Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The total solar eclipse of Dec. 4 in your birth sign is a point of demarcation in your life — a before-and-after moment for this lifetime. It is a time of closure, of completion and a point of release. There has been no shortage of these the past 15 years, yet this event represents a point of inhabiting your reality in a bold way. One sad truth about your ruling planet Jupiter in Aquarius during the past year has been many people succumbing to social pressure, believing they’re making decisions — wholly convinced they’re thinkers as original as da Vinci (whom I recently learned was Sagittarius rising). You can and must do better, and that calls for thinking far beyond your own interests, and your current base of knowledge. This is usually something that takes people either countless lifetimes, or extraterrestrial origins, to fully engage. I would barely call it a mystery; for most, it is hardly a thought. For you, it is, or must be. In the process, what you are releasing is an outdated concept of who you are and what your purpose is. You may be claiming something new, or something previously forgotten and old, or something you have long possessed. You are its vehicle, rather than its owner. You are the vessel for fire, rather than the fire itself. Yet to do this, you must be your own master, and in possession of your resources. It is essential that you not let yourself be coopted or used by any purpose other than the one you know is your true mission. If you see this as calling for a sacrifice, you might be in conflict, so find another way to think of it. For example, once you feel your purpose, you offer it everything.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Take this opportunity to sort out your thoughts, and in particular, your business plan for the next couple of years. While Jupiter is moving in direct motion through Aquarius (which ends in late December), you have the potential for an extended moment of clarity. This means access to your thoughts relatively unclouded by your emotions or confusing astral influences. The fusion of Sagittarius and Aquarius (through Jupiter) is about practical idealism. As Jupiter moves into Pisces and into a conjunction with Neptune in early 2022, the practical melts away and your idealism can venture into unrealistic territory. What you size up and figure out now can guide you for many years, if you get clear with yourself and use your assessment as a guide to the future. I know I’m making this sound easy, in a world where few people remember yesterday and even fewer have the ability to propose what they might want tomorrow to look like. We live in times of mandatory terror, which is thinly veiled as mere anxiety. Any thoughtful reflection can be unsettling or even disturbing. The current trajectory of collective events does not end in a good place; all you need to do is extend the lines on the graph following the current trend. Presently, you have the ability to think in a way that is independent of the fears of others. This is not assured, though the potential is in reach. Once Jupiter is in Pisces, it will be more difficult for you to slip out of the thrall of others and their magical solutions to problems that don’t exist. You are an intelligent person, and you would be well-served to listen to what your ethics and your senses are telling you. Logic and reason play a role in this process, and right now, you have full access to these things.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may finally be getting a handle on what a serious problem jealousy is, and why it’s so toxic for you. Fortunately, this is happening at a moment when you’re ready to let go of many of the competitive aspects of your nature. They may advance your cause in some ways, though cooperation is by far the more significant skill and personal attribute to encourage in yourself. It’s one thing to be driven to be “the best.” Eventually, you will play on a team or be in a band or take part in some collaborative venture. This calls for another essential skill, which is mental flexibility. One would think that the mind is the most malleable substance in the universe. As it turns out, it’s the one of the most rigid; many people tend to lock into fixed thought patterns, to which they hold themselves prisoner. One of the qualities that defines Sagittarius is the placement of Aquarius in your chart: it’s your 3rd house, which is where we find much information about cognitive process. At the moment, Jupiter and Saturn are working their way through Aquarius together for the first time in centuries. Together, they caution you to be aware of what you do not know, while at the same time be determined to find out what you need to learn. This is the kind of discovery that changes your mind. It’s the difference between reading a book taking notes, and skimming an article. Then comes expression: when you communicate, it’s up to you to be understood, and that is a specific, tangible goal. This takes revision, review, rethinking, and deep consideration. Who has time for this? Well, it depends on what you want from life. True, useful intelligence is not an accident. You may need to sift through a ton of ore to produce an ounce of gold. So be it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Make a list of everything you’re certain about; all that you’ve made up your mind about; all that seems settled the way that it is — the important things, and the ordinary ones. Since there are likely to be a few, maybe just take a sample of the ones that stand out, or that you think about often. This is your list of what would benefit from rethinking, revision, reworking and reassessment. The placement of Aquarius — a fixed sign — in your house of ideas is the astrology lurking behind the systematic way you think. It is true that Sagittarius is so bursting with such potential that you need a method to keep your mind organized, which is really about doing your best to stay emotionally grounded. They are two different dimensions, though the emotional element has been sufficiently challenging that you may feel like you need to increase your mental control. There is a better approach. When you hang onto ideas, or firm beliefs, or belief systems, or methods of organizing yourself, you trap the very energy that wants to move through you. Saturn and your ruling planet Jupiter in Aquarius are doing what they can to clear space, and also to stretch your awareness from within. It is easier and more fulfilling to use your awareness to surround things than it is to categorize or control. You value freedom, and that begins with your own flexibility and openness to new ways of perceiving your existence. In our time, there are no ‘conventions of thought’. There is no normal. Yet there is such a thing as feeling good, and being at peace with yourself, and even in balance with the people around you. Yet to find that balance, you will need to stretch, tease and push yourself past any inner boundaries you notice.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Stick to what you don’t know rather than what you know. Beware of false clarity. You will be at your most intelligent when you are working with the uncertainty principle, which we might translate thus: for everything you know, there is an equally important thing that you do not know. Find that thing, and make space for what it might be, without predicting or rushing to an assessment. It takes real maturity to consciously stand in the face of the unknown, and that would also include facing the fear of the unknown. However, of the 12 signs of the zodiac, you are hereby nominated for this responsibility. You are up to it; you were made for it. As a Sagittarius, you embody the mysteries of the universe, which implies that much comes through your awareness that you simply don’t understand. The human tendency you need to defy is to pretend that you do. Now, the risk here is that any expectations you may have will also need to be suspended, and it also “makes people uncomfortable” when someone starts to ask obvious, sincere questions. It may make you uncomfortable, though you may decide you like it — a lot. There is something that is more powerful for you than discomfort, which is your quest for truth. As with any person, this can be subverted by fear or laziness or the desire to fit in. However, you are an anchor point for your whole community. People are looking to you for an example of whether they should be afraid, and for some judgment call of what you think is true. However, there are practical matters at hand, which exist far from the realm of theory. There is no room for delusion or for abstract questions that serve only as a distraction. Focus on the basics. Focus.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’ve just come through an over-the-top Mercury retrograde in your opposite sign. This will be working itself out well into July as Mercury clears the degrees where it was retrograde, makes its third square to Neptune, and finally makes its way into Cancer. Until then, it will be difficult to understand where you stand with key relationship and business partners, though if you’re paying attention to the facts, you have all the information you need. If you don’t like the facts, you may be subject to propaganda and deception of various kinds, whether from yourself or from others. However, what you know is not a matter of preference. If you think that it is, you miss the opportunity to use your knowledge as a tool, meaning, as a basis for making better decisions. That said, you seem to be obsessed with feeling safe more than you are concerning yourself with being a clear thinker. This will shift later in the month when Jupiter re-enters Aquarius. Yet for now you might question what is preoccupying you and with that, evaluate your concepts of safe, secure, and the crux of the matter, confident. That last one is an interesting word and idea: it means with fidelity. That in turn means faithfulness and devotion, in this scenario, to yourself. So we could ask: are you committed to your own purpose? For you the single biggest distraction will be telling yourself you’re really committed to the purposes of others. The two do not need to be in conflict, though there is a difference between them and that is worth studying carefully. This last few weeks of your ruling planet Jupiter in Pisces (for now) are a good time to sort out these issues.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are in an unusual moment of freedom to define who you are. This implies something new, a next-generation adventure in being. For this to work, it will help if you recognize the ways that you tend to stay the same: what holds you to your patterns of identity, thought and how you relate to your environment. You’re feeling the pressure to change, to grow and to evolve. Most of this will take place in the realm of your ideas and how you think them. Thanks to Saturn, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process of your old thought forms and also the mental structures that were controlling how you would think. One of the points of crisis that Sagittarius can face is that you are capable of thinking such vast thoughts, and seeing such a wide-angle picture, that you tend to reduce things to categories and concepts to make them more manageable. This is how thought works for most people, though for you, it’s a particularly intimate and necessary part of your process of understanding the world. However, you need better categories and notions. They need to be more integrated and flexible, and refer to one another. Saturn is transiting Aquarius, your 3rd place (house, solar house or whole sign house). This is about clearing out old thought forms, rules, patterns, and ways in which you were set, and making space for something new. That something new could find you like a lightning bolt at any time, particularly under the influence of Saturn square Uranus this month. The theme here is that your mental patterns are directly related to your work patterns and how you use time and space. Pay attention — you are being given something very close to a free pass.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You probably need to ask more questions. I don’t know for sure; I’m not in your mind or body. However, your solar chart reflects a kind of certainty that does not befit you, and is not helpful because certainty blocks learning. In The Teachings of don Juan, Carlos Castaneda has an exchange with don Juan Matus, his teacher, about what he calls “the enemies of man.” One of them is clarity. What does he mean? Once you get this, it’s difficult to forget. (If we want the message, we will need to forgive the male-gender language that was still prevalent in the 1960s). Clarity, Matus explains, “forces the man never to doubt himself. It gives him the assurance he can do anything he pleases, for he sees clearly into everything. And he is courageous because he is clear, and he stops at nothing because he is clear. But all that is a mistake; it is like something incomplete. If the man yields to this make-believe power, he has succumbed to his second enemy and will fumble with learning. He will rush when he should be patient, or he will be patient when he should rush. And he will fumble with learning until he winds up incapable of learning anything more.” It is for this reason that I consider curiosity one of the supreme virtues. Everything is subject to investigation, especially what is considered sacrosanct or beyond reproach, out of the question or not subject to discussion. This will take some self-awareness: not a huge amount, just enough to notice what you’re doing when you block a flow of thought or a conversation based on some seeming principle. I assume you are interested in embodying your full intelligence. Carry around a magnifying glass, and look at everything. Ask people how they are doing, and listen for a while.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There comes a time in the life of every artist when they become the art they create. The poet becomes the poem. The painter becomes the painting. The sculptor shapes and forms herself through her work. At this stage of growth, the artist and the art are inseparable. While you may not consider yourself a poet or an artist, this is the phenomenon that is taking over your life right now. This is where you’re being invited to get real. To get paint on your hands. To dig into the clay, the dirt, the stone, the colors, the forms, the shapes, the textures — and gradually come to understand yourself as you do. There is also a sexual element to this, for those who dare to explore their eroticism as a path to self-knowledge. I rarely notice anyone else write or talk about this, and the silence is making people deaf to a simple, useful and time-honored idea. Sexuality is a gift to humans on many levels, though often accepted under only three circumstances: reproduction, something offered when in-love, and the supposedly meaningless hookup. There is a vast space between these polarized “legitimate” options. It is a space of awareness, creation, and exploration. You will know you are there because you can experience curiosity for its own sake. You will know you are there because guilt and jealousy are not a factor. It is OK to say, “I want to experience this,” and do so, and learn something about yourself and about life. You might do this alone, or with someone else, or more than one person. The central idea is: direct experience, that you create for yourself, which is ultimately about you.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Yours is considered one of the most cosmic and visionary of the signs. Yet it also has a tendency to get stuck in thought patterns that can seem impossible to change. Reorganizing your mind and your perceptions is much easier, if you connect with your need to do so. The ‘stuck thought pattern’ issue is due to the power of the sign Aquarius in your chart, which falls in your 3rd house. This shows a strong tendency to get into mental habits and to stick with them whether they serve you or not. However, your ruling planet Jupiter, plus the mighty Saturn, both in Aquarius, are urging you to get onto a new brainwave. Habits are helpful, until you are enslaved by them. Hanging out with your chosen group is fun, until you find that you’re not learning anything from them. Jupiter is urging you to expand your horizons. Saturn is calling on you to be brutal about what does not work for you, and to look for and see the places where you’re invested in beliefs and rigid concepts that do not reflect reality. By that I mean they may not serve your ability to navigate your environment. This takes flexibility right now, and you can be sure that is a new kind of discipline for you. The challenge with either Jupiter or Saturn in Aquarius is thinking you are right; thinking you know when you do not. That is also true of Mercury in Aquarius, all of which are extant now. You are firmly in “know when you don’t know” territory. We both know you like an adventure, and when you admit that, you are well on your way to beginning one. Knowing when you don’t know is your passport.
Sagittarius, yours is the sign of the quest, the far away and far-out. Purchase your reading today and continue your adventure with the stars as your guide.
