First Week of Virgo, a Season of Her Own

Threefold Goddess in a Field of Grain Dear Friend and Reader: Virgo is the mutable earth sign (the only one). Mutability is a form of changeability; earth is a form of stability. We have some tension manifesting through that contrast. Of course, the Earth is in a constant state of flux and change, especially in … Read more

The Great Reveal

Dear Friend and Reader: This morning’s Full Moon in Aquarius begins a kind of astrological Olympics. Late August through the end of the summer is an adventure where a good few world records will be set. We might ask, though, before looking into the details of this sequence of events, how it is that the … Read more

Hillary Clinton: Scorpio of the Ages

“Laura had secrets and around those secrets she built the fortress that, well that in my six months with her, I was not able to penetrate and for which I consider myself an abject failure.” — Dr. Jacoby, Twin Peaks, Season One, Episode Four Dear Friend and Reader: Amidst one of those hot and heavy … Read more

What’s Up With Trump? Let’s Check his Progressed Chart

Dear Friend and Reader: Usually I avoid the charts of presidential candidates, or at least I prefer not to dwell on them. The whole cult of personality around the American presidential election is difficult enough to stomach. Covering the elections, I generally stick to mundane astrology to get the clues and the news leads. Occasionally, … Read more

Finding Uncommon Ground in Politics

Dear Friend and Reader: The political nominating conventions have made for difficult watching. I must admit that I maxed out on the Republican National Convention (RNC) last week, and have only been sampling snippets of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), which climaxes Thursday night with the first major-party female candidate for president accepting her nomination. … Read more