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Complete Collection of Birthday Horoscopes | February 2021

Visit our collection of 2021 birthday horoscopes for Aquarius and Pisces by Eric Francis Coppolino
February 29 – The Day of Eternal Youth
& March 1 – The Day of Artistic Sensibilities
You have thought through your strategy, and now it’s time to put it to work. You will need to persist against all the usual factors in the environment, including various shades of chaos and inertia. You must overcome this using three approaches. One is your reasoning ability. Think and plan carefully. Second is your ability to work with others, and to design the best possible collaboration. The third is to be willing to do any part of the job alone if nobody is able or willing to collaborate. That should not be necessary, only a choice, as your attractive powers are right about at their best these days. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekend Notes: Full Moon in the sign of the Goddess
“I,” she said, “I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to him, ‘Lord, I saw you today in a vision.’
He answered and said to me, Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, there is the treasure.’ I said to him, ‘Lord, now does he who sees the vision see it through the soul or through the spirit?’ The Savior answered, ‘he does not see through the soul nor through the spirit. ‘Rather the mind, which exists between these two.”
– The Gospel of Mary of Magdalene

By Victoria Emory
At 3:17 am Eastern Time on Saturday, the Moon in Virgo opposes the Sun in Pisces for the final Full Moon of this astrological year. What a year it has been.
In the early Christian tradition of this (so-called heretical) text above, Mary Magdalene was the chosen, authoritative leader of the group, post-crucifixion. The world-view implicit in the excerpt considered the soul to be the aspect of spirit that incarnates. Intimately connected to the body, the soul (psyche) is the part of us which learns from lifetime to lifetime, as it traverses the challenges unique to this physical realm.
In a nutshell, that is the Virgo-Pisces axis: Spirit and its Embodiment. As the Earth sign in the polarity, Virgo is that body temple. A tall order, hence the whole ‘Virgo perfection’ thing. It’s a humbling prospect, calling for no less than a kind of ongoing alchemical process of purification and reconfiguration. Virgo sees too clearly all that stands in the way of that Great Work. She is the poster-girl for personal transformation.
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Sunday, February 28 – The Day of Zest
If today is your birthday: You need a channel for your energy, besides taking out your emotions on yourself. As a Pisces, you might start with the expression of beauty in any form that you desire. You may have a tendency to think in the abstract, or to allow activity to substitute for accomplishment. Your energy will flow when you connect with your need to connect through others through what is both aesthetically pleasing and nourishing. This not about appearances or putting on a show. It is your way of self-expression and seeking balance. Notice whose attention you get by being yourself. Observe the way that people respond to you. Who treats you with the respect of a trusted teacher? Who responds by setting a positive example that you may emulate? Those are your potential friends. — Eric Francis
Moon in Virgo trine Mars, changes signs, enters Libra and opposes Chiron.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Saturday, February 27 – The Day of the Reality Masters
If today is your birthday: The Full Moon in your opposite sign Virgo is urging you to take a closer look at your relationships and see what they are really made of. The issues of commitment and devotion are front and center. Do the people who say they are committed to you have any sense of where you’re at in life, or what you need? Or is the commitment about their idea of your reality? Do you find that people tend to offer themselves, or withhold from you? Consider questions of the role of sex in your relationships. This is a crucial role that certain others may play in your life, though it must be designed with care and caution. These days, for you, it’s not about romance. For you the point of sex is healing and friendship. Remember: you have these things to offer in abundance. — Eric Francis
Full Moon in Virgo conjunct Vesta and Transpluto.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Monthly Horoscope for Pisces | March 2021

