Astrology Public Radio in affiliation with the Pacifica Radio Network (which carries Democracy Now!). Planet Waves FM is a project of Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We are 100% listener supported. Your contribution — large or small — helps make this program happen. We run on a little money and a lot of love. Thank you for your generosity; please send a friend and stay in touch! New program most Friday evenings.

July 4, 2020 | In Search of the American Dream
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In honor of the Independence Day weekend, tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM goes in search of the American Dream with the help of music and poetry. We visit many versions of the dream, from different eras of history and regions of the country.
I do a reading of the United States chart, as well as this weekend’s Full Moon chart, which is closely aligned with the United States Sun. This includes a new discussion of the U.S. Pluto return.
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) organization. We are part of the Pacifica Radio Network, also home to Democracy Now!, KPFA-FM Berkeley, and WBAI-FM New York. Our listeners have been generous with us through this year that has been challenging for everyone. We are grateful for your support, and are grateful for your commitment to our mission, as we are committed to yours. Thank you.
United States charts and articles about them are contained in this resource.

June 21, 2020 | The Crux
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In tonight’s season finale, I cover all the current astrology here at the solstice crux. More astrology is on the Daily Planets tab above. I discuss the latest in news where science meets spiritual growth, and a new edition of Vesta Studio covering the impact of Covid 19 on the social aspects of sex. I also have the results of our listener-sponsored Roundup contamination analysis in corn and wheat products. I play a few minutes of audio by an attorney named Leigh Dundas [link to video].

I read this article by Dutch columnist Maurice de Hond.
New programs go up at about 11 pm ET on the new Planet Waves website. We do not always send an announcement at that time. Just remember, Saturdays at about 11 pm ET — except for next week, when I plan to take off but also may have some high quality “filler” for you.
If you appreciate the work we are doing, please consider sponsoring Planet Waves FM via our nonprofit arm Chiron Return.
One-time and monthly contributions are very helpful and are now cover the program’s expenses. Thank you for your generous contributions in these unusual and challenging times.
We are 100% listener supported. Your contribution — large or small — helps make this program happen.
We also publish Covid19 News on Planet Waves, the only daily roundup of ALL news sources that we know of, with the most interesting stuff that we find. ADDITIONAL RESOURCE NOTES: April 7 Tantra Studio on Venus Retrograde is below, scroll down — the show image is orange and green. We will add a direct link later. Here’s the United States Blues compilation of articles on historic American astrology.

June 14, 2020 | Forward From Here
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In tonight’s edition, I look at two timeframes of astrology: the Cancer Solstice cluster of events happening now, and the winter solstice cluster of events around Dec. 21. I will continue my discussion of what kind of world we want.
In science news, we will look at the Surgisphere scandal, involving a company selling fraudulent data that was used in major studies on Covid (published in the The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine in May 2020).

And I look at the infection-fatality ratio (IFR) of COVID-19, which is now understood to be in line with a bad seasonal flu, according to every source tracking the data. I also consider the stunning statement by a top WHO official last week that asymptomatic transmission is “very rare,” which they then attempted to deny the next day.
Remember that kids are playing in little chalk squares on the playground, and baseball is canceled, and SXSW and sleepaway camp and the rest of it, due to a problem that a top WHO official has admitted does not exist. We must demand that data.
In Vesta Studio (formerly Tantra Studio), I consider some of the qualities of living in a world where everyone may be presumed infectious, which has previously come up in discussions of sexually transmitted viruses HIV, HPV and HSV. We are all being taught to feel contagious, which will affect many people for the rest of their lives.
Planet Waves FM is 100% listener-supported. If you tune in regularly and love how dependable I am with the program, please consider getting on board as a monthly or one-time subscriber, or as a major donor. Philanthropists on any scale may get in contact with me at (845) 481-5616.

June 7, 2020 | The Nature of the Beast
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Tonight’s theme is The Nature of the Beast: for example, how it is that police are beating on people who are protesting against police brutality, as if to prove their point for them. That is the point of the protest. Tonight I have a lot to say about toxins. I refer to several articles, including one by me called Dioxin Critic Sued, as well as See No Evil by Vicki Monks (the investigative report on the extended New York Times fraud on Dioxin), and my Thursday article called They Were Barefoot in Babylon. Here’s the study saying you should wear a mask while having sex from The Annals of Internal Medicine. Many more resources can be found on Covid19 News published by Chiron Return/Planet Waves FM.

