Dear Friend and Reader:
With the American Thanksgiving holiday approaching, we are in the final stretch of 2021. Events at the end of the year lead into interesting facets of early 2022.
Let’s begin with an immediate aspect: Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. This is an energetic aspect, calling for some caution and moderation. The aspect is exact at 12:23 pm EST on Wednesday, Nov. 17. Uranus in Taurus is the slow-mover of the two in this aspect pattern.

Uranus in Taurus describes the economic uncertainty we are living with. Mars opposite Uranus could represent a shock or jolt of some kind.
This aspect can manifest as exciting or violent; creative or aggressive. It all depends on the state of mind on the human level: self-awareness, emotional control and one’s plans.
This is not a good aspect under which to make sudden decisions. You can make up your mind, sure, and then give it a few days and make sure you’re making the right decision. This is classic accident astrology; please apply care and caution. This is not always so easy, and most people have no clue what’s happening. Anyway, you do — great time to lay low, if only a little. I describe this aspect in detail in the current STARCAST.
In other news, we are already up to the Full Moon, which happens to be a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus. This occurs in the Moon’s sign of exaltation, Taurus, and is loosely square Jupiter. Keep an eye out for financial instability (this is not a shocking interpretation, and it goes with Mars opposite Uranus Wednesday). This corresponds with a total solar eclipse on Saturday, Dec. 4. This is the more impressive event, conjunct a deep-space point called the Great Attractor.
This is not an easy point to interpret, but think of as the focal point of the galactic cluster we live in, called Lanikea or Great Heaven. I’ll have more closer to that event; here is an audio interview with Brent Tully, the leader of the team that figured out Laniakea.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn, Dec. 19
Next point of interest is that Venus is getting ready to station retrograde in Capricorn. It enters shadow phase this week, meaning it’s now within the degrees where it will be retrograde beginning Dec. 19.
Venus is retrograde the least of all the planets, about 8% of the time, so every retrograde is special (this is also true of Mars, retrograde about 9% of the time).
This Venus retrograde stands out because just as Venus slows to its stationary position, it passes through the Pluto-Eris square that has been so influential in our lives the past two years. That Venus is slow and powerful as it does this means that the effects will be protracted, and might represent a reconciliation of some kind.

Venus Catching Up with Reality
To me Venus slipping through that square, twice in a short time (just before the retrograde and right after) feels like Venus catching up with the impact of the Pluto-Eris square (which began in January 2020 and just recently ended).
Aspects between outer planets such as Pluto and Eris can have an abstract feeling, like Dylan said, “Something is happening here but you don’t know what it is.” However, once a personal planet shows up in the territory, you can feel what it is, and feel the impact on you personally.
Venus retrograde will work its way backward to where Pluto was in 2014. So this is like a review of everything Pluto-related that has happened since — and there has been plenty. The thing is, this could be painful as people realize what has been taken from them, especially if they don’t understand why, or their role in their own loss.

Jupiter Enters Pisces, Dec. 28 — 29
Jupiter enters Pisces late in the evening on Dec. 28 into the 29, one of its signs of classical rulership. It last entered Pisces in January 2010 — before a lot of things we take for granted and have largely been forgotten: before the #Occupy movement. Before Arab Spring. Before Fukushima. Before the #MeToo movement. Before Trump. That’s right, there was a time before all of this stuff.

Jupiter spends about one year in each sign for every 12-year cycle. It has a way of setting the fashion of that year. We need some Jupiter in Pisces, that’s for sure.
Jupiter in Aquarius is a little over-starched, and a little too certain of itself. It does not know when it does not know. It’s also a little techno-oriented (for anyone who is still aware of their body and their senses, and can remember to taste their food).
Jupiter in Pisces will probably soften people up a little; the lack of compassion is getting hard to bear. We are in the middle of something called Operation Lockstep, which is enhanced by the fixed sign Aquarius and its influence on the social/mental dynamic.
Meanwhile, through the rest of November and early December, Jupiter will be in the very late degrees of Aquarius (where it spent some time in/around May and July of 2021. We have been in this territory before, albeit briefly).
Initially, the presence of Jupiter in Pisces (in the spring of 2022) is going to come with some sense of shock at how evil those people are, and how reprehensible what they did is. There are also likely to be regrets, and some wringing of hands about why we did not make better choices.
As you may be aware, there will be a conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune on April 12, 2o22. I count this conjunction as beginning the moment Jupiter enters Pisces, due to the very wide orb of Neptune.
This aspect does not lend itself to realism or practicality, and it can be delusional — especially in Pisces. So we have a big opening for people to continue to be fooled by the media (a Neptune thing), by glamour, and by various forms of mass persuasion.
Do we even know what that is?

