Planet Waves Monthly Readings by Eric Francis for April 2021. New Article About our Aquarian Era.

Welcome back to Planet Waves. We are presenting the monthly horoscopes in a new format this month, one sign per page. Your page includes monthly readings back to the beginning of the year. All free readers get a few clicks. To get unlimited access to all signs, weekly and monthly horoscopes, and thousands of articles, all you need is a basic membership. These readings are for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. If you don’t know your other signs, please write to us at and we will help you. — The Planet Waves Editors.


Our Aquarian Era: Where Are We Headed?

Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

Editor’s Note: This started as an open letter to customers of my An Aquarian Era readings, which are running a little late. Thank you for your many, many warm responses.

Dear Friend and Reader:

It occurred to me this might be a good place to discuss some of my thoughts about what is happening in Aquarius, and get your feedback from your own perspective as well. I am interested, because this is troubling me, and I want to give a clear and refined message to my readers — one that is honest and realistic.

I am wrestling with this problem of the Aquarian Era every day right now. I define this as Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, soon to be followed by Pluto in Aquarius (starting in 2023).

I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic, though neither world events nor the astrology that influences us are casual affairs for me, certainly not now.

We keep hearing what an extraordinary time of history this is, without recognizing what an understatement that is. We think it’s for one reason, but it’s really for another.

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