Say what you would not usually say because it’s true. Truth, by which I mean what you understand to be so, must become your motivation to speak up rather than to keep silent.
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — To mean what you say and say what you mean — these are two of the greatest challenges in a society that is greased by denial and deception. Yet this is your prime directive, to cut through any slippery notions, slick talk and excuses, and actually get to the point. Say what you mean. Say what you would not usually say because it’s true. Truth, by which I mean what you understand to be so, must become your motivation to speak up rather than to keep silent. At the same time, you will have a tendency to push others to do the same. You may be polite, but that doesn’t matter as much as being real. Get it out, as many times as you need to. This approach works pretty well, most of the time. If others take offense, they will probably get over it. Doing this, you will learn to trust with practice. In reality, people don’t care so much; which of course leads to other problems.
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The distinction may be stark — for example, altruism on one side, and self-serving on the other.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What exactly is driving the decisions that you’re making? Is it possible that you think it’s one thing, while the truth is something different? You tend to work with two sets of values, priorities or rationales, which exist in parallel worlds. At times you rely on one set of guides, and at other times, on another set. The distinction may be stark — for example, altruism on one side, and self-serving on the other. Or it may be subtle — for example, how you would live if you lived forever, versus how you would live if your time is finite. Or, there are your principles for when you are “in a relationship” and those for when you are “not in a relationship.” Mars retrograde in the angle of your chart that addresses your guiding principles (a rare event) is calling for a deep inquiry and a return to your primary commitments, agreements and instructions for this lifetime. Switching value sets can allow you to evade the unified and central nature of these root concepts. You can get to the bottom of this.
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As best I can use astrology to slip into your skin, your chart looks like you want to be felt and resonated with emotionally.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may feel like there is undue focus on you and how you feel. It’s as if you’re the center of attention when you’re interested in keeping to yourself. Yet from the look of your solar chart, what you want is deep contact with others, rather than superficial. As best I can use astrology to slip into your skin, your chart looks like you want to be felt and resonated with emotionally. And this may be with someone specific who you want to experience in a healing context. Because Mercury, your ruling planet, is in a cluster of planets concentrated in Scorpio, there is a sexual element here. In our current world this is easy to deny, or to pretend is not important. Please don’t make that mistake. The current phase of your life is about acknowledging what you want and to a real extent, what you need. That is to say, you are in a phase of learning honesty with yourself. This happens one experience at a time.
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One reason to reveal something about yourself is to discover it for yourself. This is the ongoing flirtation with the mirror-trip known as perception. There are also times you may make a discovery that you simply must share but cannot imagine doing so.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With the passing of the recent total lunar eclipse, you may feel like you’re under a lot less pressure. And that may translate to less pressure to keep secrets or conceal your personal truth. One reason to reveal something about yourself is to discover it for yourself. This is the ongoing flirtation with the mirror-trip known as perception. There are also times you may make a discovery that you simply must share but cannot imagine doing so. Whatever occurs to you, whatever you encounter within the depths of your consciousness, is yours to do what you want with. You might decide that it’s exclusively your interior reality. You may say that it’s a fantasy that you never need to live out. Or you may decide that whatever this is about, whatever vision it contains, you are the only one who can give it life, and that is your gift to yourself. This might be about one specific revelation, though it’s also a metaphor for how to live in a sincere, daring and open way.
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There is a connection between what happens in your home and what happens outside of it, especially if you find yourself going out to get away from anything

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Directly confront any situation where you don’t feel welcome at home. You seem to be in a complicated emotional or domestic situation that is not working for you socially, either. There is a connection between what happens in your home and what happens outside of it, especially if you find yourself going out to get away from anything. Your real interests are close to you, as is your opportunity for intimacy and happiness. To sort this out, I suggest you speak to people individually and get a sense of where they are coming from, and save any household meeting for after you’ve engaged everyone involved personally and have an agreement or understanding with them. As far as what may be going on with your friends or in social situations, you might try meeting with people in private rather than in public places and see if you get a different result.
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The one thing you don’t want is for push to come to shove. You don’t want a showdown of any kind, and it would be advisable to stay home from work if anyone around you has something planned.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Take it easy on bosses and anyone you perceive as having power. You might find it natural to mix it up, or to want to stand your ground in some way, though that’s unlikely to work out. The one thing you don’t want is for push to come to shove. You don’t want a showdown of any kind, and it would be advisable to stay home from work if anyone around you has something planned. I am not talking about compromising your position, but rather choosing the timing and the proper forum for making your position known. The best approach to that is finding out the position of the other person, in some detail — without specifically responding or reacting. Any real gains will come through having a long term strategy that you stick to and proceed with patiently, taking a step-by-step approach. Constantly size up your role in any situation — whether negative or positive — and adjust accordingly.
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You may find that meaning itself was different in the past than it is today. You may also decide that it’s the thing you want and need more of.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This time in your life seems to be a test of your faith in yourself. That is the effect of Mars retrograde in Gemini: for you, associated with your higher power, your spiritual teachers, and your guiding philosophy. You may be in conflict over your sense of “what it all means.” You may find your life today means something different than it did in the past. You may find that meaning itself was different in the past than it is today. You may also decide that it’s the thing you want and need more of. Now, Mars is sliding backwards in your 9th house of spiritual matters, stirring the pot on this subject. The 9th is the house that sends people searching for the truth at the far reaches of the world. Mars retrograde is reminding you of the interior nature of the quest. This is true wherever you go and whatever you do; you are the person who assigns the meaning to your experiences.
