Weekly Horoscope by Eric Francis, July 6, 2021

This week’s special edition horoscope offers excerpts from INTELLIGENCE for each of the signs. This week’s horoscope is a sample of INTELLIGENCE, what I consider my best astrological writing up to that time. While this is an unusual duration for an astrological reading, there are events on the horizon that make this a valuable tool. … Read more

Belief is Deception: Mercury Retrograde, Then and Now

As you probably know, while Mercury retrograde lasts about 23 days, there is a time margin on either side of that where the effect is not only still strong, but for some people more pronounced than when Mercury appears to be moving backward. This is called the shadow or echo phase. The storm phase is the few days clustered around when Mercury appears to change directions.

Weekly Horoscope by Eric Francis, June 29, 2021

This week’s special edition horoscope offers excerpts from An Aquarian Era for each of the signs. This week’s horoscope is a sample of An Aquarian Era, transits that track your astrology out to about 2025. While this is an unusual duration for an astrological reading, there are events on the horizon that make this a … Read more

Another Freaky Conspiracy Theory Turns Out to be True

Friday afternoon while I was recording Planet Waves FM, a “Breaking News” email floated into my inbox from Politico. This was during a song break so I had time to give it a look. Here is the subject header: BREAKING NEWS: Government report: UFOs are real. I blinked a few times, like you’re supposed to when you see such an email.

What’s the big Secret?

By Eric F. Coppolino What’s the big secret? Why did the Pentagon and intelligence agencies deny forever that UFOs exist, and then suddenly reverse their position and admit that they do? One answer to that is: for their own purposes. They are not doing us any favors, partially admitting what we all know to be … Read more