Post from Kristina Stykos

  One of my very best friends and I do not agree on current events. She’s been known to scold people on social media, comparing not wearing a face mask to “licking toilet seats”, whereas I have been know to scold people on social media, comparing the wearing of a face mask to “wearing a … Read more

Editorial from Planet Waves

Sunshine is the Best Disinfectant It’s Time to Demand the Truth About Covid-19 “A noble and active mind blunts itself against nothing so quickly as the sharp and bitter irritant of knowledge.” — Thomas Mann, Death in Venice Dear Friend and Reader: The world, or much of it, is involved in a concentrated, dramatic and … Read more

Leo Astrology Studio 2020-21

Welcome, Leo, to your 2020-21 Astrology Studio by Eric Francis. The report, which is also valid for Leo rising and Moon, includes a 76-minute audio session with a full transcript, and your extended sign description. Here are the contents: Your 2020-21 Astrology Studio Resources Link to your 2019-20 reading Leo sign description Links to annual … Read more