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Some people are into baseball to cheer for their team. Some are into the game, and will cheer for a fantastic play by the other team. One is about competition. The other is about quality — and that is the thing you want. Your chart is about doing things for their own sake, and doing them well. This is about devotion to beauty, and to purpose, and to your own artistry. You would do well to consider everything you do to be an expression of artistic integrity, which means both beautiful and purposeful. With so many planets in your sign, and your ruling planet Jupiter so well situated, you are no doubt feeling your potential. Yet to engage that, you will need to get physical: build things, go places, conduct experiments, and gain experience with people. It is the “making real” process that has been replaced in our times with downloading an app, or with buying some new piece of technology. The quality of your ideas is your greatest asset, though those exist only in potential until you get into the workshop and start doing things with them. You need to go far enough into the process that you know you can make a mistake — and you would be well served to do that a few times. You want to get it wrong as much as you want to get it right, because those errors are essential to the creative process, and the self-creative process. Remember all the time that you are integrating intellectual integrity and beauty. Keep an eye on how things work and how they look, following the maxim “function precedes form” (or if you prefer, “form follows function”). You are on the brink of something both excellent and relevant. Let it happen.
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Friday, February 26 – The Day of Arousal
If today is your birthday: If you allow others to direct the flow of your life, you are likely to feel resentful when you discover you did not make the right choice. It is far better to make your own decisions and get it wrong than it is to yield to pressure and think you’re doing the right thing. In order to take command of your life, you must take command of your insecurities. They are your possession and your responsibility, rather than some curse that would seem to haunt you. Your insecurities are here to teach you something, and to teach you about what you want, what you need, and what you don’t want and don’t need. There is no substitute for the necessary confrontation with anything that distracts you from yourself or your power of decision. — Eric Francis
Moon in Leo trine Eris and square Mars.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Thursday, February 25 – The Day of the Higher Cause
If today is your birthday: These days, many people say they want to have an impact, right before they sit down on the couch and watch some more television. I would ask you two questions: what is your idea of impact? And what has one on you? What changes your mind, or your way of thinking, or your path in life? What criteria do you use to determine whether something is actually relevant? The thing that tends to change people the most is fear and negativity. You need another way of life, which calls for more patience and conscious engagement with others. What is called “impact” or “influence” is rarely ever defined. Venus in your birth sign says you have something important to offer: your loving attention. That and nothing else is truly influential. — Eric Francis
Moon in Leo trine the lunar nodes. Venus enters Pisces.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekly Horoscope #264 for Pisces

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Now more than ever, the people around you are a reflection of who you are. To a greater or lesser extent this is always true, though at the moment the effect is particularly strong — with rich potential. This is a holographic property of the universe: our minds and personal experiences are inseparable from the environment that surrounds us. Yet you have a special gift right now, and if you can tap into it, that will make up for much that has been vexing you the past few years. So it would be well worth your time and effort to make a study of your inner environment. At the same time, look for sources of both cooperation and conflict in your external environment. Study the ways that you connect with people, or not, and align your inner life with your seeming outer life. For now, reality will flow from the inside out, so the deeper your introspection, the more you will learn. Think of the outer world as a kind of analogy. Practice saying things to yourself, and then expressing them outwardly. Soon enough, you will get your message right.
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Wednesday, February 24 – The Day of Sacrifice
If today is your birthday: You may have been born on “the day of sacrifice,” but enough is enough. Your solar return chart is emphasizing taking care of yourself. There are many ways you can do this, though You are also at the point where your work simply cannot ever detract from your health or wellbeing. This is a tall order in the days of forced medical treatments, corporate ankle bracelets, and many people having jobs where the conduct of their employer violates their conscience and better judgment. So it may be time to make adjustments, and orient yourself on what is sometimes called “right livelihood.” If this has been your path leading up until now, please keep going, and going strong. Help others attain what to them may seem like an impossible dream. — Eric Francis
Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Tuesday, February 23 – The Day of the Viable Candidate
If today is your birthday: Your intuition will verge on clairvoyance this year, though I suggest you go through all the proper steps to prove or disprove any hunch or spiritual guidance that you get. Intuition is wonderful, though in our time, our minds are too clouded with hopes, fears and disinformation to trust it entirely. Therefore, a balanced approach is essential. You need to experiment. For example, if you have a good feeling about someone, you don’t need to give them your keys, wallet and ATM PIN on the first date. Maybe see if they show up on time and are courteous. This is a year of learning about your inner authority. That requires training, which in part comes from learning the theory of what this thing is, and then much trial and error to finally understand that you’re listening to a reliable voice within yourself. — Eric Francis
Moon in Cancer trine Neptune; many planets in Aquarius.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Monthly Horoscope for Pisces | February 2021

