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At a certain point you must distinguish yourself and recognize that your originality has nothing to do with what you suppose others may think.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may invest a lot of your mojo in saying no to things you want, people you want, and what you support. You can also say yes. While it is important to have boundaries and to be able to set limits, you cannot drive to California using only the brake pedal. You can freeze food and it will last a while, but to cook it, you need to use some heat.
The Leo Full Moon is inviting you to evaluate what you want, and to take a look back on what you’ve resisted and denied yourself the past few years, and get a little fire going. You may be concerned with how you are perceived by friends or whatever you consider “the public” to be. This is nothing but a burden. At a certain point you must distinguish yourself and recognize that your originality has nothing to do with what you suppose others may think.
You have no freedom other than to make your own decisions on your own terms. While it’s true that people close to you may be influenced by their choices, they can reasonably expect you to be who you are, rather than anyone else.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: q5dvcv2t
For you, leadership is primarily about informal social influence rather than words or official authority. Social leadership only works by example, and it’s up to you to demonstrate what is right by your actions.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your eyes and heart are open to the pain of the world, and how much of this is self-created and avoidable. Yet it is up to the awake, the aware and the ethical to take action in ways where so many others refuse to offer their kindness.
The Leo Full Moon on the 5th is a warmup to Pluto entering the leadership angle of your chart in March. For you, leadership is primarily about informal social influence rather than words or official authority. Social leadership only works by example, and it’s up to you to demonstrate what is right by your actions. This may seem like a minor gesture in a world that is increasingly driven by artificial intelligence, money, power and fiat. Yet what we do as individuals is what matters the most in the world of human beings. We could say that your role is to keep the human in humanity.
This would start with you, standing up to the many affronts and invasions that are being directed at your physical and mental integrity. You are being called to make conscious choices about what is right for you, rather than going along to get along.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
Most people will only take action when they are afraid or feel a threat, rather than when they have an idea or see a solution to a problem that has not openly manifested.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — How you state a problem or a question will predetermine the solution or the answer. You are being offered intuitive information that you may not be noticing. Yet it should be plainly obvious. Should you avoid that, the clues will come through with a little more of a whack to the head, or the fear of impending disruption.
Most people will only take action when they are afraid or feel a threat, rather than when they have an idea or see a solution to a problem that has not openly manifested. Meanwhile, be alert to situations where there seems to be a lack of mutual respect, and where you in some way feel trapped. What I am describing as intuitive information will address this circumstance.
There is a way through the situation that does not require a breakdown of relations, of trust, or of the flow of your affairs. Yet it’s you who will need to take action and show people the way forward. You must set the limits and also demonstrate the same flexibility that you require. If you form your questions well, and sit with them, you will be told everything you need to know.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wxw7q39m
We have to talk about this because so few care; so many will proceed with price as not just the highest value but the only measure of worth. Yet you must live by a gold standard that aligns your personal truth with some objective truth, and with your concept of value

