We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to editors@planetwaves.net. Stay in touch and help us out by sharing this resource with others. This blog is published by Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which is an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network.
The Year in Review Printable PDF
What Our Investigative Team Learned Covering Covid for 300 Days
This is an archive of the July 2021 entries for the Covid19 news feed. You may return to the current page here.
Must Hear: Listen to this interview on Planet Waves FM — with commentary by Eric Francis | added July 30
See and read more on the Stew Peters Show
Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation about graphene oxide. She says that the inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.
Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium | added July 31
Editor’s Note: Covering The False Pandemic, The Going Direct Reset, First Do No Harm, and The Hour of Justice, The UKColumn does its’ thing, as mainstream continues with the propaganda blitz. Warning, ten hours of powerful content. — pcg
Listen on Rumble or while available at UKColumn.org:
GOLD STANDARD COVID SCIENCE IN PRACTICE – ONLINE INTERDISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM – July 29th and 30th Presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics, Hosted by UK Column
Session I with Prof. Martin Haditsch: The False Pandemic
Greetings and Intro | Sucharit Bhakdi
The SARS-CoV-2 Genome: Evidence of its Artificial Origin | Michael Palmer
The Laboratory Pandemic | Ulrike Kämmerer
The False Pandemic | Denis Rancourt
The Fatal Lockdowns | A dialogue with Stefan Homburg & Sucharit Bhakdi
The Power of Masks | Conversation with Josef Thoma, Harald Walach & Martin Haditsch
The Powerless Doctors | Debate with Sam White, Thomas Binder, Charles Hoffe & Martin Haditsch
Panel Discussion with all Session I participants led by Martin Haditsch
Session II with Catherine Austin Fitts: The Going Direct Reset
The Going Direct Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary Event | John Titus
UK Central Bankers & the Economic Drivers | Discussion with Richard Werner, Catherine Austin Fitts & Taylor Hudak
How to Decentralize Control | Discussion with Richard Werner, Mark Skidmore, Patrick Wood & Catherine Austin Fitts
Panel Discussion | all session II participants & Wolfgang Wodarg, led by Taylor Hudak
Wrap Up and the programme for the 2nd day| With Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Palmer & Taylor Hudak
Session III with Michael Palmer: First Do No Harm
The Propaganda Matrix, The complicit role of the media | Taylor Hudak, Patrick Henningsen, Michael Meyen & Catherine Austin Fitts
Vaccines: Emergency Authorization Abused | Mike Yeadon
Pharmacokinetics and toxicity of mRNA vaccines | Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi
The End of the Narrative | Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Palmer
Panel Discussion on Vaccinations | Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer & Taylor Hudak
Debate on Vaccine Passports | Patrick Henningsen and Guests
Session IV : The Hour of Justice
Reviving the Nuremberg Codex | Conversation with Vera Sharav, Sucharit Bhakdi & Catherine Austin Fitts
The Hour of Justice | Reiner Fuellmich, Vera Sharav, Mary Holland & Wolfgang Wodarg, moderated by Patrick Henningsen
Final Panel Discussion | Sucharit Bhakdi, Thomas Binder, Catherine Austin Fitts, Reiner Fuellmich & Wolfgang Wodarg, led by Michael Palmer
Delta Variant fears spur some Americans to get Covid-19 vaccine | added July 31
Read more from The Wall Street Journal
Also — States pile on Covid-19 vaccine incentives
Growing numbers of people are getting vaccinated in areas hit hard by the Delta variant, offering a glimmer of hope but still falling far short of what is needed to fight Covid-19, public-health officials say.
Several factors are driving the increase in vaccinations, including worries about the infectiousness and severity of the Delta variant, growing confidence in the safety of vaccines and the influence of family and friends, health officials and residents say. More employers are implementing vaccine mandates, including a Walmart Inc. requirement for corporate staff announced Friday.
Some states with soaring case counts and hospitalizations have logged upticks in their low vaccination rates. In Alabama, where 35% of people are fully vaccinated, the seven-day average of daily vaccinations reached 10,732 on July 28, more than double the figure on July 7, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. In Arkansas, where 37% are fully vaccinated, the seven-day average more than doubled to 8,676 over that period, and in Missouri, where 41% are fully vaccinated, it more than doubled to 13,103.
News updates from Children’s Health Defense (CHD) | added July 31
Editor’s Note: Children’s Health Defense is a project of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the nephew of Pres. John F. Kennedy. The organization is stands for honesty in science and vaccine safety. They update regularly and have proven to be a reliable source of information and of documents. Here are a few recent articles, which include pop-up clinics to ‘vaccinate’ children could rightfully be accompanied with clinics designed to assist families in navigating the financial devastation of a vaccine injured family member. There is no legal liability for these medical interventions. Biden’s plan seems to clearly incentivize the schools and pharmacies as participants in the Delta sham. Also, CDC surprised by vaxxed cluster, and stale shots, tick tock. — pcg
Biden calls on schools to host COVID vaccination clinics for kids 12 & up
President Joe Biden called on school districts Thursday to host pop-up clinics in order to get more children 12 and older vaccinated against COVID-19, part of his administration’s new push to increase vaccinations as the Delta variant of the coronavirus spreads.
The president also directed pharmacies participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program to prioritize children 12 and older for vaccinations, and also to work with school districts to host vaccination clinics.
CDC Alarmed: 74% of cases in Cape Cod cluster were among the vaxxed
Breakthrough infections were responsible for three-quarters of COVID-19 cases in an outbreak during large public gatherings on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and nearly all sequenced cases were the Delta variant, researchers found.
Of 469 cases linked to multiple summer events and large summer gatherings in a small town, 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated people, and almost 80% of those cases were symptomatic, reported Catherine Brown, DVM, of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and colleagues.
States rush to administer COVID vaccine doses before they expire
Reported by CBS: Hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine doses have been saved from the trash after U.S. regulators extended their expiration date for a second time — part of a nationwide effort to salvage expiring shots to battle the nation’s summer surge in infections.
The Food and Drug Administration sent a letter to shot maker Johnson & Johnson on Wednesday declaring that the doses remain safe and effective for at least six months when properly stored. The FDA’s move gives the shots an extra six weeks, as public officials press more Americans to get inoculated.
Similar efforts are taking place in multiple states as public health officials try to ensure that soon-to-expire shots are put into arms before they must be discarded.
Not a Rumor: Military called in to enforce Sydney lockdown as hype spreads over alleged Delta variant | added July 30
Authorities in Australia have called in the military to occupy parts of Sydney and enforce the country’s latest draconian COVID-19 lockdown.
Hundreds of military personnel will be drafted in to patrol the country’s largest city despite coronavirus cases remaining in the low hundreds per day, far lower than other developed nations like the UK that have lifted some of the restrictions.
It remains to be seen whether the troops will be used to police protesters, hundreds of thousands of whom hit the streets of major cities last weekend to demonstrate against the measures.
People in New South Wales are basically under the most draconian form of lockdown where they are only allowed to leave home for work, exercise and food and are not permitted to venture more than 3 miles from where they live.
More covid mysteries | added July 30
Editor’s Note: This ‘newsletter’ posits that humility is needed while pondering the delta variant mysteries. Nowhere does the author call for scientific studies, or point to any at all. The New York Times wins the Pulitzer for propaganda. — efc
Consider these Covid-19 mysteries:
In India — where the Delta variant was first identified and caused a huge outbreak — cases have plunged over the past two months. A similar drop may now be underway in Britain. There is no clear explanation for these declines.
In the U.S., cases started falling rapidly in early January. The decline began before vaccination was widespread and did not follow any evident changes in Americans’ Covid attitudes.
In March and April, the Alpha variant helped cause a sharp rise in cases in the upper Midwest and Canada. That outbreak seemed poised to spread to the rest of North America — but did not.
This spring, caseloads were not consistently higher in parts of the U.S. that had relaxed masking and social distancing measures (like Florida and Texas) than in regions that remained vigilant.
Large parts of Africa and Asia still have not experienced outbreaks as big as those in Europe, North America and South America.
How do we solve these mysteries? Michael Osterholm, who runs an infectious disease research center at the University of Minnesota, suggests that people keep in mind one overriding idea: humility.
Covid Vaccines: the ‘LEAKED’ Pfizer contract | added July 30 (more below)
Editor’s Note: We are tracking this carefully. —efc
An allegedly leaked vaccine supply contract between Pfizer and the government of Albania has sent some shockwaves through social media over the last few days.
It doesn’t contain any really groundbreaking information but, if it’s genuine, it certainly confirms the worst suspicions many of us had about the terms of the vaccine supply agreements.
The document was first published by the Albanian independent media outlet Gogo.al back in January, but came to prominence in the Anglosphere three days ago, when Twitter user Ehden posted a long thread breaking down its contents. His account has since been “limited” (we’ve all been there), but you can read his blog here.
In the interests of open discussion, and without endorsing its authenticity, we present the whole document below. We recommend anyone interested download it, just in case it disappears from the net, as potentially embarrassing documents tend to do.
Report: Pfizer engineered agreements with governments stating they had to pay for Covid injections whether they worked or not – no recourse for injuries | added July 29
Read more in Daily Exposé

The details of the contract were posted by a Twitter user named Ehden, who begins a thread of tweets (many of which have since been deleted) by stating: “Pfizer has been extremely aggressive in trying to protect the details of their international COVID19 vaccine agreements.
“These agreements are confidential, but luckily one country did not protect the contract document well enough, so I managed to get a hold of a copy. As you are about to see, there is a good reason why Pfizer was fighting to hide the details of these contracts.”
Graphene oxide really is in masks | added July 29
Read more in Medical and Life Sciences News
The researchers first investigated graphene oxide’s (GO) ability in solution to bind and entrap SARS-CoV-2 viral particles by incubating ~105 viral particles/mL with increasing concentrations of GO for 2 hours. Following incubation, solutions were centrifuged, and supernatants were used to incubate VERO (ATCC CCL-81) cells to measure the virus’s infectivity. The incubation of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in suspension with GO dramatically reduced viral infectivity even at the lowest concentration of GO (0.06 mg/mL), as reflected by a decrease in the cytopathic effect of the virus and increased cell survival.

Governor Covid is coming for you | added July 29
Editor’s Note: Though you’re slightly more likely to die of “covid” than to be struck by lightning, to get murdered or to be eaten by a shark, Cuomo says he’s comin’ for ya if you haven’t had the graphene oxide mRNA injection. He’ll even give you a ride. Good thing we live in a free country. — efc
Read more on National File
During a coronavirus briefing at Yankee Stadium on Wednesday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo voiced his support for the door-to-door COVID-19 vaccine squads, proclaiming that “we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm.”
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave a coronavirus briefing at Yankee Stadium where he discussed his new $15 million campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine through “community-based organizations” in areas with low vaccination rates.
During the briefing, Cuomo firmly stated that the COVID-19 vaccine door-to-door efforts would involve the unvaccinated being placed in a vehicle to get driven to a location where they would be vaccinated for the coronavirus. “We have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm,” said Cuomo. “That is the mission.”
CDC reverses indoor mask policy, saying fully vaccinated people and kids should wear them indoors | added July 28
Read more on Technocracy News
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Tuesday that fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high Covid-19 transmission rates. The agency is also recommending kids wear masks in schools this fall.

Federal health officials still believe fully vaccinated individuals represent a very small amount of transmission. Still, some vaccinated people could be carrying higher levels of the virus than previously understood and potentially transmit it to others.
“This pandemic continues to pose a serious threat to the health of all Americans,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told reporters on a call. “Today, we have new science related to the delta variant that requires us to update the guidance regarding what you can do when you are fully vaccinated.”
The updated guidance comes ahead of the fall season, when the highly contagious delta variant is expected to cause another surge in new coronavirus cases and many large employers plan to bring workers back to the office. In mid-May, the CDC said fully vaccinated people didn’t need to wear masks in most settings, whether indoors or outdoors.
Reporter’s Notebook:
Conversation with independent biochemist David Rasnick about graphene oxide | updated July 28
Read our graphene oxide compilation here (more below)
Sharble Version of This Article
Today I spoke with biochemist Dr. David Rasnick, one of my trusted sources. We covered a few different topics, including graphene oxide (a presumed ingredient in the “covid” “vaccines”); how mRNA technology turns all of one’s cells into spike protein manufacturing plants; the relationship between spike proteins and the ACE and ACE-2 receptors; how the vaccines are hormonally active (much like dioxin); the adenovirus packaging of the data in the Johnson shot; the lipid nanoparticle wrapper of the data in the mRNA vaccines (now slated for “flu shots”); the vector vaccine (meaning. the contagious shot, which we now know from various documents that “covid” shots are); and the potential regional experiments going on in the “vaccine” program.
Speaking to the issue of vector vaccines or “self-disseminating” vaccines, here is a document from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that asserts their existence. And here is another from Johns Hopkins which verifies they are real. Here is the Pfizer document which confirms that the Covid injections spread to people who have not actually been shot up (see page 67). This was the story-du-jour about two months ago.

