The Return to the Primal Scene

Dear Friend and Reader: I was talking to a Leo reader recently who said she didn’t grasp her July horoscope. This, after years of it fitting perfectly for her, as she described her experience. Because the July horoscope was an interpretation of the total solar eclipse happening on Tuesday, I was curious and took yet another … Read more

Harleys, Barbeques and Integrating Mars

Dear Friend and Reader: Lately I’ve been working through some rage at the guys on Harleys who roar past my studio without any tailpipes. Harleys, due to the way the engine cycles, have that distinctive slap and are loud enough with tailpipes; but I guess not loud enough for some. Between fantasies of taking matters … Read more

There’s A Choice We’re Making

If You Love Your Robot, Set It Free It may not rival Disney’s WALL-E, but NASA’s Mars Rover Spirit just might be the most popular real robot in the solar system. And that popularity only increased when it became mired in loose, sandy soil on May 1. But soon Spirit may make a break for it. While … Read more

Beyond Hopeless

Dear Friend and Reader: Following a New Moon conjunct Vesta in the sensitive first degrees of Cancer, opposite Pluto, it was quite a week for The Personal is Political. Let’s not forget the Venus-Mars conjunction. It’s fair to say that anything that happened in the news this week was about all of us, whether we … Read more

We’re There! Now What?

Hubble refit goes off without a hitch Earth’s eye in the sky — well, its most famous one, at any rate — is back in business after a lengthy, complicated and daring mission by astronauts in the Space Shuttle Atlantis over the past week, as recapped by The New York Times. The Hubble Space Telescope has now been … Read more