Welcome to the Planet Waves Introduction to Virgo


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Visit All 2022 Eric Francis Written Horoscopes for Virgo Sun and Rising

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino

“Happy Virgo Season! Welcome!” Illustration by Lanvi Nguyen.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Speaking from long experience working with people as their astrologer, I can tell you that most never get beyond the control of their families. I don’t just mean people who cannot go anywhere without their mother. I’m also speaking of those who cannot quite recognize the box their family put them in, and how it is limiting them from doing the very things they say they want to do. Most of this involves guilt, which is the glue that holds back most progress, creativity and growth.

You have a special sensitivity here, and also, for many years, you’ve been working through this material. You’ve had little choice, with Pluto burning through Capricorn. You’ve had many opportunities to connect with your deepest childhood desires, and to make peace with the person you once were and may feel you’ve lost. You may have even reconnected with this being, who is alive within you, and wants your attention. Pluto is about to make the first of two visits back to Capricorn, before entering Aquarius to stay in late 2024.

This is an invitation to review your progress on your inner child work (which includes inner artist work, and your capacity to be spontaneous). The theme to address in these review phases is raw power. It’s about the effect of the family entirely dominating the will, the feelings and the mind of the child. We take this for granted. It’s so prevalent that people hardly notice. And yet it happens, and is central to our experience of becoming adults. This, in turn, translates to how we expect to be treated by society: generally, as infants, and as wards of the state. Pluto is here to stir up your revolutionary tendencies. Yet you will be more likely to succeed if you stay close to your own experience, and understand what has shaped you, and who has pushed you to compromise. Then you will be far less likely to do it again.

Hello Virgo Sun and Rising. Want an extended 2023 reading? I will have that for you soon! Check out Inner Space. You may have all 12 signs of written and audio astrology, or purchase by single signs.

Astrology Studio for Virgo is now available for instant access.

Astrology Studio for Virgo

Order Virgo Astrology Studio 2022-23

Virgo Astrology Studio 2022-23

Order Virgo Astrology Studio 2022-23

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Listen to last year’s reading for Virgo | GET YOUR NEW READING FOR HERE

Your 2020-21 Virgo Astrology Studio:

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Virgo is a mentally oriented, highly intelligent, nervous sign that needs to remember it’s made of the element earth, not air. That’s another way of saying that your life is a constant process of translating from idea to reality and back. Ideas are not enough. Yours is not the sign of science but applied science. The difference is similar to that between working in theoretical physics and learning how to be a master baker, or using your skill in chemistry to be an expert hair colorist.

The 6th sign of the zodiac: Virgo.

Applying ideas can be challenging because the mental world changes so much faster than the often-stuck dynamics of the physical world, and we’re often at a loss for how to translate between the two. That would be your job: to identify ideas and how to apply them; to match up problems with corresponding solutions.

You must be a master of what you do, though you’re likely to have at least two dominant areas of professional competence and two entirely different careers you’re developing. You have a fast, inventive mind but may squander that on doubt, which is rooted in self-doubt. If you’re ever wondering where your creative energy goes, look there.

Of all the signs, Virgo needs to cultivate self-esteem as a primary life strategy. One way to do that is to meditate on fairness, and make sure that what you do actually honors your true principles. Having good self-esteem doesn’t mean you’re better than others — only that you are right to be you, to accept yourself and to be accepted for who you are — in that order.

This is one reason why so many Virgos opt for helping careers; it helps you to feel useful. You have a way of contradicting yourself and expecting others not to notice; it would help if you admit these contradictions so you don’t leave everyone constantly wondering where they stand with you. Men born under this sign are advised to make good friends with their inner woman. Virgos can be extremely hard on themselves and need to learn how to replace the criticism with a balanced level of self-appreciation, and valuing the subtle things in life.

The planet of Virgo is ever-changing Mercury, and the mysterious Chiron is a close cousin. If you want to understand yourself better, study where these planets are in your chart. You’re also sensitive to Mercury retrograde, so make sure you know when that’s happening and plan accordingly. Yours is a mutable sign, coming at the end of a season, leading into the next.

Order Virgo Astrology Studio 2021-22

This reading is included with Backstage Pass.

Virgo Astrology Studio 2021-22

Order Virgo Astrology Studio 2021-22

This reading is included with Backstage Pass.

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