I have three pages of notes and much that I remember. I am writing this to get something in the ship’s log on the day of the conversation. One of the standout focal points was graphene oxide (GO).
We have been trying to piece that issue together; it was the story-du-jour about three weeks ago. These have about a 10-day life. My coeditor Patria Gallagher has gathered a resource area, which we can now share.
However, I learned much from Dr. Rasnick that I had not heard before. Graphene oxide is a presumed ingredient in the “covid” “vaccine” that is a suspect for cause of the reactions to the shots. Some claim that based on chemical analysis, it is proven to be in the covid injections. Rasnick is uncertain but said it’s been in the plans to include as a nanoparticle vaccines for decades. It is not proven to be a cause of the reactions, but it is a potential ingredient and for the sake of discussion must be presumed in the shots rather than not.
There has been much discussion of it being a potential ingredient in the PCR nose swabs and in masks.
What is it? It’s a one-atom thick, flat (planar) diamond. Diamond is the hardest substance known, and can cut through anything — such as tempered steel, or your cells. By one account at least, graphene is 40 times stronger than diamonds. Graphene in a “vaccine” would be like injecting millions of nano diamond razor blades. The fact that it’s planar means it does not need to cut anything. It will slip right into enzyme receptors like a plug into a wall outlet and, unlike an enzyme, “diamonds are forever.”
“Anyone who decided to do this is not benevolent. Anyone in the medical system doing this is a criminal.” — Dr. David Rasnick
Graphene oxide is capable of being magnetized. In tech terms, it can be bonded to create ferromagnetic material like a floppy disk or audio tape. It can therefore be programmed; it can contain computer code. It can also work as an antenna within the body, amplifying electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
What’s the upshot? Well, if there is graphene oxide in these injections — and the chances of that seem pretty high — it provides a way to project data into the body, or to scan people like E-Z Pass. Back in 2016, The Guardian published an article about how scientists could remotely control complex animal behavior using what they called a “genetically engineered magneto protein.”
“Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.”
Basically, they can do anything with this stuff, and rightly belongs confined to the pages of a science fiction novel. However, it is in our current science insanity.
As Dr. Rasnick said at the end of our conversation, “Anyone who decided to do this is not benevolent. Anyone in the medical system doing this is a criminal.”
PS — David just wrote to me and said: “Here is the link to my dropbox folder nano particles & graphene (380 Mb). You can read or download any/all of the files. Some will be of no use, others I think useful. There is a huge literature on this stuff.”
— Eric F. Coppolino
Read our graphene oxide compilation here
I wish they were kidding: alas, they are not. New York Times claims that low immunity (not a spike protein injection) is causing an epidemic of horrid ‘summer colds’ | Added July 27
Editor’s Note: I used to write for a journal called Lies Of Our Times, which documented the deception of The New York Times. I had the great honor of working directly for and with Ellen Ray and William Schaap, who together deserve a Free Press and Raw Courage monument in Washington, DC.

One of my specialities was fraudulent science coverage, which included exposing their spreading government deception about dioxin pollution, pesticides, breast cancer, and other critical topics.
I must say, the Times has pinned the meters the past 18 months, among other matters, with their phony “case” count and knowingly concealing that the PCR blows 90% to 100% false positives.
Relevant side note for the curious or interested: here is by far the best-ever article exposing the lies of The New York Times, by Vicky Monks in American Journalism Review (from 1993 or so, republished on one of my websites).
This week, The Old Gray Lady has published an article offering an explanation as to why so many people allegedly have horrid colds this summer.
Their hilarious explanation: a year of lockdown reduced people’s immunity, so now we are all getting sick. Forget the fact that this was the primary argument of why lockdowns would not work (and it’s true, they did nothing, and made matters worse). But we are long past that now.
I have another theory: the “covid” “vaccine” turns every cell in the human body into a spike protein manufacturing plant. That is how it works — and then the body allegedly mounts an immune response against these antagonists, and the person is then “immune” from “covid.”
How about this: spike proteins are the very thing in a coronavirus believed to make a person sick. I have read that the injection causes the body to release up to 14 trillion particles of spike protein, and it has no off-switch. So if you got the shot and it worked, your body is spewing spike proteins, and is in an inflamed state. — efc
Read NY Times article on SFGate
Activate bullshit detector!
Months of pandemic restrictions aimed at COVID-19 had the unintended but welcome effect of stopping flu, cold and other viruses from spreading. But now that masks are off and social gatherings, hugs and handshakes are back, the run-of-the-mill viruses that cause drippy noses, stuffy heads, coughs and sneezes have also returned with a vengeance.
“It was a bad chest cold — chest congestion, a rattling cough,” said Laura Wehrman, 52, a wardrobe supervisor for film and television, who caught a weeklong bug after flying to New York from Austin, Texas, in late June to visit friends. Although she is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, she took multiple tests to be sure she was not infected. Eventually a doctor confirmed it was a rhinovirus, a common cold virus. She said several of her other friends also have been sick with colds and coughs as well.
“I was staying with one of my best friends, and it got tense for a minute because she had started a new job, and she didn’t want to be sick,” Wehrman said. “I actually went and checked into a hotel for the last two days so I could just cough away by myself.”
Infectious disease experts say there are a number of factors fueling this hot, sneezy summer. While pandemic lockdowns protected many people from COVID-19, our immune systems missed the daily workout of being exposed to a multitude of microbes back when we commuted on subways, spent time at the office, gathered with friends and sent children to day care and school.
Department of Veterans Affairs will require health care workers to be vaccinated, the first federal agency to do so for its employees | added July 27
Editor’s Note: The federal government has made its first move toward mandatory “vaccination” of employees — the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, which will require all healthcare workers to get the injection.
WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs will require its health-care personnel to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, becoming the first major federal agency to implement such a mandate, as the highly transmissible delta variant spreads across the nation while immunizations stall.
“Veterans Affairs is going to in fact require, that all doctors working in facilities are going to have to be vaccinated,” President Joe Biden told reporters Monday in the Oval Office alongside Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al Kadhimi.
Veteran Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough described the new measure as “the best way to keep Veterans safe.”
“Whenever a Veteran or VA employee sets foot in a VA facility, they deserve to know that we have done everything in our power to protect them from COVID-19. With this mandate, we can once again make and keep that fundamental promise,” McDonough wrote in a statement.
Bookmark This | added July 27
Who is David Martin? Motherlode here. | Also: our trusted source Kevin McKernon refutes David Martin on the basic facts in his recent interview with Reiner Fullmich.

Why is the PCR assay for Covid being retired? | added July 25
All vaccine trial data has been fatally corrupted through use of PCR testing unsuitable for detection of Sars CoV2 for diagnostic purpose and end point outcome measurement.
International courts have ruled against government mandates based on unreliability of RT PCR testing for Sars CoV-s including Austria with the court finding:
Following the Portuguese, German and Dutch rulings, now the Austrian court has ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for COVID-19 diagnosis and that lockdowns has no legal or scientific basis.
In particular, the criteria and definitions used to determine the number of corona infections are being massively questioned. It is expressly pointed out that, even according to the World Health Organization (which took a u-turn only after Biden took office),
“a PCR test is not suitable for diagnosis and therefore does not in itself say anything about the disease or infection of a person”.
“However, the Minister of Health uses a completely different, much broader case definition for Covid-19 diagnosis, which cannot be used to justify the prohibition of a meeting.”
CDC withdrawing emergency use of the alleged Covid PCR assay | added July 25
Editor’s note: Saturday night at the New York Stand’s Up fundraiser in Red Hook (upstate, not Brooklyn) Children’s Health Defense attorney Mary Holland announced that CDC is withdrawing its Emergency Use Authorization of the realtime quantitative PCR assay that allegedly tests for SARS-CoV-2 (the claimed “Covid test”).
Since the beginning, CDC, FDA and the manufacturers have been strangely transparent about how their test results are not meekly definitive of infection or lack thereof. Note that the entire notion of a “pandemic” is supported by this non-test, which has repeatedly been exposed — including by its inventor, Kary Mullis, who says in the video above that the test can find a molecule of anything in everyone.
It is well known, widely reported and largely ignored that the assay as used blows 90% to 100% false positives. My own reporting indicates that there is fraud at every single stage of the testing process, from sample collection to the cycle threshold issue to the final reporting of the results.
As Jon Rappoport reported on March 30, 2020, the test is ueseless, except to create the illusion of a pandemic.
Rappport quotes a manufacturer document provided by the FDA: “The SARS-CoV-2RNA [COVID virus] is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status…THE AGENT DETECTED MAY NOT BE THE DEFINITE CAUSE OF DISEASE (caps are mine). Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”
Translation: On the one hand, we claim the test can “generally” detect the presence of the COVID virus in a patient. But we admit that “the agent detected” on the test, by which we mean COVID, “may not be the definite cause of disease.” We also admit that, unless the patient has an acute infection, we can’t find COVID. Therefore, the idea of “asymptomatic patients” confirmed by the test is nonsense. And even though a positive test for COVID may not indicate the actual cause of disease, all positive tests must be reported—and they will be counted as “COVID cases.”
Eighteen months later, CDC is withdrawing the test. — efc
Read more on the CDC Website.
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.
Meet the REAL disinformation dozen | added July 28
See the full report on corbetreport.com:
Have you heard of “The Disinformation Dozen” yet? They’re the twelve people that, according to The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), “are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms.”
Mainstream list:
Rashid Buttar
Ben Tapper
Kevin Jenkins
Erin Elizabeth
Christiane Northrup
Robert Kennedy Jr
Sherry Tenpenny
Sayer Ji
Riza Islam
Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Kelly Brogan
Joseph Mercola
VS James Corbett’s list of Disinformation Specialists:
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Neil Ferguson
Leana Wen
Jen Psaki
Bill Gates
The Online Fact Checkers
Kerry Chant
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Matt Hancock
Tony Fauci
This is all a bit of fun, isn’t it? Making up “Wanted” posters and describing the misinformation that the purveyors of the official COVID-1984 narrative have spread in the past 18 months.
Sadly, no, this is not a game. At least, not for the CCDH, which, in addition to writing their nonsense reports on online “disinformation” are also busily lobbying to censor those voices that they disagree with. Their website lists another dozen censorship campaigns (disguised as “anti-misinformation” campaigns) that they are currently engaged in and they even brag about their success in getting David Icke deplatformed from all of the main social media sites last year.
And any guess whose report Amy Klobuchar is citing in her latest push to pass a bill that will “hold platforms accountable for misinformation during health crises”? Why, the CCDH’s Disinformation Dozen report, of course.
This is not a game. There are many overlapping agendas that are playing out in this scamdemic, but make no mistake: one agenda item for the globalists is the elimination of the online alternative media outlets that have been opposing their efforts for decades now.
To be absolutely crystal clear: I am NOT calling for the REAL Disinformation Dozen to be censored in any way. In fact, I want them to be given a platform to speak, because I genuinely believe that it is only in the free exchange of ideas and information (even misinformation) among free peoples that we can possibly hope to discover the truth. I am also not stupid enough to think that if I (or anyone I associated with) somehow magically found themselves in the position of being able to wield the power of censorship, that that power would never be wielded against me in the future.
No, censorship is not the answer. Exactly the opposite. Censorship is the hallmark of tyrants. So when you see these “Disinformation Dozen” lists come out of nowhere from shadowy groups and get bandied about as a basis for deplatforming people online, you should know exactly what kind of enemy you’re up against.
Fauci wants to make vaccines for the next pandemic before it hits | added July 26
If funded, a government program costing several billion dollars could develop “prototype” vaccines to protect against 20 families of viruses.
Editor’s note: If there is no demand for virus isolation of the largest disruption on planet Earth in recorded times, standards for definition of future viruses are likely to remain as nebulous. Lucrative enterprise for contractors working for this government program.
In one sense, the world got lucky with the new coronavirus. By sheer chance, scientists just happened to have spent years studying coronaviruses, developing exactly the tools needed to make Covid vaccines as soon as the virus’s genetic sequence was published.
Many Classrooms won’t require masks for children this year. It’s a source of tension. | added July 26
Editor’s note: This NBC report shows us the lack of confidence parent’s have in the masks. This story naturally does not cite studies proving efficacy of masks, and the tensions amongst the parents. That set of studies is well hidden, much like the reporting on protests in NYC yesterday that I have not been able to unearth.

Read more at NBCNews.com:
With just a few weeks until school starts, Jennifer Carter, a mother in Springdale, Arkansas, is agonizing over whether to send her 8-year-old to in-person class this year.
Her daughter Lucy is too young to get the Covid-19 vaccine, and Arkansas is one of a handful of states that have banned schools from mandating masks.
With the contagious delta variant spreading throughout the state, which has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, Carter is wrestling with whether she should choose virtual learning for Lucy or risk sending her to school.
Lucy would wear a mask, but now that schools can’t enforce face coverings, Carter fears few other kids will do the same.
“If she’s one of only two kids who is wearing a mask, how effective is a mask?” Carter said. “I just feel like they have taken away the only tool they have for the younger kids who can’t get vaccinated.”
As the academic year approaches, a patchwork approach to masks is prompting ire from parents, regardless of which policy their children’s schools have chosen.

Protests rage across Europe as lockdown, vaccination mandates start | added July 26
Editor’s note: I was unable to find a stitch of evidence of yesterday in NYC, aside from the rally flyer.
See The Epoch Times story here:
Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport protests erupted across Europe on Saturday, according to media photos and videos.
Thousands upon thousands of demonstrators were seen in London, Dublin, Paris, Rome, Athens, and other cities across Europe, according to footage and news reports.
The demonstrations in France appeared to be the tensest, with riot police firing tear gas as clashes erupted in central Paris.
Police sought to push back demonstrators near the capital’s Gare Saint-Lazare railway station after protesters had knocked over a police motorbike ridden by two officers, news footage showed. Scuffles between police and demonstrators also broke out the Champs-Elysees thoroughfare, where teargas was fired and traffic was halted, it showed.
Terror in the UK: the Pingdemic | added July 24

Watch UKColumn July 23rd show here.
Editor’s note: As reported in Wired, Bluetooth bugs are making contact tracing apps spit out tons of errors. The contract tracing app has become problematic. Again, essential vs non-essential plays here. While those determined essential can ignore the ‘ping’, those non-essential should self-isolate. Some text from the Wired article:
At the heart of all Bluetooth-based contact tracing apps is one fundamental issue: whether they actually help in the struggle to slow the spread of Covid-19. Whether they’re effective or not can be judged on two factors: epidemiologically and technically. But, months into the pandemic, there are still no clear answers.
“They’re quite unreliable,” says Douglas Leith, the chair of computer systems at Trinity College Dublin, who has been analysing how well devices can use Bluetooth to measure distance. Leith says the reliability of apps to detect other devices around them accurately and calculate their difference can vary widely. Bluetooth wasn’t designed for contact tracing, but in the pandemic era it’s being held up as a potential solution to the crisis.
Contact tracing apps using Bluetooth Low Energy – which is the majority of apps around the world, including those using the Apple and Google protocols – detect other devices around them using Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). In short this is the signal strength. The loss in signal strength between a transmitter in one phone and the receiver in another device is used as a way to determine distance between phones.
And from the UK’s The Times:
Ministers have ruled out extending the list of workers who are exempt from self-isolation rules and warned that the August 16 date for lifting quarantine for double-vaccinated people could be delayed. George Eustice, the environment secretary, said he recognised the “stress” that staff shortages were causing for businesses after a record 618,903 people were pinged by the NHS Covid-19 tracing app last week. However, he defended the government’s decision to limit the lifting of self-isolation requirements to food supply workers, saying ministers were keeping “a very close eye” on the number of hospital admissions.
This is funny | added July 24

