individuality.
Bob Dylan once wrote, "If you try to be anyone but yourself, you will fail." I would invert that: your path to success is being precisely who you are. This is not merely a truism or a cliche. Both Uranus and Eris are uncompromising in their bold individuality. They are both about inventing your way to freedom of expression.
And both demand that you learn how to present yourself appropriately, diplomatically and intelligently.
Eric Francis. Photo by Jeff Bisti. |
The Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 takes place where your house of money (Leo, 2nd solar house) meets your house of applied intelligence (Virgo, 3rd solar house).
One of the puzzles that many talented and creative people face is connecting their abilities to a flow of resources. This is halfway between a puzzle to be solved, and a creative opportunity to be exploited.
Pluto in Capricorn, your relationship house, provides a clue. Capricorn is the sign of business, and it's also intimate and personal for you. This is one reason why you prefer relationships with clearly stated expectations. The same is true in business as in your most private affairs. Strive for that clarity and you'll make progress that surprises you, particularly as the story of your chart develops through the next two seasons of the year.
I'll have the full details on these ideas in your INVOLUTION spring and summer reading, which will be available soon. Preorder all 12 signs here, or individual signs here.
INVOLUTION can be one purchase per household. All 12 signs gives you access to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and those of the people you care about. You may share with loved ones.
Thank you for your business and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

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