Welcome to the Planet Waves Introduction to Libra


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Pluto in a Strange Land readings are ready. Check out the preview video for your sign below, which covers all of the astonishing astrology of March 2023.

Inner Space – 2023 Annual Reading by Eric Francis. Available NOW! Click on image to order!

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars moving through your sign is pushing you to make your mark on the world. It will also dredge up all the reasons in the past that you have not done so. You may be familiar with how, when you step up your energy, you uncover a new layer of concealed issues that you must work through efficiently, or they slow you down. These are likely to relate to family matters, as Mars is talking to potent, slow-moving elements currently in Capricorn (your 4th solar house): that’s the family part. This is stuff that may be about your grandparents, though really it will go back to your “tribal” history (your nationality, your family’s immigration story, and related matters). You can draw strength from the discoveries you make, and from tapping into the strength of your bloodline. Overall, this is a time to connect to your ancestors. Dust off their photos. Say their names. Remember who they are, and tap into the ones who loved you the most. You can even visit their graves and pay homage to their lives any way you can. These slow-moving aspects are not going anywhere any time soon; you will be living with them for a long time. Consider them an oil well, or a vein of gold.


Hello Libra Sun and Rising. Want an extended 2023 reading? I will have that for you soon! Check out Inner Space. You may have all 12 signs of written and audio astrology, or purchase by single signs.

“Happy Libra Season! Welcome!” Illustration by Lanvi Nguyen.

Listen to last year’s reading for Libra | GET YOUR NEW READING FOR HERE

Your 2020-21 Libra Astrology Studio:

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your sign is about beauty in its many forms. No matter what a Libra does, it’s got the intention of elegance. Everything is considered in terms of its presentation, which is not at the expense of quality; the presentation enhances the quality and vice versa. But appearances count, and you’re unlikely to respect anything that’s not done both with care and the appearance thereof.

The 7th sign of the zodiac: Libra.

That also means you can hold yourself to a high standard and push yourself in a way that you rarely reveal to others. Their criticism can seem harsh to you because you’ve likely already seen any issue that someone points out and have addressed it in your own quiet way.

Libra holds space for an ideal that can only be emulated on this plane of reality. Nothing quite lives up to it; that may be the reason for the famous quality of ‘indecision’ behind your sign. You recognize that there is no perfection, and alternates all have their advantages and disadvantages.

The most important thing you can learn is how to decide, and most often you do that on a gut level. You ‘just know’ something and sometimes you think you’re a bit psychic as a result. Your outer appearance is often deceiving in that it veils your inner intensity. I call Librans the ‘human blowtorch’, because you can be cool, calm and quiet, and then turn into creative powerhouses when you are motivated to turn up the gas. Libra is the sign associated with the concept of justice, which is the meaning of the scales; Aleister Crowley said that the essence of the sign Libra is the drive for justice. I like this theory a lot.

You have a sense of fairness and equanimity that is alien to many people around you. Yours is also one of the primary signs associated with relationships and relating, which are important priorities for you and which must be conducted in the spirit of ethics and integrity. If someone is dishonest, don’t convince yourself to trust him or her.

At the same time, you must remember not to get lost in your relationships — and remember how to find yourself again when you do. Libra is a cardinal sign, coming at the change of a season, though the initiative of this sign can take some time to come out. Libra is associated with the planet Venus, and Saturn is well placed here as well. If you want to know more about yourself, study the positions of these two planets. Venus is likely to be close to your Sun, and Saturn could be in any sign. Most of the signs have one dominant ruling planet that has survived as a carryover from traditional astrology — though Libra has two. Venus is about values and Saturn is about structure and form. To work your astrology, study and learn to master both of these planets.

Order Libra Astrology Studio 2021-22

This reading is included with Backstage Pass.

Libra Astrology Studio 2022-23 is ready!

Order Libra Astrology Studio 2021-22

This reading is included with Backstage Pass.


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