Rachel Maddow: The Apotheosis of Eris

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: This weekend, the Sun is conjunct the newly discovered planet Eris. I know that I mention a lot of newly discovered planets, but Eris (discovered and named between 2003 and 2006) so magnificently qualified as the official ’10th planet’ that its discovery compelled astronomers to shake up their organizational model of … Read more

Your Handy Clip & Save Mercury Retrograde Guide

For April and May 2010 — By Eric Francis — PlanetWaves.net This guide is designed to be printed and put on your bulletin board or fridge. Print extras and tack to office or community bulletin boards and get people hip to the fact that the astrological weather changes constantly. Knowing and being aware of the dates of … Read more

Saturn and Uranus, On the Ground

Goddamn well I declare! Have you seen the like? Their walls are filled with cannonballs, Their motto is ‘Don’t tread on me’ — Grateful Dead, Uncle John’s Band Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: I’ve been staying in Portland, Maine, for a couple of weeks. After enduring pouring down rain for just about the whole time (it was … Read more

Inner Space Horoscope for April 2010

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: Remember as you move through the next few weeks that Mars retrograde is still working itself out. That event, from the first day of winter through March 10, drew Mars in Leo back like a bow string, and how we are slowly watching Mars proceed forward through this sign. Mars retrograde … Read more

Another Day at School

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: Tuesday’s chart for Pres. Obama signing the health insurance reform package settles at least one issue: what happened this week is in fact historically significant. After a century of failed proposals, speculation and hope, the U.S. has taken its first step toward all of its citizens having some form of health … Read more