2010 Conferences: Relationships and Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: Just one more week till the next monthly horoscope. Actually, I am scheduled to finish next Tuesday’s long monthly edition today. I’ve learned to schedule this job over three consecutive days, as opposed to a weekly horoscope, which takes about three hours to write if I have a good wind at … Read more

Ripple: Chiron, Neptune and the Aquarius New Moon

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: We are now in the deeps of the Chiron-Neptune conjunction, about to come spiraling out the other side. I trust that by now you’re at least familiar with this event, if only from noticing how weird things are. The thing is, we’re distracted by the fantasy world that surrounds all the … Read more

Aquarius New Moon: What Do You Want?

Good Morning! As you may have figured out by now, Tuesday horoscopes are on an as-available basis. Currently I write two monthly horoscopes, which run the first two Tuesdays that the Sun is in a new sign. The rest of the Tuesdays, I send a letter. Today, you get a letter: about a chart I … Read more

Three (or Four) Takes on Mars Retrograde

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: We’re now well into Mars retrograde; our closest planetary neighbor stations direct in about a month, on March 10 in the first degree of Leo. It then spends the next three months working its way back across that sign. That’s how Mars works; due to its retrograde, it spends up to … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – February 2010

By Eric Francis February arrives at the depth of winter in most of the Northern Hemisphere, when we live in the shadow of cold, rain and snow. Within February’s first few days lies one of the four high holidays — or sabbats — of the pagan calendar, called Imbolc in Celtic times. One of the … Read more