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If you notice yourself rushing to conclusions (which is easy to miss), slow down. You’ll help yourself if you add deliberate steps to your thought process.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep a level head when considering matters of authority and responsibility. You are in someone’s spotlight right now, even if you don’t realize the impact that the decisions you make will have. Yet, your situation is not as simple as you may feel, and the logic under which events are moving is not as clear as one thing leading to another, which leads to the next, and that’s how it goes.
Rather, your influence could go out in many directions, and this calls for a highly conscious approach to each step you take. Pause when you reach even the seemingly smallest point of decision, and keep your thinking in manual mode. Size up the conditions and the viewpoints of the people around you and fully embody the moment.
If you notice yourself rushing to conclusions (which is easy to miss), slow down. You’ll help yourself if you add deliberate steps to your thought process. Imagine the worst case scenario, the best case scenario, and a few in between. Be clear about what you want and what you do not want at all times. The question that may be overlooked is the obvious one about what will be the most appropriate response to what the facts are describing.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: q5dvcv2t
This will be easier to sift through if you consider the encounter an offer of some kind rather than a confrontation. Yes, if you get involved, you will have to go out of your way, and make a special effort

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel like you’re standing in someone’s shadow, though that’s probably not true. More likely, you are being invited into a collaboration where you may not feel up to the challenge or the commitment level that seems to be required.
This will be easier to sift through if you consider the encounter an offer of some kind rather than a confrontation. Yes, if you get involved, you will have to go out of your way, and make a special effort. That may be the part that you find unappealing. Yet the deeper theme is how you respond to perceived authority. The fundamental question is, who is in charge? If you find yourself bobbing and weaving, avoiding someone (or a topic), that contains clues.
If you find yourself questioning your own value, that too contains important information (and it’s also related to matters of authority, which always originate with your parents). My point is that a past attachment or perception may be preventing you from taking action now, and making a commitment that is likely to serve you very well. You were last somewhere very similar in late March 2022, though the situation was more competitive.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
There is the sense of a cosmic bond of some kind, which implies a relationship going into the distant past relative to where you stand today.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars has stationed direct in your birth sign; Mercury, your ruling planet, has stationed direct in Capricorn. This is creating a powerful effect that will not last long — but it’s here for long enough to do something creative with it. Mercury and Mars are still lodged in one another’s signs (called mutual reception), creating the potential feeling of a situation you cannot get out of.
Yet, it’s actually a scenario where there exists mutual support, sense of purpose, and a connection that cannot be easily explained. There is the sense of a cosmic bond of some kind, which implies a relationship going into the distant past relative to where you stand today.
The relationship is now pointed toward the future. There is progress that is ready to happen and there are decisions to be made about where to go from here. Imagine how you would feel if you had much more confidence in your position, or were to set out some ideas for what would be interesting as possible areas of collaboration to pursue. You are in a creative position, and you’re also in a place where you can propose what outcome you want.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wxw7q39m
This spirit can work in small groups and also in one-to-one settings where there are goals to be set and potentially much to be gained if you can get the collaboration going.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Avoid the bone of contention and stick to the place where you have common ground with others. That is the place to make your agreements: where you agree, and there is plenty about which you’re aligned and share mutual values. This spirit can work in small groups and also in one-to-one settings where there are goals to be set and potentially much to be gained if you can get the collaboration going.
Position yourself as the attractive force who brings people together and sets the tone of the endeavor. A diversity of factors in your solar chart describe you having wide latitude to do what you think will get the effect that you want, so you can afford to take some chances with bold sincerity. Such an approach will get results on the personal front as well: you are in a position to be bold and assertive, and others will respond to your example.
Be sure to invest time and energy into the integrity of your private sphere; the Sun’s transit through your 8th house is the time of year when you can reconcile your accounts and find out where you stand with yourself and with others.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
This is about being with yourself, shorn of judgment, and holding yourself present and steady.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your relationship angle is complicated at the moment, with several different scenarios unfolding. They all seem meaningful, whether related to business or to personal experiences. Yet one principle stands above the circumstances, and that is abiding love.
This is about being with yourself, shorn of judgment, and holding yourself present and steady. There is a necessary element of setting aside the “what’s in it for me?” approach to relationships and leading with being fully present for whatever is happening. Focus your awareness on what others are doing, what they say, and what they need. There is plenty of space to engage with people in fulfilling ways, though facilitated by getting your own immediate priorities out of the way. This may feel like a vacation.
