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So how deep were their commitments? Or closer to the point, when you are under duress, how deep are yours? That is the question of Friday’s New Moon.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your priorities are what guide you when many other things may fail. Being true to yourself works under all circumstances, if you allow it to; if you invite it in. Whether you’re true to yourself is something that you can find out when you’re under the duress of facing some special challenge.
There are many who just give up on their claimed priorities the moment there is any difficulty. What happened to so-called holistic medicine in 2020 serves as an example. Many, many practitioners who devoted their lives to an idea just gave up when even meekly challenged. So how deep were their commitments? Or closer to the point, when you are under duress, how deep are yours? That is the question of Friday’s New Moon.
It’s easy to espouse a certain point of view under ideal conditions, when everything is going swimmingly. Then there are the times when you must stand up for yourself. To do that, you must stay centered on what you know is true for you — though first you would need to know what that is.

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What personal tendency are you maintaining as it is? What do you assume will always be that way? Multiple diverse influences are urging you to update your files, your perceptions, and your way of making decisions.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Friday’s New Moon in your birth sign is conjunct the distant planet Sedna, which was previously in its current place at the end of the last ice age. It is describing something old, even ancient. The question I have for you now is, what hasn’t changed for you in a long time?
What personal tendency are you maintaining as it is? What do you assume will always be that way? Multiple diverse influences are urging you to update your files, your perceptions, and your way of making decisions. This is something people usually do in reaction to an external situation of some kind. Otherwise, they are not interested, and keep on keepin’ on without much reflection.
A variety of factors are urging you to act on what you know to be true, and what you know to be important to you. You are working with new information, and new insights into yourself. You’re in a moment upon which your whole existence may turn. Therefore, based on everything you know, which way is forward? If you are confused, pause for a while.

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Your astrology is calling you to have a greater vision; to take up the yoke of the changes that all of society is going through; and to use the superior power of your mind to solve problems that affect your whole community, however you define that.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Life is full of fine lines, and you are standing on one now. You have made some important discoveries the past few weeks. You know that something is developing, and changing for the better.
Some of this is based on exceedingly rare developments, the kinds of things that only happen once or twice in a lifetime. The broader theme of your astrology is your involvement in the wider world. It’s easy for people to hunker down and take care of themselves; it’s easy for most people to be involved and/or distracted by what is immediately around them.
Your astrology is calling you to have a greater vision; to take up the yoke of the changes that all of society is going through; and to use the superior power of your mind to solve problems that affect your whole community, however you define that. One effect of the digital lives that we are living is that everything is a fantasy, or somehow virtual or an illusion. The reality principle is calling on you to take action, and to use your intelligence wisely.