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The time is long overdue for you to pull in and get to know yourself again. The events of recent years have felt like being hung out to dry. There was a time not long ago when only a select few real estate agents had their photo on the little ads in shopping carts. Now all of social life has been thrown inside out. Privacy is now a concept so far-gone that nobody understands it and few remember what it was like to be in the space of your own thoughts and feelings without the whole world invited to spectate. The alignment of planets newly in Aquarius is calling you within yourself in a way you have not experienced in years — perhaps many of them. Respond to this invitation in tangible ways: principally, less time online, more time alone, and more time in one-to-one company. Sleep more. Go places where there are not so many people, or where you can be alone outside of your house. And I suggest you stop taking on new tasks, projects or assignments, and focus instead on advancing or completing one or two long-term goals. Part of being interior means honoring what is true for you, and giving yourself what you need. These things are unlikely to have much in the way of outer manifestations, at least for now, and that is part of their virtue. Interior space means honoring what is meaningful primarily to you. The past year has run all of us ragged to some greater or lesser degree. We are being subjected to a new propaganda campaign every day. Treatment from society and many individuals qualifies as brutally abusive. Step back and take care of your spiritual needs. You are, after all, a Pisces.
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Monday, February 22 – The Day of Universality
If today is your birthday: Be honest about what you need, and consider that your spiritual path. Many Pisces are way too self-sacrificing, and end up unable to acknowledge their basic physical and emotional requirements. This comes down to a matter of trusting existence. That is not easy on a planet where many parents, though well intentioned, specialize in neglect. Such might come up with you this year. Go through your childhood memories and experiences and get a sense of what is missing that it would have been helpful to have, or maybe that would have been of urgent assistance. In this life, you must become your own best friend, your own parents and your friendly aunt or uncle who is ready with a kind word. Then, you will have a way of becoming that for others — as long as you come first. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekend Notes: February 20-21 | Mercury Stations and Everything’s Happening
By Victoria Emory
On Saturday at 7:52 pm Eastern time, Mercury in Aquarius stations direct.

It does so positioned between Saturn (the past) toward which it has been back-tracking, and Jupiter (the future) toward which it will resume forward motion.
This Mercury phase includes 3 exact conjunctions with Jupiter in Aquarius: January 11th, February 14th and after Saturday, Mercury heads toward their final meet-up on March 4th.
The Moon will be in Mercury-ruled Gemini through Sunday night (10:53 pm ET), having squared the Sun in early Pisces on Friday. We’re now in the 2nd Quarter lunar phase, where momentum grows to push forward with intentions sown at last week’s Aquapalooza New Moon.
All this occurs with the first pass of the uber-aspect of 2021 still exact to the degree – Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.
As that became exact this week, structures and systems, particularly with regard to electricity and internet technology (the purview of both Uranus and Aquarius) received some unexpected blows. In the US that’s most notably observed in the ‘Lone Star’ state of Texas, where extreme and unusual weather (Uranus in Taurus) froze out the state’s power grid (Saturn in Aquarius). Texas chose to remain independent from the rest of the nation’s electricity grid; to rebel (Uranus) against the restrictions of government regulation (Saturn), for the sake of corporate profits. As a result, recommended infrastructure-upkeep measures were ignored, at the expense of lives and untold economic losses.
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Sunday, February 21 – The Day of Intimacy
If today is your birthday: The challenge is distinguishing what is real from what is not. The Moon square Neptune on your solar return is saying that only time will tell. Experience is the great teacher. In that sense, you would do very well to learn from what you’ve been through in the past. Nothing outside of you can ‘make’ you feel secure. You could be in the best home on high ground with the perfect partner and the perfect life and a good income and all of that, and still, your ability to feel grounded and confident is all about how you choose to experience life; it’s all about how you manage your mind, and relate to the choices that you make. Most of all, you are still learning to trust, and to do that, you must go beyond your intuition. It’s about paying attention to what you experience, which always starts with you. — Eric Francis
Moon in Gemini square Neptune; Sun opposite Transpluto.
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Saturday, February 20 – The Day of the Impression
If today is your birthday: Mercury stationing direct on your birth anniversary is a reminder that you need to get out more. And you need multiple environments where you can both work and play. We are all experiencing a little (or a lot) of cabin fever, now that work, school, and entertainment are all merged with what used to be called having a home life. You need one of those, and when you have a bit, you will feel better: more at harmony with yourself, and with others. You need that; one of the most pressing concerns for those born with Pisces Sun or rising is a sense of isolation created by Neptune’s long-term run through your birth sign. The truth is, you need companionship, though these can be challenging times to find it, for many reasons. Yet you must be true to yourself, and that begins with being in harmony with yourself and your immediate environment. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Friday, February 19 – The Day of the Explorer
If today is your birthday: Most of what happens in sexual relationships is projection. Men project womanliness onto women and women project manliness onto men. A version of this happens in same-sex relationships as well. The aspect Venus square Mars on your birth anniversary is calling on you to make contact with your male and female attributes inwardly, rather than projecting them into the world and onto the people around you. That never really works, and it can take a long time to understand that you’re not seeing people as they are, you are seeing them as you are. You are carrying “the war between the sexes” in your body and your emotions, though it does not have to be about conflict in any way. It can be about integration of opposites within you, which you already contain. This is not easy, though neither is struggling. Do the work; it’s now the essence of your growth and your personhood. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Saturn Square Uranus: The Big Squeeze
Today Saturn is square Uranus. This is the big squeeze you may be feeling. And it is not over. I have described in another article how this aspect is about the clash between the old and new definitions of science. And it’s about a revolution that may not be yours — in the collective sense. But in the personal sense, we are in a moment of potential overhaul, renewal and restructuring.
This is going to be a high-tension aspect for many people; and we’ve been feeling it for a while. The best thing about it is that it’s a little shocking; it’s about change, movement and awakening. The immovable force of Saturn in Aquarius meets the unstoppable force of Uranus. Who will prevail? The truth is, something new will happen — something unpredictable and unexpected. This aspect is one of those “game changers,” so keep your eye on the ball.
This aspect is a three time event due to Saturn retrograde. The second event is June 14 at 13 degrees of Aquarius, and the third is Dec. 24 at 11 degrees of Aquarius. In a year of Aquarian astrology, this is a defining event. Note that Saturn square Uranus happens about once every 22 years; next time after 2021 is 2043. — Eric Francis
Weekly Horoscope #263 for Pisces

