New York, May 24, 2017 | Read on Web | ARIES Preview
| TAURUS Preview
| GEMINI Preview | CANCER Preview | LEO Preview | VIRGO Preview | LIBRA Preview | SCORPIO Preview | SAGITTARIUS Preview | CAPRICORN Preview | AQUARIUS Preview | PISCES Preview
This letter is part of a series that covers all 12 signs. All the letters have links to all 12 at the top. -- efc
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
Aquarius is one of the original signs of ideas. Associated with science, inventions and technology itself, your role in society is to contribute your intelligence. As an astrologer, I feel that my role is to help you do that in the most effective way, a way that works for you and for the people around you.
Hand-drawn chart of your INVOLUTION reading for Aquarius. |
I'll be covering this and other themes in INVOLUTION: The Revolution is Within. You may now pre-order all 12 signs here, or individual signs here, at the pre-publication discount. It's taken me a little time, though I'm closing in on completing this project: a series of 12 video readings that you can use as an effective self-therapy tool.
This is a vibrant, informative and exciting astrology reading: no dry technical jargon, just me speaking to you one-to-one, encouraging you to make the most of your life, and sharing how you might do that.
Here are a few more details.
The ability to work as a designer of your world, and of the world, must be tempered by social conscience. You're good at this -- when you really perk up and pay attention. In our world, sadly, technology does not often support the right thing; it usually has little investment in what people feel.
You must be the one who brings empathy, the value of what is truly human, and the foresight -- to your own life, and to what you contribute to society.
Your work is a vital element of your life, more than you let on. Most jobs don't even come close to fulfilling your need to actually contribute, participate and do your part to make the world a better place. I'll work with you to develop a strategy for how that might happen.
With four slow-moving planets moving through Pisces, your house of self-esteem, you're being reminded daily that how you feel about yourself is the gold standard for your perception of reality. Yet the strength and intensity of these planets is here to tell you that the only solution is spiritual.
That might include a measure of psychology, but by spiritual I mean contacting something within yourself that feels distinctly deeper than you. Spiritual is not a method, it's not a concept, and it's not a theory. It's an actual level of connection with yourself that you can access with increasing dependability as you practice and as you get older.
This summer's total solar eclipse takes place in your relationship angle, right at the sweet spot (or danger zone) where relating to another person deepens in its commitment and profundity of merging. This eclipse seems designed to take commitment out of the abstract realm and into something tangible.
It looks like this eclipse opens up the flow of vital force into your relationships, and blows away your resistance or challenges in getting closer to people. You need that closeness; and no fear, reticence or past history is going to stop you.
I'll fill in the details on these and other themes in your INVOLUTION reading.
To get all 12 signs of INVOLUTION at a fantastic discount, please use this link -- you may share the readings with your family. Or purchase individual signs here.
Thank you for signing up -- and thank you for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

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