New York, May 20, 2017 | Read on Web | ARIES Preview
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This letter is part of a series that covers all 12 signs. All the letters have links to all 12 at the top. -- efc
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
The thing that nobody says about Capricorn is that it's the sign of revolutionaries. While "revolutionary" is probably not the word you use to describe yourself, the changes you want to make in the world clearly fall into that category.
In recent years, the most concentrated changes have been in your own life, due mostly to the presence of Pluto in your sign. This long transit, now heading for yet another peak of activity and impact, has left no stone in your world unturned.
Capricorn chart that I'm using for INVOLUTION. This is an exciting chart, with many things to say about both love and work. |
If you've embraced the potential of our crazy moment, and your own potential, you're likely doing well -- or you know you can be. I'll be covering this
Yet if you're still holding onto some previous version of yourself, if your mother is still running your life, if you can't seem to break free of your family, or if you're retreating from change and progress, you're probably struggling.
Pluto in your sign is a radical reinvention of self. It's a necessary departure from all that you've known, because the world is currently departing from all that it's known. It's true that yours is the sign of tradition. Yet as someone wise once taught me, any tradition that doesn't change and evolve is dead.
The most enduring cultures are the ones that have the ability to grow and reform themselves as the times demand it.
One puzzle you may face is that so much of your identity is invested in the concept of family. This includes your idea of your household, your intimate relationships, your career, and even your concepts about money.
You do indeed need a family -- though ideally, this is a family of choice. While it's true that you have relatives, some of them make sense to you; some of them give you the space to be yourself; and clearly, some of them do not. And if you care too much about what they may think, you'll tend to get your identity stuck on a kind of treadmill, seeking approval that's not forthcoming.
There's a cosmic or perhaps world reason for that: your approval has to come from you. You're the one person who can give yourself permission to live your life your way. When push comes to shove, this is true for anyone who actually succeeds, no matter how much they want to please their parents.
In any family situation, you must be the leader. It's your identity that morphs into the wider family identity -- not the other way around. This is one of the main revolutions you've been trying to wage. The problem with that is, most of your relatives are unlikely to change. You need your own tribe.
Eric Francis. Photo by Jeff Bisti. |
You value community, and to be worth anything, that community has to be real and it has to be meaningful to you. Within the community space, who you are needs to have the freedom to grow, adapt and evolve -- beyond any previous limits and conditions.
This summer's Great American Eclipse -- a total solar eclipse in late Leo -- reminds us of how this mostly comes back to your sexual identity, which is often pitted against your family's religious background. It may not seem that way, and who knows, your family may even claim to be atheists, or "non-practicing." You may have decided that despite your background, none of that stuff affects you.
But how do you really know? How can you really be sure? Are you actually as free as you want to be, or anywhere close to it, or do you keep reining yourself in with values that amount to religious even if nobody calls them that?
The eclipse on the Leo-Virgo cusp is telling you that you must take a broader view on these matters, and relax your hyper-rationality enough to see your life in context of the much wider possibilities. This has a focus on sex, but this topic embraces your sense of your own potential -- that is, how far you can travel, how high you can climb, and your ability to embrace the truth that works for you, rather than what others try to impose on you.
I'll be explaining all of this in more exciting detail in the soon-to-be-published INVOLUTION reading. You may pre-order all 12 signs here at a discounted rate, or purchase individual signs here. INVOLUTION, like all Planet Waves products, is one purchase per household.
It's up to you to decide what the word "household" means to you! I'm curious to hear your definition. If you'd like to share, you may write to me.
with love,

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