Planet Waves FM | June 4, 2021 | Revenge of the Bats: Fruitcake Lab Release Conspiracy Theory Sprouts Wings

Friday on the season finale of Planet Waves FM I continue my coverage of a new phenomenon: what was last year a crazy crackpot loony fringe conspiracy theory is today accepted as credible and worth investigating. I refer to the lab-release concept of viral origins. This raises a question: what is the next thing for which you were called nuts in 2020 that you will be called a reasonable person for in 2021?

Bells Ringing. Mercury Retrograde. Eclipse on Horizon.

Two weeks ago, I quoted Linda Goodman describing her ultimate Gemini friend, who started an answering service in the 1950s and became the subject of the Broadway musical and film Bells are Ringing. Intrigued, I found a copy of the 1960 movie, which is a romantic comedy centered around a New York City answering service. The business is called “Susanserphone.” In many ways this play and movie were way ahead of their times.

The Twin Paradox

To live on Earth is to be confronted by paradoxes. It’s conceivable that they are all the products of the mind, which makes them real to us. Gemini, as the sign of oppositions and of dualism, is where this topic finds a home.

Planet Waves FM | May 21, 2021 | Bob Dylan Tribute

Tonight’s program is a tribute to Bob Dylan on the occasion of his 80th birthday, which is Monday. It features an interview with Rob Fraboni, involved in many Dylan projects including Planet Waves and The Last Waltz. Bob appears on Planet Waves FM tonight as always courtesy of Jeff Rosen at Special Rider Music.