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One important understanding is that you are working through layers of a question; and that you are defining the question as you go.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem to have passed through a layer of complexity in a relationship or partnership situation. You’re not all the way through the mystery yet, but are making progress. One important understanding is that you are working through layers of a question; and that you are defining the question as you go. You may assume that this learning process is mostly about you rather than about others: how you perceive people, what you hear and do not hear, what you fully take on board and what you do not. The root of this question may be about whether you are someone important to a close partner or loved one. Be aware that there are factors present that may diminish your sense of your own presence and influence. These same factors will thrive on negativity — and that is one thing you don’t want to use as a metric of vitality or relevance. All of this is about figuring out what you already know, or re-discovering what you have already learned.
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The middle ground is recognizing the power of attachment as a distorting influence, while doing your best to understand where someone is coming from.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You don’t need to allow the emotions of others to interfere with your wellbeing. However, where close intimacy is part of the environment, it’s equally problematic to handle this by being remote, distant or detached. The middle ground is recognizing the power of attachment as a distorting influence, while doing your best to understand where someone is coming from. Of all the skills that have been watered down under digital conditions, right at the top of the list is the ability to listen carefully to another person who is actually present. This may be a situation of wanting to avoid overload. Most people are also extremely uncomfortable in the presence of the anger of others, and will do anything to avoid it. Yet I suggest you brave the storm; there really is something in here for you. There is a gift at the bottom of any conflict or controversy, if you can get there.
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It seems like an unfairly difficult question for other people, when the challenge is about either missing the obvious, or seeming to have no information to work with.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What is your true work? What is the purpose that connects you to the value of being alive at this time, in this incarnation? This seems like an easy question for some, when that ease is really avoidance. It seems like an unfairly difficult question for other people, when the challenge is about either missing the obvious, or seeming to have no information to work with. However, let’s start from the premise (which you may dismiss) that you came to the planet with something you want to do, or need to do. I don’t mean this as an activity, but rather as a necessary component of your learning and contribution to life on the planet. Mars retrograde in Gemini is here to help you figure that out, though at the moment, it may seem to be providing more sources of confusion than it is providing relevant data. So I will ask this: if you are confused, what is the controversy over? Write to me about this if you want.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
If you’re starting as an adult, this can seem like a long uphill climb, but don’t be fooled. Looking back, you may decide you were effective from the first day.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The creative process turns pain into love and beauty. This may be the most miraculous capacity that humans have. It’s not about what we do or make, but rather the personal benefit from the experience. Because the creative process often has a result (writing, art, music, or some combination), one’s personal healing process becomes a vector for others. We know that most of what we call “school” and “work” depends on suppressing or damaging creative capacity. Then we treat the results of those who kept some of theirs as museum pieces or commodities to buy and sell. Where does that leave you? The purpose of your creative resources is not “to be a great painter” or “be a better guitar player” but rather to have access to your transformative power, your vital force, and your true perception. If you’re starting as an adult, this can seem like a long uphill climb, but don’t be fooled. Looking back, you may decide you were effective from the first day. However, remember why you’re doing whatever you’re doing. If the answer ever comes back, “Because it’s fun,” count that as an accomplishment.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
However, whatever you’re feeling or experiencing is telling you something. There is an important matter making itself known in various ways, which is about being where you belong, physically and geographically.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Allow any disturbance on the home front or in your emotional body to flow through you; it will pass quickly if you stand back a little and don’t interfere. However, whatever you’re feeling or experiencing is telling you something. There is an important matter making itself known in various ways, which is about being where you belong, physically and geographically. I suggest you question this ongoing, and with some depth. Do you belong where you are? By which I mean the structure you live in, the community around you and the slice of the Earth you’re on. How do you know this? You have time to consider these matters, and you’ve got an interesting month of revelations and discoveries ahead. The other question is, are you being called anywhere, and are you inclined to respond? What is holding you back, if you feel that something is?
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn
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Every single sign reading relevant to my family and close friends is spot on. Uncannily so. You’ve nailed the zeitgeist this week! 👍🏻
Eric- thanks for your comments on the lunar eclipse in Taurus just past. It hit me deeply as I am a Taurus and the eclipse targeted my natal Nessus, which had already been scraped up by the passage of transiting Uranus too. This group is in trine with my natal North Node and sextile my natal Uranus and South Node also. I was in Amsterdam hiding in a nature park for the cross-quarter day. By synchronicity in the week before and after I was presented with multiple events and images pointing to the issue of deep ancestral patterns that can run subtly from the background of the unconscious, leading one into scapegoat and sabotage scripts that run over and over. Or one is expected to take on projections from others who cannot process their own junk. So on that day I did ask to be released, to have true freedom from the ancestral contract. Words cannot describe the next few days after that, but your writings did well to sum up the situation and a load did indeed get dumped. Still dealing with whisps and trails of suggestion from the depths, looking for a toehold to bind me afresh but nothing sticks. Nice.