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That’s a good thing, because we count on you to get things started sooner, rather than later. Yet it will help to know that the energy leading up to the Sun’s entry to your sign on March 20 comes on so fast and furiously, that you will benefit by preparing.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — Patience is not the first virtue that comes to mind when considering your sign. That’s a good thing, because we count on you to get things started sooner, rather than later. Yet it will help to know that the energy leading up to the Sun’s entry to your sign on March 20 comes on so fast and furiously, that you will benefit by preparing. Take these last weeks of your solar year and get everything irrelevant out of the way.
We find it difficult to clear space from disk drives, much less from our lives. Yet the approaching influx of energy will be complicated and unproductive if you’re in the midst of incomplete or unresolved situations. Resolution is not a specialty for most people these days; we tend to wait around for the new to somehow obliterate the old. You could do that; it might work. But you would miss the opportunity of living consciously, and willfully. Resolution means moving on from what no longer serves you, in a way that requires your full participation, and engaging the people around you.
Obviously you cannot bring every situation to closure in a month or two, but there may be one or two that are right within reach, and others where you can get the process started. This is about having intentions and acting on them, which works on many levels both physical and energetic. Through February, there will be strong activity in Pisces, which is your inner world — and this is the source of all of your wisdom, if you would only tap into your inner source.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: q5dvcv2t
Presently, the Sun is moving across Aquarius, which for you is associated with reputation and authority. You don’t need to emphasize that angle; rather, focus on your informal bonds, and developing your social world.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your horizons are expanding. You may not need me to say that, but the world is caught in heaviness and myopia right now. You are blessed with some motivation and curiosity. And by now (thanks to Uranus in your sign) you have come to terms with the uncertainty factor of the world we live in. Today I’m here to say that the sky is beginning to brighten. One sign of this is activity in Pisces, where you find your most sincere and resourceful friends, and where you orient on your social existence.
This is the 11th place, which is your second home — often considered the best of the houses, especially for you. Presently, the Sun is moving across Aquarius, which for you is associated with reputation and authority. You don’t need to emphasize that angle; rather, focus on your informal bonds, and developing your social world. Nurture relationships with the people where the result you tend to get is mutually beneficial. Remember we are living on the ruins of our past civilization.
Perhaps not much has changed visually, but people have changed, and our patterns of relationship have been damaged. You are in an excellent position to help facilitate the healing process. You might feel like a hippy from 1969 who has wandered into the robotic world of 2023. All the better — you can feel how strange our times are; you can feel what is missing. If you haven’t noticed, just tune in, and sniff the air.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
The same astrological energy — Mars — describes all of those qualities. The question of relevance is a profound one, since one of the effects of digital conditions is to make people feel not only worthless, but like they don’t exist.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars is continuing to work its way back through your sign, where it was retrograde until a couple of weeks ago. This may seem like a replay, but really, you’re on a tour of the ways in which the territory of your life and the world have changed over the past six months. This will mostly be a matter of your own state of mind. Monitor your Mars-related emotions carefully: aggression, anger, and motivation principal among them.
Imagine anger and aggression at one side of the continuum, and motivation at the other. Where do you stand? That may come back to what I keep describing as the issue of personal relevance. The less relevant you feel, the angrier you will tend to be; the more relevant, the more motivated you will feel. The same astrological energy — Mars — describes all of those qualities. The question of relevance is a profound one, since one of the effects of digital conditions is to make people feel not only worthless, but like they don’t exist. And when people feel like they don’t exist, they get violent, partly as a means of cultivating their self-awareness.
However, this is not healthy; you are especially ill-suited for any form of combat or extreme competition. At times this means you can take out this energy on yourself, which will manifest as anger or resentment. And that may be connected to the feeling: Am I anyone? Does anyone care? What’s the point? Those questions, if you can ask them, are where your true journey begins.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wxw7q39m
You may be surprised at the degree to which that question can blot out emotions on the fear/anger scale, by converting them into something tangible that you can act on.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may be starting to feel what you were not quite aware of the past few months, which includes fear, desire and anger. Yet these are also a demonstration of energy moving within you. It matters less what you feel, and more that you do feel, and then notice what that is. I suggest you not assume that any emotional sensation is correct, or giving you valid information. Rather, it would be helpful to tack a question mark onto your inner sensations, and ask yourself, what is this about? And where Mars is concerned, the essential question is, what do I want?
You may be surprised at the degree to which that question can blot out emotions on the fear/anger scale, by converting them into something tangible that you can act on. With Mars moving through the cryptic 12th place in your chart (Gemini) and heading for an equally cryptic square to Neptune, the question mark is your best friend. This will be especially true if you direct the questions toward yourself. When something is bothering you, ask what it really is.
Do not assume it’s what you think; that’s the point of asking. You are fortunate in that you have plenty to aspire to. So far as I can tell, many of the people around you do not have a concept of a better life, much less accomplishing something relevant. You have both. And as Venus and the Sun move into your fellow water sign Pisces, the future will seem even more tangible. Let that give you the motivation to live the best life you can today.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
We have to play by different rules in different environments. Working in a bank is different from working in a festival office; a dog walker’s schedule may be a little more relaxed than that of a city editor.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — To feel alive, to relate to others, to succeed in any meaningful way, you must be uncompromisingly yourself. This is too difficult for most people, who are accustomed to pruning, scaling and shaping their personalities for the benefit of others. The ego above all else wants to be seen as acceptable. And so little is considered such; at some point, everything is objectionable.