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How are you feeling these days? Are you oriented on your life path, in crisis or drifting? Astrology can help you situate yourself in time, and in the sequence of your life. TUNE IN 2022 is my forthcoming annual set of year-ahead readings. These are the 24th Planet Waves annual edition.Once you listen to one, you will want to hear them all. Pre-order all 12 readings today for the very best pricing.
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Nov. 16, 2021, Weekly horoscope by Eric Francis
What we think of as the ego or the personality is a relationship that includes managing the expectations of others — or not. Sometimes the whole dynamic goes out of control, and people live as if the only thing they are is what they think others believe about them.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most people either look to others for their definition of themselves, or they allow others to take control and impose an identity on them. Yet within each person, and within you, is a drive to connect with yourself at the core of who you are. There are, however, conditioning factors that exist in the world around you. What we think of as the ego or the personality is a relationship that includes managing the expectations of others — or not. Sometimes the whole dynamic goes out of control, and people live as if the only thing they are is what they think others believe about them. Anyway, you can forget all of this for a while, if you tune into Saturn in Aquarius moving into aspect with Chiron in your birth sign. The theme of this aspect is be who you are, and everyone else adapts. You have seen many times recently that you cannot really tailor yourself to the expectations of others. And while you cannot force others to align with you, bear in mind that if you are clear in your self-awareness, they will have to adapt to your truth. This is a gentle and understated process, not sumo wrestling. It starts with you being in alignment with yourself.
We also live in a time when people are fed the notion that what they believe is the truth (and we will tell you what to believe, and therefore, it’s “true”). One of the crucial life lessons of Taurus is to take this apart. You are someone for whom belief is unusually tangible and convincing, particularly if some idea you have is said to be time-honored.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Last week, Venus moved into position for a forthcoming retrograde in Capricorn. This is yet another occasion for you to question what you believe. Yet to do that, you would need to distinguish belief from awareness, or from knowledge. This is getting difficult in our current world where nearly everything is an illusion thrown at us by way of virtual reality. We also live in a time when people are fed the notion that what they believe is the truth (and we will tell you what to believe, and therefore, it’s “true”). One of the crucial life lessons of Taurus is to take this apart. You are someone for whom belief is unusually tangible and convincing, particularly if some idea you have is said to be time-honored. But old concepts can be flimsy and given seeming substance because of a cultural obsession with them. The most significant beliefs you hold are the ones about yourself, and those are the ones that deserve to come under personal scrutiny as the process of Venus retrograde begins this week. Whatever this may be about will reveal itself gradually over the next four months or so. You are building toward one particular revelation.
The idea is that you are free-range rather than on a schedule, an itinerary, or having to report into headquarters. We live in times when one is lucky that this ever happens, particularly for a person who is committed to their activities or has actual responsibilities.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It will take some time to focus on your inner world. With Mars, Mercury and the Sun moving through the work angle of your chart (and other factors), you’ve been emphasizing work, or perhaps it has been emphasizing you. Yet these same aspects talk about having actual downtime, whatever that means for you. At minimum, it means some period of time where you are able to step back from the expectations of others — and pressing personal responsibilities. Maybe you can do this for a weekend, or a day, or an occasional evening. The idea is that you are free-range rather than on a schedule, an itinerary, or having to report into headquarters. We live in times when one is lucky that this ever happens, particularly for a person who is committed to their activities or has actual responsibilities. Part of why you want to do this is that it will feed your worldly success. You need space between your thoughts and a break from the psychological and emotional stress you are under. The better news is, if you want to make it happen, you can, and you will benefit.
Meanwhile, you’re in an excellent position to motivate people with your passion. You just need to emotionally regulate yourself, be honest, and be on the lookout for those with any tendency to lie (and in this case, a trend is once).

