Keep in mind that if this is true, it may be far older than you believe; how you feel today could relate to some incident from the very distant past that shaped your expectations.
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Don’t allow your anger to get the better of you. There is finally no denying how you feel; though in response, you have to start where you are. Despite your impulse to fix the past, your energy would be better spent acknowledging what happened, and determining how to not let it happen again. There may be some factor that is drawing you into the past emotionally, and trying to hold you there. Keep in mind that if this is true, it may be far older than you believe; how you feel today could relate to some incident from the very distant past that shaped your expectations. And this, in turn, can lead to further disappointments. I suggest you use this time to learn what you can about what happened much earlier in your life, particularly in matters relating to your siblings. Let this remind you that those days are gone, as long as you live as if that’s true.
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Your personal survival has relatively little to do with you and your choices, and much more to do with the state of society.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It would seem that you’re piling a lot of emotional material onto what you think of as your financial situation, or your relationship to money. It’s likely that you’re overdoing the fear and worry factor. Mars retrograde is demanding that you conduct a review of your accounts, but it’s more important to conduct a review of your priorities. Here, you are likely to make some unusual discoveries about what you think matters, and why. Your personal survival has relatively little to do with you and your choices, and much more to do with the state of society. And that, in turn, is mediated not by your bank balance but by your ability to find common ground with people and work that territory with them. Today the game of finances may seem like every man should be for himself. But that’s never true; it’s only part of the PR campaign for greed. What matters now is the efficiency of cooperation.
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No matter how positive of an influence others may be, if you don’t cooperate with yourself, you can lose most or all of the positive effects.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As planets collect in your opposite sign Sagittarius, you’re likely to find yourself in a much more supportive environment. With Mars retrograde in your own sign, though, the name of the game is how to be your own best friend. No matter how positive of an influence others may be, if you don’t cooperate with yourself, you can lose most or all of the positive effects. I sometimes joke that there are two kinds of Geminis: those where the twins get along, and those where they do not. I suggest you take no satisfaction in inner conflict (many people do). Sidestepping and disentangling yourself from inner strife is an art form, and one that is worth developing. Long ago, an author named Mildred Newman wrote: “Most of us haven’t begun to tap our own potential; we’re operating way below capacity. And we’ll continue as long as we are looking for someone to give us the key to the kingdom. We must realize that the kingdom is in us; and we already have the key. It’s as if we’re waiting for permission to start fully living.” That can only come from you.
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I know this may be challenging, since we tend to think that fear is always a product of the outer environment rather than the inner one.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Pay close attention to the fear factor. Think of this as an internal weather system that has nothing to do with your circumstances or the world around you. I know this may be challenging, since we tend to think that fear is always a product of the outer environment rather than the inner one. However, astrology is describing a different condition, which is that both the source and your responses are facets of your inner reality. It’s true that you have situations with others that you’re working out, though this can be handled in practical and factual ways if you don’t bring your own internal baggage into those situations. Therefore, work it out in advance — and also notice the dynamics when something that is yours and yours alone ends up projected into a situation in your life. To work this territory, you will need to maintain more or less constant awareness of what is going on inside your mind, body and emotions. That’s some helpful yoga.
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It’s the random social encounters or drams with frenemies that could be the most challenging. Here, you will benefit from remembering that you don’t need anyone’s approval or endorsement.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may find that people are difficult to get along with, unless your involvement with them has a strong, grounded purpose. Stick to the reason why you’re engaging with any particular person, and you will find it easier to collaborate and cooperate. It’s the random social encounters or drams with frenemies that could be the most challenging. Here, you will benefit from remembering that you don’t need anyone’s approval or endorsement. Social status is irrelevant and a total waste of time, but it gets plenty of hype. And for you, it’s something of the ultimate psychic toxin right now. It’s essential that you make peace with setting your own agenda and going your own way. The exception is in work situations, where cooperation is of the utmost necessity. This is the place to practice the discipline of setting your ego aside and working for a common purpose.
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I strongly suggest continuing a policy of avoiding conflict at work or around your career. Notice the ways in which you feel dissatisfied, but don’t take them too seriously.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Next week’s Full Moon in Gemini could bring certain professional matters to a head, or at least create the illusion of doing so. I strongly suggest continuing a policy of avoiding conflict at work or around your career. Notice the ways in which you feel dissatisfied, but don’t take them too seriously. The information coming through those experiences is not entirely reliable. It may be based on old resentments, or frustration around past failures. You are in a critical time of review of this whole aspect of your experience on Earth, though it must be conducted carefully and thoughtfully. The deepest thing you’re being called to do is conduct a reassessment of your professional goals. This needs to be a true sorting out of the past from the present, and weeding out primary goals from secondary ones. There is one more thing: where you have seemingly different paths, you will gain efficiency by integrating them rather than treating them as separate.
