Is It, or Isn’t It? (non-mainstream pandemic theories)

By ERIC F. COPPOLINO After reviewing voluminous testimony from scientists, doctors and people we assess to be credible, there are essentially six major theories of the origins of the global pandemic that I can account for. Please note that this is an evolving document. Lest anyone confuse these with “conspiracy theories,” please read this article … Read more

Comment on Dr. Judy Mikovits by Eric Francis

A closing thought for the weekend as we enter a new week. I’ve been following the flame war and massive pushback over Dr. Judy Mikovits, and I’m noticing just how many people are dismissing her purely based on what others have said. Yet the details of what she’s saying about science and its industrial-scale practice … Read more

Resource Area/Covid Master List

Basics PCR   Home Facts about Covid-19 Testing PCR testing Serological Test Origin Natural v. Manmade claims US spy agencies stated that they did not believe that the Coronavirus was “manmade or genetically modified” | Reuters, April 30   Lab origin Natural origin Early cases France tests blood of patient from Dec 27. Comes back … Read more

The Beltane Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: We are now in the season of The May — what some call Beltane. This is the first cross-quarter day of the solar year, coming about 45 days after the Sun has entered Aries. Sometimes it’s called the midspring holiday. Other traditions consider this the beginning of summer. The theme is … Read more

Day Zero: Venus Transit of the Sun

Note: Today’s archive selection, from June 11, 2004, highlights the first of a pair of Venus transits of the Sun — we had one in 2004 and one in 2012 — which bear similarities to today’s Mercury transit of the Sun. Link to original. I feel for myself and detect only awareness of my senses: … Read more