May 31, 2020 | Coming Down from the Tree
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Here are the time markers: first segment is intro and astrology; second segment beginning at 49 minutes is on Covid, where I cover two of the top non-issues; third segment beginning at 1:32 is the Laurie Buchanan interview; fourth segment is Vesta Studio and begins at 2:45.
Tonight I focus on the fear issues surrounding the seeming pandemic and its aftermath, and how to manage our own inner responses. My guest is a psychotherapist named Laurie Buchanan, who will help me sort out this issue. Much of this involves how you claim back power you’ve given away, and your concept of authority.

I’ll be covering the astrology leading into Friday’s total eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, doing my best to present this challenging series of aspects as opportunities rather than as problems to solve.
There are a lot of centaur aspects, including Mars conjunct Nessus, and Mercury square Chiron.
In Vesta Studio (formerly Tantra Studio), I’m planning to focus on two facets of a topic that may be related: what all this social isolation is doing to our intimate relationships, and how to identify, work with and heal issues from the past.
Those curious about Nessus are invited to read my best article on the topic.
Note, at the time of this program I was not aware that the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have admitted that the virus did not come from the Huanan Seafood Market.
Planet Waves FM is astrology public radio working in association with the Pacifica Network (which also carries Democracy Now!). Planet Waves FM is a project of Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We are 100% listener supported.
Your contribution — large or small — helps make this program happen. We run on a little money and a lot of love. We also publish Covid19 News, a daily summary of science, health and political news items related to the pandemic situation. This is the only publication of its kind that we know of. Your contributions to Chiron Return also support this project.
Thank you for your generous support.

May 24, 2020 | How Not to Believe Lies & Your Relationship To Yourself
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In tonight’s program — the longest ever — I look into the psychology of why people resist considering ideas about environmental issues. I talk about getting out of the desperate, conflicted and authority-driven paradigm of health and wellness, and into a more autonomous model of self-care. In the second segment beginning at about one hour and four minutes, I explore the astrology of our moment, featuring Gemini galore, Vesta, Venus retrograde and Mercury. In the third segment beginning at about one hour and 49 minutes, there’s a conversation with the artist PeaceHawk about the theories of Marshall McLuhan. Then in the fourth segment beginning at about three hours and 10 minutes, a deeply intimate Vesta Studio continuing the discussion of cultivating a sexual relationship with oneself, including some of my peak experiences on the Book of Blue journey. Here is the link to the Book of Blue compilation. Those wanting access to the full project may write to me at The special edition of Tantra Studio focusing on Venus Retrograde is about seven or eight shows down — the April 7 edition. If I forgot to add a resource that I promised, please write to me. NOTE: The cold opener is from The Simpsons, Season 22, Episode 6.
Here is my understanding of the realtime polymerase chain reaction assay being used to count ‘cases’ of Covid.
Here’s what I’ve got, mostly gleaned through Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test.
First, to be meaningful, the test must find the thing known to be the pathogen, or it’s useless. It searches for a target fragment of DNA (or converted RNA) which is a marker for the supposed pathogen. However, SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated and shown to be the cause of the disease. We do not know if there is a direct connection between what is being tested for and what is being found, and then attributed as a cause of disease.

They could be searching for anything. To say that someone is a “case” of Covid because they test “positive” for some RNA is like saying someone is a case of cirrhosis because they test for alcohol on a breathalyzer. But that’s an exaggeration because we know that excess alcohol causes cirrhosis.
Another way to think of it is like like police radar that says you’re going 60 mph, but nobody knows how long an hour is, or how far a mile is. Therefore the concept of a “mile per hour” has no meaning, or it can mean anything except an honest measure of how fast one is going.
Second, few “positive” people even get sick, which argues that the stuff being sought out is NOT the pathogenic agent. The concept of a pathogen is that it dependably causes an illness. In biology, the fact that so few people with this stuff in their nose get sick can be used as proof that what they are looking for is not the pathogen. This is not difficult to understand.
As for those who do get sick, we don’t know what is making them sick. It could be some other virus or bacteria or environmental insult that’s not being looked for by the test. Even FDA and CDC documents about the test admit that PCR testing is not definitive: it’s not evidence of disease, of infection or of being infectious.
Other factors must lead to the actual diagnosis.
Third, since Gold Standard (as defined by Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR process, and Nobel winner for his work), we don’t know how much of the substance causes disease, if it does at all. All assays — Western Blot, ELISA or PCR — are judged on a gradient.
Without the Gold Standard, the line between negative and positive must be drawn arbitrarily. Without isolating the substance and proving that it is the pathogenic agent, they have no idea how much causes disease and therefore where to draw the line between negative and positive. So the net effect is the test is a work of fiction in its entirety, beginning with not knowing whether they are even testing for something relevant, and ending with not being an actual indicator of anything.
Now you know that the “case count” on this device is vapid of any meaning or relevance. And if that is irrelevant, so too is the “death count.” People are dying, but we do not know of what. And if we want to solve this problem, that matters.

May 17, 2020 | The Biome, the Virome and Sex in the Age of Covid
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In tonight’s program, I offer the work of Dr. Zach Bush, interviewed by Del Bigtree on the program The HighWire. Here’s a transcript and the original video, with links back to the presenters. You may read my review of the interview here. I’m sure I’ve promised some other resources; if you hear me mention one that’s not listed here, please drop me a note at The last musical piece, at the very end, is “Solar Eclipse House Concert part 7,” by Vision Quest, from the summer of 2017.

May 10, 2020 | Dangerous Ideas
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Here is tonight’s program. I was not intending this at all, but I may have created the first cohesive explanation of the Covid situation. This, with the help of two researchers who have not been sleeping much: Planet Waves Chief of Investigations Cindy Ragusa, and Sherryl Haverhals, with me on lead vocals. You tell me. The program is three hours (ending with Venus retrograde in Gemini), without Tantra Studio, which I will add as a standalone soon. I also have in the can an interview with Dana Ullman, the owner of Homeopathic Educational Services, continuing my intro to homeopathy. But not tonight. Tonight, I crack the code of coronavirus, tying together the many “blind men and the elephant” approaches we have been seeing. Here is a comment on Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Here is a PDF of Plague of Corruption.
This is a must-see video. You will wish it was longer.

May 3, 2020 | Beltane
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Here is tonight’s program, without comment.

April 26, 2020 | Fear Will Not Save You
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Here is tonight’s program. The file is replaced with a minor audio issue cleaned up.
Free Mumia! Cause near to the heart of Rage Against the Machine
Dr. Dan Erickson news conference part one, 50 mins
Showdown looms between Silicon Valley and states
Article about David Crowe challenging the current official pandemic theory
David Crowe’s paper, which is being updated regularly
Did this virus come from a lab, from Independent Science News
The Chinese lab at the center of the coronavirus controversy
Why US outsourced bat virus to Wuhan
Israeli professor offers alternate coronavirus prediction

Miracle Hour Episode 1: Introduction
Miracle Hour is a radio program based on A Course in Miracles. In this first edition, you’ll hear my overview of what the Course is, and how it came into my life. Because I look at things from many angles, my approach will do just that; considering a religious teaching from a theological standpoint, as well as describing my experiences and those of others who have worked with it.
For 13 weeks in 2016, I did a program for Planet Waves FM – Pacifica called Miracle Hour. It’s a basic introduction to A Course in Miracles. While I don’t recommend ACIM for a diversity of reasons, it’s a foundational influence in my work. Perhaps in this discussion you will hear a calling, though mostly, my idea is to explain the ideas as succinctly as possible. Planet Waves FM is supported exclusively by contributions from our listeners. Thank you for your generosity. — efc

April 19, 2020 | Covid-19, Roundup, Drugs and the Environment
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Since the beginning of the Covid situation, I’ve been treating it as a holistic issue, making the connection to the immune crisis, and the environmental toxins crisis — the ground of the environment, rather than the figure of the novel coronavirus. This week I have a special edition of Planet Waves FM, consisting of an interview with an MIT researcher and a journalist who are investigating environmental connections to Covid-19. They’ve been looking into the glyphosate (Monsanto’s Roundup) problem for many years. (So have several Planet Waves writers, including Carol van Strum.)
(For background, here is my Feb. 11 Planet Waves TV on this topic — more than two long months ago. And here is our interview with Juror #4 on the first jury to ever hold Monsanto liable for Roundup.)

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a PhD from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur. She has authored over 30 peer-reviewed journal papers over the past few years on these topics.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. is an award-winning journalist, Fulbright grantee, and sought-after speaker. She is the author of Your Baby, Your Way: Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting Decisions for a Happier, Healthier Family and co-author, with Dr. Paul Thomas, of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan. She has been researching and writing about health-related issues for over 15 years. She has worked on a child survival campaign in West Africa, taught literature classes to non-traditional students in Atlanta, and appeared live on prime-time television in France.
This article is Dr. Seneff’s proposal for connecting glyphosate to Covid, which we have reviewed. We consider this article a starting point and would like to see more specific empirical data to back up the theory.
Here is a collection of articles on the connection between human health and glyphosate.