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Sun enters your sign this week (Thursday at 5:44 am EST), which always comes as a relief. The water signs in general and Pisces in particular thrive when the Sun is in a water sign. You need to be in your element. Yet it’s vital to recognize that ultimately your element is within yourself. Yes, everyone needs an inner life, and in these days of inside-out digital chaos, few people have one. For you this is not an option, particularly now, with so many planets moving through the most sensitive angle of your chart (Aquarius, your 12th solar house). If I may be so bold, the challenge you face is how not to feel like a prisoner of your own life. You have much more freedom than you may recognize — now you must figure out how to make that real. The first thing you can do is exercise your options. Get out whenever you can, by which I mean outside and away from the all-consuming digital realm. You may need to push, pull or lure yourself, and you’ll need to remember how good you feel when you succeed. Then, the next thing to do is indulge in any and all forms of physical sensuality. That is the one thing lacking from the in-silico universe of the cyber realm. Get wet. Get real.
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Thursday, February 18 – The Day of the Complete Picture
If today is your birthday: You have a lot to say. If you want people to listen, you will need to refine your message. That does not mean removing the passion, but rather, presenting yourself in a more appealing way than your solar chart says you’re inclined to do. There is no time to wait, and no time to hate, so you will need to speak in a language that others can relate to, and that they understand. Remember that 90% of communication is nonverbal. Most is in body language, and most off the rest is conveyed in tone. We now all live mostly on the internet, where neither of these things exist in a physical way. Therefore, communications in person are essential, but when you are writing, remember that how you say something is more important than what you say. — Eric Francis
You may preorder your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.

