Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscope for November was published on Thursday, Oct. 29. We published your extended monthly horoscope for October on Thursday, Oct. 1. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Monday Evening Horoscope #254 for November 23, 2020
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — It must come with tremendous relief that the Sun has taken up its journey through your fellow fire sign Sagittarius. You are one of those with access to the most visionary qualities of this sign, which can reach you in a direct way. Be aware, though, that matters of Sagittarius and the 9th house, where it falls in your chart, can get caught in the realm of belief. Once someone is involved with belief, that is a block to knowledge and understanding. The thing to observe in yourself is the difference between belief and knowledge. As the month progresses, you are likely to have some of your ideas challenged by what you learn, witness or otherwise encounter. The question is, will you be flexible about that? Learning changes you. Learning changes everything. It is for this reason that it is so unpopular. Direct confrontation with the truth is another kind of challenge. Most people will deny any encounter that they cannot explain based on their previous references. However, if you can get past that, great things are in store for you.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One of the most poignant qualities of Taurus is its inherently spiritual concept of sex and sexuality. Yes, Taurus is often cast as the most physical sign, invested in appearances and also in having nice stuff. Not necessarily expensive, but things that feel good and are useful. However, there are other dimensions to you, and one of them is how you access your connection to the divine and the ineffable through your physical being. In truth, divine is the divine erotic. Nothing is merely physical; your body is the intersection of the cosmic and the mundane. This dimension is opening up for you now. You will have, in the coming weeks, many points of access to experiences that teach you who you are, and what relationships are about, and what it means to connect to another person. One beautiful thing here is that you don’t need physical contact to have an erotic connection. Neither do you need to consecrate anything as spiritual to have it be so. You merely need to allow what is true to be true.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You live in a very, very large world — larger than you may know. Your sign is, however, the source of the concept “think globally, act locally.” Yet you can see and feel a world so vast that you’re likely to want to lean in on the local, skimming the power of the global or the cosmic. Now, however, the flow is about to open up. Or said another way, you may feel like you’ve been transported to a world with different properties from the one you knew yesterday or last year. Yes, there is an overwhelming amount of inflow at the moment. The Earth seems to be in complete chaos. Yet beauty and mystery abound. This is the time to remain open, despite any pressure you may feel to shut down, hide away, or avoid witnessing what you see. There are people in your life who will help you with this, by providing a stabilizing force. Connect with them, as such points of contact are the vehicle through which many of the best things in your life will flow. Rather than striving for any form of perfection in your relationships, appreciate the moments of contact that you have.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — One of the ways you connect with life is through the purpose you find in your work. Your solar chart — the astrological mandala — places Sagittarius on your 6th house. That is where you do your everyday work, and where you seek your wellbeing. This is where you can “let the power flow through you.” You don’t need to aspire to much, though you do have that gene. And if you choose to exercise it, if you elect to do great things, do so under the influence of Chiron, who is content to be known for his tradecraft and his contribution rather than being known for his own sake. You simply don’t have to go there, nor do you have time. But mostly, the activity you’re involved in is proving to be so rich with possibilities that it’s all you need to focus on. Stay in the moment. Be present for the task at hand, and also be present to its connection to your wider mission. If you experience a blockage or frustration, do not invest yourself in the negativity. It would be better to put something on the back burner than to encounter static as you work for a solution. Stay with the positive flow at all times.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are a person of boundless creativity. Yet it’s possible you were convinced otherwise. Most adults don’t think there’s anything practical about what they think “creative” means, though perhaps I can clarify. There are three primary qualities of energy on this plane of existence: creative, destructive, and stuck. This is not about art, music, painting, theater, or synchronized swimming. Rather, it’s about being open to the universal source of all ideas, so that you may design and enrich your life; so that you may solve problems; so that you may have fun; and so that you may correspond with all that is beyond what you currently know. If this feels risky, that’s because it is — to the aspect of consciousness that feels limited, afraid or smaller than you truly are. So yes, to actually feel your potential takes guts. I suggest you muster up all the courage you can get, so that you can become this person you want to be and in truth, know you are. Your life is not about being right or being perfect. It’s about the grand experiment known as going for it.