If you altered your personality in just one little way for everyone who wants you to conform to their expectations, you would be about as alive as an ancient Egyptian mummy. Yet the art of being yourself also involves a set of skills that help you get along with people and relate to them on their own terms. We have to play by different rules in different environments. Working in a bank is different from working in a festival office; a dog walker’s schedule may be a little more relaxed than that of a city editor.
Part of being yourself is doing just that in a diversity of settings, without compromising your integrity. This involves cultivating flexibility and adaptability, while also standing up for yourself when you need to. That would include being a master of collaboration and of timing, when it comes to working with others. Just because someone is a rockstar doesn’t mean it’s OK to get to the show late. A lot of people are counting on you to have your act together, onstage and offstage. You can be yourself at full strength only if you are true, correct and ethical. Hey, that’s a fantastic deal!
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
Through the rest of January and well into February, your ruling planet Mercury will be moving through this territory, as if on a review of all the ways you’ve learned to honor the young and vibrant person within you.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – The long journey of Pluto through Capricorn has encouraged you to reclaim your childlike spontaneity, or perhaps to reveal it to yourself for the first time. If you consider all the ways you’ve changed over the past 15 years, you might resonate with the Bob Dylan line, “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.” Through the rest of January and well into February, your ruling planet Mercury will be moving through this territory, as if on a review of all the ways you’ve learned to honor the young and vibrant person within you.
On Feb. 10, the two form a conjunction — the very last of twenty meetings of Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. Consider this an opportunity to make contact with the eternal soul-seed you have reconnected with over the course of this long era. The era of Pluto in Aquarius will be a whole other slice of the cosmic orange. This is your invitation to step into both leadership and collaboration as a fully-formed adult, responsible both for your actions and those of others.
That is a big step, and that degree of accountability cannot be in the self-blame form of a child, but rather in the deep understanding form of a grounded adult. There will be times people try to crush you with their strong views, or try to convince you that your influence does not matter. Neither position comes from a place of integrity. You are your own person, and the wise, observant little kid who is alive and well at your core is the light that illuminates you from within.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
Collaboration is one of the most effective forms of getting challenging or creative tasks accomplished. We are all in a position to support the work of others, and to have our work supported by others.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is a beautiful month for forming all kinds of relationships, from social bonds to professional partnerships to sexual relationships. While it will help to know what you want, what’s available will surely extend beyond what you are familiar with. Jupiter moving through Aries, your relationship zone, is magnifying the features of an entirely different landscape than it did when it was last here 12 years ago.
The central feature is Chiron in Aries, which is helping you reorient your relationships. Chiron will take a conjunction from Jupiter on March 12, and that will be warming up from now until then. This may come with various revelations of the kind, “Oh, that’s what [whatever person or situation] is really about.” This aspect also suggests that you are the person with the translation and negotiation skills, and that you stand to benefit from using them to work out common ground in your relationships. Studying the times we are living in, it seems everyone is obsessed with doing their own thing, and does not enter into a collaboration unless they are paid to do so. This is ridiculous.
Collaboration is one of the most effective forms of getting challenging or creative tasks accomplished. We are all in a position to support the work of others, and to have our work supported by others. I suggest you be generous with your personal resources (especially your ideas and special talents) and openly ask for the help and collaboration you think you need. Remember, though, that you are the one who holds certain specific keys, and teaches the common language.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
People may make statements about who they are at the beginning of a relationship (and it’s good to take those under advisement). Yet they reveal themselves in action over time. It’s important to observe and interact with them in high-stress situations, when there is a lot at stake.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Bide your time when it comes to important relationship matters. That really means “abide in your time” — live there, moment to moment, and take note of what you notice. You have been through a lot in your personal relationships since August; important matters of commitment, integrity and reality must be kept front and center. The theme shapes up something like this: when someone tells you something, and you believe it, what generally happens? The message here is to go beyond belief and use some other more reliable method of character assessment.
This always takes time. People may make statements about who they are at the beginning of a relationship (and it’s good to take those under advisement). Yet they reveal themselves in action over time. It’s important to observe and interact with them in high-stress situations, when there is a lot at stake. And it’s essential that you account for both sides of every story, and a few others. By that I mean account for dual positions that you or others may take. Pay attention when you or anyone says one thing to one person and another thing to another person — about the same topic.
Integrity around matters of sex and money, and where the two meet, is some of the most difficult to maintain. Having two or more versions of “the story,” meaning the person, is the usual way to avoid controversy, but at the expense of personal integrity and truth. This is the territory you must negotiate carefully, now and forever.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
Listen to a Sample of Your Sagittarius Astrology Studio Reading for 2022-23
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You may know the personal history here, and it’s vital that you take the established facts under advisement.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There are times when the world seems locked and loaded, and ready for mortal combat. But this is not the situation you are in. Rather, you’re in the situation where you must relate to people with a lot of energy, and who may represent some shadow facet of your character. You are under no obligation to them or their motives.