Andrew Kaufman explains one version of the In Silico sequence, and the TV-driven cult of Covid | added July 23
See more on the Alex Jones show
While I am not the world’s biggest fan of Alex Jones (except for his cameo in the 2001 masterpiece film Waking Life), I do know Andrew Kaufman personally and I’ve watched his career as a Covid truther evolve since its early days. In the video linked above, he explains one method of creating one version of the in silico (theoretical, computer-model, essentially bullshit) SARS-CoV-2 that pretty much anyone with a clue knows is the basis of the Covid test.
Because I specialize in the PCR and the source of the primers, I’ve heard this description a number of different times, and this is by far the best. Kaufman is describing the supposed computer-driven reassembly of millions of random RNA nucleotides into what might be something meekly resembling a virus. While this is not the sequence used in the PCR (that is primarily a heavily edited, partial sequence of what is claimed to be the N-gene, called MN08947.3), I’ve heard the “reassembly process” described by scientists on both sides of the Covid-truth aisle.
They include a certified government virologist named Prof. Tom Melendy, by retraction demand coauthor Kevin McKernon, and others: this video clarifies what they are talking about. Some molecular biologists seem to think putting the nonexistent virus together is like assembling Legos into a little robot. It is more like sweeping together broken glass and claiming to have the whole cathedral.
Why exactly do they have to do this? Oh, because nobody has a sample of the real thing. Isn’t that funny? The World Management Team claims that a virus killed 4 million people and infected countless mega million others — but nobody has any to study. So it’s back to sweeping up broken glass. — efc
Biden predicts that currently unapproved Covid ‘vaccines’ to be given F.D.A. approval by the Fall | added July 23
Editor’s Note: WTF do they mean “predicts”? He’s the effing president. He can order them to do anything he wants, particularly in a country where nobody cares if the government follows the law. — efc
President Biden told a town hall audience in Ohio on Wednesday evening that he expected the Food and Drug Administration would give final approval “quickly” for Covid-19 vaccines, as he pressed for skeptical Americans to get vaccinated and stop another surge of the pandemic.
Mr. Biden said he was not intervening in the decision of government scientists, but pointed toward a potential decision soon from the F.D.A. to give final approval for the vaccines, which are currently authorized for emergency use. Many medical professionals have pushed for the final approval, saying it could help increase uptake of the vaccines.
“My expectation talking to the group of scientists we put together, over 20 of them plus others in the field, is that sometime maybe in the beginning of the school year, at the end of August, beginning of September, October, they’ll get a final approval” for the vaccines at the F.D.A., Mr. Biden said.
The president also said he expected children under the age of 12, who are not currently eligible to receive the vaccine, would be approved to get it on an emergency basis “soon, I believe.”
C. J. Hopkins: The Propaganda War (And How to Fight It) | added July 23
Editor’s Note: OffGuardian is one of the bright spots in the history of alternative journalism. It’s been one of the very best sources of news, views, and analysis during the Covid crisis. —efc
Again, the goal of this type of propaganda is not simply to deceive or terrorize the public. That is part of it, of course, but the more important part is forcing people to look at these images, over and over, hour after hour, day after day, at home, at work, on the streets, on television, on the Internet, everywhere.
This is how we create “reality.” We represent our beliefs and values to ourselves, and to each other, with images, words, rituals, and other symbols and social behaviors. Essentially, we conjure our “reality” into being like actors rehearsing and performing a play … the more we all believe it, the more convincing it is.
This is also why mandatory masks have been essential to the roll-out of the New Normal ideology. Forcing the masses to wear medical-looking masks in public was a propaganda masterstroke.
Simply put, if you can force people to dress up like they’re going to work in the infectious disease ward of a hospital every day for 17 months … presto! You’ve got yourself a new “reality” … a new, pathologized-totalitarian “reality,” a paranoid-psychotic, cult-like “reality” in which formerly semi-rational people have been reduced to nonsense-babbling lackeys who are afraid to go outside without permission from “the authorities,” and are injecting their children with experimental “vaccines.”
China not too keen on WHO proposal for second lab leak investigation | added July 23
Editor’s Note: If you were China, would you be? That said, my observation is that the Wuhan Virus Factory is a patsy. Sure they are doing U.S. funded (meaning, Fauci’s NIH-funded) gain-of-function “research,” but that does not mean a virus escaped. The escaped virus must be subjected to the same proofs as the presumed wild virus, which do not exist. Also, if what supposedly got out is “germ warfare,” it sure is lame. We deserve more for our tax dollars! And how does one defend against a bioweapon with a face diaper? — efc
From South China Morning Post:
Beijing will not accept the World Health Organization’s proposed second phase investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, accusing it of “arrogance” and a “disrespect for common sense” with its return to the “lab leak” theory.
Zeng Yixin, deputy minister of the National Health Commission, said he was “very surprised” when he first read about the proposed study “because it places the hypothesis that ‘China’s breach of laboratory protocols caused the virus to leak’ as one of the research priorities”.
Zeng said none of the staff or postgraduates at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – at the centre of the lab leak claims – had been infected with the new coronavirus and the lab had not conducted any gain-of-function studies, referring to suggestions its research had made natural bat coronaviruses more infectious among humans.
“So where did the virus leak due to violation of laboratory protocols [theory] come from?” Zeng said. “This phase 2 study of origin tracing is both disrespectful to common sense and contrary to science in some aspects. There is no way that we accept such an origin tracing study proposal.”
NYT: Hollywood studios can mandate that everyone on a set be vaccinated | added July 23
Editor’s Note: Now every movie can be a horror flick. — efc
Hollywood’s major unions agreed Monday night to a short-term plan that would allow studios to require everyone on a production set to be vaccinated.
The agreement, which will be in effect through the end of September, will also relax some pandemic protocols on production sets, even as the Delta variant climbs and Los Angeles County puts a mask mandate for indoor settings back in place. Studios will be able to decrease the rate of regular coronavirus testing and loosen mask mandates in outdoor settings.
The arrangement was agreed on by the Directors Guild of America, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, along with the studios as represented by the Alliance of Motion Pictures and Television Producers.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is getting hard to find, especially with social media censorship. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution. Thank you.
Private-equity firm Blackstone earnings rise as growth strategy boosts portfolio | added July 22
Editor’s Note: While small businesses struggle, the Blackstone portfolio grows stronger.
Blackstone Group Inc.’s earnings jumped in the second quarter, propelled by record appreciation in the value of its investments.
The private-equity firm posted second-quarter net income of $1.31 billion, or $1.82 a share, it said Thursday. That compares with a profit of $568.3 million, or 81 cents a share, a year earlier.
The value of Blackstone’s private-equity portfolio climbed by 13.8% in the latest period, exceeding the roughly 8% gain for the S&P 500. Combined fund appreciation across its various business lines was the highest in the history of the firm.
Aiding the strong performance was Blackstone’s recent emphasis on putting money into fast-growing companies. Initial public offerings of outsourcing company TaskUs Inc. and Indian electric-vehicle components manufacturer Sona BLW Precision Forgings Ltd. pushed up the firm’s private-equity portfolio, while sales of last-mile logistics properties in the U.S. and Australia helped boost its real-estate holdings.
Young people intubated with Covid-19 should be ‘a gigantic wakeup call,’ Alabama doctor says | added July 22
Editor’s Note: Continuing the narrative that the children are at risk at all, and playing on the emotions of mothers, this story will likely be effective in suspending the logical thought, ‘children are not at risk from this’. Implication being: Alabama’s relatively low vaccination rate (33% according to this article) will be the cause of deaths like this. There is no information regarding the child’s health before her death. And let’s remember there is no test for SARS-CoV-2. PCR positive is not a case of anything. — pcg, efc
Read more on CNN (with video):
(CNN) With Covid-19 cases rising and vaccination rates on the decline, health experts say they are concerned about the next chapter in the pandemic — especially for younger Americans, who they say are feeling the impacts.
“We do know that in our ICUs, we are seeing younger people intubated who are very sick or who are on the floors and are very sick,” Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said. “That should be a gigantic wake-up call.”
With one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, Marrazzo said Alabama is “at the beginning of a wildfire” when it comes to Covid-19 spread. And like many other health professionals in states with low vaccination rates, she said she desperately hopes stories and data showing the impact of the virus will motivate younger people to get vaccinated.
Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID vax producing symptoms of Parkinson’s, other neurodegenerative disorders | added July 22
Immunologist and former NIH scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are “clear signals” of neurodegenerative disorders.
Read more at Children’s Health Defense:
As cases pile up (445 as of July 9) of the reportedly “rare” neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome in people who received a COVID vaccine — forcing the sluggish U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to add a warning label to the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot — scientists are issuing urgent warnings about a possible tsunami of other types of neurological injuries.
Immunologist J. Bart Classen, one-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract scientist and proprietor of Classen Immunotherapies, a Maryland biotechnology firm, published a paper in February outlining the potential for messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines to trigger development of prion diseases as well as other chronic diseases.
Prion or “prion-like” diseases include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and others. A hallmark of these neurodegenerative diseases is the formation and clustering of misfolded proteins within the nervous system.
Classen’s February conclusions were based on analysis of RNA from the Pfizer injection.
Mobilising against the corporate hijack of agriculture and the UN Food Systems Summit | added July 22
The UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), including a ‘pre-summit’, will take place in September 2021 in New York. The Italian government is hosting the pre-summit in Rome from 26–28 July. The UNFSS claims it aims to deliver the latest evidence-based, scientific approaches from around the world, launch a set of fresh commitments through coalitions of action and mobilise new financing and partnerships.
Despite claims of being a ‘people’s summit’ and a ‘solutions’ summit, the UNFSS is facilitating greater corporate concentration, unsustainable globalised value chains and agribusiness leverage over public institutions. As a result, more than 300 global organisations of small-scale food producers, researchers and indigenous peoples will gather online from 25-28 July to mobilise against the pre-summit

Dr. Chant, have you no shame? | added July 20
“Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that,” said Chant.
Read more on Summit News
Editor’s Note: This is the most ridiculous story since the Vancouver, BC health department told people to fuck through a hole in the wall last summer. Notably, France also tried the “shut up” thing, telling people not to speak to one another while riding the Paris Metro, not a very talkative place usually, but still. — efc
The chief health officer of New South Wales (Australia) gave a press conference telling Australians that they shouldn’t “engage in conversation with each other,” even if they’re wearing masks, in order to reduce the transmission of COVID.
Yes, really.
Dr. Kerry Chant made the remarks in response to people in NSW being ordered to comply with yet another lockdown triggered by just a handful of new cases, which included a man in Cootamundra who visited a Woolworths supermarket, Pizza Hut restaurant, petrol station and Officeworks store.
“Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that,” said Chant.
“So even if you run into your next door neighbor in the shopping center…don’t start up a conversation, now is the time for minimizing your interactions with others, even if you’ve got a mask, do not think that affords total protection, we wanna be absolutely sure that as we go about our daily lives we do not come into contact with anyone else that would pose a risk,” she added.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains the ‘Delta Variant’, exposing the deception | added July 21
Link to Video
Sayer Ji writes: Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a good friend and colleague, provided this brief educational video on the so-called “deadly” Delta Variant that is believed to be causing major causalities in the world, disproportionately affecting children and the unvaccinated. Dr. Kaufman’s presentation starts out with a basic lesson in genetics, required to understand the topic, but is well worth the time put in. You’ll understand how profoundly misleading the narrative is about the “Delta variant” (and all future such “variants”) if you watch the video beginning to end.
Sen. Rand Paul accuses Fauci of lying about gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab | added July 21
Editor’s Note: It’s our position that the “lab release” theory is a public relations red herring mainly designed to convince people that there is a virus. In this video, Rand Paul is arguing for the lab release theory, and Fauci is attempting to shut him down. We know, in fact, that Fauci was involved in funding gain-of-function research through the Wuhan Virology Institute (which means juicing up viruses, which is usually done as part of a bioweapons arms race). But to claim that a virus in the population came fro the lab, you first have to have a sample of the virus, which they do not. — efc
Read more on Huffington Post (with video):
Dr. Anthony Fauci gave Sen. Rand Paul a stern dressing-down Tuesday morning, telling the Kentucky Republican that he was misinterpreting information in a scientific paper to accuse the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funding controversial coronavirus research.
“Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially. You do not know what you are talking about, OK?” said Fauci, who has helmed the NIH for more than 35 years.

