New York, Thursday, April 2, 2020
Dear Friend and Reader:
Here is the long view. The United States has until Dec. 21 to get its act together, by which I mean decide what kind of society we want to be. That is the day of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius.
Jupiter-Saturn is the answer to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of Jan. 12, which is still reverberating into the world. That ultimately represents the crack in the foundation of society that facilitated the failed impeachment, and the failure of the heroic medical model.
Regarding the global pandemic, the United States shares a destiny different from other nations due to the fact of its Pluto return. Yes, we are all on one planet. Yet the effects of this whole incident will not be distributed evenly. And for the United States, much depends on the ability of its people and its government to get this right. And we are not off to a good start.
[You may read additional coverage of the U.S. Pluto return here.]I’m Feeling Edgy About a Few Things
Before I get into the astrology, a few things have me feeling edgy. One is that the scientific facts and statistics are being misrepresented by all commercial media. Two is that both media and government will need to hold public interest for a long time, here in the day of the 24-hour news cycle.
This calls for even more shrill and terrifying news reports, though nonstop fear tends to have a numbing effect. Everyone who has taken action needs to justify their actions (governments, stock traders, scientists), particularly with most businesses closed and nearly 10 million people newly unemployed in the United States. I am concerned about the power grid, and also about the cost of food.
I am concerned that for many people, “social isolation” means solitary confinement, which is a form of torture. On this day, there are many people who are sick who cannot be visited by relatives or caregivers because they might be contagious. They must sweat it out, and they are not being cared for properly. Many others are being attended by people in hazmat suits, which must be terrifying.
I have concerns about the meaning of certain scientific facts pertaining to the results of tests for 2019-nCoV, the virus supposedly associated with this pandemic. I have discussed this on our Covid19 blog, and will have more to say on the forthcoming Planet Waves FM (the current edition is still fresh).

Under the influence of digital, we have all become less embodied (more disembodied) and increasingly nonlocal (broadcasting ourselves everywhere, all the time). We are now at the tipping point of total absorption into the virtual realm.
Shifting Emphasis to Aquarius
Though the emphasis is gradually shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius, the U.S. Pluto return continues. Remember that this is the first-ever Pluto return for the United States; Pluto has a 248-year orbit. The exact dates of the return, for reference, are Feb. 20, 2022, July 11, 2022, and Dec. 28, 2022. I believe the Pluto return actually began when Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008.
By the end of the year, the emphasis of the astrology shifts from our long-term experience of Capricorn (since 2008) to a very long-term experience of Aquarius (lasting through 2044). The contrast between Capricorn and Aquarius describes the world shifting from a primarily physical place, to a digital place.
Under the influence of digital, we have all become less embodied (more disembodied) and increasingly nonlocal (broadcasting ourselves everywhere, all the time). We are now at the tipping point of total absorption into the virtual realm. This is partly a result of rapid advances in artificial and enhanced “reality,” as well as the advent of the 5G system, which seems designed to place every physical or nonphysical entity onto the internet at all times.
Think of Aquarius as representing electromagnetic transmission (such as radio waves), described by those wavy lines. Aquarius also describes the social patterns we form as we relate to one another in groups, the very patterns that have been disrupted by our global scenario. It’s very, very important that this shock happened some way other than nuclear war. Like at 9/11, we have received a mitigated version of the karma.
This interruption has caused a pause in the development and nonstop movement of the world, and gives us a moment to breathe, observe and consider the future. Many things will be erased, and others rebuilt. Presently, we (meaning most humans, except for first responders) have a little more bandwidth when it comes to creating the world that we want, both personally and collectively. It’s crucial to remember that the new patterns take hold quickly; most people will not notice them till they’ve set themselves in place.

While some have responded to this scenario with compassion, many others have responded by glazing over and going deeper into their mental isolation and alienation. We have had impregnated in our minds the notion that anyone can kill us through casual social interaction. That is not an easy mental script to override.
Making Long-term Decisions in a State of Shock
I recognize that most people are still adapting to the shock of losing their jobs, of being made to work from home, and if you have kids, integrating this with home-schooling. Physical reality has been disrupted for very nearly everyone. The illness (whatever it actually turns out to be) is debilitating some people, causing stress in their social circles, and taking lives. This is not really a good time to be thinking about the future, though it’s the only time we have.