However, that does not change the possibility that they reveal something about you, whether you admire it or despise it; whether you’re attracted to it, afraid of it or both. You may know the personal history here, and it’s vital that you take the established facts under advisement. People who have conducted themselves consistently one way are unlikely to change; if you expect them to, it would be wise of you to account for that position. Meanwhile, you have a life that, at your core, exists apart from any relationship to any other person.
The true alchemical sacred union happens within you, and then radiates out into the world around you. Your astrology at the moment is magnificent in its description of that inner fusion with yourself (which is the very theme of Sagittarius, as illustrated in the Temperance tarot card, also called Art). The image of Gemini (where Mars is at the moment) is that of two separate people blessed by an external force. The image of Sagittarius is of an inner collaboration, union and communion. Now, as for art: here on the cosmic physical plane, remaining alert, awake and aware is the essence of thriving, and it’s also the spiritual posture of true creativity. And here you are.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
The role of Mercury is to bring this to awareness; borrowing from Krishna, it is “the mind of the senses and the consciousness of creatures.” This is necessary with Pluto, which often acts invisibly and out of awareness. Mercury will bring the issues right to the front.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This month brings the last of 20 conjunctions between Mercury and Pluto in your birth sign. Over and over again, sometimes a few times a year, Mercury has fused with the influence of Pluto in an effort to deepen your mind, and activate the God-seed that Pluto has been furrowing and planting within you.
The role of Mercury is to bring this to awareness; borrowing from Krishna, it is “the mind of the senses and the consciousness of creatures.” This is necessary with Pluto, which often acts invisibly and out of awareness. Mercury will bring the issues right to the front. No planetary influence has or ever will have the kind of impact and influence on you as Pluto moving through Capricorn. Events have taken you apart and put you back together. You have been compelled to get to the bottom of every last facet of who you are. This went deeper than other potent transits such as Uranus and Neptune, peaking in 1993. Mercury conjunct Pluto (which I also describe in the Virgo reading above) is here to remind you of what you’ve been through and what you have become.
While you will always be a work-in-progress, events this month will bring a spark of awareness to just how much progress you have made since this day (January 26) in 2008, when Pluto first entered your sign. In the spirit of good therapy, give yourself credit for enduring all you’ve been through, for learning all that you’ve learned, and for doing what you may have been certain was impossible.
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What is your point of contact, as an individual, to group consensus? Said another way, to what extent do you allow other people’s views to form the basis of your beliefs and your decisions?
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This is the last month of Saturn in your birth sign or rising sign until it returns on Jan. 21, 2050. As the Sun moves through your birth sign, you will have a few opportunities to recap and review the events of the past three years. I propose you’re looking for two qualities of Saturn in Aquarius. One is about your relationship to any and all groups, from your household to your family to your workplace to all of your friends and their friends. What is your point of contact, as an individual, to group consensus? Said another way, to what extent do you allow other people’s views to form the basis of your beliefs and your decisions?
The challenge of Saturn in Aquarius has been about holding your personal sovereignty in the face of pressure to do what others think is right. And it’s about understanding the basic fact that you will have influence over any group that includes you, if you know how to work with this ability. Second, what is your relationship to authority, generally? This may involve individual people whom you perceive as powerful, in reality or in your own mind only.
The very essence of the Saturn principle, no matter where it may appear, is about internalizing authority and being in command of your own vessel at all times. This necessarily involves withdrawing the projection of authority, which goes back to dealing with the influences of your parents and other power-figures of your distant past. Commanding your own ship is a big responsibility. Some see that as a downside to be avoided.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33
What were the following few years like for you? At the start of any major cycle — and this qualifies — it’s a good idea to review the previous one. Meanwhile, the past three years of Saturn in Aquarius have been the consistent astrological factor of the crisis we have all lived through.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — In March, Saturn enters your sign for the first time since May 21, 1993. What were the following few years like for you? At the start of any major cycle — and this qualifies — it’s a good idea to review the previous one. Meanwhile, the past three years of Saturn in Aquarius have been the consistent astrological factor of the crisis we have all lived through. So another relevant before-and-after measure would be to note what you’ve experienced between March 2020 and today.
There sure was a lot happening in the world, though what of your most private and intimate inner reality? While it’s usually easy to avoid this here on Planet Digital, where everything including your brain and memory and imagination exist outside your body on a little hunk of metal, silicone and glass, Saturn has drawn you inward, toward the center of yourself. This is a feature of the 12th place — the sign before yours. This has been an enforced reconciliation with your inner reality, on all levels: from your internal map of your family and social reality to the most intimate and unusual thoughts and feelings of your psyche. This has squeezed out all kinds of unexpected material, which may have included an ongoing experiment in the true nature of your sexuality.
This is not territory most people are comfortable with. Once you are aware of something and admit it, it’s implied that others will know it too — which may well be the case. What if everything about you were revealed? What if you could have no secrets, because all minds are connected? That is your thought experiment of the month.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio50
Bless you, dear Eric <3