Tailored for Virgo Sun and rising, this new audio reading by Eric Francis introduces you to your astrology through the autumn of 2021. We will take maximum advantage of the power you are drawing from the Earth signs at the time of your solar return: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus in Taurus. This is a grand earth trine, and the thing to do is gather momentum in the direction you want to go, and then point yourself there. Eric describes the influence of Jupiter and Saturn ingressing Aquarius later this year. The reading looks closely at Chiron in Aries, accompanied by Mars retrograde in Aries — your most important relationship house. Now with full transcript. Order now for instant access. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Does it ever feel like if you move the coffee table and peel back the carpet, you would be looking out the window of a spacecraft? That’s how your chart describes your psychic makeup. You “ground” yourself in universal truth, or what you may think of as the mystery of existence. Yet you might not be aware of this all the time. You have the kind of mind that likes to keep busy, even if you’re not sure why you are doing so. Yet you can feel the vast opening below, like some people can feel both the planet they stand on, and how the cosmos is beneath it. This is your actual source. This is your point of contact with existence. Yours is the sign of the Goddess, and though we may think of her as one who helps make the harvest fruitful, an expanded concept is that the universe itself is made of Her: of mater, matter, mother, which is another way of saying energy. Events during the Sun’s transit through Sagittarius will make this more real to you than ever. Though I do suggest you move the table and roll up the rug, because the view is truly inspirational — as are you.
Notes to Myself is Ready | Astrology Studio for Libra
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have lived in an earthquake zone for the past decade or more, a time comparable only to 1993 when something similar but much more modest occurred. You have become so accustomed to instability it’s all you can do not to live out of a tent and a backpack. That, of course, is not your style, so these years have been challenging. However, you are getting ready to stabilize in a new place. Before that happens, you may feel like someone has turned up the Richter scale by a few degrees, or that the tremors just keep coming, even if they are small. They’re a constant reminder of this old instability that you have endured so long. Stabilizing on a new level means harmonizing with your own mind. You rely too much on your emotions for your sense of being. You may also underestimate your intelligence, on this basis: the things I think are so real and so vast, how could they possibly be true? Well, that is the nature of true learning: discovering that something is possible. However, you are given to take it one additional step. You make your ideas real by expressing them. Practice, practice, practice.
The Scorpio File: Astrology Studio 2020
What’s in the Scorpio file? Does anyone really know? This year for your solar return, Mercury is retrograde in your sign. Adding to the mystery, Mars, your classical ruling planet, is retrograde in Aries, about to station direct. Then Jupiter forms a conjunction with Pluto, which takes the story to the level of your soul’s mission on Earth. In this 76-minute astrology reading, Eric Francis unravels the secrets of your sign, and helps you guide yourself through this strange new time we are living in. Price is $44. Original music by Vision Quest. Get instant access here!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Sometimes you go out of your way to seem superficial, which is funny. It does not work. We all know how much you possess, in the way of understanding that comes from beyond you. However, because of this, you struggle to take ownership of all that wealth. Like any inheritance, you must claim it, so that it will be your own. As you may know from any association you have with people who have large trust funds, they can wreak havoc if they are not taken possession of. Yet the challenge is the notion that “it’s not really mine.” So what exactly makes something yours? At best you’re a steward of your mind, your life, your possessions. Possession is more about responsibility than it is about having, and therein may lie the central matter. For you to take possession of what you know implies your duty to use that knowledge for the betterment of humanity, starting with your own. Once you know something, you cannot unknow it. There is a way to resolve this tension. It’s easier than you think.
The Galactic Core is a Very Busy Place.
Astrology Studio for Sagittarius, 2020-20212
Dear Friend and Sagittarius Sun, Moon, or Rising:
Without Sagittarius, we would all be lost. Home of the two centers of our local universe (the Galactic Core and the Great Attractor), Sagittarius is the homing signal in the zodiac. It reminds us of our cosmic origins, and this is a role you serve in the lives of many.
