Taurus Sun and New Moon, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus
Dear Friend and Reader:
Today the Sun entered Taurus at 10:45 am EDT. It did so toward the end of the lunar cycle; the Taurus New Moon is Earth Day — Wednesday, April 22. I'll come back to that in a moment and develop the story in
Daily Planets over the next few days.
Astrological changes have also indicated developments in our weird global situation. The momentum of the novel coronavirus has been in "coast" mode since the last New Moon one month ago —
the "turning point, tipping point" square the nodes in Aries. So we will be entering new territory with new terrain and different light.
The Earth is thrilled about the novel coronavirus. Fewer cars, less noise. This is the Grandmother Land in High Falls, NY, a few hundred feet from the waterfall shown below.
Let's consider Taurus itself, and the position of the sky at the time of the Taurus ingress.
Study astrology for a while and you might decide Taurus is one of the most interesting signs. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is a cow or bull, representing both vitality and sufficient wealth to have milk and plow the fields.
It is an earth sign, along with Virgo and Capricorn. And it is a fixed sign, along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Every sign has something important in common with five other signs of the zodiac!
Taurus has its reputation for stubbornness and a certain kind of stability. For example, nearly all of the Taurus Sun people I know still live in the same place they did when I met them, even if it was 25 years ago. People with strong Taurus have an unusual relationship to their physical possessions. There is not necessarily a value on abstract wealth, but rather on things like mineral collections, handmade pottery, books, and clothing (and other textiles) that feels good against their skin. Handmade and high-quality are important. For Taurus, it's good to remember that "all wealth comes from the Earth."
Blacksmith Shop of the Soul
Yet there is a fire burning inside the sign Taurus; Alice Bailey proposed that it is ruled not by Venus but by Vulcan, the god of fire. She describes Taurus as "the blacksmith shop of the soul."
This is why Taurus must work out their feelings and anxieties, rather than taking them out on themselves. Often it takes many years to learn the difference; if this is you, figure this out and don't waste your precious time and energy. Find healthy outlets for frustration and anger. We all have these feelings; it's what you do with them that matters.
Remote forest campsite where countless hundreds of young people sat around the fire during summers between the mid-1960s and late 1980s. Photo on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, NY.
The Venus principle still holds; you will rarely meet a strong Taurus type who is not concerned with presentation, appearance and their reputation. This is not merely decoration, but an outward sign of inner integrity. Venus, by the way, is making an extended pairing with fire goddess Vesta. I have covered this in detail in a special edition of Tantra Studio (and it will be one focus of the
forthcoming Taurus Astrology Studio reading).
No doubt the Venus-Vesta conjunction describes more people spending time in their kitchen than usual, as Vesta is the hearth goddess.
Sun square Saturn
Following the Sun entering Taurus earlier today, the first thing it does is make a square to Saturn in Aquarius. This is Saturn at its best: responsible, even-handed and fair-minded, if other factors support it. The square from the Sun to Saturn is about focus, and applying yourself to whatever you do. This square has the feeling of prioritizing. First things first. Take care of what matters, and make sure you save some time for what is the most fun.
For some, discipline means slowing down and taking it easy for a day or two. If that is you, pay attention, and make sure you're taking care of the needs of your body and soul.
New Moon Conjunct the Chiron Degree
Wednesday is the Taurus New Moon — the annual alignment of the Sun and Moon in Taurus. The unusual thing about this New Moon is that it aligns with the Chiron discovery degree, 3+ Taurus. That is where Chiron was discovered on Nov. 1, 1977.
I have seen from thousands of charts that this degree has the feeling of Chiron, and that November 1977 was a turning point in the lives of many people who were alive at the time.
Waterfall in High Falls, NY. This is not the "high" falls; it's a much "lower" but no less beautiful one. Today I made a 45-minute recording of the Coxing a little bit upstream, where it's quieter. Here is a downloadable file, and a playable MP3.
What this suggests is that it's vital to pay attention to material surrounding our parents. It's not easy for adults to reckon with the notion of having "mommy or daddy issues," but that's the very thing that keeps therapists in business. It's also the thing that messes with our relationships with peers; for example, why partners turn into parents.
The life-affirming properties of Chiron include curiosity, the willingness to stand apart, devotion to learning and teaching, and dedication to healing. These are all available now. Take the time to teach someone something they don't know, though remember that learning is usually driven by necessity. It's a wholesome thing to encourage curiosity, in yourself and others.
