If you’re paying attention, what you learn, fairly immediately, will cascade into your attitude toward life, and influence decisions where there seemed to be no good choice.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — Inner awareness is different from a fantasy life, but few people know that at the moment. However, the difference will become more evident when Saturn moves into Pisces, your solar 12th place — where you relate to yourself inwardly. The fantasy piece is that Neptune has been here for more than a decade.
Saturn applies the reality principle and begins to set some boundaries between what is real and what is not, which pertains to the kind of personal material that you cannot easily talk about. This is a subtle wake up call, and an opportunity to get a handle on your thoughts, feelings and imagination. You can discern the difference between what is real and what is not, within your own inner experience, though few care to make the distinction. This is why it’s so easy to be driven by fear and phantasms; to be misled by those with agendas, putting images into your mind.
If you’re paying attention, what you learn, fairly immediately, will cascade into your attitude toward life, and influence decisions where there seemed to be no good choice. When you’re real with yourself, what to do will be obvious.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: AriesStudio50
We live in a world where people have high expectations of what is supposed to come back to them, even if they do very little. I would encourage you to suspend this kind of expectation and do more than what you feel is your part

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — We are witnessing the manifestation of consequences of past actions and choices. The only thing that will save us is the ability to work together and form communities. This always requires an up-front investment and effort that exceeds the apparent rewards.
We live in a world where people have high expectations of what is supposed to come back to them, even if they do very little. I would encourage you to suspend this kind of expectation and do more than what you feel is your part. There has been no more important time to act as if to hold the world together: to honor the dharma above and beyond all else.
Venus in Aries would seem to be encouraging you to act in self-serving ways. Yet that’s only good as far as it goes. There comes a time when everyone depends on others, no matter how self-sufficient they may imagine themselves to be. Honor and be grateful for whatever helps you, and offer what you have in the service of those who need you and whatever helps sustain you. This is the actual economy.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
To the extent you have lived under any other policy or ethic, Saturn will start to clear that up. In the process, you also get to work out any misconceptions that have developed, such as incorrect beliefs or perceptions others may hold about you.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Saturn moves into the career and reputation angle of your chart in a few days, and this is likely to call on you to embark on a cleanup project of some kind. Neptune has been working its way across this house (Pisces, your 10th) for more than a decade, which has made it difficult to focus on specific goals. Saturn’s ingress reverses that process, though the first question is the one about what you want to accomplish.
This is different from what you want to be known for (which is one of the more misleading aspects of the 10th house). There are some who think being known for something is as good as actually doing that thing, but Saturn isn’t having any part of that. You get one reputation, which is based on what you actually do in the world.
To the extent you have lived under any other policy or ethic, Saturn will start to clear that up. In the process, you also get to work out any misconceptions that have developed, such as incorrect beliefs or perceptions others may hold about you. However, it would be best to stick to presenting what is true about you, at all times, and in all ways.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wxw7q39m
There is tremendous energy moving in the professional and reputation angle of your chart. You are making long-awaited progress in your outer life, and are being recognized for some distinct contribution that may have gone invisible for a long time.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It is time to take your spiritual life more seriously. It’s been easy to allow yourself to live with a diversity of presumptions and a dash of hope, though there is more to growth than that. The goal is not difficulty, but rather the willingness to confront the challenges you face in a way that moves toward resolution.
The way of the world these days is to simply move on, though you are likely to encounter certain neglected areas where you must work out the karma and reach an understanding with yourself. This also applies to your sense of the future, which you know must be more tangible and include practical goals. There is tremendous energy moving in the professional and reputation angle of your chart. You are making long-awaited progress in your outer life, and are being recognized for some distinct contribution that may have gone invisible for a long time.
Yet in times of movement, progress and success, maintaining your inner accountability is crucial, and will only be helpful. There is nobody else who can do it for you.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
It’s been easy to live allowing others to take leadership in your life, and to test people’s limits and see what happens. This will no longer work, and can have a serious detrimental effect on your affairs.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your charisma and charm usually get you pretty far. Your personal influence is often enough to get things to work out your way. Yet the moment you are in, and the phase of life you are entering, demand clarity and total commitment to all of your partnership situations.
If there are any situations you’ve handled in the past by going silent, by being unavailable, or by allowing a fog of ambiguity to linger over your affairs, the question is: who will step up to the calling for accountability? You, or someone else? The planet that makes a move this week is Saturn, and that represents the authority principle, and the reality principle. As we are talking about your life, you are the one who needs to make the first move, and hold the line.
It’s been easy to live allowing others to take leadership in your life, and to test people’s limits and see what happens. This will no longer work, and can have a serious detrimental effect on your affairs. However, Saturn is coming, and Pluto is coming. You must be the master of your own boundaries.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
Then you get to set up some partitions, under the principle that good fences make good neighbors. You may not need a fence, but you definitely need “a room of one’s own,” and people in your life who you can take seriously.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Normally, Saturn entering your relationship house would not get good reviews from astrologers, though I would like to offer a different approach. Relationships require clear understandings, and a sense of where one person ends and the other begins. This is challenging enough when you have Pisces as the sign that covers your relationship house, but it’s manageable.
However, Neptune has been roving around your 7th house for about 12 years, making it difficult to get a grip, or even figure out where you stand. And as I have said, it can feel isolating, and come with the sense of being in a world apart. Saturn introduces the reality principle, and will help you see where you stand with yourself and others. Welcome any changes that come into your relationships; Saturn’s first role will be to give you some clarity of vision, and to help you clear space.
Then you get to set up some partitions, under the principle that good fences make good neighbors. You may not need a fence, but you definitely need “a room of one’s own,” and people in your life who you can take seriously.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
You may be getting a significant amount of attention. It just seems like there are a lot of people in your life, and a lot happening, after quite a while of not so much happening.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You would benefit from some stability, particularly on the work front. You need to pace yourself and structure your time, so you can be both more productive and better rested. Saturn entering your 6th place of work and wellbeing will give you the patience and clarity to do that.