April 12, 2020 | All Around This World
In tonight’s edition, I continue discussing my observations of what is happening in the world and what it means for us socially and spiritually. I cover the Sun passing through the Jupiter-Pluto-Eris square pattern. I then continue with the Venus-Vesta in Gemini event on Tuesday (which lasts all month and well into May, covered in the program immediately below). That segues into Mercury on the cardinal cross, jumping into the pattern associated with the lunar nodes, Pholus and Chiron: a lot of discussion of ancestral material and sexual healing. I describe my healing process around my relationship with my mother’s side of the family, and my journey with the homeopathic remedy Thuja Occidentalis. In Tantra Studio, I offer a practicum on learning your own inner language: the secret language of the twins, your interior idioglossia. Here’s the Book of Blue compilation.
Your April Monthly Horoscope is Available | By Eric Francis
Get an affordable reading for your sign or rising sign.

April 7, 2020 | Tantra Studio: Venus and Vesta in Gemini
Tonight I have a special Full Moon edition of Tantra Studio, focused on Venus in Gemini, Vesta in Gemini and Venus retrograde in conjunction to Vesta. This is followed by a teaching called “The Erotic Power of No, by Aditi Amrita.”

April 5, 2020 | In the Wake of Adversity
Here is your new program. I make a reference to articles, all of which can be found on the homepage of This program takes some interesting turns to places I was not expecting to go. I have some additional thoughts pertaining to Venus in Gemini and Venus conjunct Vesta…Tantra Studio is now in. For further inquiry, here is a Book of Blue sampler, with a new audio series of teachings by Aditi Amrita, Lucy and othes.
Note, after posting my discussion of whether we’re treating or diagnosing the wrong disease, a friend sent me this video by a critical care doctor in New York City. “We are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue. In short, we are treating the wrong disease.”

March 29, 2020 | The Road to Nowhere
Here is your new program — first with a check-in about your situation in the midst of this nutty world we’re suddenly living in; followed by a review, and preview, of the current astrology — from the Aries New Moon last Tuesday to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction to the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. In the third segment, I discuss my thesis in the new article I published with the monthly horoscope — about the environment known as the environment, and how Coronabro is just a small facet of that. Finally in Tantra Studio, I riff on the psychic versus the physical attributes of sexuality and where the two meet.

March 22, 2020 | Where We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We Might Go
The new Planet Waves FM begins with a discussion of basic facts surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and resulting effects, including how we got here, the preparedness crisis, what we don’t know, and how we are navigating a near-worst-case scenario. What lessons do we have to learn, and are we learning them? And will we remember?
The second segment focuses the astrology, including the Aries New Moon, Saturn in Aquarius, and a continued discussion of this shock early in the Age of Aquarius. The third looks at some of the scientific facts behind how this virus may have spread, referencing the interview with Dr. Ward Stone and other sources. I end the segment with a discussion of the bat as an animal totem, with the help of Ted Andrews.
I’ve added Tantra Studio, which begins at the two hour mark. For those curious, here is a Book of Blue compilation.

March 18, 2020 | Dr. Ward Stone Interview
This is an interview with Dr. Ward B. Stone, who for more than 40 years served as New York State’s wildlife pathologist. Dr. Stone ran one of the world’s only wildlife pathology units, and is an internationally-renowned expert on virus transmission from animals to humans, including West Nile virus, rabies, and other pathogens. He’s also the discoverer of PCB contamination in the United States, which is how I know him. He’s one of my most trusted sources and a hero of the global environmental movement. I reached him at home the evening of March 18, 2020.
He believes that our current outbreak of novel coronavirus in fact came from transmission from bats to humans, and says that in his opinion there is a less than 1% chance that the virus came out of a lab, and said that transmission from an animal to a human the most likely path that this virus took. The interview is presented unedited, and is about 45 minutes long.

March 15, 2020 | So Much More Than I Thought This World Could Ever Hold
Player above contains the new Planet Waves FM for March 15, 2020. Here is the chart that I read, of Trump declaring a national emergency. If the player does not work, use this link on Apple mobile devices | Download here. NOTE — We recently upgraded the official Planet Waves FM website. It is now much easier to use, compatible and responsive with all devices, and has about 300 prior programs on it.

March 8, 2020 | Coronavirus astrology, Tantra Studio
Player above contains the new Planet Waves FM. If the player does not work, use this link on Apple mobile devices | Download here. NOTE — We recently upgraded the official Planet Waves FM website. It is now much easier to use, compatible and responsive with all devices, and has about 300 prior programs on it.