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You can focus on money if you want, which means on making your life work for you. There is a relationship between them. The only ethical requirement — what we might call The Law of the 2nd house, where Sunday’s Full Moon happens — is that your rainmaking be aligned with your values and your ethics. Said another way, to be happy, you of all people must be true to yourself.
We have to talk about this because so few care; so many will proceed with price as not just the highest value but the only measure of worth. Yet you must live by a gold standard that aligns your personal truth with some objective truth, and with your concept of value. Your reputation and knowledge are worth more than you imagine.
However, to find the connection means to associate with those who hold similar principles as you do. The 2nd is not just about your cash flow; it’s also about your assets in all respects, and this includes the people who make your efforts possible, and who benefit from them. Therefore, finding the right people to do business with is the first order of business.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
All you need is a code that you live by, which you follow sincerely and under all circumstances.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Sunday’s brilliant Full Moon in your birth sign describes a moment of awakening. You are standing at a rare juncture of alignment between your personal needs and desires, who and what is available in the world, and what is being asked of you as a person on the path of self-awareness. And make no mistake: you have responsibilities that others do not have, which come with privileges that others do not have.
You might make the motto of your life noblesse oblige. This all-but-forgotten French term “nobility obligates,” that with privilege comes the responsibility to give to those who are less fortunate than oneself. This could be seen as something of a joke in the age of tinted car windows, where millionaires are envious of billionaires. You can take a light approach to this whole matter; heaviness is not necessary.
All you need is a code that you live by, which you follow sincerely and under all circumstances. Any tendency you may have to live in a split reality — one way on one side, and another way on the other side — is one of the most important matters up for healing at this time.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
Remember that whatever is coming through is not for your personal edification; it’s so that you can get the information to others. And even coming from you, it may seem to them like a little much.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You’ll get the message one way or the other — by sublime intuition, or shocking revelation. Which do you prefer? The subtle can lead to the revolutionary. You are not the type who likes shocks of any kind, and we live in shocking times. Moving from jolt to bolt quake is getting us nowhere, and since it’s not your style, it’s fortunate that you have an alternative.
Remember that whatever is coming through is not for your personal edification; it’s so that you can get the information to others. And even coming from you, it may seem to them like a little much. So you are also in the role of translator. That means choosing your words carefully, and also remembering that most of what people pick up is your vibe. The Full Moon in Leo is lighting up your interior landscape, and will give you potentially astonishing insight into where others are coming from.
I can give you a clue: the thing you and much of the world are working around is the tendency of people to be so self-centered they don’t even notice it. Make sure you take some other approach, yourself. Life is about us.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
Only the first few steps are difficult. Once you are committed to your inner truth, and take action, the way opens. You will see your options.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Few people make the connection between sexual existence and overall wellbeing. How would we know? The taboo on sexual discussion, imagery and exchange has found its way from the first days of the church to the terms of service of every digital community, except for the unreality known as “porn.”
It gets little serious discussion in astrology, psychology, or anywhere in mainstream culture. What we get is the politicized obsession with “rights” and “injustice.” But that is not about the human pleasure of existence. Where is there room for discovery and for learning? If you want it, you will need to make it in your own life. If astrology is any measure, the topic has floated to the top of your healing agenda. You are in the midst of a series of opportunities to understand and resolve what happened in the past, and to create a way forward for yourself.
This will be into and through the world of feelings, needs and desires — the world of people and not of robots; the embodied rather than the disembodied state of consciousness. Only the first few steps are difficult. Once you are committed to your inner truth, and take action, the way opens. You will see your options.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
To have truth in our relationships requires suspending judgment or even having an opinion. This is not easy, though it’s worth the effort.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Treat the mystery of what a partner is going through with the utmost respect. Assume you do not know and cannot know, because it’s so personal. This would include making only the most sensitive inquiries, at wholly appropriate times, and mainly waiting for an invitation to engage.
What I have learned from many years of doing astrological counseling is that many people have no idea of the true history of their partner, particularly their sexual history. There is no agreed-upon forum at the beginning of a relationship for getting all of the facts out in the open. So they tend to remain concealed, and then many relationships progress on the basis of “withholds” or what is not said. All through the Mars retrograde, which goes back to late August, these issues have been bobbing up and making themselves known.
This phase or chapter is not over; however, at the moment, the focus is on your ability to be aware of what someone close to you is experiencing, including what may make you uncomfortable. To have truth in our relationships requires suspending judgment or even having an opinion. This is not easy, though it’s worth the effort.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
Listen to a Sample of Your Sagittarius Astrology Studio Reading for 2022-23
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This may seem to contradict the “we are all one” spiritual position. Well, we may be one, but we still have to manage being in separate bodies, and the place to start is to recognize that you have an interior life.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your life must center around you, at least for a while. By that I mean your curiosity, your creative process and your need for sexual growth, awareness and pleasure. The idea is not that you cut yourself off from people, or exclude them in any way, but rather that you not over-involve yourself with the lives of others.
The result is living from your center outward, rather than by way of other people inward. Much of life is experienced through projection: making something about oneself into something about another person. I’m suggesting that you focus on your core needs as a daily practice, and then relate to others from a stable, inner foundation. This skill — and it is one — will facilitate a greater state of ease in your inner life, and in your relationships. It helps to know where someone else ends and where you begin; where you end and where someone else begins.
This may seem to contradict the “we are all one” spiritual position. Well, we may be one, but we still have to manage being in separate bodies, and the place to start is to recognize that you have an interior life.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
This can be difficult when you don’t perceive a clear point of breakthrough, or have a tangible definition of success. Indeed, this may not seem possible, though I suggest you work on that description.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — To understand means to stand beneath, and to be near the foundation of something. It is different from an overview. Seeing things from above is essential, though only if you’re aware of its superficial nature. You are making your way toward the roots of something, potentially a crucial situation.
This can be difficult when you don’t perceive a clear point of breakthrough, or have a tangible definition of success. Indeed, this may not seem possible, though I suggest you work on that description. It will help you keep your mind focused, which in turn will help you set priorities. One thing I can tell you is that you are drilling through some form of deception. It will be easier to do this if you go through your own thoughts and beliefs and sort out what is true for you.
Once you’ve done that — and keep doing it — it will be much easier to see when someone is trying to deceive you, or run an agenda. You are in an extraordinary moment, even within the total scale of your life. You will make discoveries that are on one level stunning and that on another, were looking at you the whole time.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. On sale

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The intensity of world events during this time has found its way into every community, every workplace, every family and every relationship.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Consolidate what you have learned the past three years. This has been a difficult time for everyone, including the oligarchs and tyrants whose plan to take over the world didn’t quite pan out (imagine the frustration!) You have lived through the experience of your ruling planet Saturn in your sign, which began March 21-22, 2020 and ends March 7, 2023.
The intensity of world events during this time has found its way into every community, every workplace, every family and every relationship. Mostly, though, you’ve been through a metamorphic process of intense pressure, heat and controversy, and this has changed you. I am suggesting a deep inventory of these transformations to your life, both inner and outer, before the next phase begins — Pluto in Aquarius, which commences March 23. Saturn was obviously preparation for Pluto; this is so elegant as to feel orchestrated by divine intelligence.
And while there is no way to fully prepare for a Pluto transit, one thing that will surely help is to understand what you’ve learned and gained over the past three years. And there will be plenty. Saturn always gives more than it takes away.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33

This, in turn, calls for an inner journey, of the kind that has become the stuff of myth and legend here in the inside-out digital age.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are being guided through an opening, which leads to a new place. Yet this is a place that can only be accessed through feeling. This is different than emoting. One is receptive, one is expressive. Right now, you don’t need expressive; rather, what is called for is being sensitive to what your body and emotions are telling you.
This, in turn, calls for an inner journey, of the kind that has become the stuff of myth and legend here in the inside-out digital age. You have the potential to make contact with the root of some pain, resentment and shame, and to grasp its nature well enough to form a conscious relationship to it. Then you are most of the way to healing; this relationship may be all that matters, as final resolution is something more suited to a book or a movie than it is to our complex and multifaceted life journey.
The chart is describing something that may go back much earlier in your life, including something you may have forgotten about or avoided for many years. It may be something that you’ve blamed yourself for; however, it is unlikely to have involved your personal choice or volition. Others were involved. The aspect I am describing is Venus conjunct Nessus, which I will soon be commenting on and add to this series of recordings.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio50