Planets on the Move: Introduction to the March 9 Horoscope
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Dear Friend and Reader:
IT SEEMS THAT for as long as anyone can remember, we’ve been living in an environment of stagnation. This feels like a kind of gooey energy that only seems to swallow things, or create more of itself. While some have marked progress in their individual lives, and even within organizations, this thing known as The World has been sinking deeper into a swamp.This quality is driven by corruption, greed and a great many people behaving like robots. This is understandable — we are involved with robots all day long, and they don’t care very much about us. They are arbitrary, self-contradictory and this thing incorrectly known as “artificial intelligence” is creating a flood of artificial stupidity.
In Service of The Robot
Every day, I think: can people really be that out of it? Can they really be that thoughtless, vapid and willing to swallow whole any lie without chewing it? Then I remember that most are under the near-total hypnosis of The Robot, walking around with their brains in their hands.
Most business, banking, claimed innovation, and so-called government is working in service of The Robot, and not serving what traces are left of humanity. The goal of The Robot is to make us all slaves of The Robot. The Borg wants to assimilate everyone, and its motto is Resistance is Futile.
Then comes astrology.
In astrology, there are not really “good changes” and “bad changes,” but rather shifts in the momentum of thought and society that we can work with, ignore, or be subject to. Astrology is a set of power tools. The power is always on. How we use the tools is up to us.
When society has been in a pattern for a long time, one of the most dependable indicators of movement is planets changing signs. Planets such as Saturn, which entered Pisces on Tuesday, or Pluto, which enters Aquarius on March 23, or Mars, which changes signs after a long (seemingly endless) slog in Gemini.
Saturn in Pisces, in Time for Mars Square Neptune
Saturn’s ingress into Pisces came just in time for an event demanding the reality principle and structured containment: Mars square Neptune, part three. This is the big one, as Neptune will be conjunct the planet Mercury at the same time Mars makes that last square.
This is a crossroads: will people sink deeper into the morass of their denial and delusion, or awaken to what they are being called to do? There are some for whom it will seem easier to go deeper into sleep, and to pretend not to care. Others will get the message and their minds will illuminate.
Most people will still be swimming in confusion and self-deception that to them may seem only like pointless frustration and like life is stacked unfairly against them. And they may be right. But the essence of a spiritual approach to existence is to work with what you have and start paying attention in a new way, and drag yourself up, or rise up, from those very things. It’s not always probable, but it is, at least, always possible.
At the Fulcrum
We are at a fulcrum point right now, which will largely determine the direction of events for the next two decades. Imagine a backyard telescope. It sits on a kind of pivot, and moving the thing just one millimeter at the fulcrum can result in a change of light years in terms of what you can see on the other end.
That is us right now. And this is why it’s so essential that we have our full discernment on and in place; that we not be so trusting of the untrustworthy, or think that we must lie and cheat to survive. There are people in your life that you can trust, and you must be the first one on that list — and then extend that to the people around you.
Order Pluto in a Strange Land Here!
Look at what you do rather than what you say. Evaluate others on the same basis. Consider alternatives to what you think is true, and stand back from making any conclusions before the data is in.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Seen one way, we’re witnessing the world falling apart. Seen another, there is a Hunger Games-styled competition for relevance. If you are wondering what all the aggression you’re seeing and maybe even experiencing is about, it’s the result of people feeling like they are nobody, and do not matter, and that their lives do not make any difference.
Mars, the Aries planet, is about to make its third and final square to Neptune, an aspect that has the power to drive the whole of society into a state of despair, and it may have you feeling lost, dazed or confused. At the same time, Jupiter conjunct Chiron in your sign is providing a dependable spiritual source of contact. Still, proceed with caution and awareness. Give whatever situations you are in time to work out; where Neptune is concerned, time is the only antidote. Sense what is happening using real experiments based on physical observations.
Look at what you do rather than what you say. Evaluate others on the same basis. Consider alternatives to what you think is true, and stand back from making any conclusions before the data is in.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: AriesStudio50
You might think of them as idealistic and self-serving. Between the two there is another way to live, and to think about what is necessary. Despite the apparent struggles of our times, most of us have food, heat and hot water.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Consider your values rather than your money. Observe your priorities and ask yourself whether they are in the right order. It’s easy to overlook these questions, and therefore to take much for granted. If you are both observant and scrupulous, you will see some places where you need to make some adjustments.
These will mostly involve where you invest your time, energy and resources. Sometimes it seems you work with two competing sets of values. You might think of them as idealistic and self-serving. Between the two there is another way to live, and to think about what is necessary. Despite the apparent struggles of our times, most of us have food, heat and hot water.
These are matters that would have taken up 90% of our time and labor previously, only it was a lot more work a century ago. You are likely to be sitting on an abundance of energy and an excess of time on your hands, though it’s all about how you think about it. When you determine that something is actually important, you have what it takes.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
You can move among the world of people with a bit of awe and reverence, and treat everyone with the respect of a dignitary.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There are certain people, or possibly one individual, that you will encounter in a social situation who may become exceedingly important to you. This person is likely to stand out from everyone else, and may also seem to be way out of your league.
However, do not hesitate to approach them, in a low-key and sincere way. The word is “unassuming.” Say hello, extend your hand, and see where the conversation goes. This same astrology is lighting up the whole social angle of your chart at the moment. You can move among the world of people with a bit of awe and reverence, and treat everyone with the respect of a dignitary.
Do not assume you know who anyone actually is; respect the mystery and give it time to unfold. And as Mars in your sign approaches its final square to Neptune (the other two were in October and November) who you are is something of a mystery as well. You don’t need to put on any airs, or say much about yourself. Let your comportment and vibrant, curious mind speak for themselves.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wxw7q39m
Pace yourself, and take the game one pitch at a time. You are just getting warmed up. But do everything you can to maintain a state of spiritual balance, and stay close to the purpose of the actions you are taking.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There are many reasons to worry these days; it seems like a new one arrives every day, even if you are doing a good job of managing your own affairs. For the past six months, you may have had the feeling of being stalked, or stalked by your own fears.
The long transit of Mars through Gemini, your ultra-sensitive 12th place, is about to come to its final peak, and with that, you may feel like the bubble is filling up and about to burst. Ride that out. This is the perfect opportunity to sort out truth from illusions on a deep inner level. The whole matter boils down to what you accept as true; who and what you believe has power over you; and whether you allow yourself to be taken advantage of.
Meanwhile, major developments continue at the peak of your chart, in Aries. This says that you are living with an unusual level of responsibility and fulfilling some distinct role. Pace yourself, and take the game one pitch at a time. You are just getting warmed up. But do everything you can to maintain a state of spiritual balance, and stay close to the purpose of the actions you are taking.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
It’s too easy in this world to get by on partial truths and telling people what they want to hear. However, now is the time for your words to match your feelings; and for the expression on your face to reveal your state of being.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over the next few days, a long-delayed partnership matter may come to a boil. Now is the time to confront the situation, and in particular, to fully own what is yours. That means being accountable for your understanding of what is true and what is not; and to assess your actions, your choices, and for admitting exactly what you want.
It’s too easy in this world to get by on partial truths and telling people what they want to hear. However, now is the time for your words to match your feelings; and for the expression on your face to reveal your state of being. Remove any mask you may have been wearing, and simply be real. Clear any haze of ambivalence that is lingering over any agreement, any partnership and any personal connection.
This is especially true in any situation where sex and money are part of the same relationship. Saturn’s recent arrival in the shared resources angle of your chart is saying that it’s time to clean up the boundaries and arrive at a mutual understanding of the facts, the figures and the feelings.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
It takes time for that to play out, and for people to give you a real sense of who they are. However, Saturn bestows not only patience, but wisdom in honoring the passage of time as a teacher.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Be grateful that Saturn is guarding your 7th house — the one that describes your relationships, and your relationship to the world around you. Saturn will serve as a bullshit umbrella, and keep you dry in what might be a little storm of nonsense over the next week or so.
You will have less tolerance for anyone’s tendency to be dishonest or self-destructive. You can take the “show me” approach, and boldly follow the time-honored truth that actions speak louder than words. It takes time for that to play out, and for people to give you a real sense of who they are. However, Saturn bestows not only patience, but wisdom in honoring the passage of time as a teacher. You may discover that this transit changes the way you feel about certain situations that you’ve tolerated for way too long.
If so, be grateful for its assistance, or better said, for the recognition that you are reaching a new point of maturity. The ultimate message of Saturn in any form is that you must be your own boss, and in this instance, your own reliable partner.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
You are facing something that will help you recognize the power of belief. It is a truly awesome power — the ability to set the terms of your existence, or to deny what is plainly obvious.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are facing something that will help you recognize the power of belief. It is a truly awesome power — the ability to set the terms of your existence, or to deny what is plainly obvious. Belief cuts both ways, and is a faculty I am always skeptical of.
Yet people depend on it, often to their detriment, and sometimes to tremendous success (such as deciding you’re going to do what others say is impossible). My sense of your charts is that you will make an important discovery about how this thing works, and why you want to be careful with it. It is a superpower, and those must be handled carefully.
Related to this transit is the caution not to take chances with your health. Err on the side of safety, and doing, taking or drinking a little less rather than a little more. The aspect I am describing — Mars square Neptune and much else — has a self-destructive quality, so pay careful attention over the next week or so. Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t mean it’s not true, and all six variations on that sentence.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
The equation is simple: once you figure out who you are, you cannot be anyone else. You cannot pretend to be anyone else. And you don’t want to.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You can conquer the world, as long as you’re real with yourself. So let that be your first priority. Think of your mission as self-mastery. This will compel a level of sincerity that is unusual for the world, and which may take some getting used to by yourself and those around you.
The equation is simple: once you figure out who you are, you cannot be anyone else. You cannot pretend to be anyone else. And you don’t want to. Your chart describes you going through this layer upon layer. So the idea is not to be declarative, and assert that you are now this, that or some other thing. Rather, your quest is to stand on the thin ice of self-discovery, uncertainty and self-inquiry.
Another mode of “declaration” is to make a commitment to someone else that is based on a transient state of being, which you may not honor tomorrow. Therefore, it would be wise to make sure your new commitments do not hold you to being in a static and unmoving state, but rather recognize that you are a work in progress.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
There is no way out of this other than to go through it. No external circumstance, such as a relationship, will change this sensation. It’s all about you finding grounding and clarity within yourself.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may feel like the passive recipient of confusion or chaos coming from outside yourself. This is partly true. There does seem to be some aggravating external factor. It’s been lurking around for months — perhaps as far back as August. And it can be running on a dual frequency: it may seem distinctly personal, and also a factor that is reminding you of the chaos and confusion in the world.
Yet this is provoking something deep within you that you can now resolve. Simply said, it’s about being honest with yourself. Nobody else can guide you to do this, nor can they persuade you of the importance of being real with yourself. You would be doing it to have some relief from a kind of confusion and uncertainty that you’ve grown accustomed to, which is now rising to a boil.
There is no way out of this other than to go through it. No external circumstance, such as a relationship, will change this sensation. It’s all about you finding grounding and clarity within yourself. This takes time, though you are at a major turning point in the coming days and weeks.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
Faith implies a deeper force operating in the universe, that you can tap into to guide yourself and your circumstances to a better outcome. Yes, it’s necessary to rely on belief for a while; however, it has served whatever purpose it had for you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – In the end, lies do not matter. That they may cause damage does not make them true. That people may believe them does not make them true. All that matters is that you meet every claim, by anyone, with discernment.
It is now more important than ever that you never resort to belief as a means of assurance. It’s a useless concept, except for how many people it holds in its thrall. You need solid information, and when that runs out, you must decide where to invest your faith: not your hope, not your belief, not your expectations, but your faith. What’s the difference? Faith is a spiritually active idea. It’s alive, and it has the ability to reach from one mind to another and share the light.
Faith implies a deeper force operating in the universe, that you can tap into to guide yourself and your circumstances to a better outcome. Yes, it’s necessary to rely on belief for a while; however, it has served whatever purpose it had for you.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. On sale
In less than two weeks, Pluto enters your sign, and will be your guiding star for the next 20 years. This adds a new depth to the evolutionary impulse of your life.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel that a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Remember the sensation: it’s something akin to a job well done, a task accomplished successfully, and lessons well-learned.
Even people who fight against Saturn transits learn a lot from them. While it’s easier to get with the program — and you may well have done that over the past three years — Saturn teaches, and teaches all the time. It’s the instructor of the healthy ego, tempered by experience, and affirms that there is a place where others end and you begin. It’s Kronos, who provides the constant reminder that time is precious. It’s the guide to how you must conduct yourself in groups, in such a way that you maintain your individuality and your integrity — or you find out you’d given those things up, and must reclaim them.
In less than two weeks, Pluto enters your sign, and will be your guiding star for the next 20 years. This adds a new depth to the evolutionary impulse of your life. Given the choice of grow or die, ’tis better to grow.
I have much more to say about this in Astrology Studio for Aquarius.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33

This is how to proceed: look at everything from every angle. When you are coming up with questions — no matter how basic — you are starting to gain an understanding of something. I will say this a different way.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Saturn has entered your sign, not a day too soon. This will help you handle the pressure of the next week or so, as Mars in Gemini makes its final square to Neptune, in grand style. That’s the 14th — write that on your mirror, tape it to the fridge, make it the home screen on your phone. Remember.
Whatever may seem to inflame or erupt, hold steady and let it blow over. These events are a test of your integrity and of your mettle. The essence of the lesson is: do not believe what is not true. That includes what you may think, and what others may claim. Profound inner searching must precede any declaration that something is true, and ideally this happens in the circumspect Pisces style — kind of like when I write a horoscope, I must read the chart 12 ways and then say something plausible. This is how to proceed: look at everything from every angle. When you are coming up with questions — no matter how basic — you are starting to gain an understanding of something. I will say this a different way.
That you may have tangible questions means you are beginning to understand something, which starts with identifying what you do not know. Then, do not be in any rush for answers. That said, the events of the next seven days will bring some true revelations and you are likely to solve at least one nagging mystery.
I will have more to say in Astrology Studio for Pisces.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio33
“The long transit of Mars through Gemini, your ultra-sensitive 12th place, is about to come to its final peak, and with that, you may feel like the bubble is filling up and about to burst. Ride that out.” Bless you and thank you for this wonderful horoscope, dear Eric. Your words brought me real comfort and guidance. <3