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The forthcoming Full Moon in your fellow fire sign Sagittarius is all about showing you the landscape of your life, for many miles, in different directions. You don’t have to choose any of them; rather, you will feel better knowing they are there.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There is a special gift in seeing what is possible. I used to think that everyone had this, or wanted to. Yet most cannot see what does not already exist, or even what is right in front of them. Most cannot feel or see possibilities for improvement. Think of how long you might have lived with a room arranged one way and then discovered the perfect configuration years later.
The forthcoming Full Moon in your fellow fire sign Sagittarius is all about showing you the landscape of your life, for many miles, in different directions. You don’t have to choose any of them; rather, you will feel better knowing they are there. And while you’re surveying what your senses show you, imagine that there is a proverbial pot of gold out there somewhere waiting for you — the embodiment of what you truly want, or want to create.
You can feel it calling you. You can sense the pull, the invitation, and your own curiosity. Stick with that feeling. Experience that gentle tug of your own sense of destiny. This isn’t “confidence that comes from your feet,” like wearing new hiking boots. Your soul’s calling is sublime, beautiful and mostly feels like sincere curiosity.

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Keep the good vibes going; keep teaching the inherent abundance of existence. And while you’re at it, when you need help, you will benefit in many ways from opening your mouth and saying so.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are where you are largely by the good graces of your friends. Yes, you do plenty for yourself — you know that your life is yours to steward and enjoy. Yet if you go through every benefit you have, whether material or spiritual, you will see that it connects to someone’s strength, positive vibes or another form of generosity. This includes knowledge passed to you, as a matter of faith.
We see all this in Jupiter (ruler of your 11th house of friends and benefits) currently lodged in Taurus. I’ve never understood why people go with the “self-made” theory of personal development, when in truth we are all supported by the dharma of those who care about us. Perhaps it’s a way to justify not passing the same qualities forward to others, though that, too, is a way of avoiding the unbroken and eternal rhythm that is the dharma.
Keep the good vibes going; keep teaching the inherent abundance of existence. And while you’re at it, when you need help, you will benefit in many ways from opening your mouth and saying so. We were put here together in the world to rely upon one another. Nobody can do it alone. Thankfully you don’t have to.

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Let this week’s peak of the Moon remind you how much there is to discover, and how much will go undiscovered. Yet there is an ordering principle of reality.
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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Full Moon in your opposite sign is your reminder that the world is much bigger than you think. Yes, we have those “small world” moments, and there are all kinds of interesting connections to be made.
Yet you can also marvel at how much you don’t know and will never see. Remember the untold thousands of people who exist, who you will never know of. But indirectly, through your words, your actions, the images you might make or the thoughts you may hold, you will make contact with their lives.
Let this week’s peak of the Moon remind you how much there is to discover, and how much will go undiscovered. Yet there is an ordering principle of reality. There are energy fields and various shapes of the land, the human environment and the cosmos, that facilitate tendencies of travel, movement and flow. You will benefit from following those now. You can trust them; they contain potential, and will help you get from one place to another more efficiently than you thought possible.

