New York, June 11, 2017 | View as Webpage | Order Your Spring Reading
Dreams, Truth, Limitations and Negotiation
Dear Friend and Reader:
As we begin this week, Mercury and the Sun are moving into a set of interestingly coordinated aspects. Taken together, the message could be read as: Dream big, but recognize your actual limitations. Keep it real (and ethical) in your thoughts, words and actions.
Getting the week rolling is Mercury in Gemini making a trine to Jupiter in Libra, exact Tuesday (11:45 am EDT / 15:45 UTC). At its simplest, this aspect is pure optimism.
According to Robert Hand, it's great for making plans for the future, and for business and financial moves and contracts -- in part, because it assists in seeing all the possibilities so that you can use them well.
Yet Jupiter is known for being all promise and no follow-through. Being intentionally disciplined will get you further than taking passive or 'easier' options. Mercury in this setup taps into the wisdom of Jupiter. You might ask yourself what wisdom is worth these days. More to the point, what is wisdom worth if you don't act upon it?
Consider that Mercury is simultaneously square Neptune in Pisces (exact Wednesday, but in full effect now). This is a caution to beware of over-idealizing anything you might be doing some Jupiter-style planning around. As Eric put it, "make sure what you believe is really true, even if it's inconvenient to find out that it's not."
With Mercury being the planet of communication and thinking, there's real potential for confusion -- especially in any situation where you might be trying to evade a confrontation or avoid seeing facts that don't support your dream.
What suggests there might be a confrontation? That would be the Gemini Sun, making an opposition to Saturn and Ixion in Sagittarius (exact Thursday). The Sun represents your consciousness. Saturn here can represent limitations, especially in the form of an authority figure, or someone or something to whom you are obligated in some way. Ixion brings in a question of ethics, and the potential everyone possesses to abandon them.
Part of an installation at Chesterwood in Stockbridge, MA. Photo by Amanda Painter. |
With another nod to Robert Hand, a Sun-Saturn opposition can present an urge to express your needs that runs up against people who seem to stand in your way or hold you back. Like with any opposition, the key is negotiation.
If you encounter a situation fitting this description, remember that this need not feel like a winner-takes-all, life-or-death contest. As Mercury-Neptune suggests, evasion is not going to work in your favor; but an honest try for a balanced compromise might.
Yes, expressing your needs matters; fulfilling your obligations does, too. Finding a solution is not a matter of stubbornness, power-over or deception; it will be the result of expressing yourself honestly, and asking others to do the same. The more actively you engage with who or what is limiting you, in an open dialogue, the more likely it is a resolution can be reached that’s workable for all involved.
This becomes especially crucial with Ixion in the picture. Even if the other person you are dealing with is not being honest or ethical, that is not a sign that you can join them without consequence. True, having the Sun and Mercury both in Gemini may make it easier to see both sides of a story, or more. But no matter how many sides you see, you still have to reckon with reality: the truth of how you feel and what you desire; the facts of your obligations and agreements; what has been done and said; the limitations of time and space.
Also, as Eric suggested, "There is 'the truth': god is love. And the pragmatic truth: being kind and helpful; and applying wisdom."
These things need not stand in the way of your dreams. If anything, they may help you toward them.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter

Access Your INVOLUTION Readings Now -- Plus Previews
"Thank you for this great reading, dear Eric. Always such a pleasure to have these readings on video -- where your great warmth, intelligence and spontaneity shine through.
-- Lizzy, commenting on INVOLUTION
"I just wanted to thank you for the soulful way you weave the threads of the story into a beautiful tapestry that allows the viewer to open their hearts and souls to new possibilities and perspectives of their lives."
-- Lynn Levine, responding to INVOLUTION
"This is superb Eric! And most helpful. You only get better at what you do. Thank you."
-- Cristine Delorey, internationally acclaimed numerologist, on INVOLUTION for Sagittarius
Dear Friend and Reader:
Your INVOLUTION video readings are recorded and ready; these cover the astrology from late spring through midsummer 2017. The year so far has been nothing short of shocking; as in, on an almost daily basis -- and I see things coming to a peak of some sort with the Aug. 21 eclipse in just three months.
Go figure! A reading where you actually can understand what the astrologer is talking about. This preview is from the Taurus video. See video samples here for each of the signs. |
We have a free video preview of all 12 signs, and you can read a written preview (really, a reading) in the links right at the bottom of this letter.
Also, the readings are now available as audio-only, so you can listen offline, or get them into a device and play them while you're out of the house.
The astrology between now and the eclipse will affect every single one of us, albeit in slightly different ways. And so I've recorded the INVOLUTION readings from the perspective that while you obviously want to know how it affects you personally, it will also be helpful to you to know how those around you are experiencing it.
You may order all 12 signs here, or individual signs here.
I'm one of a very few astrologers who can do a reading without the natal chart data, using both ancient techniques and new ones that I've developed over the years. My clients are, sincerely, amazed at how helpful and personally applicable these readings so dependably are.
