Dear Friend and Reader:
I’m taking a rare opportunity to get a little break from our world-record year of publishing. I spent most of Wednesday roaming around Sag Harbor, visiting bookstores in particular, looking for artifacts of John Steinbeck, who used to live there. I found a copy of A Life in Letters signed by his wife Elaine (who edited the book), and a few other interesting bits.
Speaking of writing, before this whole Covid situation took hold, I was planning to get back into reporting on medical- and science-related news, which has been a mainstay of my journalism career. That was back in December or January, before my trip to Ukraine.

This is a reminder to be careful what you ask for. We have updated our Covid blog 800 times since March 3. I don’t know of a better panoramic resource anywhere on the internet.
Click and skim down the list — we have news from every angle, though paying special attention to matters of the test and the vaccine. My portfolio includes some 25 original articles as well, including this new essay on the “novel virus” issue.
Election Coverage Will Continue Thursday
Though I know the virus issue is being played as partisan hardball, I am staying out of that discussion. I see it as a huge diversion from the scientific truth of the issues. The politics go way deeper than an election, and are more about the virology establishment of the federal government.
My interest is the medical science, the actual health issues, and the impact on society. My election coverage will also be nonpartisan in nature — for example, no analysis of natal charts, no predicting of the winner, and so on. Because Mercury stations direct on Election Day, the volatility is likely to increase over the next three to four weeks. A little detachment will go a long way,
My plan for next Thursday’s article is an analysis of the Election Day chart, and the even more significant Inauguration Day chart. I recognize that there are many dire predictions going around, some of them political rather than astrological. I’ll do my best to sort this out. I am covering the astrology of this for Pacifica Network as well, which I will of course send to you as soon as it’s done. I get five minutes to sum it up.

With Mercury retrograde leading right up till Election Day, I would dust off the poetry of David Bowie, who said, “Don’t deceive with belief.”
We Still Cover Astrology Every Day!
The only astrology website that covers science still covers astrology every day.
We are continuing to update Daily Astrology on the new website. Spencer and Victoria are doing most of that these days, and I am contributing where it makes a difference. This feature includes short astrology articles focused on the day, daily birthday readings and some features.
My plan for the next few weeks is to finish the Aquarian Era annual, which covers 2021 through 2023. Three signs are done; nine were delayed by Covid. I have a running start. We will notify current subscribers as I add signs, and send around a purchase option soon.
I am also getting ready to record the 2021 annual, ALL OF US HERE. Named after the book written by my first English professor Irving Feldman, the annual focuses on 2021’s unusual astrology with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
Stay tuned for information about that set of readings, which I intend to have done by Capricorn solstice on Dec. 21 — the day of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
And in House News
As mentioned, I am taking the week off from Planet Waves FM, we are pausing publishing tonight, and I will be back with an issue after the holiday weekend, on Tuesday night.

Meanwhile, we are working behind the scenes, moving over subscribers to the new website. We are right at the end of the Alpha Test and about to enter the Beta Test with some Backstage Pass holders.
This has been a long haul, involving an upgrade of the website you see, the store, the content management system and the back-end database.
The beauty of the new website is a “my stuff” area for all customers and subscribers. This is built. It will take some time to tune up and get working, though we are most of the way there. It has taken since January 2019 to get this far — longer than it took to build the Empire State Building.
I trust this will, once complete, make everyone’s life a little easier and help you get better access to your subscriptions and readings, needing only one password.
Thank you for tuning in, thank you for your business, and most of all, thank you for your trust.
From the Edge of Forever,
Moon is now in Cancer, making many aspects into Saturday. In the mix, retrograde Mars is square Pluto
The Moon is now in Cancer (as of just before noon EDT). That tells us the Moon is on the cardinal cross and for the next 48 hours will be making aspects to everything in Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

In the mix is retrograde Mars square Pluto, which is exact today and will remain strong though the weekend. This is a classic power-trip aspect. Therefore, steer clear of petty tyrants. The Moon squares Mars and opposes Pluto Friday evening at about 6 pm EDT.
With the Moon in its own sign, deep watery Cancer, the message here is not to let yourself get dragged into your own emotions, or those of anyone else. You do not need to get into arguments about how you feel, many of which exist on the level of toxic gossip.
The helpful news is that we are at last-quarter phase, which is a kind of resting point, and the Moon will be trine Neptune in Pisces, so you will get reliable hunches if you are listening.
Yet Moon-Neptune in the water signs is also potentially slippery territory, so keep a little pouch of sand handy and toss some on the floor. Saturday could have a heavy feeling as the Moon opposes Pluto and Saturn, and squares Mars and Eris. Avoid any notion of permanent commitments (that is not the appropriate discussion for now), and keep a step or two ahead of yourself.
The Moon enters Leo Saturday at 8:24 pm, and a new story begins. Mercury stations retrograde Tuesday. — efc