Saturn Square Uranus: Whose Revolution?
Dear Friend and Reader:
Tonight’s mailing includes an extended weekly horoscope, as well as two new articles: A Conspiracy of Wholeness and Healing, and a letter about the role of investigative journalism during a public health crisis. Neither article is astrological. There is one major noteworthy event that I will cover in this letter: Saturn square Uranus.
This is a three time event due to Saturn retrograde. The second event is June 14 at 13 degrees of Aquarius, and the third is Dec. 24 at 11 degrees of Aquarius. In a year of Aquarian astrology, this is a defining event. Note that Saturn square Uranus happens about once every 22 years and after the current pattern, next occurs in January 2043 (in Leo and Scorpio, with Chiron conjunct Uranus).
This aspect is the product of Saturn newly in Aquarius, meeting up with Uranus in Taurus. This is taking place in the fixed signs, for a little extra friction. Students of Chiron will immediately grasp the connection: in many ways, the first centaur planet is a morph of Saturn and Uranus, though with a little something extra added.
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Wednesday, February 17 – The Day of the Battler
If today is your birthday: Your strength comes from your calm commitment rather than from raising your passion or getting emotionally involved. However, the planets are suggesting that you will not take this option, even if you know that it is the best one for you. However, that is up to you. Be aware that if you find your temperature rising, that is likely to be the result of insecurity. That is the opposite of confidence. Address your fears first and you will not be in this predicament. That means listening to your anxiety long enough to make contact with what is underneath it. The chances are that you will find a mixture of anger and alienation. The truth is, you want to be closer to people. They will respond if they feel you’re safe to be near. So drop your guard, open your heart and say hello. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Tuesday, February 16 — The Day of Animation
If today is your birthday: When does life go according to plan? Well, sometimes it does, though usually one of the widest variables is how you feel from day to day, and your level of commitment to what you’re doing. This has been a restless time in your life, and you certainly are feeling your potential. You may even have a plan and a strategy for how to get from here to there. Yet the thing you must cultivate is the day to day quality that used to be called sticktoitiveness. That means doing what you do even if you don’t feel like it. You have professional goals and aspirations, and no professional gets to decide if they feel like working on a given day: not a professional sports star, not an attorney going to trial, not a performer stepping out on the stage. Professional means you come back to the work every day. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Monday, February 15 — The Day of Inventiveness
If today is your birthday: Chiron is highlighted in your birth anniversary chart this year, and that is your invitation to express who you are for real. That is not about what you “identify with.” It’s not about what you say to gain approval. It’s more about what you know is truly about you, that you are afraid will alienate others. You might try experimenting with that. I don’t mean being shocking for its own sake. I mean speaking your mind because that is what is on your mind. The truth is, you don’t know what you really think until you say it or write it and then you get some feedback, and then you refine your perspective. For most this never happens because they stay mum out of fear of offending. You have different karma than that. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Back to the Future | Weekend Notes: February 13-14
By Victoria Emory
Fresh out of starting gate from Thursday’s New Moon in forward-looking Aquarius, this weekend’s astrology digs in, gets busy, and kicks off what is literally the new year for much of the world, and might feel like the new year regardless of what calendar you’re looking at.
A key component in that fresh start involves a return. Retrograde Mercury nestles between conjunctions to Venus on Saturday (2:48 am Eastern Time) and Jupiter on Sunday (4:40 pm). In itself, this is decidedly up-beat, social, expansive and optimistic energy to work with, well-designed for reconnecting with supportive members of your tribe – folks you’ve traveled with and want by your side down the road.

photo: Lanvi Nguyen
We know ‘our own’ instinctively; they feel right, they ‘get it,’ get us – and importantly, appreciate us — and we get them. There’s a sense of re-grouping after a storm, here, a pow-wow designed to bolster spirits and faith that whatever must be done can be; that we are not facing the unknown world ahead alone. Even more solitary birds will do well to connect with others now, if just getting out and about in the marketplace or neighborhood; friendly exchanges with strangers are uplifting, too.
At the same time, Saturday’s Pisces Moon conjoins Neptune, while Mars meets Neptune in an aspect of stimulating, creative potential. This lends emotional depth and sensitivity to the emphasis on ideas and abstracts which Aquarius can get carried away with. Principle must align with spirit, and spirit with the heart.
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Sunday, February 14 — The Day of the Cool Quip
If today is your birthday: You are learning to stay in contact with your emotions, and that also means paying attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. This is the missing piece in a world of GMO food that is fast becoming a world of GMO people. Your body knows what you’re supposed to eat. True, if you have a taste for something that is not good for you, you’ll need to get past that first, though that’s part of actually feeling how you feel, and acknowledging how your food makes you feel. There is also the matter of connecting food to your emotional and family history. Stay close to that. There’s rich information in there. Know your definition of comfort food and make sure that you have some every now and then. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Saturday, February 13 — The Day of Liveliness
If today is your birthday: Between imagination and delusion there is a fine line, though there must be one if you want to live in the real world. Imagination is not an escape; it is a way to improve our physical and spiritual lives. Once something becomes about escape, it is no longer creative, it is destructive. Work this distinction with full awareness. Guide your idealism into the practical realm. There are a lot of things you would change if you could, and that process must be guided by a kind of artistry that honors and respects actual human needs. Technological advance for its own sake is not your friend, and you would be wise to eschew it in all of its forms. You are human. Be at peace with your humanity, and share it with the rest of us. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Friday, February 12 — The Day of the Unifier
If today is your birthday: There exists a question as to whether you will be true to yourself. You can be when you want to, though this has been an issue lately. If you want to know the source of certain decisions you’ve made, you might consider an analysis of whether you stuck to your values and the commitments you’ve made to yourself. It will be easy to go back to sleep, though there are plenty of influences that are calling you to wake up. This is a restless time in your life, though it will be less so if you are fully alert to the challenging times we are living in. That is when you most need the very depth of honesty that can only come knowing your values, and honoring them. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Weekly Horoscope #262 for Aquarius