To give you a sense of where I've gone with these 12 video readings, I've prepared an individual written preview page for each one. You can read all of them at the links below:
ARIES Preview | TAURUS Preview | GEMINI Preview | CANCER Preview | LEO Preview
VIRGO Preview | LIBRA Preview | SCORPIO Preview | SAGITTARIUS Preview
CAPRICORN Preview | AQUARIUS Preview | PISCES Preview
One of the most helpful things in this reading is my first interpretation of the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 -- which will streak across the entire United States from coast to coast. That eclipse will change life as we know it in the United States, and you'll want to have your surfboard positioned correctly when the wave comes in.
I'll have more in the full video readings, which are ready now. To get all 12 signs of INVOLUTION at a fantastic discount, please use this link -- you may share the readings with your family.
To purchase individual signs of INVOLUTION, please use this link.
Thank you for your business and for trusting me as your astrologer.
with love,

P.S. Here's more early feedback from INVOLUTION customers:
"I feel less alone in this universe from listening/viewing the reading."
-- Eileen
"Thank you Eric, So much depth to incorporate on so many levels! These past 10 years have brought more change and more insight into my life than I ever imagined was possible. I loved when you said that we might re-discover ourselves repeatedly. SO TRUE. The revelations about family issues, ties and generational connections are profound, to say the least. Thank you for addressing all these deep, personal, sometimes wrenching situations. I too wish to express my love and gratitude for the guidance and intensely personal gift you've given us."
-- Barb
"So deeply helpful and encouraging Eric; confirms my experiences recently and over the past 10 years. I'm so curious about what the 8/21 eclipse will bring/reveal. Saturn in Sagittarius moving to Capricorn this December marks my second Saturn return. I am at a very significant time in my life. Thanks so much for your care and guidance."
-- Lisa

Don't forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric's Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.

Your Monthly Horoscopes -- and our Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for June on Thursday, May 25. Your extended monthly horoscopes for May were published on Thursday, April 20. We published your Moonshine horoscope for the Scorpio Full Moon on Thursday, May 11. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 12, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Nearly everything about the world as we know it is designed to detach us from our feelings and our bodies. You could make a long list: technology, so-called food, many medications, the ocean of alcohol consumed daily, the obscene pace of our lives, and numerous other factors. On the other hand, everything in your solar chart right now is about connecting with your body and your feelings. Once you focus on doing that, you may be surprised how challenging it is at first -- and how good it feels once you connect with yourself more consciously. Start with your dependable methods: your favorite forms of sensuality and most reliable connections to inspiration. Claiming the comforts of home will serve you well as the first thing to do. Spend some time there. Open the windows and tend to the plants.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Venus in your sign is here to help you tune up your sense of self and your presence in the world. These days, everyone is a public person, though few of us asked for that; you probably did not. It can be strange feeling so unmasked, vulnerable and subject to the critiques of others. Yet you're now aligned with the world around you in a way that feeds you and teaches you who you are and what you want. You're getting the hang of asserting yourself and not feeling guilty about it. Don't worry if you break a sweat late at night wondering if you said the right thing, or were too pushy. The way to find out who you are is to venture into unknown and potentially inappropriate territory, and make some demands on your environment.
Gemini Birthdays and Rising Sign 2017
Welcome Home, Mercury!
Attention Geminis: Your ruling planet, Mercury, has finally come home to your sign. Celebrate by listening to last year's Gemini reading, on us. Think of it as a 'welcome home' gift.
Once you've reviewed your last year and checked Eric's accuracy, you can then pre-order your 2017 Gemini Birthday Reading for the lowest price Planet Waves offers. Eric will be recording this reading -- two parts astrology, one part specialty tarot reading -- in the near future. Please note: Eric plans to raise the price soon, and it will increase once again upon publication.
Whether you're looking for greater focus and direction, a new perspective, some loving encouragement -- or you need someone to hold a mirror up to your relationships, career options, healing goals and soul's purpose -- you'll find that and more in this reading.
"Listening to an Eric Francis reading is very much like having an intimate conversation with a valued friend and mentor."