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You might inquire whether you’re onto something, and rephrase your statements as questions.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Follow feelings of anger into yourself until you figure out what they are about. Bear in mind that you’re unlikely to be upset for just the reason you think. Therefore, slow down and don’t leap to conclusions. Though it may be challenging, it would be better if you did not assume you are correct. You might inquire whether you’re onto something, and rephrase your statements as questions. Notice if you’re being dogmatic, and in response, be more like a dog — sniff everyone and everything and notice how you feel when the odor gets up into your brain. This is a visceral and sensory approach rather than an intellectual one. Much that concerns you cannot be proven one way or another, and if it can be, that proof is of questionable relevance. Both the beauty and the pitfall of spiritual matters is that they are one place that stands outside the realm of proof. And as a result you must be especially observant and honest.
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Often, a measure of analysis and comprehension through reason is helpful in situations that rely mostly on emotional and spiritual senses.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — For all the thinking you’ve been doing, you may be surprised how vividly you can feel your whole situation, and understand it — with no need to explain it to yourself. This may be an intense experience, which will coincide with next week’s Full Moon. Often, a measure of analysis and comprehension through reason is helpful in situations that rely mostly on emotional and spiritual senses. But the problem with blending the mental/verbal with the emotional/intuitive involves the potential rationalization; and a closely related tendency to try to prove your point. Here is the thing to remember: in personal situations, after all the mathematics is done, how you feel is how you feel. What you need is what you need. What you want is what you want. And no amount of mental calculation can change that — though you are inclined to think that it can. Stick to what you simply know because you now know it, and you will guide yourself well.
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Without squeezing the chart too hard, this is anger over a past event where you feel you were deceived and your trust was in some way abused.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Next week’s Full Moon in your opposite sign Gemini is calling on you to decide what is real for you, and what is not. Or, what is happening in the present, and what is a memory or past reaction that you are bringing into the present and counting as real? Most people never sort this out, and they only have moments of enhanced awareness where they see through it for a moment. (Some of these are counted as a big deal, and lead to people getting sainted.) Now, the central matter seems to involve anger. Without squeezing the chart too hard, this is anger over a past event where you feel you were deceived and your trust was in some way abused. These things happen a lot, and this is a vague description — but it’s unlikely to feel vague; in fact it may be coloring your entire reality and this will increase as the Full Moon approaches. To really understand this situation, you will need to look at how it exists right now, in this moment. That will provide other essential information that you need.
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Go back to this feeling as a kid: you know you can do something, if only you can get your mind and your fingers to cooperate.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your chart has the look of a frustrated child trying to express his or her will, but getting blocked by emotional frustration, lack of dexterity, or not understanding how something works. Go back to this feeling as a kid: you know you can do something, if only you can get your mind and your fingers to cooperate. This will take learning, and gaining experience, which is to say, practice. It will help if you define clearly whatever you are trying to do. Now, this may involve personal healing rather than a task, though I would propose that the same principles apply. There is a mental level that is being dominated by your emotional response. What if you stick to the very bare facts of the situation, without expressing anything about how you feel about them? Facts relate to naming events, the time they happened and who was involved. Then consider these elements without respect to how you may feel about them. That’s another matter.
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Yet your feelings may be such a morass that you don’t know where to start. I would suggest something soft, and not too complicated.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — In my Nov. 10 entry for your sign, I described how creative gifts are about accessing a self-healing capacity more than they are about creating great works of any kind. This is now operating at full-strength in your solar chart, with next week’s Full Moon in your fellow air-sign Gemini. It would seem that you have something to work out, and you have the capacity to do it. Yet your feelings may be such a morass that you don’t know where to start. I would suggest something soft, and not too complicated. Good quality paper and pencils are easy and endlessly interesting. A little clay or modeling compound can help you work with your hands and relax your restless mind. Remember, this is about exploration for its own sake — as the end result. You may go further, but that’s the step that I suggest for now.
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Some of the best performers admit that they are extremely nervous or terrified before going onstage, and that is not because they are bad at what they do.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — No matter how you feel, you have important tasks to complete, in a soulful and beautiful way. The approach of the Full Moon over the next week may serve as a power source, or you may be feeling insecure. And they may be directly related, as a surge of energy can make you feel like you’re surfing on the edge of a wave. Some of the best performers admit that they are extremely nervous or terrified before going onstage, and that is not because they are bad at what they do. And they don’t let it stop them, either. So take a ride on whatever you are feeling, and make sure that you maintain orientation within yourself, while also reaching out into the world in all that you do. This is a remarkable time in your life, when so much is possible — and when you can open up many doors to the future. Remain positive about yourself despite the seemingly dismal state of the world.
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Fantastic, helpful Cancer horoscope – so true. Bless you, dear Eric xxxxx