January 3 is the 129th Birth Anniversary of J.R.R. Tolkien

Many have heard of The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. Fewer have heard of a short book called Akallabeth: The Downfall of Numenor. This is a version of the Atlantis myth. It is rather apropos of our times, and I’m sharing a reading of the audio with you today. http://audio.pwfm.tech/akallabeth.mp3 Views: 18

We Must Change Ourselves, Not a Virus

By Jeremy Sherr This letter is a response to a recent article by a naturopath, who has suggested that we, as the homoeopathic community, support the C.Ov.1d.19 vx program. This has left many confused and bewildered. Rather than taking time to answer the myriad misleading and erroneous details, I am offering this short response based … Read more

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About That Standoff: The Cancer Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: The Full Moon will light up the nighttime here in these darkest days of the year overnight Tuesday to Wednesday. This takes place in the Moon’s sign of rulership, Cancer. Exact full phase is at 10:28 pm EST on Tuesday, Dec. 29 (Wednesday at 3:28 am GMT). This is the opposition … Read more