We are at the Peak of Mars Retrograde
“Without knowing the issues I’ve been going through, you, Eric, have helped me to put it all into perspective. I can’t help myself, I am who I am! Your encouragement to BE ME is medicine to the heart, cos I lost that footing over the years. Thank you VERY much.”
— S.C., on The Story of I AM midyear 2020 reading
Dear Friend and Reader:
Mars retrograde in Aries is an important season for personal growth.
In Aries, Mars retrograde is about self-realization. It’s about building your confidence. It’s about claiming your soul back from the internet.

We live in serious times. This is for social, political and economic reasons, which are precipitating changes we all have to experience or endure. Yet the astrology provoking these changes is about to become deeply personal, now that Mars retrograde is in the picture.
Mars is about the drive to be human: the human engine, as T.S. Eliot put it. It’s about desire, and need, and also about anger and aggression. Each of us contains all of these emotions, and they are about to be stirred up as Mars makes retrograde aspects to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
Capricorn is the well of family material, which is sure to come up — and rather than seeing this as a problem, I see it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to resolve deep material, or to get a lot of the work out of the way. One rule of healing that I follow is if you have an opportunity to do a large portion of the work in one go, then do it.
I have created a series of astrology sessions for you, called The Story of I AM. You can think of these as video readings, or you can think of them as a series of processing sessions. Each is relevant to you. Your Sun and rising sign are the most helpful, though each and every one has many gifts for you: ideas, strategies, discussion and analysis of deep personal material.
With warmth, gentleness and imparting the gifts I have gained through long experience, I take you through the material in clear, accessible language.
These days a single therapy session goes for up to $300 some places. For $111, you will have 12 astrology sessions and an introduction providing the background you need to understand what is happening in the planets. These readings will stand up to many playings, and can serve as a turning point in your life.
Please take advantage of this opportunity while you have the leverage to do the work in the most efficient way. We will never pass this way again — and where humanity is headed calls for your full preparation, availability and awareness.
You may purchase single signs here, or all 12 signs here. Free video samples are below!
Thank you for your business, and mostly, for your trust.
With love,
PS — This set of readings is included with the Backstage Pass. If you would like to purchase the Backstage Pass by phone, please call me at (845) 481-5616, up till 8 pm Eastern Time.
Listened to I Am last night. Extraordinary. Have been through Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Aquarius. The confirmatory understanding of the past cycle, the work it has taken to attend to and the nudges I am already feeling about the next phase, so helpful. Seriously, you continue to communicate in such a way that openings and accountability can be digested. I think your work just gets better.
— Customer from Australia
“Firstly I just wanted to say thank you. Listening to your Dharma reading earlier this summer was a real turning point during my lockdown. It gave me so much direction and trust, and acted quite literally like a galvaniser that has got to where I am now. Your weekly and monthly horoscopes are always very helpful for me.”
Here are free five-minute reading samples for each sign:

Chiron Return, our nonprofit arm, publishes Covid19 News every day, in fact several times a day. We have updated about 740 times since we began publishing on March 3. This old-style news weblog takes a panoramic view of the virus situation. We offer news and viewpoints from a wide diversity of sources, science news, international reporting, videos and other resources to help you see the wide diversity of information not making it onto television or major websites. We are tracking the vaccine and testing issues carefully.

Each Friday night, Chiron Return publishes Planet Waves FM. Running since 2010, with roots into Radio Woodstock in the 1990s, Planet Waves FM covers current events, current astrology, science history, personal growth and other themes. Includes music by Vision Quest, the in-house Planet Waves orchestra.

Planet Waves publishes daily astrology and birthdays through the week. This feature includes a daily extended birthday reading and ongoing commentaries on developing astrology as it happens. Check in whenever you want — no password required.

Going back to February, I’ve developed a portfolio of essays, investigative articles, videos and audio presentations on the Covid situation. These include articles about the astrology of the situation, hand sanitizer, holistic care, social critique and a wide diversity of other topics. We’ve recently added a selection of my satires, such as CDC guidance on blowing kisses. This is a truly comprehensive look at the issues, written from a worldly, nonpolitical standpoint. Here is the link.