Week Ahead Astrology for Feb. 23-29, 2020

If Your Birthday is Sunday, Feb. 23 | The Day of the Viable Candidate

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The New Moon on your birthday is a heads up to seize opportunities to make a fresh start – or more likely, to complete what you have already begun and invested yourself in. You need some structure in your life. You must also reassess your goals, and do the things you want and need to do – not what others expect of you, or what you might think is popular. In fact, your best opportunities may come in the form of things others might not approve of.
— by Victoria Emory and Eric Francis

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Pre-order this reading here.

Inside, Outside: A New Moon in Two Layers
Your Week Ahead Astrology for Feb. 23-29

The Pisces New Moon, which was exact Sunday morning, is a chart whose message comes in two main layers. One is the presentation, which you might think of as the press release. The other is what’s really going on.

(I cover the New Moon on the new edition of Planet Waves FM.)

One is the crust; the other is the deeper substance. The surface layer is related to Venus in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn. This is a kind of public relations position, very common in our era (we might think of “social media” as a PR campaign, where everyone serves as their own representative).

This is an aspect that speaks loudly. Jupiter is involved, and Venus in Aries wants to be seen and noticed.

The deeper layer is what you’re really feeling, which is much more ambiguous. That involves Mercury retrograde aligning with the New Moon in Pisces. This is bubbling with questions, and with a sense of inner contradiction. You may be experiencing emotions you don’t understand, or that seem to drag you back into the past.

It’s one thing to put on a face for the world; it’s another to put on a face in the mirror.

Past material may be trying to surface, only to be censored by the Venus-Jupiter public affairs department. The questions and insecurities you may be feeling don’t lend themselves to being revealed.

Photos by Lanvi Nguyen

The theme of the week may seem to be “what do I reveal to others about my real feelings?” Yet the actual theme is about what you admit to yourself. It’s one thing to put on a face for the world; it’s another to put on a face in the mirror.

One last thought. Mars is hovering around the lunar South Node. This is asking a question: is what you thought you wanted in the past still true for you today? This is an important review to conduct every now and then, preferably often. Update your files. Wanting is the primary factor driving existence on the material plane.

Make sure what you think you want is really what you want, and if it’s not, stop, and ask yourself what is true for you today.
— by Eric Francis

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Audio introduction to the RESPECT series of readings | LEARN MOREPURCHASE

Eric is now working on An Aquarian Era, the written section of your RESPECT 2020-21 readings. You can get instant access to our high-quality audio sessions when you order all 12 signs, or choose your individual signs. Listen to the audio introduction above.

Almanac: The Moon enters Pisces today at 1:37 am EST.
The Pisces New Moon takes place today at 10:32 am EST.
Mercury’s interior conjunction with the Sun takes place Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 8:45 pm EST.

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