Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – March 2010

BY ERIC FRANCIS Do you know those situations where someone holds in all their passion and energy for months on end, wanting to be well-behaved and spiritually pure and in control, and then one moment, under the influence of perhaps a little alcohol, decides to let it go all at once and do all kinds … Read more

Mars Direct and the Virgo Full Moon

Dear Planet Waves Reader: We’re near the end of a long, challenging Mars retrograde; the exact station-direct is March 10. This has been in the background all winter, slowly working its mysterious effects: most of them emotional. Now that we’re at the dregs of the retrograde, the sensation ranges from not being able to get … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – March 2010

Dear Friend and Reader: I hope you’ve taken dozens of workshops and gone to yoga class three times a week for at least five years and been devoted to your live juicing, your mantra, your karma and extra vitamin D, because all of a sudden it’s going to come in handy all at once. March … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – March 2010

Dear Friend and Reader: I hope you’ve taken dozens of workshops and gone to yoga class three times a week for at least five years and been devoted to your live juicing, your mantra, your karma and extra vitamin D, because all of a sudden it’s going to come in handy all at once. March … Read more

The One and the Many

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: The other day, an email came floating into my inbox from a website called Care2, a green-styled corporate site purportedly dedicated to saving the world, claiming 12.5 million subscribers. The subject header of the email read, “Monogamy vs. Polyamory: Do Open Relationships Work?” Naturally, I thought: this ought to be pretty interesting. … Read more