Introducing the Vax Reaction Website | added July 21
Thank you to David Rasnick for sending this. Read more.
The authors write:
• We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).
• We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic.
• We are completely independent of any other organization.
Federal judge rules Indiana university can require Covid injections | added July 20
A federal judge has ruled that Indiana University may require its students to submit proof of Covid-19 vaccination before returning to campus this fall, dealing a setback to a brewing legal effort against vaccination requirements in higher education.
In a 101-page decision handed down Sunday, U.S. District Judge Damon R. Leichty said the university system acted reasonably to protect public health when it required all of its students, faculty and staff to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by July 1, with limited medical and religious exceptions.
In saying so, the judge denied an injunction sought by eight college and graduate students who claimed the university’s vaccine policy unconstitutionally infringes on their bodily autonomy and medical privacy.
The case is among the first to tackle the constitutionality of Covid-19 vaccine requirements at public universities.
Seattle Times: Lawsuits challenge Washington State law allowing kids to get vaccines without parental permission | added July 20
Two lawsuits filed in D.C. federal court this month challenged a city law passed last year that allows minors to be vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge, saying the legislation violates religious liberty.
The litigation comes as health officials across the country debate how much information minors should be given about vaccines, with at least one state seeking to limit teenagers’ access to shots that would protect them from covid-19 and other illnesses.
In October, the District passed the Minor Consent to Vaccinations Amendments Act, which allows children as young as 11 to get vaccines without their parents’ knowledge if a doctor determines that they are capable of informed consent.
The law was passed before coronavirus vaccines became available and was meant to allow teenagers to get shots such as the HPV vaccine, which protects against a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cancer, and the meningitis vaccine, which is recommended for teens.
UK ‘Freedom Day’ discussion happening over at OffGuardian | added July 20
It’s finally here! The BIG Event! That’s right, “Freedom Day” is upon us. After 17 months of a 3-week lockdown, the UK is re-opening for business.
Nobody in the press seems very excited about that. The Guardian reports on the “economic chaos” and the mathematical models predicting disaster. The Financial Times calls it “surrender day”. Reuters go with “anxiety day”. CNN call it a “huge gamble”. Nature says that “researchers” find it “alarming”.
They’re desperately trying to re-stoke a year-old panic by reporting rising numbers of “cases” as if that’s measure with any kind of meaning.
But none of that matters, because Britain can finally go back to normal.
…Except for all care home workers who are being forced to get vaccinated, of course. And all the businesses being “urged” to use Covid passes. And all the major cities still enforcing masks on public transport. And the wall-to-wall propaganda. That’s all here to stay.
…and the lockdowns might be coming back in the winter too.
Of Emperors Without Clothing, and Taming Wild Horses: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell | added July 19
Read more on the website of Julius Ruechel
The blindness of groupthink is only broken when enough voices stand up to challenge the illusion of conformity. Visible dissent deprives the herd of the comfort and security it seeks in consensus. When dissent becomes loud enough and refuses to be swatted aside, the politically correct narrative loses its monopoly, which forces herd members to stop in their tracks and weigh which way to turn to find the center of the herd. No-one can run in two directions at once. Resolving that dilemma is what forces the brain to start to think.
Currently the regime is manufacturing an illusion of consensus to use herd instinct as a means of control. But the moment we deprive the herd of the comfort of consensus, we will be in the driver’s seat. Breaking the illusion of consensus is what will give us the power to force the herd to think for itself. That is why it is so important that the silent good people speak out.
We don’t need to agree with one another to challenge the regime. We don’t need to speak with one voice. To break the illusion, we simply need enough people to speak out in disagreement of the “consensus”.
The Ash Conformity Experiments taught us that even a single person standing up in a room will give others with doubts the courage to speak out. Breaking the illusion begins with a single voice. But for a phenomenon as global as the current mass hysteria, it will take more than a few voices to create a loud enough counter-chorus to break the spell.
Joe Mercola: Will mRNA flu vaccines get Emergency Use Authorization next? | added July 19
Editor’s Note: I have always admired Joe Mercola’s investigative reporting. He always asks the right questions. I am privy enough to his publication process to know that his work is meticulously checked and must pass legal review before it’s published. When someone is talking about fact-checking, what that’s supposed to mean is an article so tight it could go to the jury. — efc
Read more on Mercola.com
Despite evidence of serious danger, a number of mRNA “vaccines” are in the pipeline. Among them is a COVID-flu RNA vaccine combo, which is currently being tested on ferrets, and several different mRNA seasonal influenza vaccines, which have already entered human trials
Companies currently testing mRNA flu “vaccines” on human subjects include Moderna, Sanofi and Translate Bio. Pfizer/BioNTech is also pursuing plans for an mRNA flu shot
Influenza vaccination confers narrow immunity against a specific viral strain or strains, leaving your body open to other viruses. The mRNA shots confer even more specific immunity, as your body is responding to the antigen alone rather than the whole virus
Pfizer plans to ask for EUA authorization for a third COVID booster shot in August 2021, citing evidence of waning immunity
Researchers are working on transmissible vaccines to control viral reservoirs and diminish possibility of spillover. Are human transmissible vaccines next?
(Wait — I thought we knew about that.)
More from The Verge
Moderna gave its mRNA-based seasonal flu vaccine to the first set of volunteers in a clinical trial, the pharmaceutical company announced today. The start of the trial marks the next stage of the company’s work on this type of vaccine technology after the overwhelming success of its COVID-19 vaccine, which was built using the same strategy.
All clear! No it’s not! Yes it is! Everything fine! Delta variant! Prime Minister in quarantine! On ‘Freedom Day’, Brits hug for the first time in 16 months | added July 19

Read more in The New York Times
As nightclubs across England threw open their doors for the first time in 16 months and people embraced on crowded dance floors into the dawn on Monday, the nation that had imposed one of the most stringent and longest lockdowns in the world removed nearly all legal restrictions on social interactions.
But “Freedom Day,” as the long-desired and long-delayed milestone has been labeled in the British media, is a moment fraught with risk and no small amount of confusion.
Case numbers have continued to surge, reaching levels seen during the peak of Britain’s previous virus wave in January — though with more than half the population fully vaccinated, and particularly comprehensive coverage among older and more vulnerable people, the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations have been a fraction of those in past waves.
Even as legal restrictions were lifted, hundreds of thousands of people were undergoing 10-day quarantines as part of the National Health Service’s test, trace and isolate program, many prompted by an official app that automatically “pings” users who have come into close contact with someone who tested positive for the virus.
Historical Figure: Karl Popper on the Philosophy of Science | added July 19
Editor’s Note: One thing that’s become evident the past 18 months is that people do not understand science: not the concept, not the application, not the corporate involvement, and not the problems. It is treated like a material thing, rather than human endeavor. While people may dimly recognize that there is a process, we would note that it’s not legitimate to use people against their will and knowledge as living subjects of an experiment. — efc
Read more in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Popper’s early work attempts to solve the problem of demarcation and offer a clear criterion that distinguishes scientific theories from metaphysical or mythological claims. Popper’s falsificationist methodology holds that scientific theories are characterized by entailing predictions that future observations might reveal to be false.
When theories are falsified by such observations, scientists can respond by revising the theory, or by rejecting the theory in favor of a rival or by maintaining the theory as is and changing an auxiliary hypothesis. In either case, however, this process must aim at the production of new, falsifiable predictions.
While Popper recognizes that scientists can and do hold onto theories in the face of failed predictions when there are no predictively superior rivals to turn to. He holds that scientific practice is characterized by its continual effort to test theories against experience and make revisions based on the outcomes of these tests. By contrast, theories that are permanently immunized from falsification by the introduction of untestable ad hoc hypotheses can no longer be classified as scientific.
Among other things, Popper argues that his falsificationist proposal allows for a solution of the problem of induction, since inductive reasoning plays no role in his account of theory choice.
Saturday in Paris — taking it to the streets

Someone should tell them that PCR positive is not a confirmed case of anything: Foo Fighters cancel show after someone tested positive | added July 17
Read More on Ticket News and Listen to Planet Waves FM interviews with their highly informed fans.
The Foo Fighters announced that Saturday’s concert in Los Angeles has been postponed indefinitely, after a “confirmed COVID-19 case within the Foo Fighters organization.” The last-minute cancellation was announced Wednesday evening via social media.
It wasn’t clear from the band’s announcement whether the case involved a member of the band itself, or someone on the periphery. In its announcement, Foo Fighters noted that they have “made every effort to follow CDC Covid protocols and local laws” as they returned to performing.
The decision to postpone the concert was made “out of an abundance of caution and concern for the safety of the band, crew and most of the fans,” it said.
Airline pilot situation: Jet Blue, Delta and British Airways | added July 15
All Jet Blue pilots were out of Logan Airport in Boston.
Watch video on Red Voice Media
‘We need to be cautious but without panicking’ as panic slowly stoked over alleged Delta variant | added July 17
Editor’s Note: The “variant” story has been around since the dawn of the Covid era. It was being used as a terrorist threat as early as spring 2020. Consider this masterpiece, from June 2020. Forget that RNA viruses mutate every time they replicate. Forget that there is no complete sequence of any “original” from which to measure a replication. Forget that the so-called “Delta variant” has already been acknowledged as less lethal. The story is working, to stoke panic and confusion. — efc
A cluster of midwestern and southern states have emerged as a new center of Covid-19 outbreaks, as the highly transmissible Delta variant sweeps across poorly vaccinated populations in the US.

The news marks a potentially serious setback for the Biden administration’s attempts to curb and control the pandemic as the Delta variant – which has wreaked havoc in the UK and elsewhere – is starting to spread more widely in America.
It also comes as life in much of the US has started to return to near normal, with many Covid-19 restrictions having been lifted, and as the vaccination program has slowed down.
Rates of Covid-19 cases in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi are among the highest in the country, and their vaccination rates among the lowest. Covid also appears to be gaining ground in the American west.
Even so, overall numbers of new Covid-19 cases are low. New infections are less than one-10th the average daily rate at the height of the pandemic in January, even as they have doubled in the last two weeks.
“We are not where we were in April 2020,” said Dr David Dowdy, an associate professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University and an expert in infectious diseases. Nevertheless, he said, “We’ve seen those counts can go up substantially and quickly, so we need to be cautious but without panicking.”
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.

PCR expert Kevin McKernon responds to David Martin, analyzing his claims that viruses are patented | added July 17
An interview of a man named David Martin by German consumer fraud attorney Reiner Fullmich is making the rounds — it seems to be the hot video of the week. Martin, who has become a major celebrity on the covid truth scene, claims to be a patent expert, and has offered the provocative view that you can find gene sequences and viruses related to Covid patented prior to the claimed pandemic.
Kevin McKernan, a PCR lab operator (unrelated to Covid) and trusted source, is disputing Martin on the patent issue. Kevin is a coauthor of the Corman-Drosten retraction demand. He appeared on Planet Waves TV back in March. Though it is not directly related to the issue at hand (for sure, indirectly related), here is Eric’s interview with McKernan, so you can size him up for yourself.
WHO claims to seek limits on human gene-editing experiments, believes in equality for all | added July 17
Editor’s Note: The World Health Organization (WHO) has driven the flawed response to the claimed “pandemic,” particularly by spreading the notion that there is one, and being the distributor of the fraudulent Corman-Drosten PCR assay. Then they do things to greenwash their image in tones of social justice. Their latest publicity move is to claim to seek limits on human gene editing experiments. The only meaningful limit would be a total ban. The panel also called on countries to ensure that beneficial forms of genetic alteration be shared equitably, as if this was a good thing. Related story: what is informed consent?— efc
Read more in the New York Times (paywall):

A committee of experts working with the World Health Organization on Monday called on the nations of the world to set stronger limits on powerful methods of human gene editing.
Their recommendations, made after two years of deliberation, aim to head off rogue science experiments with the human genome, and ensure that proper uses of gene-editing techniques are beneficial to the broader public, particularly people in developing countries, and not only the wealthy.
“I am very supportive,” said Dr. Leonard Zon, a gene therapy expert at Harvard University who was not a member of the committee, but called it a “thoughtful group.” Recent gene-editing results are “impressive,” he said, and the committee’s recommendations will be “very important for therapy in the future.”
The guidelines proposed by the W.H.O. committee were prompted in large part by the case of He Jiankui, a scientist in China who stunned the world in November 2018 when he announced he had altered the DNA of human embryos using CRISPR, a technique that allows precision editing of genes. Such alterations meant that any changes that occurred in the genes would be replicated in every cell of the embryo, including sperm and egg cells. And that meant that the alterations, even if they were deleterious instead of helpful, would arise not just in the babies born after gene editing but in every generation their DNA was passed on to.
Norwegian girl got bigger boobs after COVID vaccine; expert says it’s nothing to worry about | added July 17
Editor’s Note: As the “covid vaccine” saga unfolds, it’s becoming clear that it — whatever it is, whatever is in the thing — is hormonally active. We see evidence of this in menstrual irregularities in younger and older women. And now, there is a report of a young woman’s breasts growing larger after she was injected. — efc
Read more from Sputnik News:
After the ongoing mass anti-COVID vaccination programmes were rolled out across the world, several reports emerged about an unusual side-effect.

A 17-year-old girl from Oslo said she was in a “kind of crisis” after noticing a bizarre side-effect of the Pfizer shot she received a few weeks ago; her boobs got bigger.
Emma told fellow TikTokers that her bra size jumped up a notch and that as a result her breasts became pretty popular online.
According to local NRK broadcaster, which reported the news, she quickly learned that she was not alone – a lot of other women have apparently noticed a similar effect after taking the vaccine.
“When I saw that there were several on TikTok who had experienced the same thing, I searched for it online. Then I found a lot of articles from the USA,” she shared.
An expert told NRK that the side-effect may be connected to swollen lymph nodes – which are not an uncommon symptom of receiving the vaccine, which introduces an agent resembling a disease-causing microorganism to the body, triggering the production of antibodies.
Tennessee abandons vaccine outreach to minors — not just for COVID-19 | added July 17
Read more from Tennessean:
The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails obtained by the Tennessean. If the health department must issue any information about vaccines, staff are instructed to strip the agency logo off the documents.

The health department will also stop all COVID-19 vaccine events on school property, despite holding at least one such event this month.
The decisions to end vaccine outreach and school events come directly from Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey, the internal report states.
Additionally, the health department will take steps to ensure it no longer sends postcards or other notices reminding teenagers to get their second dose of the coronavirus vaccines. Postcards will still be sent to adults, but teens will be excluded from the mailing list so the postcards are not “potentially interpreted as solicitation to minors,” the report states.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is getting hard to find, especially with social media censorship. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution. Thank you.

Vaccine Passport discussion: Protests? Resignations? What’s gonna happen? | added July 17
On July 13th French President Emmanuel Macron announced that, beginning later this month, French citizens will need proof of Covid19 “vaccination”, or a negative test, to access public transport, clubs, cafes, shops and supermarkets. He also stated that healthcare workers would face mandatory vaccination:
Quite why Macron’s handlers had him make this announcement the day before Bastille Day we will never know, especially considering the Macron regime’s year-long siege at the hands of the Gilets Jaunes movement only came to an end when the “pandemic” hit.
Nevertheless, that’s what he did…and the outcry was as vociferous as it was predictable.
Thousands of people took to the streets of cities all across the country. Fittingly, Bastille Day became a day of protests…which turned violent when the police fired tear gas into the crowds.
France is not the only country with active, visible and growing “vaccine” protests.
On Monday the Greek government announced they would be making Covid19 “vaccination” mandatory for some sectors, and since then large crowds have gathered opposing the move and calling for the Prime Minister to resign.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.