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The management challenge you have in your life is more about people than it is about activity. It’s almost like getting to actually work is taking a vacation, compared to how complicated those humans are. And, perhaps closer to the point, how much of the past they drag into every situation. It will help considerably if you don’t do that: if you stay right in the present with people, there will be less clutter in the relationship. That can be challenging; the past has a kind of existence, though much of it is irrelevant to the moment you are living in. Meanwhile, you’re in an excellent position to motivate people with your passion. You just need to emotionally regulate yourself, be honest, and be on the lookout for those with any tendency to lie (and in this case, a trend is once). The Sun and Mars remain in your simpatico water sign Scorpio, and that’s providing you with an abundance of energy and a little something extra in the intuition department. Just make sure that you back up all of your hunches with verification of the facts, twice, rather than just once.
There are times when you must break out the cool, calm tool known as logic, and go through the steps one at a time to verify your decisions and your thought process, and this is one of them. This whole business about trusting your decisions and not making the same mistakes repeatedly has floated to the top of your evolutionary agenda.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will feel more solid and confident after the Sun exits from what for you is itchy and scratchy Scorpio. That’s in less than a week; Mars will still be there, testing whether you really do trust yourself. That’s a matter of practice, and of learning based on your track record. There are times when you must break out the cool, calm tool known as logic, and go through the steps one at a time to verify your decisions and your thought process, and this is one of them. This whole business about trusting your decisions and not making the same mistakes repeatedly has floated to the top of your evolutionary agenda. It’s a genuine point of growth. After observing Leos for a lion’s age, I don’t believe this is an intellectual issue. You are obviously smart enough to do nearly anything. The material is seated on the emotional level, and is closely related to your confidence. The world has always changed steadily, and is now changing faster than anyone can keep up. This leaves you wondering whether you’re really in step, particularly as you are surrounded by others who seem to be. On the brain level, there is one key to genius: knowing when you don’t know. Keep track of when you got it right and wrong; the tiny little details matter.

Slow Motion Flash Sale! Planets in Motion 2022
What’s happening in your astrology right now? What year were you born? That says as much about you as your Sun, Moon and rising sign. Your year of birth is the true focus of your growth process and the opportunities that you have. Dear Friend and Reader: My approach to astrology is based on what is happening right now. I have just completed Planets in Motion, an e-Book that covers about 20 transits happening to people ages 1-84. This is an easy introduction to using astrology in practical ways. I write in clear language and bring your astrology to life. It comes with an audio introduction to the topic to help you get oriented and learn the value of transits. Thank you for your business and your trust.
You’re driven from a depth that people who are not often fail to understand. That’s the part you want to keep; and what you want to add is a revision process that allows in new observations and new facts every time you encounter them.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have impressive insight into psychology — that of yourself, and of others — if only you would use it. It’s a big ‘if only’ because in order to use your insights and the understanding that you gain, you need to adapt constantly. Though yours is a mutable sign, that’s not as easy as it seems, owing to the influence of the fixed sign Scorpio on your thought process (your 3rd solar house). In addition to having a kind of clairvoyance, Scorpio tends to be set in its ways, which means, ways of thinking. Also, there can be some emotional clouding of your mental process, which you need to take conscious steps to override. It’s not easy for you to have any detachment at all; you tend to get totally involved — and that is why you’re capable of getting so much done. You’re driven from a depth that people who are not often fail to understand. That’s the part you want to keep; and what you want to add is a revision process that allows in new observations and new facts every time you encounter them.
By now, though, you probably have a good idea of what the life lessons are — the ones that keep coming at you over and over again. That is the clue: the second question to keep asking yourself is, what am I trying to learn here? The first question is: what am I teaching?