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — We are approaching a New Moon in your birth sign, where all the classical planets except for one will be collected. (To give you a sense of just how many, those are the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is the exception, and I will come to that in a moment.) This is likely to be an unusual time in your life, with more happening than you think you can handle, and many new people showing up. You might be feeling overwhelmed and under pressure, whether in terms of commitment, time, money or all three. Though it may seem impossible, you need to simplify and slow down. Even doing so a little will have immediate benefits, for example, of clearer thinking, which will lead to better decisions. The most important thing you can do right now, though, is live in the present. The past and all that happened there is a powerful lure and nothing but a distraction. You must use what you learned, and also do your best to not think in prejudicial ways. Take authority and ask questions until you know what you need from the answers. As for Mars in Taurus: yet another reminder that right now, your leadership counts and counts for a lot.
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Thursday, February 11 — The Day of Comfort
If today is your birthday: Today’s incredible New Moon on your birth anniversary is an invitation to bring yourself into the moment. The past may weigh heavily on humanity, but you must not let it do so on you. Place yourself firmly in this moment and face the future with calm certainty. A combination of factors, including Mercury retrograde, suggests that you must not trust your life to authority figures. You must trust your own deep analysis of the facts, and use what you have learned. Learn to question people who claim to know more than you, before you make a serious error by trusting them. — Eric Francis
Today’s Astrology: Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. The New Moon is exact at 2:05:35 PM EST. Mercury is retrograde through Feb. 20.

New Moon, New Year, New Ideas
Dear Friend and Reader:
We are in a most extraordinary week of Aquarius astrology — the best I’ve ever seen. This means that there will be transits to minor planet configurations in Aquarius that are in the charts of many people born in the 1950s and 1960s.
This New Moon is Asian New Year. For billions of people around the world, this is the time of the year turning over. We are about to begin Chinese year 4719, represented by the Metal Ox. The last Ox year was 2009, the Earth Ox. In Western astrology, the equivalent is Capricorn. We get conventionality, persistence, and dependability.
We are also back to Kala Sarpa Yoga — all the classical planets are set to one side of the lunar nodes. This has the feeling that the stakes are high, and what happens now affects the future.
Continue Reading on Planet Waves
Wednesday, February 10 — The Day of Acclaim
If today is your birthday: Anger is the hyptertension of the world: the thing that’s pushing us silently toward oblivion. Whether or not anger is justified (that is a significant spiritual question), it helps to give your anger a voice. This best takes place in a therapy environment. But is there such a thing? Remember: once you account for the early influences of your family, what is happening now is about you, not about them. Anyway, the idea is not to rage, but to speak and to listen to yourself. You may be feeling hemmed in or in some way limited; that conceals an opportunity. You may want more out of life, though you would do well to ask for it. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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Tuesday, February 9 — The Day of Vibrancy
If today is your birthday: You are not alone. More people are aware of you than you may imagine, and you have access to the support that you need. Yet if you feel that you don’t, and you don’t challenge the feeling, you will not experience this as being real. It will help if you are the one to reach out, rather than expecting people to come to you. Yet when people do show up, be sure to open up and listen to what they have to offer, and what they want. Sometimes being asked for assistance is a way to create a personal bond. And more than most people, you need the feeling of being needed and depended upon. You will thrive on the sensation of expressing a high degree of personal responsibility. — Eric Francis
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Monday, February 8 — The Day of Precognition
If today is your birthday: What do you do with your hangups? When you find yourself confronted by a personal limitation that you don’t want and that you know tends to block you, how do you handle that? The usual way is frustration. Another way is by using occult tools such as tarot and astrology, which are certainly a better method than being flustered. Yet what would help the most is a grounded approach to understanding your relationships to others. Pay particular attention to people who have been around for a while, with whom you have built trust. How did that happen? What do you have in common, and in what ways do you serve your mutual needs? Whatever actually works, give yourself more of that. — Eric Francis
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Weekend Notes:
Venus Moves Through the Saturn-Uranus Square
“It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt (natal Saturn square Uranus)
By Victoria Emory
Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius in the wee hours of Saturday morning Eastern Time (2:10 am), and from there moves on to square Uranus in Taurus Saturday night (10:43 pm). Along the way, it forms a helpful sextile to Chiron at 6:43 am EST.
The main story here is how short that journey is between Saturn and Uranus, which are now moving into an exact right angle to one another, the first of three over the course of 2021. This is the signature aspect of the year ahead, and since it’s getting very tight (it will be exact on Feb. 17) Venus’ passage through that square is a good opportunity to introduce key themes.
Simply put, Saturn makes the rules and Uranus breaks them. Both are necessary for progress, though as with any growth process the question is: how hard are we going to make it? What’s in the way, and how conscious are we of what’s driving our responses?