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Not everyone knows what this is; not everyone cares; it’s likely that you do. What you do for work must have actual meaning, to yourself and to others.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The forthcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius will guide you in the direction of work-related activity: of wanting to do something productive. That’s about as much guidance as you will get, except for the reminder that whatever you think of as your work needs a spiritual angle somehow. Not everyone knows what this is; not everyone cares; it’s likely that you do. What you do for work must have actual meaning, to yourself and to others.
Now would be a great time to practice basing your choices for what you do on what you feel is relevant — rather than what is up next, or what you might get paid for. Money is certainly a value, though there are others. And it can take some practice to connect your income to what is meaningful.
That starts with doing anything at all, simply because it matters to you. And at the same time, remember to factor in your need to address any sense of “I should be doing something else.” How about this as an experiment: Between June 3 and June 5 — for a total of three days — emphasize meaning over any other value in all that you do.
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Many people are living through their days waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is a sense of loss: that the future was in some way stolen. All of this may be true on one level, and yet you are being called to do what humans are best at.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The world has become extremely risk-averse, except for the bit about society courting the biggest, most senseless opportunities for disaster. Most of us are more cautious; and most understand that nothing attempted means nothing gained. I think that on the ground, where people live and work and aspire to make their world a little better, we are living through a massive depletion of optimism and sense of potential.
Many people are living through their days waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is a sense of loss: that the future was in some way stolen. All of this may be true on one level, and yet you are being called to do what humans are best at. That is to persevere, including to persist in doing something unusual or wholesome or creative no matter how anyone may feel about it.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius is encouraging you to do just that. A sense of play, and of exploring the unknown, are the true catalysts for the next stage of your success. This is not about gambling the farm; rather, it’s about taking a chance on an idea.
Trifecta is now available for preorder!
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Trifecta 2023 Midyear Readings are a series of 12 extended video readings in which Eric covers the dominant influence of the second half of 2023: Venus retrograde in Leo as it interacts with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and the ongoing transition of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius (the physical world to the digital). Designed for your Sun and rising sign, and to gain insight into the lives of people you care about, you will find something helpful, useful and intelligent in every video.
Where you live tends not to be a strictly private place; though, of course, you need your private corner of whatever world you’re in. In the grand scheme, your chart is urging you to travel and see the world.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – When you feel good in your home, many other people feel good. Your idea of a living place has a touch of the ashram to it — a place where people can come to find spiritual respite. Where you live tends not to be a strictly private place; though, of course, you need your private corner of whatever world you’re in. In the grand scheme, your chart is urging you to travel and see the world.
In the immediate and local reality, the Sagittarius Full Moon is inviting you to open your home to those who want a place to be for a while. Remember that merely visiting someone can be a healing experience. Many people are just figuring out that it’s safe to leave, and others are unsure whether they will be judged for their point of view. If anyone can hold space for a real conversation, it’s you.
Yes – we are in the time zone when, in some places, people think that cocktail party chatter must be moderated. But you have a special gift, call it charm or call it magic, to create a space where this is not necessary.
A whole other intelligence is required to develop a plan of any kind, along with persistence and this thing called gumption: the art of not being discouraged.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may awaken to the one idea that will help you make some major changes, simplify your life and get you to the next level. The question is, will you remember it? Will you even notice? Will you do the one thing necessary, and put it to work? Ideas lose their luster quickly. So make sure that the series of revelations you have through the upcoming Full Moon find their way to the point of a pencil, or at least a voice memo that you listen to later.
A whole other intelligence is required to develop a plan of any kind, along with persistence and this thing called gumption: the art of not being discouraged. To the extent that any concept involves others, they must be carefully tested to determine their motives. What would you give to have known — in advance — the motives of people with whom you were associated?
Be bold here. Put people to some task where they must reveal themselves. Listen carefully for any traces of original thought, or practical skills. The world is currently overdosing on “fake it till you make it.” This is not your style, or not anymore.
You are fortunate in that, sooner or later, you always come back to feeling good about yourself. That is a real gift. Yet in recent years, your optimism has been tested over and over again.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If I had to sum up the entirety of my work as an astrologer in a few words, it’s about helping people with self-esteem. On the list of psychological and spiritual topics, it’s tied for first place, right with “what exposure to digital conditions is doing to us” — and that, too, goes back to the ability — even the capacity — to respect ourselves.
You are fortunate in that, sooner or later, you always come back to feeling good about yourself. That is a real gift. Yet in recent years, your optimism has been tested over and over again. It’s a powerful, natural force — and you are about to get a nice, fresh current of faith in yourself. There may be one thing you’ve wanted to do for a long time but could not bring yourself to trust your abilities. This is a matter of self-esteem.
Many of the greatest accomplishments are things people thought were probably impossible, but they had some little spirit inside telling them that they just had to try. Presently that thing is dancing around in your mind like Big Bird.
You have extra influence, and can afford to pluck up some extra confidence in proposing ideas and reaching out to clients. A rare combination of factors is granting you extra persuasive ability; some may feel like you’re the only person with a clue.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The upcoming Full Moon in your birth sign may have you feeling visible, though it’s also offering you a lot of protection. Even if you have the sense that someone is envious or jealous of you, there is not much that anyone can do about that. You don’t need to avoid anyone; just be yourself and see how people respond.
You have extra influence, and can afford to pluck up some extra confidence in proposing ideas and reaching out to clients. A rare combination of factors is granting you extra persuasive ability; some may feel like you’re the only person with a clue. Be gracious and make sure you leave yourself some room to be wrong.
You can let people think that their ideas are original, even if they happened to come from you. You are in a phenomenal moment to get things done, and to get people together. All you need to do is be steady about your intentions, be flexible and gently guide events the way you want them to unfold.
Yet across every different culture, it amounts to the same thing: the light of God comes from inside you. Not from a book, not from the sky, not from a guy in a frock, and not from a statue.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – Most religious traditions have the concept of the “inner light.” Sometimes it’s hidden away, described in different words, or concealed by a lot of other ideas. Yet across every different culture, it amounts to the same thing: the light of God comes from inside you. Not from a book, not from the sky, not from a guy in a frock, and not from a statue.
To trust this is an act of faith. If you get your wisdom from within, others may tell you that you’re anything from unscientific to possessed by the devil. This is nothing more than a marketing scheme to get you to trust them and not yourself.
Yet you’ve learned over and over again that you must have fidelity to your inner truth; things go better when you do. Over the next few days, the light within you will help you settle a debate that is not really a debate. You seem to be at a philosophical loggerhead, and it may be interfering with your ability to do your work. This will dissolve easily if you keep your attention focused inwardly, and go with the flow.
While you may have a role in certain online conversations, they are not the point; you are needed in the actual three-dimensional world of people working things out for themselves.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have an unusual gift for facilitating conversations about deep, taboo, or easily-avoided topics. That will be in rare form over the next few days, as the Moon reaches full phase in Sagittarius. You will not need to do much except be present somewhere, and allow the conversation to happen. Usually, the important discussions are derailed by one person who is not willing to face the deeper issues.
So part of what you might be doing is gently brushing off that kind of protest, and serving as a kind of informal facilitator and holding space. This could be in family environments, though it’s more likely to be in social ones.
While you may have a role in certain online conversations, they are not the point; you are needed in the actual three-dimensional world of people working things out for themselves. The internet is merely a place where people run and hide from their own reality, from the necessities of their growth and from one another. Let’s keep this conversation as warm as possible.

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Do not succumb to nostalgia, or any glorified view of history. It was whatever it was — and today, there is something new happening, and that something new probably feels somewhat ordinary.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may find yourself unexpectedly being recognized for something you accomplished in the past. This will come as a benefit, if you remember to use any acknowledgement for what you are doing today. Keep the whole conversation right in the present. If you get a chance to speak, or be read, focus on your current priorities, goals and perceptions.
Do not succumb to nostalgia, or any glorified view of history. It was whatever it was — and today, there is something new happening, and that something new probably feels somewhat ordinary. There is a lesson here, in that what is seen as a big deal one day may have been barely noticeable the day before.
Whether you or anyone receives recognition or acknowledgment is irrelevant to the value of your work or your ideas. Any visibility you get is your resource to use, just like being handed some money. What you do with it is up to you. Meanwhile, your workshop is a busy place these days, good things are happening, and better things are developing. Have fun and make sure to invite some friends over.
Astrology Studio for Pisces 2023-24 Preview