-- Nora Connaughton
Come home to your 2017 Planet Waves Gemini reading, and come home to yourself. (Note: this reading is not the same as the Involution spring reading.)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Mercury has joined the Sun in your birth sign, which is boosting your confidence and reminding you that you really do have something worthwhile to offer. However, through the week, Neptune makes what's called a square aspect to Neptune, and when these influences join forces, you have to guard your integrity. The difference between truth and falsehood can blur. Since Mercury is your planet, you must focus your mind and be discerning. Use all of your intelligence all of the time, and don't space out or pretend not to know things. It may be tempting to offer white lies or alibis, and this is one temptation that you need to resist boldly. There's such a thing as reality, there's such a thing as your personal truth, and you will be well served to keep them in alignment.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Many doors are opening for you now. This is partly due to your commitment to asserting yourself, and trusting your desires. Contrary to most moral theories, this is a much better way to guide yourself to do the right thing because, at least, it would be honest. Therefore, you can be a bit brassy, and guide your life with curiosity and chutzpah. You might ask, is that really a spiritual way to live? And I would say, you have to be real before you can be spiritual, and then you'll discover that they're the same thing. One thing you can trust is that you're an empathetic person. You care about people. You want the best for the people you love, and you consider the world your family. That's all beautiful, but don't let it get in your way.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- The Sun in Gemini continues to emphasize the feeling that you're on public display. Yet you might also feel like no matter what you say or do, you're bending the truth. You might have one or two harrowing moments where you feel like a phony. That's natural enough. It's difficult to feel like everything you say and do is subject to public evaluation, and it's all too easy to get lost in the nonstop public relations effort that our lives have become. There is a truth of who you are, and that's all you have to concern yourself with. If you discover that you've exaggerated something, correct yourself and move on. However, what the planets are describing is you putting yourself into the world and showing people how beautiful you are, and what you have to offer. You can trust that.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Mercury, the Virgo planet, is trekking across your house of reputation and achievement. This is a reminder that people are paying attention to you. It's a reminder that your words count as much as your actions, and that both count for a lot. You may have one or more occasions where you can skew the facts or bend the truth to your advantage, though you must be careful doing so. It's necessary to consider your reputation as an honest person who does the work for its own sake, rather than an opportunist. It would be better, in any such situation, to put off the discussion and return to it at some point at the end of the week when the scenario has cleared up a bit. Meanwhile, there's plenty you can accomplish while being absolutely true to your word.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- If you're in a position of leadership, you'll be able to work miracles this week, and the key is listening. People you live and work with are likely to open up about their problems. Let them cry on your shoulder. This will build trust and give you insight into what motivates them, and what issues they have; then they will be much easier to coexist with in a productive way. In the end, our world is made of human experiences -- not of corporations and governments and laws and rules. Everything ends up being experienced by people on the level of their body and their feelings. If you can remember that, you'll step into your strength and power as someone who can help many people, move a few mountains, and make a better life for yourself in the process.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Be careful in financial transactions this week. That means reading the number on every one of those little debit card slips you sign. It means understanding any contracts someone hands you, and at the moment, delaying finalizing major commitments until next week. I say this because due to the square between Mercury and Neptune, involving your house of business and shared finances, it's likely that you're overlooking an important detail. Someone may be misrepresenting the facts, or you may be lost in your own wishful thinking and tendency to over-trust. Under current conditions, time is your ally. You must do your due diligence, and give people the time and space to reveal their agendas. This is not about mistrusting anyone. Rather, it's about not trusting until you have solid reasons to do so. That means reasons, plural: at least three.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- This week, the Sun in Gemini forms a face-to-face meeting with Saturn in your sign, which may be a moment of truth in a relationship. Yet you have no need to fear the truth, only reason to welcome it. One thing to remember is that others may perceive you as being a bit stuck in your position. If anyone seems frustrated, take a more flexible posture and remind them that you're open to the possibilities. That doesn't commit you to anything except being considerate, which really means being willing to consider what they have to say. The thing you can trust is desire. Healthy relationships are held together by attraction, and if you feel that cosmic and biological force working its wonders, you'll be reminded what you're doing there in the first place. That's your common ground.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- If you're feeling any form of emotional disturbance, remember, it's just energy. Think of energy like waves on the beach. If you line your surfboard up with the incoming waves, you can take a very nice ride to the shore. If you get caught sideways in a wave, you can get dunked under the water. So the first thing to do is to feel the tides and the currents, and orient yourself appropriately. The Sun in Gemini aligns with some of the most potent, disruptive and potentially creative forces in the sky right now, and if you keep a positive attitude and remember what you want to accomplish, you'll be unstoppable. Mars in Cancer, your relationship house, describes assertive people willing to help you. Align with them, work cooperatively, and you'll be amazed at what you get done.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Lately, you've been under challenging, inspiring influences. Yet you're in one of those phases where you discover that life is worth whatever struggle you're thrown. This week, however, the planets align in such a way that describes an easing of your burdens. Your mind is on fire at the same time your discipline is at a peak, so you can put your excellent ideas to good use. If you're developing a business, working on your career, or involved in an artistic endeavor, you will have good traction. Just make sure you emphasize your highest priorities. The only risk is getting distracted or sidetracked by things that don't matter. Stick to what you know, from experience, is important, and focus on bringing already-evolved projects to completion. Once you do that, there will be plenty of time to experiment.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- This is the week to clean up or resolve any lingering financial issues, and to go into high gear on bringing in cash. Money flows toward structure. Structure means organization, being on time, and knowing your priorities. Spend some time setting your agenda, keep your list out, and revise it as you accomplish things and discover new priorities. It's been said that all wealth comes from the Earth; however, in our current environment, it seems like ideas are the source of abundance. You don't need many of those: you need somewhere between one and three workable concepts or goals that you're actually excited about. The leading actor in your chart these days is Mars in your house of passion, curiosity and erotic adventure. Stoke that fire and you'll keep your energy moving, and get excellent, durable results.
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