When the Personal is Made Political

Posted on June 28, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: This week we are at one of the peak events of 2020: the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. The alignment using conventional Earth-centered astrology is Tuesday, June 30, at about 1:46 am Eastern Time. While this conjunction (which means start … Read more

Tantra Studio: Venus and Vesta in Gemini, April 7, 2020

April 7, 2020 | Tantra Studio: Venus and Vesta in Gemini http://audio.pwfm.tech/200407-tantra-studio.mp3 Tonight I have a special Full Moon edition of Tantra Studio, focused on Venus in Gemini, Vesta in Gemini and Venus retrograde in conjunction to Vesta. This is followed by a teaching called “The Erotic Power of No, by Aditi Amrita.” If you … Read more

Maine closes its borders to outsiders unless one tests ‘Covid-negative’ | Added June 8 In an effort to salvage its 2020 tourist season, Maine will be requiring that tourists originating outside of Vermont and New Hampshire test negative for the “novel coronavirus.” This development was announced Monday during a press conference by Gov. Janet Mills. … Read more

Twenty-Five Years in the Life of a College

In 1991, an electrical incident contaminated campus buildings at a state college in New Paltz. In this article, we look back at the original incident, and what has changed in the world since then. By Eric Francis Coppolino Twenty-five years is a long time in the life of a college campus. Presidents, not just student … Read more