Dear Friend and Reader:
Astrology update is below and on STARCAST. This is an off-week for the horoscope, as I take care of clients, business and myself. The next horoscope will be Thursday, Feb. 3. I will have Aquarius Astrology Studio later this week.
First, thank you for responding to my call for assistance last week. I will have a more detailed report for you within a few days. I will also be available to answer questions in a Zoom call related to my work around the global crisis. We will set that up after Mercury goes direct next week, so we only have to do it once (a topic I will come back to soon).
I encourage you to attend this call if you have a burning desire to hear me explain how I have handled this story and guided my discovery team the past two years. I am also happy to take your call personally at (845) 331-0355. If the box fills up, dial again a little while later. I am busy but available.
In one sentence, my journey began here — at a place called Love Canal.
Here is a more recent telling of the same events, in a contemporary context. We really need to be asking more questions. We are missing many obvious factors in our environment. Please consider why I am sharing these articles.
Our Come to Jesus Moment
In the flurry of activity last week, many overlooked my essay Our Come to Jesus Moment. This article studies the spiritual plight of our astrological moment. Digital conditions are the most significant spiritual situation of our time — and the most easily overlooked. They are the root cause of the cruelty problem, and more. I take a new look at the U.S. Pluto return and the astrology happening simultaneously. To wit:
“The United States is also in its fifth Chiron return — right at the same time [as the Pluto return]. With Chiron in Aries, is the massive, collective identity crisis we are experiencing, which shakes out as something like, ‘Am I human, or a robot?’ Well, a robot is what a robot does. And one thing it does not do is feel, and you are being taught by all the robots in your life to be numb, and swipe left when something or someone stirs up your sympathy.”
Second, speaking of robots you may have noticed that Planet Waves FM/Chiron Return has a red flag in the Chrome browser. There is nothing wrong with the websites, other than the red flag. You can safely bypass the warning, or go in via Explorer, Safari, FireFox or some other bowser. Google is not God, but wishes it was.
If you are looking for the new Planet Waves FM (on the debate over of whether there is a virus), that is back at its original home on the Planet Waves website.
You may know that the entire internet is under robot attack from various phishing schemes, and we cleared one from our server; however it can take a while for Google to catch back up with that. It can take the spam-guard apps even longer.
I have spent most of the past three days working with our technicians and web hosts, designing a more secure system for these websites. This is in my dual role as astrologer and chief technical officer for the corporation.
Venus and Mercury Stationing Direct
We are in another spell of astrological turbulence, as two inner planets station direct at about the same time — both of them in Capricorn. Venus stations direct on Saturday, Jan 29, and Mercury stations direct on Thursday, Feb. 3. Everything is in motion, backwards and forwards.
NOTE: I know some people don’t like to listen to their astrology; they would rather read it. I do my best, but honestly it’s a lot easier to tell the story — which is the better way to think of it, rather than “getting information.” However, here is some writing. To hear me tell this story much more elegantly, visit STARCAST.
These retrogrades have been brutal on every level, and we must be very careful coming out of them, as that is when the worst lapses in judgment are possible.
Venus moving to direct motion in Capricorn describes emotional and financial conditions (note the NASDAQ and the crypto markets doing the same thing). While the general direction of the sky is Aquarius, we are in a very Capricorn moment now.
A Lot of Planets in Capricorn
At the time that Venus stations direct early Saturday, the following planets and points are piled on in Capricorn: Mars, Pholus, Ixion, Quaoar, Vesta, Venus, Mercury, Pluto and Juno. Don’t worry if you don’t recognize all those planets; I do. They represent a LOT of pressurized energy releasing all at once.
There is no way to say what that means, except for a mob scene in the sign of family, government and corporations (Capricorn covers all three areas of life, which are related). In the two days after Venus stations direct, the Moon goes over all of those points one after the next.
Most of the world celebrates the New Year on Tuesday, Feb. 1, and this is a family-oriented experience that goes on for weeks. The ancestors are involved, and we see them in the Capricorn stellium in the form of Quaoar and Pholus (these are not asteroids; they are a Kuiper object and a centaur). We are about to experience the year of the Water Tiger.
Mercury Stations Direct; Sun-Saturn in Aquarius
Finally, Mercury stations direct in Capricorn right at the Imbolc cross-quarter (midpoint between the solstice and the equinox). This is an interesting chart for many reasons (the details will unfold over the next week of coverage). Yet the thing that gleams out of this chart is the Sun’s conjunct to Saturn right at that moment.
Nothing says “get serous” like a conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in Aquarius. We need to stand up for one another, not tear one another down. Any sensitive person is sick of the insults and accusations.
Lots more on STARCAST.
Once again, thank you for your outpouring of support. We are not out of the woods, but we are starting to see familiar landmarks.
With love,