No Excess Death – Greatest Hits

Dr. Sam Bailey: Excess Mortality – What You Aren’t Being Told | December 22, 2020 Covid19 News is published by a small nonprofit called Chiron Return. We are sustained exclusively by our readers. Please do what you can to support our efforts and make a donation today. A closer look at U.S. deaths due to … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021

This horoscope is part of a subscriber service. Join our Core Community and get the full benefits of involvement with Planet Waves, including a printed copy of your charts and the PDF of my book Astrology Revealed. Aries (March 20-April 19) — Here is a proposal: your spiritual path is to allow nobody to define … Read more

The Great Conjunction

What are we going to do with this opportunity? Will humanity awaken? Will enough people wake up? Will enough people care? Care about what? By Eric F. Coppolino The Great Conjunction — that of gas giant planets and mini solar systems Jupiter and Saturn — is upon us. Whatever the World Economic Forum (WEF) may … Read more

Time for a Covid Reality Check

One email from my Governor included a chart for hospitalization rates in my state. He says hospitals are why we have to shut down, mask up, stay apart, stay home, flatten the curve and sacrifice livelihoods. By ERIC F. COPPOLINO | Covid19 News I had a reality check moment last night when I got my … Read more

Vesta Pizzeria — Vesta Resource Page

Goddesses: Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta Vesta and the Great Attractor | March 23, 2007 VESTA is fast approaching the Great Attractor in Sagittarius, which will push this energy into prominence as she reaches the 200th anniversary of her modern discovery. Vesta is an asteroid, the brightest asteroid, and the Great Attractor is an intergalactic point … Read more