Currently, we are on track to be confined to our living spaces and to have our lives pushed further onto the internet, and for the elimination of group activity. With the spread of a pandemic in everyone’s minds, it will be a while before we fill up a theater again.
While some have responded to this scenario with compassion, many others have responded by glazing over and going deeper into their mental isolation and alienation. We have had impregnated in our minds the notion that anyone can kill us through casual social interaction. That is not an easy mental script to override.
That is a lot — and the only thing that could have predicted these radical changes was something as deep and reverberating as the Saturn-Pluto conjunction: the end of all that Capricorn structure as we knew it.
Reorganization Complete by Winter Solstice
The reorganization will basically be complete by Dec. 21, when Saturn has re-entered Aquarius, followed by Jupiter. This leads to the ever-momentous conjunction of the two largest planets on the winter solstice. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction happens once every 20 years.
Yet it does not usually follow the even rarer Saturn-Pluto meeting. Taken together, we have the image of the Capricorn-style structure of the world upended, and replaced by a new Aquarius style concept of the world: one that is totally electrical.
With Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023-2024, it is easy to envision a 5G life where we are all connected to temperature monitors and subject to incarceration for running a fever. Apparently, the biological threat of a pandemic is enough to effect a total transformation of a massive society, and its economy, in just one month.
The speed of this transition should trouble everyone. Such a thing can happen again — in any direction whatsoever. And there may always be another novel virus around the corner.

Note that in virus news, the main issue now involves politicians discussing power plays to get their hands on resources for hospitals in their regions. That will only become a more pronounced situation as the months unfold.
The Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas Series of Conjunctions
Through the year, there is still a strong emphasis on Capricorn. Saturday, we experience the first in a series of three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. The next two occur in June and then November.
In this pairing, we can see the theme of megadeath (now inescapable if you spend 30 seconds watching cable news or on the internet). The conducting medium is Capricorn, the sign of corporations and governments. Jupiter describes this as an international situation, and a large one.
While Capricorn itself includes the theme of government, the specifically political theme is emphasized by asteroid Pallas Athene. Pallas brings ideas of law, government and politics into any aspect pattern where she’s present. Pluto is about how “death gets the job done” — a theme of governments for time immemorial.
Pallas Athene is within one degree for each of those three contacts. So this will drive a political theme to all of the events of 2020. This might seem typical because we are so used to everything being made into a partisan football game. Really, it’s totally inappropriate under these circumstances. Yet there is an audience for Trump insulting Nancy Pelosi, or gloating about his ratings.
Note that in virus news, the main issue now involves politicians discussing power plays to get their hands on resources for hospitals in their regions. That will only become a more pronounced situation as the months unfold.
The Democratic National Convention is supposed to take place; it’s possible that it may be canceled for the first time in the history of the Democratic Party. [Thursday, the DNC moved the convention from July to August to increase the chances of having it in person.] You may expect calls or at last proposals from the administration to cancel the U.S. election as well.
Going forward into this new era, every decision will be made using the pretext of the coronavirus. Remember that “Spanish” Flu was still an issue into 1921. Even under seemingly natural circumstances, these things don’t go away fast. That said, we need to keep asking ourselves just how much we’re willing to give up, and how much we’re willing to risk, and noticing when we are not given a choice.
Retrogrades of Venus and Mars are rich territory for anyone on a conscious path of exploring the emotional, physical and spiritual contexts of sexuality.
Inner Planet Retrogrades: Venus and Mars
Venus and Mars are retrograde the least of all the planets, Venus about 7% of the time, and Mars about 9.5% of the time. Compare that to Mercury, which is retrograde about 19% of the time. Pluto is retrograde 44% of the time.
It is both the relative rarity of Venus and Mars retrogrades, and their personal nature, that gives them so much influence. Venus and Mars describe our male and female attributes, our social relationships, certain trends and customs related to gender.
They describe the emotional experience of gender polarity, both inwardly and in social dynamics. All of this is controversial; gender issues tend to become instantly politicized. Even one’s inner experience of gender tends to be filtered or seen exclusively through political rather than emotional or spiritual concepts.
That said, retrogrades of Venus and Mars are rich territory for anyone on a conscious path of exploring the emotional, physical and spiritual contexts of sexuality. I will cover them briefly here, and focus on them a little closer to when they are happening.
Venus Retrograde in Gemini, May 13 through June 25
This takes place exclusively in Gemini, beginning in a conjunction to Vesta, the fourth-ever discovered asteroid (from 1807). I’ve been looking at this chart for a year, wondering what it might be about. That Venus is stationing on Vesta means the conjunction will last for weeks.
In fact this begins Friday, when Venus enters Gemini, joining Vesta there in a conjunction that will gradually drift across Gemini. With both planets at about 21 degrees, Venus stations retrograde on May 13.
The presence of Vesta in a natal chart often describes unconventional relationship patterns. By that, I mean people with prominent Vesta (conjunct Venus would count) often have unusual things happen to them in the story arc of their conjugal relationships, which can include long phases of involuntary abstinence from sex with partners. That is certainly happening now.
Prominent Vesta people can often be in the position of preparing current partners for their next partner. They can experience sexuality as a service they are called upon to offer. Because of various social and psychological taboos, these states have a way of not being discussed openly or seen for their real value.
Vesta also indicates making a sacrifice of some kind. Conjunct Venus, that is pretty easy to see. In any event, Venus + Vesta suggests that we are talking about a profound shift in attitudes, values and experiences associated with sexuality. In Gemini, we may be talking about “The Lovers,” or we may be talking about how people relate to themselves.
Mars Retrograde in Aries, Sept. 9 through Nov. 13
I have been reading articles from all quarters, blogs, and scientific papers nearly around the clock for a month (with a lot of help from researchers and people I consider my senior reporters), and I can say one thing declaratively, and only one thing: I do not understand what is happening, from a medical or scientific standpoint.
This is a long story, and I’m only going to touch on it. Overall it stretches on for more than five months, from July through January.
Mars describes the nature of aggression, of desire and of confidence. It is about initiatory power: the ability to begin things. It has a fighting spirit yet in Aries that can be compromised by lack of confidence. This retrograde is complex and also powerful because it mixes up with Pluto, the Pluto return and the Pluto-Eris square that will go on for a couple of years.

Said another way, Mars provokes the astrology that is behind what we are witnessing. And for the United States, it fires up the Pluto return like little else can.
Beginning in August, Mars makes a series of conjunctions to Eris and squares to Pluto, and it does so right through the presidential election. I could tell you much more about this if I could sit in an isolated cabin on a lake for three months, and present it as a science fiction novel — which is what we’re living through.
What gets my attention about the Mars in Aries phase is Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries on July 14. This one-time conjunction is a reminder that we must embrace the healing crisis element of what we are going through.
I have been reading articles from all quarters, blogs, and scientific papers nearly around the clock for a month (with a lot of help from researchers and people I consider my senior reporters), and I can say one thing declaratively, and only one thing: I do not understand what is happening, from a medical or scientific standpoint.
Politically it’s easier to see how this may be exploited. It is easy to see the economic pain. Spiritually, we see that a lot of the ultimate outcomes are in our hands. We need to get hold of this, and what we want it to mean — and I feel strongly that we have until the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on Dec. 21 to do so. This calls for social consciousness and action, guided by the highest vibration of spiritual awareness.
I will leave you with the words of Dr. Thomas Cowan:
“These are challenging times for all of us. While everyone has deeply held thoughts and feelings that are needing to be expressed, I want to send out two short messages. First, I would like to ask everyone to join me in imagining the type of world we wish to emerge out of this crisis. Do we want to create a world of isolation and separation, where neighbor is pitted against neighbor, or do we want a world of connectedness and compassion? Envision as deeply as your mind and heart will allow, right down to the details. Do we want a world with glyphosate or not? A world of expanding EMF pollution and smog or not? A world where most of our days are spent looking at screens or one where we interact with trees, flowers and birds?”
And for that matter — one another.
With love,