Uranus-Eris: Remember, All Bets are Off

Dear Friend and Reader: I’m taking a week off from a big article to focus my efforts on The Book of Your Life annual readings. Thank you to all the people who have pre-ordered. I want to alert you to one vital issue developing in the news: the North Dakota governor has threatened to forcibly … Read more

Your December Horoscopes, and a Message of Thanks

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy Dear Friend and Reader: When things get as rough as they have this year, and when the world seems turned upside-down like it has this month, gratitude can … Read more

The Chaos Factor

Dear Friend and Reader: We now have our first tangible result of full digital conditions: a Frankenstein monster of every vile or repressive political stance has been designated president-elect. A national Muslim registry? Really? Rounding up Mexicans? This has been an exhausting year. It’s been agonizing enduring the attacks on women, on darker-skinned people, on … Read more

Trigger Warnings

Dear Friend and Reader: The one item I don’t remember including in any of my election coverage is that this is all happening in the midst of the Uranus-Eris conjunction, so anything is possible. Maybe I mentioned it somewhere. Uranus is the god of ‘expect the unexpected’: developments, revolutions, upsets, inventions, breakthroughs. We got one … Read more

Where are the strong, and who are the trusted?

Dear Friend and Reader: Last week the new edition of Chronogram came in. That’s the regional magazine I’ve written for every month since early 1996. Chronogram always has excellent covers which by design are unconnected to any specific article. But they are often timely comments. With one glance my jaw dropped: the artist had summed up the state of … Read more