Discipline is Saturn’s purview, and the goal of Uranus is freedom.
These seem contradictory only on the surface, as any functioning adult has learned. Without discipline, no achievement is possible. The freedom to self-actualize, to fulfill creative potential and live as the unique individual one is born to be, requires the self-control necessary to commit to long-term goals and delay gratification.
Uranus rebels. That’s what it’s programmed for, and Saturn controls. Without control, kids and dogs would run into traffic, but without rebellion the consolidation of power would go unchecked. Without stepping outside the bounds of established order, no innovation – no invention or genius – is possible.
Saturn was square Uranus at the start of the American Civil War, and when Gandhi inaugurated the civil disobedience movement leading to Indian independence from British rule. Competing agendas face off under this influence.
Getting back to this weekend, Venus conjunct Saturn brings up issues of commitment in terms of relationship, both in the positive and limiting sense. Commitments bestow security, a container in which to expand. The question is one of values, and what truly matters most. Responsibility sometimes feels like a burden, and Venus square Uranus needs a change; needs to feel alive and excited.
This sequence indicates that some sort of upgrade is in order, regarding long-standing patterns; at the very least, you’d benefit from stepping out of a rut to make room for more spontaneity. All work and no play makes for stifling relationships, a grey expanse where art should be, and dull to the point of depressed boys and girls, alike.
The energies will resonate through Sunday, so it’s a good weekend to consider what works, what’s worth the effort and what isn’t, and what might make what works better.
Chiron in the mix opens a door of opportunity, suggesting that navigating these waters has real healing potential, and underscores the connection between self-awareness and wellbeing.
Sunday, February 7 — The Day of Utopia
If today is your birthday: It is time to face your fears rather than figure out how to avoid them. The mess we are witnessing in the world is based entirely on the refusal of people to do just that. If you want to be a free person, who is able to live your life independently in any meaningful sense of that world, you must be familiar with your fears, and ultimately, be the master of them. Otherwise, they have a way of taking over, and others will use against you what you have not put to work for yourself. Fostering growth is a perfectly good use of whatever may trouble you. Self-investigation is the ideal use of what intimidates or confuses you. Ultimately, every facet of your psyche must be your ally. — Eric Francis
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We now live in a collective hallucination where perfectly healthy people are sick, where bandannas stop viruses, and where certified organic GMO-free health food nuts line up for an injection that will modify their genetic code. Why eat GMO organisms when you can be one?

Mercury is retrograde. What do you know? | Monday notes
Mercury stationed retrograde on Saturday, and has moved out of the degree where it changed directions. We are underway for the first Trickster-Goes-Backwards in Aquarius during the Aquarian era. All the usual caveats of Mercury retrograde apply: be careful what you sign. Delay what you can, and take the time for due diligence.
We are now in an age where group dynamics are more influential than ever, though most of it is going on in the invisible environment: the digital realm, where you’re unlikely to know which way is up because there is no such thing.

Someday I would love to get a conversation going about this quote — from Eric McLuhan: “The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.”
That is from an article I wrote for my subscribers called Uranus, Eris and the Riddle of the Internet from 2016. That one pairs nicely with another article from the same era, called Know When You Don’t Know. (Both are now open access.) We are suffering from radical disorientation.
As screenwriter William Goldman said a while ago, “Nobody knows anything.” If there is some way to go lower than nobody and nothing, we are here, because we now live in a collective hallucination where perfectly healthy people are sick, where bandannas stop viruses, and where certified organic GMO-free health food nuts line up for an injection that will modify their genetic code. Why eat genetically modified organisms when you can be one?
It’s not too simple of an explanation to say that all of this deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world is coming from the one thing we all have in common, which is sitting at the bottom of the digital ocean. We are so soaked by and cooked in and merged with the dimensionless, formless, spaceless, timeless mirage of the digital realm that we have no clue who, what, where, when or why we exist — and that is a setup for problems.

