Chiron New Moon in Aries: Aphelion Dreamland – page one backup

Friday’s Aries New Moon is conjunct centaur planet Chiron — a special event with the message of ‘it’s time to wake up!’ Dear Friend and Reader: Friday we are up to the Aries New Moon — the conjunction of the Moon and the Sun in Aries. This is an action-packed chart, with most of the … Read more

Aries Secrets Revealed

Aries Secrets Revealed: The Sign that Influences Everyone Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun is now in Aries and a new astrological year has begun. While I’m working on your monthly horoscope for April and Aries Astrology Studio, I thought I would share some of my notes on the role of Aries in astrology. While … Read more

Aries Astrology Studio 2022-23

Welcome, Aries Your reading is ready. Here is the player. I suggest giving a listen to last year’s reading to get a sense of context, and to see how the astrology (as I read it) manifested for you. I also recommend this article, Aries Secrets Revealed. One last — the new STARCAST from March 25 … Read more

Chiron in Aries :: Time for The Courageous Solitary Soul

(When Conscious Non-Action IS Action) By DALE O’BRIEN What’s in a name? This astrologer, for one, sees and hears Chiron, each planet, relevant asteroid, etc. as a “Who” — not a “what”, not some abstract jumble of key words. Unlike the immortal Gods and Goddesses of Greco-Roman mythology, Chiron, was/is mortal on his mother’s side … Read more

December Monthly Reading for Aries Sun, Moon & Rising

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs by Eric Francis Coppolino Aries (March 20-April 19) — There is a solitary element to any true spiritual journey. It is not a social event; where you go is for your steps alone, and what you learn is the domain of your own soul. … Read more