Sagittarius season is particularly exciting this year, with two eclipses involving your sign, including the Dec. 14 eclipse conjunct a planet named the Goddess of the Stars. Check out the new Planet Waves coming out tonight at about 7 pm ET, focusing on the eclipses.
The image above is as close of an image as we can get to the Galactic Core, which is packed with millions of whipping stars jammed so close that it’s light out all the time, in every direction.
And you are invited to view this new video on why I think that Sagittarius is the most interesting sign.
You may preorder here, for the best price of $33. This is a 70 minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. I am planning to record Tuesday morning and will be distributing Tuesday late afternoon. We will keep this price for the next 48 hours.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,
![Eric signature](
PS — This reading is included with the Backstage Pass. If you have questions about that, please give us a ring at (845) 481-5616.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The Sun is making an epic journey through your sign. Yet this is merely a fanfare for a nearly quarter-century phase of history that ends the day that the Sun enters Capricorn. You may be noticing a swirling sensation, or the feeling of walking alone, on the edge of a high cliff overlooking the sea and the stars. You are a vehicle for something happening now that you cannot control or influence. It’s happening to you, and the people around you, and to all of us. Your part is to be open to “the all that there is,” sometimes called the nagual. This word has a more commonly known meaning, which is: a human who has the power to shapeshift, and to work alchemical magic. It is this that you must be cautious of, because you do not personally know the whole plan. Keep this bit to yourself for now. You want to avoid applying the power to which you have access in a misdirected way, due to not having the whole picture in mind — even if you think that you do. Therefore, stick to mediating on all that there is, and celebrate knowing you can only perceive a small element of the picture. There is so much more.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You must have the confidence not to allow others to define who you are. We could also frame this in the positive: the confidence to be who you are. Both matter, in order. You are too easily imposed upon, particularly by your family, to imagine that you’re the person others think you are — or want you to think you are. That is the part that must stop, and it stops inside of you, not them. What’s happening is that people are acting out their insecurities on you. You are merely consumable, like a tire, or bottle of milk. And you make a convenient mark, as you have this rather strong tendency to both take personally and to take on what is pushed in your direction. Once you claim the territory of your I AM, the noise stops. You may be angry, but push past that quickly and get to the part where you can feel the pleasure of open inner space, of silent and spacious consciousness, and slip in. That is all you need, because it makes everything else possible.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You must be going through some unusual stuff now, with Jupiter and Saturn just on the edge of bursting into your sign. Tell me if you can relate. Maybe you’ve had a deep splinter or metal shard in your skin, which heals over and leaves the shard embedded. Then you forget about it, and over some months or a year, it slowly works its way to the surface, finally breaking the skin to come out. It hurts, but it also feels good, because your body is pushing out this thing that does not belong there. The metaphor holds only partly, though: Jupiter and Saturn belong in your sign, which is where they are headed in about three weeks. There will be much fanfare and energy moving on the way to their arrival (see the Sagittarius reading and the article connected to this horoscope for more clues). Take the ride. Let go of your mind, and allow your spirit to guide you. This is a moment that’s been approaching all of your life, and it’s soon to arrive. Notice what happens in these unusual weeks, and remember what you learn.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Everything is on the edge right now. How are you doing? Are you thriving on this energy, or is it wearing you down? If you’re feeling worn out, you can help yourself considerably by determining now that you’re done believing lies. Whose lies do not matter: whether it’s people around you or the government or yourself or anyone. Commit to the truth. Commit to understanding. Commit to learning, and then be open to doing so. Most of the friction and smoke is coming from resistance, and from what is sometimes known as cognitive dissonance: trying to hold two competing realities in your mind at once. It seems popular for people to say, “We will never know the truth,” or “The truth is different for everyone.” Well, no. Truth is knowable, and the difference is in perception, not the underlying ground of reality. You are an intelligent person, aided by forms of understanding not generally recognized by the world. To actually draw yourself closer to what is real and valid, put the two together, and then observe with your eyes, listen with your ears, and feel with your heart.