Flaunt for November

Scorpio New Moon LUNA AND SOL are about to conjoin at 28+ Scorpio. This is the Scorpio New Moon, and it occurs Monday evening across the Americas and the United Kingdom, late morning Tuesday in Oz and early Tuesday in Europe and Asia. The lunation occurs less than a degree from Jupiter, which is at … Read more

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

  Carried over from November 10, 2006, #636 – By ERIC FRANCIS Happy Birthday Scorpio! HOW far are you willing to go, and what are you willing to risk? When do you know a risk is really worth it, and when are you taking an unnecessary chance? This is a time in your life to … Read more

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

Carried over from November 10, 2006, #636 – By ERIC FRANCIS Happy Birthday Scorpio! HOW far are you willing to go, and what are you willing to risk? When do you know a risk is really worth it, and when are you taking an unnecessary chance? This is a time in your life to make … Read more

Turning the Tide

MOST people in the United States do not know what they have [probably] avoided with this week’s election miracle, basically because they’re not quite up to considering such a possibility. We Americans tend to be extremely naïve about politics, and always greet the future with hope and a barbecue. That’s why it’s possible for abuses … Read more

Inner Space for November

Planet Waves Inner Space for November 2006 Monthly horoscopes are delivered to subscribers one each Monday beginning with the first Monday that the Sun is in the new sign. We have four different ones. If there are five Mondays while the Sun is in a sign, there is no horoscope the fifth Monday. Aries (March … Read more