This is a Test: War of the Worlds

Dear Friend and Reader: For his weekly program on Halloween eve of 1938, a young Orson Welles tried something new. For some months, his Mercury Theater on the Air had run on Columbia Broadcasting System (the CBS Radio Network) with a small listenership. On the evening of Oct. 30, they decided to try doing a science fiction … Read more

A Closer Look at Election Night Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: Last night, Donald Trump said something that has become the lead story out of the third presidential debate: he might not accept the election results if he loses. All week long he’s been bleating about rigged elections — as if there’s some conspiracy between black people, The New York Times, Hillary Clinton, … Read more

Aries Full Moon: Here Beside the Rising Tide

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re about 48 hours out from the big Full Moon conjunct Uranus-Eris. To recap, Uranus-Eris is the conjunction that’s the sign of our times, associated with electronic media revolutions. First a reminder: I’ll be hosting a community-wide, live edition of Planet Waves FM Friday at 9 pm as the wave is … Read more

A Class, Hillary’s Birth Time Controversy, and some Astrology

Good Evening on Planet Waves: I’m going to lay low this week and let my colleagues handle most writing duties today. I’m planning to prep our class on Saturday — It’s All in the Houses. We’ll email out another round of subscriber discount codes. If you’re trying to read a chart, the houses provide the … Read more

What the World Needs Now is Jupiter in Libra

Dear Friend and Reader: When you look around at the world, and how so many people feel, you might get the idea that we could all use a little more balance and beauty. Our whole society, and indeed the world community, are straining for any sense of justice. As everything around us seems to be … Read more