By the way, you can know if you want to know. Mercury retrograde is the perfect example for a realtime experiment.
Mercury retrograde will be serving up a realtime test of the new Aquarian version of the environment we are in. It will be going counter to the collective, the popular meme, and the prevailing programmed in zeros and ones idiocy of our time.
You have an opportunity to dissent: to express your differing viewpoint. You have an opportunity to see and feel what is going on around you. You have an opportunity to use your mind. That may be frightening; you might be wrong. You might fall off of your bicycle. You might have to make a decision and actually trust yourself.
Speaking of astrology, Venus joins Mercury, the Sun, Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn and Damocles in Aquarius today. Depending on how you look at it, Venus in Aquarius is the sigil of the female avatar, or the person with robotic emotions. The choice is yours.
— By Eric Francis
Saturday, February 6 — The Day of Popularity
If today is your birthday: Strive for quality rather than quantity. That includes focusing your energy on fewer, more meaningful people than more people. Concentrate your efforts rather than dilute them. The conjunction of Venus and Saturn on your birth anniversary is calling on you to eliminate from your life what you do not need. Do this consciously and it will not need to be done for you, or happen by circumstances beyond your control. Still, keep a tight grip on your finances this year, and do not play games with risky financial schemes. You must be your primary investment of both time and energy. In the best sense of the words, mind your business. — Eric Francis
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Friday, February 5 — The Day of Quiet Eloquence
If today is your birthday: Check your facts, check again and check a third time. Verify your findings and what you think they mean. This will take time. Unless you are under some specific pressure or immediate deadline, a circumspect approach will work the best: that means looking from as many points of view as possible at the same situation. It might help to run the matter past a couple of other people you trust, making sure you take their words under advisement but not as specific advice. The difference is that between considering what someone says, and doing what they say. Ultimately you are responsible for your choices, and responsible for what you know. — Eric Francis
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Weekly Horoscope #261 for Aquarius

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mercury retrograde in your sign is the season of figuring out what you do not know. This is the difference between being a fool and a genius. The truly knowledgeable person is aware of the boundaries of their knowledge, and is not afraid to keep an inventory of the unknown. This becomes the frontier of learning. Knowledge comes in two parts: one is the puzzle pieces, and the second is assembling the puzzle. The assembly part is about putting what you know into context. The nuggets of information are worth very little when they are separate. But they are worth a lot once they are assembled and you understand the relationships between them. You should never need to force them together; they will fit when they fit. Then the full picture will start to develop. This will apply to creative matters as much as it does to ones related to agreements with others, whether in an intimate context or a business one. This is a patient process. There must be no jumping to conclusions if you want to get it right, and that would be good for everyone.
Read all 12 signs here!
Thursday, February 4 — The Day of the Curveballer
If today is your birthday: You must take charge; it is time. Start with your own affairs and work your way outward gradually. Know who and what you’re responsible for: everything that crosses your desk; everything you pay for; every relationship where the bond is either familiar or professional. You are set up for what in the Navy is known as independent command: you are the captain of your own vessel, which sails as part of a larger fleet. Therefore, you are responsible for keeping your life in ship-shape, with everything in its correct place. While this will have manifestations on the physical plane, the emotional level is equally important. Maintain your line of accountability, and honor your boundaries. — Eric Francis
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Wednesday, February 3 — The Day of Exacting Realism
If today is your birthday: The notion of ‘spiritual’ largely depends on one’s ability to listen and to hear. This ranges from the most mundane sense of actually listening to what others say and reading what they write, to listening to the voice within yourself. I suggest you treat this all as one idea, and as part of one discipline. However, listening to your inner voice — the voice of spirit, of your intuition, of your higher self, or however you wish to describe it — is its own skill and its own discipline. It’s also the only way to receive the particular gift that it offers, and is ultimately one of two worthy goals of any spiritual path. The other is treating people kindly and lovingly, another thing for which there is no substitute. — Eric Francis
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Tuesday, February 2 — The Day of Class
If today is your birthday: While Saturn is in your birth sign, you may be inclined to take a focused and narrow view of your life. Yet at the same time it’s essential that you also take a wide perspective, and consider what you want outside what you may believe is possible or available. Guide yourself every day to explore your desire and your vision for your life. Saturn will help you keep your focus over what you must do now, though it’s also essential at this time that you tap into the power of Jupiter and see your life beyond what you have today. This may seem challenging in a time when every freedom is under assault, though you must not let that stop you from stretching and growing. — Eric Francis
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Monday, February 1 — The Day of Willfulness
If today is your birthday: This is a fine time to master the details. Take a while — months if necessary, and work your way through all of the fine print, the accounting, the agreements, the contracts and anything else requiring specific knowledge. You will learn more than you may imagine at the moment, and the reward will be having a greater sense of control over your affairs. This is not an illusion, any more than life itself; knowledge is power, and you need to account for all that you are supposed to know, out to the four corners of your dominion. Search your home and office for unopened mail. Look for unanswered emails, phone calls and other messages. Tidy up and close the circuits. — Eric Francis