David Lang on Facebook

I have no doubt that CoVid was here long before the first official case was found. The initial cases in Wuhan were in October and November and there was no shortage of people coming here and traveling to Europe from that area during that time frame. During the last part of 2019 and the early … Read more

Eat Your Weeds

By Cheryl Corson First we grew heirloom tomatoes. Then we joined a CSA. Some of us got chickens or started indoor winter gardens under lights. What’s next? Eating weeds for dinner, that’s what.  Urban foraging is so hot that every workshop within 25 miles of Washington, DC is sold out in advance. What is urban … Read more

The Private Idaho Virus by Eric Francis

  For many, this scenario brings up their most personal worst fears: of martial law and dictatorship, of mandatory, improperly tested vaccines, of poverty, of a financial collapse, of corporate greed, of government incompetence, of food running out. Of the creepy 5G satellite system we’re told will soon blanket the globe and every street. Keep … Read more