How Safe is Too Safe? How Safe is Dangerous? | Retrieved from November 2020; added July 16, 2021
Dear Friend and Reader:
With the Unites States election now over, maybe we can think about things that make a difference in our lives. First, whoever is declared the winner and takes office on Jan. 20 is tasked with doing his part to ensure that the United States remains a free society.
That includes not only the freedom to move around and do what you want, but also the freedom to make personal health choices, and have food to eat.
The new president’s role is not merely about getting a claimed pandemic under control. It is making sure we have lives worth living — the ones we’ve worked for all these years, dutifully contributing two days’ salary each week to support the government, and sacrificing life and limb in war upon war.
Read More on Planet Waves
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
Los Angeles revives mask order | added July 16
Editor’s Note: As we have reported previously, there is no scientific evidence that cloth stops viral particles or droplets; the New York State Department of Health, a reference standard for the world, openly admits that it has none. People can claim that masks prevent a virus, though as the old expression goes, sayin’ it don’t make it so. We might then ask what they are about. — efc
Los Angeles County Public Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis announced on Thursday that the county was again issuing a health officer order requiring all residents to wear masks in indoor spaces. The order will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. this Saturday.
Davis said the order, which he himself is responsible for signing, “will be similar” to masking requirements the county had in place before its June 15 reopening. Sacramento-area health officials announced a similar order on Thursday.
The Health Officer walked through the L.A.’s most recent numbers and noted that the county’s case rate per 100,000 people is now 7.1. That puts the region in the “Substantial” category of spread, according to the CDC. (It’s worth noting that 7.1 would also put L.A. in the same category of Governor Gavin Newsom’s onetime Blueprint for a Safer Economy tiers, which were abandoned on June 15.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
Jon Rappoport: Graphene meets RNA technology, for cancer vaccines | added July 16
As soon as Operation Warp Speed was announced, I made it clear that one of the prime goals was: winning approval for experimental RNA technology.
RNA tech had never gotten a green light prior to the COVID vaccine. Why? Because it was highly dangerous. Generally speaking, massive inflammatory response was the issue: the body attacks itself.
But RNA tech allows new vaccines to be developed faster, easier, and cheaper. Therefore, researchers could claim to discover new viruses at the drop of a hat (without authentic proof), and pharma companies could develop new vaccines (aka genetic RNA treatments) overnight.
It became Bill Gates’ and Tony Fauci’s mission to drag an RNA COVID vaccine across the finish line to emergency-use approval, come hell or high water. They were determined to crack open the marketplace for a flood of RNA medical products.
In yesterday’s, article, I highlighted the arrival of a “miracle” substance, graphene, trumpeted as the core of a whole new frontier in medicine.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
OffGuardian: Global Vaccine Passports Have Arrived Courtesy of Google, EU | added July 16
On June 30th, 2021, the Google Developers blog announced the launch of vaccine passports in Android through its Passes API.
Less than 24 hours later, the European Union, long mired in a sea of national standards for digital jab records, rolled out its EU-wide vaccine passport.
Two completely different vaccine passport schemes unveiled on the same day, encompassing the whole of the Western world? What are the odds!
Exceedingly low, of course. This level of coordination belies yet another blitz in the ongoing rollout of a global, technofeudal control grid. The EU has arguably been at the forefront of this rollout – its standardized digital jab certificate is little more than an aggregator for the draconian technology now operating at the Nation-State level.
Adoption of this unified standard is already approaching 100% of EU Member States. Doublethink rhetoric of restoring the Schengen Area’s “freedom of movement” abounds, even as additional barriers to travel are erected.
In this sense, Google and the US are playing catch-up. While de facto vaccine passports have been implemented sparingly in places like New York, California, and Hawaii, an ever-expanding number of States have banned the notion outright.
Yet herein lies the insidiousness of the public-private partnership model: Technocrats can use governments where it suits them, corporations where it does not, and an increasingly bizarre fusion of the two where necessary. Even the propaganda rollout surrounding jab passports is bifurcated by this model, with the EU using official government bulletins while Google syndicates the news via trendy tech blogs.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
Alabama’s Fort Rucker is first U.S. military base to require proof of shots from unmasked service members | added July 16
About 68 percent of members of the U.S. military have had at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, but given that only full vaccination affords significant protection against the more infectious Delta variant surging in parts of the United States, American commanders are seeking new ways to pressure, entice and cajole service members to get their shots.
Now, Fort Rucker in Alabama has become the first military base in the United States to require that unmasked uniformed service members provide proof of vaccinations.
As in other states that have low overall vaccination rates, coronavirus cases are rising sharply in Alabama. Only 33 percent of the state’s population is fully vaccinated, one of the lowest proportions in the country, and cases have shot up 133 percent over the last two weeks, according to a New York Times database, reaching a daily average of more than 500. Hospitalizations have risen 39 percent over two weeks.
The situation has added urgency to military leaders’ battle against vaccine misinformation and hesitancy in the ranks.
“The big difference is going to be that if you are not wearing a mask, the leadership will be able to ask you, ask soldiers, to prove that they’ve been vaccinated by showing their vaccination card,” said Major Gen. David Francis, the commanding general of Fort Rucker, in a video posted July 12 on Fort Rucker’s Facebook page.
President Biden could legally require members of the military to get vaccinated even though the vaccines in use in the United States — those made by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — have only emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. Mr. Biden has steadfastly refused to exercise that power even amid the spread of the Delta variant.
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OffGuardian report on Australian petition against mandatory vaccination | added July 15
A new petition is ongoing, calling on the government of Australia to rule out making Covid19 “vaccination” mandatory.
Under new laws, the experimental shots are already mandatory for certain employment sectors and there are rumours this policy will soon spread to the population at large.
Even if the government doesn’t make them mandatory, Australia already has “no jab, no pay” policies in place for other shots. These controversial rules dictate that only parents who vaccinate their children are eligible for certain state benefits. That is coercion.
A similar approach to Covid19 vaccines – that taking the vaccine would “earn” certain freedoms back or giving away prizes, for example – could well be a breach of international law.
Under the Nuremberg Code, established in 1947, forcing OR coercing humans to partake of any experimental medical treatment is against the law, and amounts to a war crime.
Mainstream media “Fact-checkers” are quick to attempt to debunk this claim, suggesting that the “nuremburg code does not apply to Covid vaccines”, because “they are approved and not experimental”.
But this is very dishonest, Covid vaccines are not “approved”, but rather they are subject to “emergency use exemptions”, meaning they’ve been rushed to market without sufficient testing because there is an (alleged) public health emergency.
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Record number of French citizens reportedly rushed to get vaccinated after Macron announced ‘health pass’ requirements to visit cafes, bars, and shopping centers | added July 15
A record number of French citizens booked vaccine shots Monday after French President Emmanuel Macron said that starting in August, anyone who wants to visit cafes, bars or shopping centers must show a “health pass” that certifies they’ve been vaccinated or recently tested negative for the coronavirus.
“Get vaccinated!” the president said in a live address to the nation, warning of a new coronavirus surge fueled by the fast-spreading delta variant.
Many French people got the message loud and clear. On Monday, 926,000 people booked their first dose through the online medical platform Doctolib — “an absolute record,” the site says. Hundreds of thousands more have continued to book slots on Tuesday.
Vaccination, Macron said, is “the only path to return to normal life.” He called it “our collective shield.”
The new policy also makes vaccinations or a recent negative test mandatory for:
- Anyone who works in health care and nursing homes or who has contact with vulnerable people, with a deadline of mid-September.
- Anyone 12 and over who wants to visit an amusement park, attend a show, concert or festival, starting on July 21.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
CHD: Big Pharma Wrote 10,000 Checks Worth $9 Million to Help Elect State Politicians in 2020 | added July 15
From Children’s Health Defense:
Lobbyists are professional advocates whose job it is to influence political decisions. According to the law, a lobbyist cannot pay a politician directly to secure a vote. However, the industry has found several ways of working around this restriction. One way is to organize a fundraiser for the candidate they want to influence.
The fundraiser helps support the candidate’s reelection and term in office and the lobbyist can talk with a candidate about their legislative concerns. Lobbyists can spend big money to influence decisions that ultimately yield much more money.
For example, one year-long analysis by the Sunlight Foundation found that for every dollar spent influencing politicians, corporations received $760 from the government. This is a 76,000% return on their investment. The Sunlight Foundation examined 14 million records to reach this result. According to the Foundation, in 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court suggested that political donors do not receive anything in return for their donations.
In the landmark Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission decision, the justices wrote that corporate money spent on federal elections “do[es] not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.” STAT analyzed data gathered in 2020 and discovered many health care decisions are in the hands of pharmaceutical companies that are making big bucks.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
Tennessee to halt adolescent vaccine outreach for all diseases | added July 15
The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails obtained by the Tennessean. If the health department must issue any information about vaccines, staff are instructed to strip the agency logo off the documents.
The health department will also stop all COVID-19 vaccine events on school property, despite holding at least one such event this month. The decisions to end vaccine outreach and school events come directly from Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey, the internal report states.
Additionally, the health department will take steps to ensure it no longer sends postcards or other notices reminding teenagers to get their second dose of the coronavirus vaccines. Postcards will still be sent to adults, but teens will be excluded from the mailing list so the postcards are not “potentially interpreted as solicitation to minors,” the report states.
These changes to Tennessee’s vaccination strategy, detailed in an COVID-19 report distributed to health department staff on Friday, then reiterated in a mass email on Monday, illustrate how the state government continues to dial back efforts to vaccinate minors against coronavirus. This state’s approach to vaccinations will not only lessen efforts to inoculate young people against coronavirus, and could also hamper the capacity to vaccinate adults and protect children from other infectious diseases.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
New York gives up prosecuting Buffalo-area gym owner for showing his face, not distancing | added July 14
Editor’s Note: Many have proposed that state mandates are toothless acts of law, policy and executive order — and New York State has proven this by dropping the charges against Robby Dinero, the Orchard Park gym owner. We have read that all other charges and fines for breaking the covid rules have been dropped as well. Hold for more on that. Here is some local coverage of the same issue.
Feds Claim U.S. Covid-19 Case Counts Have Doubled in Recent Weeks | added July 14
Editor’s Note: Any time you see the word “case,” or the term “confirmed case,” remember that what they really mean is PCR positive. The PCR, “the test,” is incapable of testing for a virus. It also gives 90% false positives if you think it can give any positives at all. One allegedly diagnostic test does not give a firm diagnosis of anything. And best of all, it is not searching for SARS-CoV-2 because nobody has any. It is searching for MN908947.3, which no human can get; it is a computer file: a virtual virus. Here is our PCR resource area.
Read more in the Wall StreetJournal (paywall):
New Covid-19 cases are on the rise in a number of states across the U.S., worrying health officials and epidemiologists as many Americans remain unvaccinated and the highly transmissible Delta variant spreads.
The U.S. is averaging more than 23,000 new cases a day, double the seven-day average of around 11,300 cases three weeks ago, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University. On 17 of the past 18 days, the seven-day case average was higher than the 14-day average, also suggesting cases have been rising nationally.
The uptick follows a significant slowdown in Covid-19 metrics after a deadly winter surge, when newly reported cases peaked at around 240,000 cases a day in mid-January, and it comes as public-health officials push to reinvigorate the nation’s vaccination campaign and get shots to undecided or isolated Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly all recent Covid-19 cases and deaths from the disease are among unvaccinated people.
Photo of the Day: Absolutely Nothing | added July 14

COVID vaccine is essential when preparing for hurricane season, according to CDC | added July 14
Editor’s Note: Many people have sent in this story, more or less shocked. Getting an injection as preparation for a hurricane? Why would that be? The hurricane is the next carrier? You might “infect” your fellow refugees? It protects you from a lightning strike? (With graphene oxide, probably not.) Or maybe they are full of shit, and every last thing in the world is an excuse to get the shot, get the shot, get the shot. Here you go…

Read more from The New York Post:
Americans typically prepare for Hurricane season by stocking up on water and nonperishable food, but the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) raised eyebrows Monday when the government agency stated coronavirus vaccines are essential to weathering the storm.
Health officials have stressed that fully vaccinated individuals have a high degree of protection against COVID-19, and that the true risk is for unvaccinated populations. The Biden administration has continued to urge Americans to receive the shots as soon as possible, but in some states the demand for vaccines has fallen, even with ample supplies available.
The CDC’s website tied the vaccine with planning for hurricane season and even listed the jab ahead of preparing emergency food, water and medical supplies, under a section titled, “Prepare for hurricane season.”
The CDC’s first bullet point is “Understand that your planning may be different this year because of the need to protect yourself and others from COVID-19,” while the second is, “Get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you can. COVID-19 vaccines help protect you from getting sick or severely ill with COVID-19 and may also help protect people around you.”
And, just in case you feel like taking this charade to the next limit, The Post continues:
The CDC website also urges Americans to keep six feet apart for social distancing concerns when checking on neighbors during a hurricane, asks people to put masks and hand sanitizer in emergency kits and provides a friendly reminder that anyone who is “unconscious” can do without a mask.
Just under half of all eligible Americans have received full vaccinations against the coronavirus. Recent polling by Gallup has shown that one in five Americans have no plan to get vaccinated at all.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is getting hard to find, especially with social media censorship. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution. Thank you.