There are obvious decisions you can make, ways you can prioritize, and set some limits that will be truly helpful. Saturn will also help you focus your goals, one of which needs to be getting your work life under control. It will not take much discipline to do this; the time has arrived, and you know it. Meanwhile, for the next month, there are astonishing developments in your relationship house, which you are already feeling.
You may be getting a significant amount of attention. It just seems like there are a lot of people in your life, and a lot happening, after quite a while of not so much happening. Harness this energy in useful ways. Make decisions and get ahead of Saturn; think of everything in terms of your priorities and the best use of your time.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
The best part is that there are a lot of things you thought were a good time in the past but which have gotten a little old. Saturn in Pisces will help you refine your tastes, as if you’re switching from Peachtree Schnapps to fine scotch without looking back.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There has been one area of your life that’s tended to run out of control fairly often. It’s as if you’ve had a blind spot, which sometimes appears in the form of, “It’s OK to have a good time.” That is true, but if there is a persistent difficulty that you cannot shake, that’s something else.
Or it might manifest as one thing leading to then to another, and another, as you wonder how that happened; but when you look back it makes sense, because you weren’t paying attention. You’re about to get help figuring this out. You are getting the “think before you act” upgrade. This includes certain features like “not everyone is your friend,” and “get to know people before you have sex with them.”
The best part is that there are a lot of things you thought were a good time in the past but which have gotten a little old. Saturn in Pisces will help you refine your tastes, as if you’re switching from Peachtree Schnapps to fine scotch without looking back. This will apply to many areas of your life.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
It may not feel that way, however; sometimes it seems like growing up means no more fun. But that’s not what your astrology is saying.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There are two currents running through your astrology. One is guiding you toward maturity, especially in your relationships with family and household partners. The other is instigating childlike passion for life. These are not contradictory, though: maturity offers independence and the ability to make decisions, which usually allows for greater freedom.
It may not feel that way, however; sometimes it seems like growing up means no more fun. But that’s not what your astrology is saying. Saturn’s ingress into Pisces is going to help you place some borders and limits around your feelings, and you are likely to need more privacy than you currently have. Yet this containment will help you focus your creative abilities and power, which are currently running at a 100-year high. The common thread is that Chiron is involved, and this is emphasizing the element of working through some kind of childhood pain — which is what art or any kind of deep personal expression is for.
Yet in the world outside of what you make, you will discover the need for changes — related to the theme of maturity and setting new terms in family relationships. These will serve you well.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
You are being called to reach outside of your own inner reality and use your influence to get the right thing to happen. To most people, this would seem futile, or pointless, as the world seems to be circling the drain.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – These may be strange days in your life, as Pluto works its way out through the very end of your sign and into Aquarius. Though that is still three weeks away, you are feeling the contractions of birth, and I think you are eager to see the results of all that you’ve been through going back to 2008 when your current journey began.
I would propose one thing, at least: Pluto’s run through your sign has given you the confidence to face anything. Even more so than Saturn could ever do, Pluto in your sign has infused you with the reality principle. And if by some strange chance it has not, I suggest you awaken fully to the state of the world, and your part in setting things right. Yes, this is about your personal and private life, though there must be more.
You are being called to reach outside of your own inner reality and use your influence to get the right thing to happen. To most people, this would seem futile, or pointless, as the world seems to be circling the drain. Yet like you, the world is in transition from one state of existence to another. And there is a relationship between the two.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. On sale
Saturn will help bring any confusion you have under control. You may find that you suddenly get a result when you want to set some priorities and allocate the use of your time.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn moving into Pisces will bring a sense of relief. So take a breath; you have lived with its presence in your sign for three years. You will take what you’ve learned with you for many more years than that. Remember that in traditional astrology, Saturn represents Aquarius, which is a philosophy that I find helpful.
And now Saturn is moving into Pisces, your 2nd house, which is about finances, priorities and self-respect. Most astrologers would not call this a helpful transit, but I disagree. For 12 years, you have lived with Neptune in your 2nd house, as it moves through Pisces. This has made it difficult to know where you stand with yourself. Saturn will help bring any confusion you have under control. You may find that you suddenly get a result when you want to set some priorities and allocate the use of your time.
And while this transit, which lasts three years, will in some ways be demanding, it will not be confusing — not in the sense that Neptune unravels anything in its path. You will need all the clarity you can get; Pluto is on its way to your sign.
I have much more to say about this in Astrology Studio for Aquarius.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33

More than anything, Saturn wants action. However, there is a minimalist quality that works best under this influence. You do not need to make big moves, but rather, a series of small ones, proceeding at a slow, steady pace.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For the first time in 29 years, Saturn is entering your birth sign on the 7th. If your life has had a sprawling quality in recent years or far longer, this will help you rein things in, set some limits, and focus your sense of who you are. The main influence you’ve been living with for more than a decade is Neptune in your sign.
This presents an invisible kind of pressure, as if the air is heavy, and you cannot see through it clearly — yet this is difficult to notice. Saturn provides the ultimate contrast: you will definitely notice its arrival, mostly in the form of a much more tangible sense of your existence. While Saturn will tamp down the fantasy aspect of your thoughts, it will encourage the imagination aspect; think of it as a firm container that will help you concentrate your thoughts, your questions and your ideas.
More than anything, Saturn wants action. However, there is a minimalist quality that works best under this influence. You do not need to make big moves, but rather, a series of small ones, proceeding at a slow, steady pace. For all that you’ve been going through, help is on the way.
I will have more to say in Astrology Studio for Pisces.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio50