This feature is sponsored by our Core Community. It’s possible… Personal Phone and In-Person Consultations with Eric Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for instant access. The reading covers Venus retrograde in your sign, Vesta in your sign, Saturn in Aquarius, and the momentous astrology at the end … Read more

Welcome to Planet Waves.

Your June 2020 Monthly Horoscope by Eric Francis Of Gemini and Capricorn — and Pie for the People Comic: Which Deaths Matter? | By Jen Sorensen The Coronavirus Novel: Essays by Eric Francis Your 2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio, The Sacred Space of Self, is now available for instant access. The reading covers Venus retrograde in … Read more

The List — the issues at the core

Thing zero is the source of the original genetic sequences. — Peter Daszak — Eco Health Alliance — Christian Drosden — Shi Zhengli 1. Not from the Wet Market — Lancet and associated coverage, plus there is no actual science behind the “pangolin or or something” conspiracy theory. Legitimate debate as to the origins, and whether … Read more

The Coronavirus Novel: Covid Collection by Eric Francis

Introduction: May 25, 2020 Dear Reader: We’ve gathered a collection of everything I’ve written related to the pandemic situation, more than 20 major articles in all starting in early March. These are presented in chronological order. I’m also the editor of Covid19 News on Planet Waves, and have written many commentaries there that are not … Read more