BREAKING — CDC issues emergency guidance against blowing kisses | added June 14
ATLANTA (CNN) — Infectious disease experts have issued an advisory against blowing kisses, saying they have discovered a new means of transmission for the novel coronavirus.
Tuesday morning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a Level 1 Advisory — their highest — urging all Americans, especially young women, to stop blowing kisses. Technically known as “remote osculation,” CDC said this is a particularly dangerous practice because the gesture is aimed directly at another person.
“It’s very dangerous,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, who is on the President’s Task Force for the Prevention of Covid-19 Disease. “You think it’s just sweet and innocent, but it’s not. It’s like killing people. You may as well just stab them and get it over with.”
CDC said that remote osculation may be safe at distances beyond 25 feet, though even that is risky, as the love gets all over the place. Men have been known to respond to a blown kiss at a distance of more than half a mile, according to experts.
This is because the virus particles attach to the love particles, which can carry a great distance and are extremely persistent, according to the experts.
It is believed that plexiglass obstacles would help prevent the spread of covid by kiss-blowing. Large sheets of the transparent plastic are being installed on every street in New York City.
According to Franz Geilermann, who sits on CDC’s elite Affection Disease Prevention Panel, remote osculation spreads a cloud of love and other material, which is believed to cause Covid and which can be detected in molecular quantities by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Anthony Fauci, who is Italian, said that the ban on kiss-blowing was probably taking things too far. “I haven’t said anything till now, but really? I’m all for safety but this is probably a low risk activity.”
Ben Garrison still not taking any shit | added July 13