One problem many face is identifying with their pain to the extent where that identity takes over.
New Moon Conjunct Uranus
Uranus is three degrees out from the New Moon, at 6+ Taurus. So all week we have the privilege of the Sun approaching Uranus. This will be interesting and potentially a bit of a ride. While Sun-Uranus is not a major event by most standards, the world is particularly fragile at the moment. Markets could be in for a little ride at the end of the week; they have been on a big ride.
On the human side of this, Sun-Uranus in Taurus looks like spring fever for a bunch of people who have spent most of the season locked inside their homes, avoiding random strands of RNA allegedly at large.
If your conscience is troubling you, don't worry; you won't harm anyone by going for a walk in a park or nearby woods. The virus does not live there, and if you're listening, you may notice that the forest only has good news to report from the current global situation.
The air and water have not been this clean since 1950.
With love,

PS — Thank you Amy Elliott for writing the horoscope below.
Planet Waves
(ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor & Publisher: Eric F. Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Associate Editor: Amy Elliott. Assistant Editor: Joshua Halinen. Client Services: Victoria Emory. Illustrator: Lanvi Nguyen. Finance: Andrew Slater. Archivist: Morgan Francis. Technical Assistants: Emily Thing, Cate Ryzhenko. Proofreading: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Music: Zeljko. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Cheryl Corson, Loreen Costa, Samuel Dean, Yuko Katori, Kirsti Melto, Amanda Painter, Cindy Tice Ragusa, Spencer Stevens, and Carol van Strum.
Recent Articles on Planet Waves
Beyond the Paradigm of Paradigms by Eric Francis
What Happened at the Last Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn? by Spencer Stevens
Voter Suppression is an Assault on Democracy Itself by Samuel Dean
Many times I have quoted Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: "We do indeed live in an age of decadence, but the dharma is not decadent. The dharma is the same as it always has been." Despite the challenges of our time, you can focus on your purpose, which is related to the World Purpose. You can step into your calling as one who came to our planet to make a positive difference. This is integral to your healing path, your personal mission and the necessities of the world. In this new video reading, about work and relationships, we will use the astrological markers of our moment to point the way, and clear the way. You may
pre-order all 12 signs here.
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Dear Friends Around the World:
Greetings to you in this strange, frightful moment when actual change is possible.
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In any crisis like this one, there is always a need for an accurate baseline of news. I am dialing in my vast experience as a science reporter, and coordinating with our research team and many readers to keep that happening.
iMac selfie in my broadcast studio.
This is in the form of our
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With love,
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
extended monthly horoscope for April was published on Saturday, March 28. We published your
extended monthly horoscope for March on Thursday, Feb. 29. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Monday Morning Horoscope #225 for April 20, 2020 | By Amy Elliott
Aries (March 20-April 19) — During this peculiar phase of our history, you are increasingly aware that now is not a time to hide behind false concepts or choose to believe something because it's convenient. Treat your honesty as your best and most vital resource, especially when you're speaking to yourself. Current circumstances are affording you an unprecedented opportunity to understand what is real, without any decorative veils. Get used to standing in that space of complete truth, and make it yours. Wednesday's Taurus New Moon will help you focus on what is really important to you, what needs to shift, and what no longer serves you.
Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.
The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis
Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else.
Get instant access to this reading here.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun has now taken up residence in your sign, and on Wednesday the New Moon will occur. Your charts describe the potential for accelerated learning: a rapid series of truths revealing themselves one after another. You'll want to be on the watch for these, and to practice holding open your mind as a conscious act. One factor you'll need to watch for is the narrowing influence of fear. In particular, that means fear holding back your ability to explore and to trust, wherever that is warranted, and especially in yourself. Notice your responses to whatever information emerges: this will likely give you a great deal of helpful knowledge in its own right.
Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
You can now pre-order your
2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio here for just $33. In this reading, Eric will guide you through the next phase of Uranus in your sign, now joined by Saturn in your house of career and aspiration.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Certain developments seem to have awakened old fears within you. You might think of this as a challenge you need to face so you can move forward: the knight blocking your path, offering a duel, or the lake you need to build a raft to cross. What this hurdle really consists of will be a concept you created in your head to help you in difficult former times, but which is now holding you back. The points where you meet the most stubborn resistance probably indicate areas into which you need to probe more deeply and bring to the light. Do this gently and gradually, like an archeological dig: one layer, one artifact at a time.
Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Wednesday's New Moon in your 11th house suggests this is a pivotal moment for you in terms of your relationship to social groups and collective issues. That could include moving past certain elements of group consciousness, or updating your ideas on specific matters, or clearing some clutter in terms of your circle of friends and acquaintances. Regardless of how this applies to you, it is vital that any changes you make are in line with your most fundamental ethical principles, and in service to your dharmic path. Draw on the wisdom you've previously learned to guide you, and make your decisions carefully.
Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The astrological focus has now turned to your zone of career and status, with a New Moon happening Wednesday on Chiron's discovery degree. This rare connection is a reminder that what you do is an extension of who you are. Said another way, your role in the world has complexities beyond what you draw a salary for. As many people now are discovering in some form, you are not merely your official job title, and your worth is more than just a dollar amount or a credit score. How far are you experiencing that truth in your daily life? If the answer is "not very," consider how you might restore that balance.
Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Probably you have some vision of how you want your life to appear: some concept of the perfect job, relationship, home, and so on. Alternatively, there may be something specific you wish for at this time. How prepared are you to receive such a gift? Think this over carefully. For example, moving to a new location or job requires being able to let go of the familiar and enter new territory. Meeting new friends or potential lovers involves opening up to trust and intimacy, which means willingness to be vulnerable. Once you've ascertained what you want or need most, the next step is to start creating the room for it within yourself.
Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In a few weeks, your ruler Venus will station retrograde in your fellow air sign Gemini. Retrograde phases have a way of focusing attention on internal matters; that is, inside your mind. The Sun's entrance into Taurus is an invitation to run some pre-flight checks on your emotional body, starting with how you are feeling in the moment. You can perhaps get a sense on what the upcoming retrograde means for you, and prepare the ground to help it flow as smoothly as possible. One idea that might help is not underestimating your capacity for healing and growth. You are very well able to forge your own spiritual path.
Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A potent New Moon this week in your opposite sign will help you explore your concepts of power relations and projection. To some degree everyone projects onto everyone else; the key is understanding when you're doing this, though it's also a matter of self-confidence. It's important to recognize that you need no other person to "complete" you. You are whole in yourself, as is everyone around you. Nobody has the right to impose their framework on you; likewise, steer clear of any temptation to exert control over others due to insecurity. You have an opportunity now to address and communicate your feelings in a healthier way.
Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — At this moment there is a collective spotlight on health issues, including hygiene practices, diet and various habits. Your charts suggest this is a good week for you to consider your own routines and whether there's anything you would like to alter. This isn't about self-judgment, or striving for a robotically perfect lifestyle. Rather, place the focus on taking the best possible care of yourself and of loved ones. That would include, by the way, talking to someone should you have any problems or worries, and likewise offering a receptive ear when it's needed. There is real power in people and communities working together to care for one another.
Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Sun is now in the area of your chart relating to creativity, sex and play, among other things. One theme 5th house matters tend to have in common is willingness to trust and to be open to unfamiliar experiences. Where resistance to this occurs, it's usually driven by fear — and these are scary times for many. I'm not going to suggest you organize a Tinder hookup. Rather, what this week's astrology is about for you involves gently enquiring into your fears, holding space for them, and finding ways to cultivate your sense of trust in spite of their presence. This week's New Moon is the ideal backdrop for you to do precisely that.
Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Wednesday's Taurus New Moon takes place in a rare contact with both your ruling planets, anticipating an event that does not culminate until next February. This is a chance for you to take stock and assess where you are heading. You may also get to deal decisively with some elements of the past that have been chafing at you rather stubbornly of late. One thing you will need to be relentless about for a while is divorcing your own material from that of others. You have plenty to occupy you without also being weighed down by someone else's baggage. Make sure you hand it back to them — be gentle if necessary, but nevertheless be firm.
Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take care not to underestimate the reach of your voice. You may well have more influence than you realize; regardless, it would be wise to measure your words carefully. Treat everything you say as if it carries a lot of weight, which will be more likely than usual just now. Make a particular point of being clear, so that you are understood: this includes stating plainly when there is uncertainty. Here's the thing: you currently have important and unique information to convey. People need to hear this, and they will listen to you, to the extent your message could well spread beyond your expectations. Therefore, get it right the first time.
Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.
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