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — By now you’ve figured out how important it is that you treat all of your relationships as healing encounters — and how difficult. However, it’s a fact that people are here to teach you. Although that has a way of making relationships more challenging, at the same time it makes them more meaningful. By now, though, you probably have a good idea of what the life lessons are — the ones that keep coming at you over and over again. That is the clue: the second question to keep asking yourself is, what am I trying to learn here? The first question is: what am I teaching? What is the example that I am setting? This will make it easier to orient yourself. Also, Venus has just moved into position for the upcoming retrograde in Capricorn. In several ways, this pertains to old family business. One of the world’s most famous Libras put it this way. Parents never feel the all-consuming love for children the way that children feel it for parents. We forget easily that we are born into a world where our parents are like deities to us. This shapes all of our relationships and expectations. Remember that as you try to map out your emotional world.
There can be no, “You lie and I will swear to it,” no matter how subtle. There can be no, “That person’s delusion is as good as that person’s truth.” Borrowing from an ancient science fiction writer, the cult of ignorance is not as good as the cult of intelligence. And then there’s this. What if that person you disagree with is right?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) – Mercury, Mars and the Sun continue to move through your birth sign, putting you in rare form — one form or the other, I cannot tell which from here. All of those planets have in recent weeks made squares to Saturn in Aquarius, and each of those has come with a crisis of some kind. Now they are making trines to Neptune, and this is coming with an assignment that might be easy to miss: You must be scrupulously honest with yourself, and not participate in anyone’s games or schemes. There can be no, “You lie and I will swear to it,” no matter how subtle. There can be no, “That person’s delusion is as good as that person’s truth.” Borrowing from an ancient science fiction writer, the cult of ignorance is not as good as the cult of intelligence. And then there’s this. What if that person you disagree with is right? I don’t mean “entitled to their opinion.” I mean factually and morally correct: there is such a thing. You have the capacity to know the difference, if you don’t drift off onto the astral plane.
Belief is only appealing if it in some way serves the believer. It is a substitute for all good things: faith, sincerity, intelligence, conscience, wisdom. Belief is spiritual NutraSweet, neither nutritious, nor sweet, and it’s toxic to your brain and the rest of your nervous system.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be alert to any form of exaggeration, from you, directed at you, or bouncing around the environment. There will be many opportunities as the Sun and several planets make contact with Jupiter. This is happening now and it extends for weeks. Of the many problems rippling through society, vexing whole communities and most individuals, is false certainty. This has its roots in belief as something more relevant than actually finding out. Belief is only appealing if it in some way serves the believer. It is a substitute for all good things: faith, sincerity, intelligence, conscience, wisdom. Belief is spiritual NutraSweet, neither nutritious, nor sweet, and it’s toxic to your brain and the rest of your nervous system. The problem is, who really knows when they are driven by belief? It comes with all of its own proof and validation, especially if all those other people believe it too. This is when it’s time to stop the movie, and get out a calculator, or a dictionary, or anything capable of any objective reference. One does not believe in mathematics; the numbers add up, or they do not. Anyway, a series of squares to Jupiter by the Sun, Mercury and Mars over the next few weeks will help you see the false and the true for what they are. Be discerning. Every minute of every day.
Values are your personal constitution. Since you preside over your own personal nation (of your own life), you are free to violate its most fundamental concept of existence, though you may have already learned that this only weakens you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You usually take the slow, steady road to financial success, so slow that you feel like you never get there. However, you have made progress this year, of both the slow kind and the more immediate. You will need to maintain a steadfast and somewhat cautious perspective over the next few weeks. However, part of why you would want to do that is to have the funds for what you want, need, or want to build up in the world. Among those possibilities, the one question is: does this (whatever) align with your values? By one question, I do mean the only one. While we’re on the topic, events of the next few weeks are likely to help you get closer to understanding exactly what that concept is about. Values are your personal constitution. Since you preside over your own personal nation (of your own life), you are free to violate its most fundamental concept of existence, though you may have already learned that this only weakens you. Your primary assignment now is to uphold the personal law that you know to be true — and to hold a trial if there is a question. Integrity begins and ends with you.
Stick to the quality of your work rather than to its impact of influence. Commit yourself to being thorough, and organized, and collaborative. Take leadership — of yourself. Be sincere in all that you do, and understate your case when you are making one. The measure of your life is not who you are seen as being, but as who you become inwardly.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may aspire to great things, though not to power. There is a difference, it’s an obvious one, and yet few people make it. It is essential that you understand this, and put your understanding to good use. Stick to the quality of your work rather than to its impact of influence. Commit yourself to being thorough, and organized, and collaborative. Take leadership — of yourself. Be sincere in all that you do, and understate your case when you are making one. The measure of your life is not who you are seen as being, but as who you become inwardly. This does not mean that you will not be visible over the next few weeks. You will, in potentially significant ways. Yet that cannot be the goal; it cannot be worth any more than a trinket. You have a calling, and at times it will feel like a profound sense of mission. This is the opposite of will-to-power. It’s about being submissive to the necessities of not just what you are doing, but the deep inner movement that is leading you to respond. Tune into yourself and you will feel it. Yet the largest obstacle is thinking that you must somehow be beholden to the beliefs of others.
As the Sun and other planets complete their run through your fellow water sign Scorpio, you need reality checks. You need a way to experience yourself in your wider context. You need a few pins to put on the map. How much are you influenced by fear? Keep track of that one. Are you involved in your creative process? Is your life a journey?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Ultimately you decide what is real and what is not for you, and you are subject to that choice. This does not mean you’re in alignment with the universe, with your personal dharma, or a necessity that you’ve identified. Those are other matters, and ones that deserve attention. For quite a few years, you’ve been living with a blind spot in the form of Neptune in your sign. Now, at least Neptune has a strong affinity with Pisces; you already are accustomed to much of what it can do, both positively and negatively. Or you might say creatively and destructively. As the Sun and other planets complete their run through your fellow water sign Scorpio, you need reality checks. You need a way to experience yourself in your wider context. You need a few pins to put on the map. How much are you influenced by fear? Keep track of that one. Are you involved in your creative process? Is your life a journey? All those planets are moving through your solar 9th house, which is about movement over distance, and the new ideas you encounter along the way. Your life is not a linear walk along a painted stripe. You crisscross your territory, always finding new routes — this is the spirit of adventure.