Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – April 2010

The equinox has arrived, the Sun is in Aries, and the fiery spirit of the air will keep arriving for the next few months — maybe the next couple of years. Aries is the first fire sign, and the Aries Point is the cosmic key fob. When planets push that button, things get moving. And that … Read more

Cosmic Equinox, or the Anti-Sixties?

Dear Planet Waves Reader: We’re about to experience a spring season like no other. It has an ordinary beginning, more or less. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring begins when the Sun’s rays square the equator, just past noon in the Eastern U.S. zone on Saturday, March 20. We’re currently in that brief phase where … Read more

Running Away

By Jeanne Treadway My skin literally crawls with itchy cravings. Nothing feels right. I’m too hot; my porridge is too cold. Phone calls end in tears of frustration because I simply cannot grasp the meaning of the words. I’m edgy, crazy-making emotional. My kitties and I barely avoid slamming into each other as I stomp … Read more

Weekend Astrology

As of Friday morning, five planets are in Pisces: Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Uranus and Venus, vibrating with the slow Moon in Scorpio. At the same time, Chiron is still focusing the energy of Neptune in Aquarius, fully harmonious with Pisces. Taken together, this is more intuitive, passionate, emotional energy than the biopsychic systems of humans … Read more

Winter Yields to Spring

By Jeanne Treadway When several robins whistled to each other this morning, right outside my window, those splendid cascading trills yanked my emotional bucket up a few notches from that frigid well of February moodiness. Yesterday, fumbling groceries from the car, I tripped over a hummock of damnable cheat grass that just heaved itself up … Read more