New York, May 27, 2017 | Read on Web | ARIES Preview
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This letter is part of a series that covers all 12 signs. All the letters have links to all 12 at the top. -- efc
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
We're now in the last few seasons of Chiron in Pisces, a journey that began way back in 2009. Perhaps you've heard of Chiron; even if not, you've been living with its influences, teachings and experiences for more than eight years, and it's time for a review.
This is an excellent time for that, and you could start right now: write a basic chronology of the places you've lived, the places you've been and the people you've been with going back to May 2010.
Hand-drawn chart of your INVOLUTION reading for Pisces. |
Of all the planets, Chiron pushes growth the most diligently, the deepest and, often, inconveniently. The chances are during these years, Chiron has left no patch of ground untilled, and not a drop of water unfiltered. You've experienced very nearly everything, often several times so you could really get the feeling for it.
This has progressed to the point where you've started to figure out the holistic nature of your existence: that you contain the whole within yourself, and that all those samples and discoveries add up to something much larger than you anticipated or believed possible. That would be you.
We're now going through a series of 'last events' with Chiron in Pisces, including a once-in-a-lifetime alignment of Mars, Saturn, Chiron and Pholus that will be exact late next week, and which represents a point of awakening or discovery.
Saturn making its way across your 10th house of career and reputation, another rare event, has -- by hook or by crook, by talent and by luck, willingly or not -- helped you make a name for yourself.
Saturn has yet to work its greatest accomplishments in your chart; that's likely to happen in a sequence of events from late summer to late autumn. The total solar eclipse in Leo is involved; Uranus, a planet about revolution and revelation, is also involved. You're approaching a point of alchemical transformation that you need to be prepared for.
Mars is ramping up the energy; in particular, pushing first against Saturn, which may have you feeling frustrated or locked into your own choices. Then Mars will make a square to Chiron, encouraging you to do whatever you must to claim your freedom, particularly your creative autonomy.
The truth is, you're known for what you do -- not for anything anyone else does. Stay close to the truth of the one contribution that only you can make.
I'll have more in your INVOLUTION reading for Pisces, which we've just published. You may order here, or get all 12 signs here, for instant access.
The revolution is within.
with love,

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