CHD: Hundreds injured by COVID vaccines turn to GoFundMe for help with expenses | added July 13
From Children’s Health Defense:
High school senior Emma Burkey received the one-shot Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine April 1. Within two weeks she was placed in an induced coma. She underwent three brain surgeries after experiencing seizures and developing blood clots in her brain.
When Burkey was well enough to be transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation center, her first round of bills totaled $513,000.
Friends of the 18-year-old’s family turned to GoFundMe to raise money to help cover Burkey’s mounting medical costs. As of July 7, more than $59,000 had been raised.
The family hopes most of Burkey’s medical costs will be covered by insurance — but that’s unclear, as the cost of their daughter’s medical care could run into millions of dollars.
“Right now it feels like the national debt,” a family spokesperson said. “It’s so big you can’t get your head around it.”
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
The Organic Human: An endangered species — read from OffGuardian | added July 12
When did natural become weird?
When did poison get to be the main event & natural get laughed at?
What’s with the ‘Hark at you with your poncy food – think you’re special, do you?’ sneers?
The ‘It’s ok for people like you who can afford it’ comments. Do people sneer at people who can afford to buy fags, have wine every night, go on holiday, go to the pub, buy a new car or subscribe to Sky TV or Netflix?
Why, when I’m out shopping do I have to search through the ‘normal’ food covered in pesticides & msg to find the ‘weird’ version that’s natural?
Why, if I want to be natural & unaltered, to be void of chemicals, genetic modification & radiation, am I also branded weird?
A ‘conspiracy theorist’ for choosing not to trust the company with the biggest criminal history of medical fraud ever, to inject an experimental concoction into my cells for ‘health’ reasons based on a test that thinks a mango can catch a virus?
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
Covid-19 injections made mandatory for France’s health care workers | added July 13
COVID-19 jabs will be mandatory for France’s health workers and anyone wanting to get into a cinema or board a train will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test under new rules announced by President Emmanuel Macron on Monday.
Unveiling sweeping measures to combat a surge in infections, Macron said vaccinations would not be compulsory for the general public but encouraged everyone to get a jab.
“We must go towards vaccination of all French people, it is the only way towards a normal life,” Macron said in a televised address to the nation.
“A new race against the clock is on,” he said, referring to the highly contagious Delta variant.
France has an entrenched anti-vaccination movement but authorities had so far believed they could curb the spread of the coronavirus by convincing enough people, including medical staff, to get inoculated voluntarily.
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Woman reportedly contracts two variants of the coronavirus at the same time | added July 13
The patient came to the hospital because she was repeatedly falling down. She was breathing fine, and her blood oxygen levels were good. But tests showed that the 90-year-old Belgian woman had COVID-19 — and not just one strain, but two variants of the virus. She died at the hospital in just five days after her respiratory system rapidly deteriorated.
“To our knowledge, this is one of the first reports of a double infection” with two coronavirus variants of concern, the researchers said.
The woman had both the alpha and beta variants of the coronavirus (which were detected first in the U.K. and South Africa, respectively), according to a paper that was presented over the weekend at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.
“Both these variants were circulating in Belgium at the time, so it is likely that the lady was co-infected with different viruses from two different people,” said Anne Vankeerberghen of the OLV Hospital in Aalst, Belgium, in a news release.
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GBS is ‘A rare, but very probably real consequence of the vaccine,’ says Paul Offit | added July 13
“Reports to a database operated jointly by the agency and the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control suggest there may be a link between the inoculations and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a form of progressive paralysis” which has been associated in the past with other injections, particularly flu vaccines.
While the FDA assures the public that it’s “generally reversible,” it nevertheless begs the question: what about those cases when it is not reversible? Do we understand the mechanism of harm? And if this is not understood, then shouldn’t more research be required?
Let us always remember: for most people the likelihood of recovery from a SARS-COV-2 infection is approaching 100%. So even if the risk of permanent paralysis is small, can it ever be small enough?
See STAT News for the original story.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
The Organic Human: An Endangered Species — read from OffGuardian | added July 12
When did natural become weird?
When did poison get to be the main event & natural get laughed at?
What’s with the ‘Hark at you with your poncy food – think you’re special, do you?’ sneers?
The ‘It’s ok for people like you who can afford it’ comments. Do people sneer at people who can afford to buy fags, have wine every night, go on holiday, go to the pub, buy a new car or subscribe to Sky TV or Netflix?
Why, when I’m out shopping do I have to search through the ‘normal’ food covered in pesticides & msg to find the ‘weird’ version that’s natural?
Why, if I want to be natural & unaltered, to be void of chemicals, genetic modification & radiation, am I also branded weird?
A ‘conspiracy theorist’ for choosing not to trust the company with the biggest criminal history of medical fraud ever, to inject an experimental concoction into my cells for ‘health’ reasons based on a test that thinks a mango can catch a virus?
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
WSJ: Cuban Protests Demand Freedom, Food, Covid-19 Vaccines | July 12
Hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in a wave of demonstrations in Havana and at least six other cities throughout the Communist island, demanding an end to the 62-year dictatorship and protesting the lack of food and Covid-19 vaccines.
“We are not afraid! We are not afraid!” people shouted as they marched through the streets on Sunday, videos posted on social media showed. “Freedom! Freedom!”
The protests are unprecedented in a country with tight police control and surveillance on dissidents, analysts say.
In a televised address on Sunday, President Miguel Díaz-Canel blamed the protests on the U.S., which he said seeks to economically strangle Cuba and bring about a social explosion.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
As developers of vaccines are protected from liability, injured turn to GoFundMe to pay medical bills | added July 12
From Children’s Health Defense:
High school senior Emma Burkey received the one-shot Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine April 1. Within two weeks she was placed in an induced coma. She underwent three brain surgeries after experiencing seizures and developing blood clots in her brain.
When Burkey was well enough to be transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation center, her first round of bills totaled $513,000.
Friends of the 18-year-old’s family turned to GoFundMe to raise money to help cover Burkey’s mounting medical costs. As of July 7, more than $59,000 had been raised.
The family hopes most of Burkey’s medical costs will be covered by insurance — but that’s unclear, as the cost of their daughter’s medical care could run into millions of dollars.
“Right now it feels like the national debt,” a family spokesperson said. “It’s so big you can’t get your head around it.”
According to a recent update on Burkey’s GoFundMe page, Burkey is still in intensive rehab, remains in a wheelchair and was able to stand unassisted for the first time July 6 — almost four months after she got the vaccine.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
Erectile dysfunction? Blame it on Covid | added July 12
Can COVID-19 cause lasting erectile dysfunction?
This is now the topic of some discussion among doctors and health experts as they try to better understand the effects of the coronavirus. The problem has been observed in some patients, but experts agree more study is needed to form any conclusions.
Some men are coming into doctors’ offices saying erectile dysfunction has occurred following a COVID-19 infection, said Dr. Ryan Berglund, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic. At the moment, there’s primarily anecdotal evidence, and “we don’t know the scale of the problem at this point.”
Berglund stressed that it had not been proved that COVID-19 causes erectile dysfunction.
In much the same way inflammation of the heart muscle, or myocarditis, can occur as a consequence of COVID-19, it is plausible that erectile dysfunction could occur from the disease.
“It’s also the blood vessels themselves that can become inflamed,” Berglund said, “which could cause an obstructive phenomenon and negatively impact the ability to get erections.”
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
CNBC: Virtually all new Covid deaths and hospitalizations are among unvaccinated people, White House says | added July 10
As more people get vaccinated against Covid-19 in the U.S., a vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are occurring among people who haven’t yet gotten a Covid shot, White House officials said Thursday.
“Virtually all Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths in United States are now occurring among unvaccinated individuals,” White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said at a press briefing. He said cases will continue to rise, especially among unvaccinated people, particularly as the delta variant takes hold in the U.S.
Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the Covid vaccines currently being used are proving to be successful in preventing severe disease, hospitalization and death from the delta variant.
Cases are still going up: The seven-day moving average of new cases rose to 13,900 per day, an 11% increase over the previous week, Walensky said.
Honest, independent journalism about Covid is hard to find. We are sponsored only by our readers. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution.
WaPo opinion piece argues for Biden to consider vaccine requirements | added July 10
President Biden missed an important opportunity on the Fourth of July by holding an event at the White House that did not require its more than 1,000 attendees to be vaccinated. The celebration could have been a chance to show that vaccination isn’t just an individual decision, but one that affects the health of others — including those already vaccinated.
Biden spoke at the event about vaccination as “the most patriotic thing you can do.” But on the same day, his covid-19 coordinator, Jeff Zients, said on CNN that vaccinations were not required to attend because it was about “individual choice.” “You’re protected if you’re vaccinated. You’re not protected if you’re not,” Zients said. This feeds into a “live and let live” attitude that has been used to question why someone should care about another person’s vaccination status. After all, if vaccines protect the person receiving it, then why should they care if others choose not to have it?
There’s an obvious problem with this line of thinking, which is the danger to those who do not have immune protection and not by choice. Children under 12 who are not yet eligible for vaccination and people who are immunocompromised are at risk around unvaccinated people who could be infected with covid-19. In addition, despite the Biden administration’s admirable efforts to increase vaccine availability, many who are not yet vaccinated still lack access. Low-income workers and people facing food and housing insecurity are more likely to be unvaccinated despite wanting to get the vaccine.
But vaccinated Americans should also care whether people around them have gotten the shot. Here’s why: If everyone around them is also vaccinated, the chance of them being infected and then contracting covid-19 is virtually nil. On the other hand, if they’re in multiple settings every day where they are constantly surrounded by unvaccinated people, the risk of getting infected increases. Risk is additive, so the more unvaccinated people they’re exposed to, and the higher the rate of coronavirus in their community, the higher the risk.
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CHD: 1-Hour Version of Censored Interview with Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology | added July 10
From Children’s Health Defense:
In June, Dr. Bret Weinstein interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, and Steve Kirsch, philanthropist and tech entrepreneur who has become a respected force in the quest to give voice to people who have been harmed by COVID vaccines.
The 3.5 hour “DarkHorse Podcast” interview was censored on YouTube and other major social media platforms. Five days after the DarkHorse podcast was published, Malone’s scientific accomplishments and contributions were scrubbed from Wikipedia.
Thanks to filmmaker Mikki Willis and his team for creating this 1-hour version of the original podcast exclusive for The Defender.
During the podcast, Malone, Weinstein and Kirsch touch on the implications of the controversial Japanese Pfizer biodistribution study, made public earlier this month by Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist.
The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries.
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Reuters: Find $75 billion to head off next pandemic, top panel tells G20 | added July 10
COVID-19 is probably only a forerunner of increasingly dangerous pandemics in the future and governments need to find $75 billion over the next 5 years to prepare for them, a panel of experts told finance ministers of the Group of 20 rich countries on Friday.
In a report to the G20 meeting in Venice the panel said the $15 bln per year of investments it recommended doubled current spending levels but was “negligible” compared with the costs of another major outbreak of a new contagious illness.
“The economic case for these additional investments is overwhelming,” said former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who co-chaired the 23-member panel along with World Trade Organization Chief Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Singapore’s former finance minister, Tharman Shanmugaratnam.
Summers told Reuters in an interview he was “guardedly optimistic” its recommendations would be implemented and said “we won’t be reluctant to speak out” if they are not.
“Spending tens of billions of dollars could save tens of trillions,” he said.
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One Year Ago Today!
CDC published unfounded speculation that elevator button was a vector for the virus | Retrieved from July 8, 2020
Eric recently challenged his Facebook readers to come up with a case study of one instance of transmission through contact with a surface. One of them provided this article in Business Insider and he posted it to Facebook, along with the original study, for evaluation and deconstruction.
Business Insider made it sound like there was scientific proof of transmission via the buttons in an elevator. But it turned out that the buttons were never tested for the virus, that air transmission via droplets and aerosols was never ruled out, and that the whole thing was speculative. So, we are back to square zero on surface transmission just like CDC said in May.
But let’s not allow that to stop us from finding new and “novel” reasons to be absolutely terrified of life.
From Business Insider:
New research reveals that an elevator can be a coronavirus transmission hotspot, even if an infected person doesn’t have symptoms and doesn’t ride with anyone else.
A woman traveled from the US back to her home in China’s Heilongjiang province on March 19. Although she did not have any symptoms, she quarantined in her apartment following her arrival, avoiding any close contact with other apartment-building residents. An antibody test would later reveal she was an asymptomatic coronavirus carrier.
Three weeks later, her downstairs neighbor (and four of the neighbor’s close contacts) tested positive.
Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez: ‘The Spike protein is nothing more than graphene inside your body and spiking you’
Editor’s Note: What exactly is making people sick? We have long wondered — if anything was, what was it? Well, now there is a theory — and the theory is that it’s the same thing that is loaded into the “covid vaccine” — and the nasal swab for the PCR, and commercial masks. Yes, that sounds insane: read on, and watch Dr. Martinez in this interview (video included). — efc
On Sunday, June 27, Argentine geneticist Dr. Luis Marcelo Martinez was interviewed by Pedro Moreno in the program Integrantes.
In this interview, Dr. Martinez explains that the pandemic must be treated from an engineering point of view and not only from a health point of view since it was discovered that vaccines contain graphene oxide, but experts in the area of electromagnetism must also be brought in to understand how to deal with what we are experiencing.
Orwell City has selected four points that are relevant and directly related to the findings made by La Quinta Columna and that are of great interest to both the scientific community and the general public.
CHD: Number of Reported COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated Continues to Climb | added July 9
Editor’s Note: While we are talking about Covid “cases,” remember that a case is only a positive test result from the PCR, which does not test for SARS-CoV-2; it tests for random nucleotides, and is primed with a theoretical “virus” called MN908947.3. So when someone says cases, I suggest you cringe a little, because to have a case of something is to 1. Be sick and 2. To be properly diagnosed. A “case” of “covid” is neither. — efc.
From Children’s Health Defense:
Reports of COVID breakthrough cases among fully vaccinated people continue to rise — as of June 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 4,686 breakthrough cases resulting in death and hospitalization.
Nearly 30 people in Louisiana who were fully vaccinated against COVID died from the virus, according to the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH).
Dr. Joseph Kanter, LDH state health officer and medical director, said 27 people between the ages of 28 and 93 died with COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated.
“These are people who died from COVID, from complications of COVID, despite being vaccinated because the vaccine is not 100% [effective] and people with weakened immune systems, people who are a little bit older, and some people for reasons we don’t really understand, might not mount a full immune response to the vaccine,” he said.
According to the LDH, 1,563 breakthrough cases have been reported. As of June 7, 94 fully vaccinated people were hospitalized statewide with COVID-like symptoms.
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HHS Secretary attempts to clarify his statement that ‘it is absolutely the government’s business’ to know Americans’ vaccination status | added July 9
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra on Thursday sought to clarify his argument that “it is absolutely the government’s business” to know which Americans have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, after facing backlash from Republicans in Congress.
In a tweet, the federal government’s top health official said his comments from earlier in the day had been “taken wildly out of context.”
“To be clear: government has no database tracking who is vaccinated,” he wrote. “We’re encouraging people to step up to protect themselves, others by getting vaccinated. It’s the best way to save lives and end this pandemic.”
Becerra’s initial remarks on Thursday morning came in response to Republican criticism that President Joe Biden has received this week for his administration’s latest push to persuade vaccine-hesitant Americans to get their shots.
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Moderna begins human trial for mRNA-based seasonal flu injection | added July 9
Moderna gave its mRNA-based seasonal flu vaccine to the first set of volunteers in a clinical trial, the pharmaceutical company announced today. The start of the trial marks the next stage of the company’s work on this type of vaccine technology after the overwhelming success of its COVID-19 vaccine, which was built using the same strategy.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, mRNA vaccines were still largely experimental, even as they were heralded as the future of vaccine development. People who get an mRNA vaccine are injected with tiny snippets of genetic material from the target virus. Their cells use that genetic information to build bits of the virus, which the body’s immune system learns to fight against.
The high efficacy of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech was a major endorsement for this type of vaccine. Now, pharmaceutical companies plan to use this technology to fight other types of infectious diseases, including flu. The flu shots available each year in the United States are usually between 40 and 60 percent effective. The most common shots are made by growing the influenza virus in cells or chicken eggs, and then killing the virus so it’s no longer dangerous. It takes a long time to grow the virus, so companies have to start making the shots around six months ahead of time, based on predictions around which strain of the flu will be circulating that year.
Pharmaceutical companies hope that mRNA-based flu vaccines can be more effective than the traditional shots. Because they’d be faster to make, production wouldn’t have to start so far in advance, and they could theoretically be more closely matched with the type of flu spreading each season.
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NYT: Spectators will be barred from the Olympics as Japan declares a new state of emergency for Tokyo | added July 9
Olympic organizers said on Thursday that they would bar spectators from most events at the Games scheduled to open in two weeks, a decision that followed the declaration of a new state of emergency in Tokyo in response to a sudden spike in coronavirus cases.
Officials have long insisted that they can hold the Tokyo Games safely amid a pandemic. Last month, they announced that they would allow domestic spectators at the events despite public fears that the Games could become a petri dish for new variants of the virus.
Now, the virus has again wreaked havoc on the planning of Olympic organizers, who gathered in an emergency meeting on Thursday night to decide how to respond to the latest challenge of a pandemic that had already delayed the Games by a year.
The announcement came only hours before the Olympic torch was set to begin the last — and long-delayed — leg of its trip through Japan. Officials decided this week that there would be almost no actual running during its two-week perambulation through Tokyo and its suburbs, replacing the marathon with a series of ceremonies that would be closed to the public.
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As if the Delta variant wasn’t enough, Israel reports first case of new and improved ‘Delta Plus’ Covid variant | added July 8
The first case of the so-called Delta Plus variant has been detected in Israel, according to a report on Wednesday. The development came as a top health official announced that vaccinated travelers entering Israel from virus hotspots could be forced to enter quarantine.
The Delta variant, which is believed to be twice as contagious as the original strain of COVID-19, is thought to be responsible for 90 percent of new cases in Israel over the past two weeks. The Delta Plus strain has an extra mutation from the Delta variant, the significance of which is still unclear.
The new strain was found in a vaccinated woman who entered Israel from abroad, the Haaretz daily reported, without identifying the traveler’s country of origin.
A man who came in contact with the woman in Israel has since contracted COVID-19 and genetic sequencing is being performed to check whether he is also carrying the Delta Plus strain, the report said.
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Whitney Webb discusses background information on ‘vaccines’ with Dr. Reiner Fullmich | added July 8
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CHD: Google Installs COVID Tracking App on Android Phones in Massachusetts — Without User Consent | added July 8
From Children’s Health Defense:
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health partnered with Google and Apple to create a smartphone app called MassNotify, which tracks and traces people, advising users of others’ COVID-19 status.
For a tool that claims to have been developed “with a focus on privacy,” imagine Massachusetts residents’ surprise when the app suddenly appeared on their Android phones out of nowhere. In a review on the Google Play Store, one shocked parent said:
“This installed silently on my daughter’s phone without consent or notification. She cannot have installed it herself since we use Family Link and we have to approve all app installs.
“I have no idea how they pulled this off, but it had to involve either Google, or Samsung, or both. Normal apps can’t just install themselves. I’m not sure what’s going on here, but this doesn’t count as ‘voluntary.’ We need information, and we need it now, folks.”
The official MassNotify site, operated by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, makes no mention that the app will automatically show up on residents’ phones without consent, stating only that MassNotify is a “new tool that works through smartphones, with a focus on privacy, to alert users who may have been exposed to COVID-19.”
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Dr. Malcolm Kendrick: Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research | added July 8
Several years ago, I wrote a book called Doctoring Data. It was my attempt to help people navigate their way through medical headlines and medical data.
One of the main reasons I was stimulated to write it, is because I had become deeply concerned that science, especially medical science, had been almost fully taken over by commercial interests. With the end result that much of the data we were getting bombarded with was enormously biased, and thus corrupted. I wanted to show how some of this bias gets built-in.
I was not alone in my concerns. As far back as 2005, John Ioannidis wrote the very highly cited paper ‘Why most Published Research Findings are False’. It has been downloaded and read by many, many, thousands of researchers over the years, so they can’t say they don’t know:
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‘New Normal Newspeak’ series at OffGuardian looks at the World Health Organization’s quiet redefinition of ‘herd immunity’ | added July 7
WHO removed natural immunity from the definition.
Ever since the beginning of the “pandemic”, and its transition into the clear “New Normal” (or “Great Reset) agenda, the English language itself has become a battleground. Words and phrases are being stretched and twisted into new, bizarre or contradictory meanings, or weighted with implications that never existed before.
“New Normal Newspeak” is our attempt to catalogue these changes, and stop the real meaning of words being memory-holed forever.
Our first example is a very, very literal one.
The phrase “Herd Immunity” has existed for decades, and most of us had probably come across it at some point prior to March 2020. It had a clear meaning, which was available from (among other places) the World Health Organization website:
Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”
However, after the “pandemic” hit, this erstwhile totally uncontroversial theory became the subject of fierce debate, and proponents of it suddenly found themselves described as “genocidal”.
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NYT: As masks become optional, they also become a symbol of class and inequality. | added July 7
In the weeks since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its mask guidelines to allow fully vaccinated people to take their masks off in most indoor settings, a stark divide has emerged, particularly in wealthier enclaves where services are at a premium.
Those still wearing masks tend to be members of the service class — store clerks, waiters, janitors, manicurists, security guards, receptionists, hair stylists and drivers — while those without face coverings are often the well-to-do customers being wined and dined.
Employers are hesitant to discuss their mask policies, but there are sensible reasons for requiring staffers to keep their masks on.
Just under 50 percent of people in the United States are fully vaccinated. And coronavirus variants, some of which are highly infectious and may be more resistant to vaccines, are on the rise, said Dr. Lisa Maragakis, an epidemiologist and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University.
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Dad: My Son’s School Made Him Get a COVID Vaccine, Now He Has a Heart Condition — read from CHD | added July 7
A 17-year-old student developed symptoms of a heart condition about one week after his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and was subsequently diagnosed with a heart condition, his father said Tuesday on “Fox & Friends.”
The teen already had COVID and recovered, but was required to get the vaccine in order to play soccer.
The teen’s father, Fabio Berlingieri, said his son was vaccinated on June 15, and about a week later started complaining that “his heart was hurting every time he had a heartbeat.”
At first, Berlingieri thought his son had pulled a muscle playing sports. But when the symptoms persisted, he took him to a walk-in clinic. Doctors gave the teen an EKG, and found nothing wrong, but recommended he see a cardiologist the next day. The cardiologist did a sonogram, which again turned up nothing, then ran some bloodwork.
Berlingieri said they were told it would be two or three days before they got results from the bloodwork. When they did, it was “bad news.”
“They called and said ‘your son has to get to the emergency room today,’” Berlingieri said. “I said today’s his prom, can he go later? They said, ‘no, he has to go now.’”
His son’s troponin levels were “off the charts,” Berlingieri explained, adding that his son was hospitalized for a couple of days.
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Ohio judge orders shot against Covid-19 as condition of parole | added July 7
A Franklin County judge recently began including vaccination against COVID-19 as a condition of defendants’ terms of probation.
Common Pleas Judge Richard Frye said last week he added the vaccine as a condition on three cases in the week of the roughly 20 sentences he imposed.
He said he discussed the matter in open court with the defendants, and they attributed their unvaccinated status to procrastination. None raised any philosophical, medical or religious objection.
“It occurred to me that at least some of these folks need to be encouraged not to procrastinate,” Frye said in an interview. “I think it’s a reasonable condition when we’re telling people to get employed and be out in the community.”
He declined to “speculate” what would happen if a defendant raised a medical, religious or philosophical exemption to vaccination, but said this is a different situation entirely than people who have simply put the matter off.
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Six people in Israel develop shingles after receiving Pfizer injection | added July 6
Shingles may be a rare side effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, a new study claims.
Researchers in Israel found that people with certain autoimmune diseases were more likely to develop the skin rash, also known as herpes zoster, compared to those without these diseases.
What’s more, the skin condition was five times more common following the first dose than the second dose.
The team, from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Carmel Medical Center in Haifa, says the findings should serve as a warning to doctors to watch out for the uncommon symptom in their patients with autoimmune diseases.
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CNN: Unvaccinated people are ‘variant factories,’ infectious diseases expert says | added July 6
Unvaccinated people do more than merely risk their own health. They’re also a risk to everyone if they become infected with coronavirus, infectious disease specialists say.
That’s because the only source of new coronavirus variants is the body of an infected person.
“Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories,” Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN Friday.
“The more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities for the virus to multiply,” Schaffner said.
“When it does, it mutates, and it could throw off a variant mutation that is even more serious down the road.”
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Jon Rappoport: The Delta Variant, the unvaccinated, the two Americas, and other propaganda fabrications | added July 6
There is no Delta Variant.
Because there is nothing to vary FROM. In other words, as I’ve been proving for more than a year, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.
But the vaccine establishment and public health officials are pumping up the Delta hoax in order to convince more people to take the highly dangerous RNA COVID vaccines (genetic treatments).
Their narrative is a threat: in unvaccinated pockets, the Delta percolates and then breaks out, infecting many…followed by a further spread into communities of the vaccinated, where…
It can infect even those people.
Every covert op starts out with a goal, an objective. Then an action-plan for achieving the goal. Then, the story that will be told to make it seem as if the unfolding actions are “responses to actual events in real time.”
The story about the Delta Variant, for example—from the beginning of the fake pandemic, tales of Variants were always part of the plan, in order to move closer to the goal of universal vaccination.
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UK gov. plans to lift most remaining Covid restrictions on July 19 | added July 6
As Britain forges ahead with reopening its economy after 16 months of virus-driven restrictions, Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces a backlash over an issue that has vexed the country’s response to the pandemic from the start: whether to require people to wear face masks indoors.
In outlining his government’s plans to lift most remaining restrictions in England on July 19, Mr. Johnson said in a news conference Monday that he wanted to leave it up to people to decide whether to keep wearing masks in subways, buses and other confined spaces, though the transportation authorities could still require them.
That drew fire from local officials and scientists, who said the government was putting more vulnerable people at risk and being overly casual at a time when the virus continues to course through the population. Britain reported 27,334 new cases on Monday and 178,128 over the last week, an increase of 53 percent over the previous week.
“Wearing a mask is not to protect yourself, it is to protect others, which is why it has to be a requirement on public transport,” said David King, a former chief scientific adviser to the government who has been an outspoken critic of its approach. “That is where I don’t think they understand the problem.”
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Michigan boy’s death days after Pfizer shot is currently under investigation by CDC | added July 5
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the case of a 13-year-old Saginaw County boy who died in his sleep three days after getting his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in mid-June.
The county health department confirmed the investigation, telling the Free Press that the medical examiner’s office conducted an autopsy and the death was reported to the state health department as well as the CDC.
“The investigation as to whether there is a correlation between his death and vaccination is now at the federal level with CDC,” said a joint statement issued by Saginaw County Health Department Medical Director Dr. Delicia Pruitt and Health Officer Christina Harrington.
The family was told that preliminary autopsy findings suggest Jacob’s heart was enlarged when he died and there was fluid around his heart, Burages said.
No cause of death was listed on Jacob’s death certificate, said Becky Naessens, funeral director for Deisler Funeral Home, because there isn’t one yet.
“Depending on the county and what labs … medical examiners use, it could be weeks or it could be months, quite honestly,” she said, before more information is known.
Jacob’s funeral was June 26 — just three days after a CDC advisory committee acknowledged “a likely association” between the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines and a risk of heart problems in adolescents and young adults.
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OffGuardian: Facebook goes full Big Brother with new “extremism” warnings | added July 5
Have you been reading things you shouldn’t online? Have you found yourself feeling frustrated and angry at the corruption of the ruling class, wealth inequality or the general state of the world?
Well then, the chances are good you’ve accidentally been exposed to “misinformation” or “extremist content” spread by “violent groups” in order to manipulate you.
But don’t worry, Facebook is on the case. Simply report the offensive and upsetting materials to your local content controller, and then contact their pre-approved counsellors for immediate de-programming.
If it’s not you that’s been exposed to harmful content, but a loved one, and they’re proving resistant to the proper un-extreming methods, then Facebook is here to help there, too.
Simply confidentially report your friend or family member to the proper authorities, and they’ll take it from there.
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Facebook tests extremist content warning messages — read from BBC | added July 5
Facebook is testing a feature in the US that asks users if they are worried somebody they know is becoming an extremist.
Other users may also receive an alert saying they may have been exposed to extremist content.
The trial messages are part of Facebook’s Redirect Initiative which aims to combat extremism.
The pop-ups redirect users to a support page.
“This test is part of our larger work to assess ways to provide resources and support to people on Facebook who may have engaged with or were exposed to extremist content or may know someone who is at risk,” a Facebook spokeswoman said.
The tech firm is working with non-governmental organisations and academic experts on this project, she added.
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Three cases of black fungal disease reported in Afghanistan, all of whom were also reported to have Covid | added July 5
At least three cases of the deadly black fungus disease have been recorded in Afghanistan, including one leading to a death at a hospital in the capital, Kabul, public health officials said.
The disease, mucormycosis, is rare in the United States and Europe but has already infected tens of thousands in India, likely because of unsanitary hospital conditions. It is fatal in over 50 percent of cases. The fungus eats bone and tissue, often spreads to the eye socket and brain, and requires disfiguring surgery.
In addition to the death earlier this week of a 31-year-old man in Kabul, two cases are being treated in Afghanistan, a health ministry spokesman said on Saturday. Covid-19 infections have apparently played a role, as they did in India: All three were Covid sufferers.
In India, where oxygen is in short supply, doctors have liberally prescribed steroids to aid Covid sufferers’ breathing. Often these prescriptions exceed, by far, recommend doses, weakening patients’ immune systems and leaving them more vulnerable to the deadly fungus.
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From OffGuardian: Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs | added July 3
How do you make a potentially dangerous and ineffective drug appear like a miracle of modern science? You could, for instance, enrol only certain people in clinical trials and exclude others or bring the study to a close as soon as you see a spike in the data that implies evidence of effectiveness.
There are many ways to do it.
According to health practitioner and writer Craig Stellpflug in his article ‘Big Pharma: Getting away with murder’(2012), the strategy is to get in quick, design the study to get the result you want, get out fast and make lots of money.
Stellpflug says:
Of course, it helps to get the regulatory agencies on board and to convince the media and health officials of the need for your wonder product and its efficacy and safety. In the process, well-paid career scientists and ‘science’ effectively become shaped and led by corporate profit margins and political processes.
And what better way to make a financial killing than by making a mountain out of a molehill and calling it a ‘pandemic’?
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Vaccine side effects are not required to be reported by OSHA | added July 3
Via DarkHorse Podcast Clips:
Vaccine side effects are not required to be reported by OSHA. Clip with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying.
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MIT’s guide to vaccine passports in the US | added July 3
A year ago, vaccines to tackle the covid pandemic seemed like a far-off idea. Today, though, doses have been delivered to almost one-quarter of the world’s people—and some are being asked to prove they’re among them, leading to the rise of so-called vaccine passports. The details of these credentials vary from place to place, but at their heart they are the same: digital health records, stored on your phone, to use as proof that you are a low risk to others.
Supporters of digital vaccination credentials say the benefits are clear: they make congregating less risky while incentivizing vaccinations. But critics see drawbacks and disadvantages. They say introducing vaccine passports infringes on civil liberties, unfairly punishes those who cannot get vaccinated (and discriminates against those who will not), unleashes another form of surveillance, and worsens inequalities rather than eradicating them.
Faced with this divergence of views, governments are taking very different approaches. In Europe, for example, seven countries launched a “digital green certificate” at the beginning of June, with another 21 nations due to join shortly. But some places are taking the opposite stance, strictly limiting the use of such documents or even banning their development altogether.
Along with these debates, there is still basic confusion about how systems would be used. Some, like the EU’s app, are for traveling between nations. Others, like New York State’s, are for getting into everyday places like restaurants and events. The term “passport” itself is becoming more ambiguous and simultaneously more loaded: when California governor Gavin Newsom announced the launch of his state’s digital certificate, he specifically stated, “It’s not a passport; it’s not a requirement.”
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The Hill: BioNTech mRNA vaccine for skin cancer enters phase 2 | added July 3
In addition to fighting off pathogens like viruses, messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines can be developed for fighting some cancers. This works because some cancerous cells may be identifiable in a similar way to viruses so that antibodies can attach to them. One mRNA vaccine for certain types of stage 3 and stage 4 melanomas has entered phase 2 clinical trials in collaboration with Regeneron with the first person getting the vaccine dose.
The new mRNA vaccine, called BNT111, got through phase 1 clinical trials with a “favorable” safety profile, according to the developer BioNTech’s website. The researchers administer the vaccine with the drug cemiplimab, a monoclonal antibody treatment for skin cancers.
The vaccine is embedded with four tumor-related antigens, meaning proteins that are present on the surface of the cell. According to the company, 90 percent of melanomas express at least one of these four antigens. This is how the body’s immune cells can be introduced to the antigens and start producing antibodies that can attach to the antigens on the cancer cells.
This phase of the clinical trials will enroll a total of 120 people, according to the company website. The team will evaluate how the vaccine and cemiplimab work together, as well as how they work separately.
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CDC Experts Disagree With Pfizer on COVID Boosters, Threatening Pharma Giant’s Billion Dollar Revenue Stream — read from The Defender | added July 2
From Children’s Health Defense:
As Pfizer makes plans to keep its billion dollar revenue stream going — by assuring investors yearly COVID booster doses will be needed long after the pandemic ends — a group of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said there isn’t enough data to recommend COVID booster shots to the general population.
The COVID-19 working group of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said June 23, they would only recommend booster shots if there’s a demonstrated decline in efficacy –– not just a waning antibody response.
Boosters may also be recommended if there’s a variant that’s able to evade the vaccines, according to slides presented by Sara Oliver, M.D., a medical epidemiologist with CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
Currently, there’s no evidence to suggest a booster is needed, the experts said. Boosters may be appropriate for special risk groups in the future, including elderly people and transplant recipients. To be sure, the nation’s top public health officials said they would continue to monitor the situation.
“I would have to agree with the interpretation of the working group in the sense that there’s no data to support recommendations to support boosters at this time,” said Dr. Sharon Frey, member of the ACIP and clinical director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Saint Louis University Medical School. “There’s no evidence against declining protection at this time.”
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NYT: Digital vaccination cards go into effect in Europe, with some turbulence. | added July 2
Digital Covid-19 certificates aimed at facilitating free movement in the European Union came into force across the bloc on Thursday, a long-awaited milestone for countries hoping to boost their ailing tourism industries — but also a point of friction over the number of vaccines that do not qualify.
Free movement is a key pillar of European integration, and E.U. officials said last month that the certificates would “again enable citizens to enjoy this most tangible and cherished of E.U. rights.”
So far, the European Union lists four vaccines as qualifying for the certificate, all of which have been authorized for use across the bloc. They are the vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca.
That leaves out a vaccine that the international Covax mechanism has distributed across Africa: Covishield, a version of the AstraZeneca vaccine that is manufactured in India. It is, however, accepted in a handful of E.U. member nations.
Without naming the E.U., the Covax facility on Thursday urged “all regional, national and local government authorities to recognize as fully vaccinated” all people who have received a vaccine approved by the W.H.O. when easing travel restrictions, warning that not doing so would create a two-tiered system.
Through a Q.R. code issued by their country of residence, certificate holders will be able to show that they have been either fully vaccinated, tested negative or have immunity after a recent recovery. That will exempt them from most travel or quarantine restrictions.
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Could editing the genomes of bats prevent future coronavirus pandemics? Two scientists think it’s worth a try — read from Stat News| added July 2
The “spillover” hypothesis remains just that… a hypothesis. This is just utter madness. Leave the bats alone.
Amid the devastating Covid-19 pandemic, two researchers are proposing a drastic way to stop future pandemics: using a technology called a gene drive to rewrite the DNA of bats to prevent them from becoming infected with coronaviruses.
The scientists aim to block spillover events, in which viruses jump from infected bats to humans — one suspected source of the coronavirus that causes Covid. Spillover events are thought to have sparked other coronavirus outbreaks as well, including SARS-1 in the early 2000s and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
This appears to be the first time that scientists have proposed using the still-nascent gene drive technology to stop outbreaks by rendering bats immune to coronaviruses, though other teams are investigating its use to stop mosquitoes and mice from spreading malaria and Lyme disease.
The scientists behind the proposal realize they face enormous technical, societal, and political obstacles, but want to spark a fresh conversation about additional ways to control diseases that are emerging with growing frequency.
“With a very high probability, we are going to see this over and over again,” argues entrepreneur and computational geneticist Yaniv Erlich of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya in Israel, who is one of two authors of the proposal, titled “Preventing COVID-59.”
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Unjected is the new dating app for those concerned about shots against Covid-19 | added July 2
Two moms from Hawaii have created a dating app for unvaccinated singles so that anti-vaxxers can find love online.
Shelby Thomson, 27, and Heather Pyle, 37, developed Unjected for people who refuse to take the coronavirus vaccine and do not want a vaccinated partner.
Shelby, a photographer, and Heather, a spa manager, came up with the idea in early February as they believed society was dividing into those who wanted the vaccine and those who did not want the jab.
Shelby claimed that people who refuse to have the shot are now being treated as second class citizens in the US.
The mom-of-two who lives in Maui, Hawaii, said: “We think there has been a silent majority that are really uncomfortable with what’s going on.
“It’s time for us to speak out about it because we are basically being told that we are second class citizens for not taking the vaccine.
“We don’t appreciate the segregation and we don’t approve of it, so we decided to create our own community where we feel welcome.”
Shelby said that she has chosen to not have the vaccine for fear of unknown long term effects and added that her own research has made her feel uneasy about the jab.
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London’s Freedom Weekend — anti-lockdown march | added July 1
The weather was on our side. A perfect protest day. We set off in a small group of friends and arrived in Marble Arch around 12 noon in good time before the 1pm start from Speakers Corner. The train we arrived on was full of ‘us’. No masks on faces, lots of loud banter, jokes, resistance slogans on t-shirts, placards; the entire escalator full of mask-less, smiling faces confidently taking over the tube. The atmosphere reminded me of the one and only football match I went to, years ago.
The anti-lockdown marches have a different demographic from the many left-wing demonstrations I have attended in the years BC (Before Covid).
In those days, despite being noisy, they all seemed rather polite, mostly (though certainly not exclusively) white, often middle class, university-educated affairs. At times, going to a demo (this was particularly true with the anti-Brexit protests) with thousands of homemade creative messaging and props was a bit like going to a gallery – to see art but also to get a sense that you belong to a good looking, cool club. A reassuring experience.
Anti-lockdown protests are different. It is hard to generalise about age, but the majority seemed over thirty, though many with their children; both young and early teens. In terms of class and ethnicity, they are the most diverse human gatherings I have ever seen, and probably the most representative of the UK population.
This protest, on 26th June, was no different.
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Clearly in a bid to make masks a permanent fixture, MIT and Harvard engineers announce new mask that purportedly detects Covid-19 infection | added July 1
Engineers at MIT and Harvard University have designed a novel face mask that can diagnose the wearer with Covid-19 within about 90 minutes. The masks are embedded with tiny, disposable sensors that can be fitted into other face masks and could also be adapted to detect other viruses.
The sensors are based on freeze-dried cellular machinery that the research team has previously developed for use in paper diagnostics for viruses such as Ebola and Zika. In a new study, the researchers showed that the sensors could be incorporated into not only face masks but also clothing such as lab coats, potentially offering a new way to monitor health care workers’ exposure to a variety of pathogens or other threats.
“We’ve demonstrated that we can freeze-dry a broad range of synthetic biology sensors to detect viral or bacterial nucleic acids, as well as toxic chemicals, including nerve toxins. We envision that this platform could enable next-generation wearable biosensors for first responders, health care personnel, and military personnel,” says James Collins, the Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering and Science in MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) and Department of Biological Engineering and the senior author of the study.
The face mask sensors are designed so that they can be activated by the wearer when they’re ready to perform the test, and the results are only displayed on the inside of the mask, for user privacy.
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Daily Mail: Vaccine passports: It’s all over! Cabinet agrees it’s time to ‘live with Covid’… and you WON’T have to show proof of vaccination to attend mass gatherings | added July 1
Covid passports will not be compulsory at music festivals, sports events and other mass gatherings when lockdown restrictions are lifted next month.
Ministers are set to shelve plans for the mandatory use of ‘Covid certification’ after Freedom Day on July 19.
Plans for pubs and restaurants had already been put on the backburner following a backlash from MPs and the hospitality sector.
The Mail can now reveal that ministers have also dropped the idea of imposing them on mass events. Organisers will, however, be permitted to run their own schemes, with the Premier League among those expected to introduce some form of certification to prove those attending football grounds do not pose a Covid risk.
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Market Watch: Yes, your employer can require you to get a COVID-19 vaccine, the EEOC says | added July 1
The firing of a New York waitress over her resistance to taking a COVID-19 vaccine became an early example of employers’ broad authority to enforce workplace vaccine mandates.
Bonnie Jacobson, 34, said the Red Hook Tavern in Brooklyn terminated her employment after she requested time to look into the vaccine’s potential impact on fertility, the New York Times reported. The restaurant had mandated vaccination for employees last weekend.
“I totally support the vaccine,” Jacobson told the paper. “If it wasn’t for this one thing, I would probably get it.”
In an emailed statement, Red Hook Tavern owner Billy Durney told MarketWatch that “[o]nce New York state allowed restaurant workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, we thought this was the perfect opportunity to put a plan in place to keep our team and guests safe.” He did not specifically address Jacobson’s situation.
“No one has faced these challenges before and we made a decision that we thought would best protect everyone,” Durney added. “And, we now realize that we need to update our policy so it’s clear to our team how the process works and what we can do to support them. We made these changes immediately.”
Experts believe the currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to pose specific risks to pregnant people, though “the actual risks of mRNA vaccines to the pregnant person and her fetus are unknown because these vaccines have not been studied in pregnant women,” the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say.