2020-21 Sagittarius Astrology Studio: Live from the Galactic Center
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You will not want to rush into any decisions, as you’re involved in a long process of thinking, review, and rethinking. You may not be a patient person by nature, though this would be a good time to practice. This is not the patience of waiting for something, but rather the type called for during a process of experimenting and analysis. Slow down your process of coming to conclusions, and practice holding your mind open and suspending judgment. The easiest way to do this is to engage in a process of conscious observation, particularly of people, and also of how you relate to them. Have as many conversations in person as possible, as close to your home as possible. You probably don’t live in Mayberry where you’re on a first-name basis with the postal clerk, but do as much of that as you can; this will feed your thought process. You will learn things on your feet that you won’t learn in your seat. You of all people cannot withstand the dehumanization process that humanity is currently being put through. And you hold some of the keys to undoing its worst effects. Yet to be effective you need to be informed and involved in your community, in the most direct senses of those ideas. Mercury retrograde through Aquarius the next few weeks will encourage you to step out of abstract mode and into what is measurable, physical and tangible. You seem to struggle with trust more than most people, and more than you need to; what humanity is going through right now would be different were we more open and willing to accept one another as who we are. So pay attention and suspend judgment. Only then is learning possible.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are in possession of some world-changing idea, and of the power to express it. The idea may come quickly and the development slowly. That is usually the challenging part for you: the arrow that only flies slowly through the air. Yet it is true that each step must be taken consciously; each pitfall identified and remedied; and that you think in whole-system terms. Whatever you’re doing, you’re unlikely to be doing it alone. This too presents a challenge, as there is part of your nature that is not all that interested in direct collaboration. You have, at times, thought that this compromises your individuality. But now it is time for individuals to work with one another, in a spirit of equanimity and equality. This is not the time when egos can prevail, if anything is going to be accomplished. And as you well know, there is much that needs to be done and not so much time in which to do it. Therefore, find your project partners and get busy.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are an anchor, holding down some part of reality. You may be in conflict with this, as it’s not exactly your usual role. However, you know something that other people don’t know, or perhaps more accurately, you are asking questions that others are not willing to ask. Knowledge is important; knowing when you don’t know is far more meaningful because it leaves open the space for the truth to enter. Some notion you have clung to, perhaps without full awareness, is changing rapidly. There is no room to pretend, or to guess. There is absolutely no room for games of any kind. You are in a position to discover the actual, underlying values that must guide your life, when you are being truthful for yourself. A value is not an opinion or a position on an issue. It’s a kind of universal principal that you recognize and accept as something you uphold with instinct on the level of breathing. Note, however, how many people are willing to compromise that particular biological function. You cannot compromise anything.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Keep a grip on your spending, and invest your energy in thinking. You may need to resist one or two tempting opportunities to squander or otherwise misuse your funds. Stick to your established priorities, which should be minimal enough at this time. If you feel some unusual urgency to make something happen, the chances are it will cost nothing. Ideas are free, and greatly underrated. So if you feel the inclination to solve any problem by spending money, stop right there. Ask if you’re addressing the right issue. Then fully engage your brain identifying the actual problem and several potential solutions. You need choices to work from, so invest your energy coming up with different possibilities. Even simple problems can have multiple approaches, and you want the one that conserves energy, and addresses the most issues at once. Apply the law of unintended consequences, and find the approach that avoids them. That means having foresight. This is not your specialty but do your best.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The past is over, but only if you live that way. Many events in the last weeks of 2020 have drawn to a close a long era of your personal history, and created for you a point of departure. Yet the story of humanity is that it lives staring into the rearview mirror, and therefore struggles to find the present moment and consequently, the way forward. People consider it natural to use the past as a reference point by which to judge the present. Yet more than being a source of practical wisdom, this casts a shadow on your perception and hence, on everyone you relate to. At this time, it’s essential that you evaluate your circumstances as they are, now. Evaluate people as they present themselves to you now, and as related to any tasks at hand, now. This requires listening skills, and it requires analysis of your immediate environment: particularly the group of people who surround you. You are central to whatever you think of as your community. This has many meanings to many people but I do mean in your actual local community, on the ground, in physical space. From there, that branches out into your community on the internet. You are a foundation of this group of people, whoever they are. That means you must be consistent in your communications and conduct. This is a central leadership role, not a top-down one. Your example counts for more than anything, as does keeping a level head. This is a special task for the unusual circumstances that are happening right now, which do not resemble any other moment. So stay present, in the present. Stay up to date. Know what you’re talking about and who you’re talking with at all times.