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Our seemingly private lives are determined by countless environmental influences. So what then is left of you? Part of the crisis of our times is that most people have very little idea of who they are, and that diminishes every day.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Now is a good time to let go of whatever image you think people have of you, and whatever image you try to project to the people around you. That may leave you feeling as naked as it does liberated. The crisis in contemplating anything that occurs on the line between self and the collective is the discovery that it exists in symbolic form only.
Our seemingly private lives are determined by countless environmental influences. So what then is left of you? Part of the crisis of our times is that most people have very little idea of who they are, and that diminishes every day. And image only gets in the way of this, by providing a kind of scrim behind which we can hide.
Venus in your sign is here to remind you that you do have substance, and you have feelings, and you have love to offer those around you, in any context. Yet this can evoke feelings of deep vulnerability. To hide your feelings and your deeper truth is isolating and cuts you off from the meaning of your existence. The choice is yours.
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Assume, to some degree, that any problem you become aware of is there for you to help solve. It may be through providing a reference — but only if you have personal experience with whomever you’re recommending, and take responsibility for doing so.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun enters Gemini, your most social house, in a couple of days. This is a reminder that success is not on a ladder or a pyramid, but is more often found through what seems like casual contact with friends and acquaintances. You are in an excellent position to help people right now, and the way to do this is to be a source of contacts and resources.
Though it’s not in the style of our times, be the person who helps the people around you get what they need. Assume, to some degree, that any problem you become aware of is there for you to help solve. It may be through providing a reference — but only if you have personal experience with whomever you’re recommending, and take responsibility for doing so.
More often, your experience and positive attitude will help others by osmosis. Take a sincere interest in their lives. You have plenty that most people do not. Your resources are worth a lot more if you share them, and build up a sense of goodwill in the world around you.
You don’t have to say a lot. One sentence can do the job. You have substance; you have experience; don’t worry about that. You have ideas; that’s not an issue. But knowing how to present yourself is, and this is nearly always a matter of the words you choose.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – The Sun is about to arrive in the angle of your chart associated with your professional reputation. For you, this is about what you say, how you say it, and awareness of who you’re speaking to. Most people have to dress for success; for you, that becomes speaking succinctly for success.
You don’t have to say a lot. One sentence can do the job. You have substance; you have experience; don’t worry about that. You have ideas; that’s not an issue. But knowing how to present yourself is, and this is nearly always a matter of the words you choose. One strategy that will serve you well is to show anyone that you actually understand their point of view.
This is the strongest position from which to address someone — where they already stand. Understand and speak their language. When it comes to your work-related activities, you have a marvelous ability to be a chameleon and therefore you can always be one of us — rather than one of them.
Settle any debts that you can, and you will feel better, even if you have a little less cash for the moment. There will be more on the way.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — As the Sun moves into your fellow air sign Gemini, you will feel like the window is opening, the fresh air is blowing into the room, and you have more space to move around. One of the worst outcomes of the past three years is the sense that the future has been stolen.
It still exists, much the same as ever, even if fewer people care to notice. Yet before you get there, you’re being invited to settle your affairs with certain people, so that you are free to move on with a clear agenda. Settle any debts that you can, and you will feel better, even if you have a little less cash for the moment.
There will be more on the way. Meanwhile, keep your eyes, ears and antennae open for the possibility of lucrative projects with others. As with anything involving Taurus, there is the requirement of at least a 95% match up with your values and priorities. For your happiness and continued good karma, please don’t go any lower.
All the pride in the world does not change that bottom line. Further, all the fuss over gender is blurring and fogging the essential truth that there are no fixed emotional or psychological structures in human experience.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Each in your own way, you and someone you care about may be having ‘identity questions’. For all the fuss made about various shades of orientation, and all the different kinds of relationships, one simple fact gets lost in the sauce. We must live with the people in our lives, and they must live with us.
All the pride in the world does not change that bottom line. Further, all the fuss over gender is blurring and fogging the essential truth that there are no fixed emotional or psychological structures in human experience. We are beings in motion, constantly in creation, exploring existence whether we think we are or not.
Your sign is associated with Mars, and your relationship sign Taurus is associated with Venus. Both of these planets at the moment indicate movement and even potential crisis over some matter of what is currently referred to as gender. Yet within this cyclone, we are all pretty much the same. The question is how issues are resolved: in a patient and reflective way, or with false answers. Keep the doors and windows open.
You are being invited to stay directly involved with the work that you want to do. There is a matter of preference, or maybe affinity is the better word. People talk about doing what you love; I talk about loving what you do.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter has entered its new sign, to stay for the next 53 weeks. This will give you a solid foundation to build on, or perhaps help you recognize that you were already standing on one. Yet this is a foundation of activity, experimentation, and working the matter of the physical world with your hands.
You are being invited to stay directly involved with the work that you want to do. There is a matter of preference, or maybe affinity is the better word. People talk about doing what you love; I talk about loving what you do. There are many places where those two ideas meet right in the middle. At different times, one will serve you better than the other.
Please skip the crisis that goes a little bit like: “Am I really an artist / writer / consultant / expert, etc.” Please skip the part about “being recognized,” and instead, recognize yourself and the gift that you possess. Then go a few steps further. Nobody will ever see the paintings in your basement unless you take them up into the light. Ideas increase by being given away.
We are constantly being pushed into situations where there are a dozen middlemen, most of which are corporate robots skimming our life force. Feel your vitality and your intelligence.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – You are getting a diversity of reminders about how to realize the value of your talents, assets and resources. This must be an active process, materially and spiritually. Pluto is insisting that you focus your priorities, and that you recognize your place within your social constellation: that of an exemplar.
The whole direction of our economic destiny is being driven along the path of stopping the simple exchange of goods and services between human beings. We are constantly being pushed into situations where there are a dozen middlemen, most of which are corporate robots skimming our life force. Feel your vitality and your intelligence.
Consider yourself the king or queen of all you survey. Know that you can apply your wisdom and that you can make a difference, and that such will affect many people in positive ways. Mars, the planet exalted in Capricorn, is about to move into Leo. This suggests that your business transactions are not merely about money but about will, intention, passion, energy and actual value.
At the moment, it’s crucial that you avoid the feeling of overconfidence — such as accepting an invitation to conquer the world. Stick to keeping your mind in some order, your home in order, and reminding yourself you have what you need to solve your most pressing problems. From there, you have plenty of room to grow.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Most confidence is emotional; most happiness emerges from feeling emotionally balanced. Yes, there are some who thrive on the seesaw, the rollercoaster and the derailment. It’s a cheap way to get high. However, Pluto now in your sign is demanding a level of sobriety and emotional openness.
Fortunately you have help. Jupiter has arrived in Taurus, which will provide both resources and also stability. At the moment, it’s crucial that you avoid the feeling of overconfidence — such as accepting an invitation to conquer the world. Stick to keeping your mind in some order, your home in order, and reminding yourself you have what you need to solve your most pressing problems. From there, you have plenty of room to grow.
Yet growth implies change; change implies re-evaluation of your ideas about life. Whenever you are presented with a new situation, this is the first place to go: to an evaluation of what is true for you and what is not; what checks out, and what does not. Be glad you were wrong about certain vital facts. The truth is much more helpful and wholesome.

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Nest yourself into this. Invest your time and energy into everything from chamber of commerce meet-ups to church breakfasts to the farmer’s market. Present yourself as a social person, not as a businessperson — even if you’re doing business.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Jupiter and Mercury have moved in your favor, right where you need it the most: in Taurus. This is the angle of your chart associated with ideas, communication (especially writing), buying and selling (especially locally), and the benefits you can draw from participating in your community.
All of these things are related; they are all forms of the same idea. It’s been said that all politics are local; I would say that all commerce is local, or must be grounded locally. Be part of the world you live in: the very world of streets and houses and landscapes and people doing their thing every day.
Nest yourself into this. Invest your time and energy into everything from chamber of commerce meet-ups to church breakfasts to the farmer’s market. Present yourself as a social person, not as a businessperson — even if you’re doing business. Price is not the only measure of value. Yet the recognition of value leads to many good things. Begin with yourself. This is an excellent time for you to be the helpful person you are.