Meanwhile, there does appear to be at least one situation where there is a matter of important business that can be mutually profitable — if you take it seriously, and recognize that you will need a long-range approach. The opportunity may be disguised as a problem or obstacle that when treated creatively reveals the gift that is just under the surface. The best person to work with is the one who looks deeper.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
There is, however, likely to be one person who is an extraordinarily helpful influence, no matter how you may feel about this person personally.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Mercury has stationed direct in Capricorn right before you thought you were going to blow a gasket. However, there is nothing in your charts that says hold back, and plenty suggesting that you cut loose. While there may be opportunities for group collaboration in all directions, consider that your best approach is to go solo for a while.
That means being the person who solely determines how and where you express your energy. You will have opportunities to bring that to situations where several people are involved, though you must be hot on your own trail before that can happen in a productive way. There is, however, likely to be one person who is an extraordinarily helpful influence, no matter how you may feel about this person personally.
In fact you’re likely to have noticed them as someone you perceive as unpredictable or a little dodgy, yet there is no denying their power or influence in the world. Your judgments and misgivings are an invitation to get a better sense of what this person is about, rather than avoiding them. This is not the type of occasion that is likely to repeat itself, so time is of the essence.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
That’s the thing that will be erased by Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in less than two months: not only will you want to color outside the lines, you might decide to paint the stove, the refrigerator and the floor.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Moon and Sun moving into Aquarius and forming a conjunction is a kind of creative warm-up. Your fellow air sign is also one of the most exciting angles of your chart, where you get tremendous freedom to experiment. Yet, you tend to do this within firm structures, and plans that are bound by time and expectations.
That’s the thing that will be erased by Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in less than two months: not only will you want to color outside the lines, you might decide to paint the stove, the refrigerator and the floor. When you’re involved in any form of creative play, see if you can subtract the time factor, which means any notion of “get it done soon.”
Go straight into the activity, spread out, and stay in it till you forget you’re there. This is the true creative spirit: you allow it to infuse your mind. Not everyone trusts this process, not everyone believes it’s possible and I’m sure it makes plenty of people nervous. Yet, the mental maze that has a way of conditioning your best ideas must at some point give way to the clear flow of energy and ideas. Get ready.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
The two are occupying one another’s signs; they are locked in a kind of orbit. This could represent a situation where you see no easy means of escape, and some confusion about who is in what role.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Something unusual is happening in your astrology, though it will require a technical explanation. Your ruling planet Mars recently turned to direct motion in Gemini. Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, has turned direct in Capricorn. The two are occupying one another’s signs; they are locked in a kind of orbit.
This could represent a situation where you see no easy means of escape, and some confusion about who is in what role. Both planets have changed directions at the same time, so the situation is likely to start moving, particularly if it has seemed stuck for a while. This unusual configuration gives you some unlikely or improbable options. However, they may seem awkward, or like you’re uncertain what is required of you.
Try to get that stuff out of the way; get a dialog going and see what you learn. There is very likely to be something that’s worth a try, though it will take some adaptation and adjustment that will in itself be satisfying. The possibility here is for a synthesis of many different ideas into something that has never quite been tried before. The astrology describes an “odd angle” that might be overlooked as not being relevant — but which definitely is.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
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There are rare moments when you get to design something entirely new, and you are in one of them.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Despite many possibilities on the horizon, you may be feeling some stress that is connected to the recent retrogrades of Mercury and Mars, both of which have thankfully ended. They have raised more questions than they have answered, though I don’t suggest you base your future plans on anything that has happened in the past.
There are rare moments when you get to design something entirely new, and you are in one of them. The past still has a value and is still something you can learn from, though everything that follows from this point onward cannot be dependent upon it. One clue is that your larger ideas will tend to be more forward thinking than your smaller ones, your attention to detail.
If you think in terms of the possibilities, and what would foster your sense of adventure, that will be a much happier space than trying to reconcile everything you may have perceived as being wrong. Be aware that your closest partner(s) may be involved in a situation requiring their attention that has nothing to do with you. Your independence will open up the possibility of a new kind of meeting place.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
These may be emotional, or related to your family, or describe your adaptation to changes in the world around you. It is likely that you have a few matters that need to be wrapped up, and that some of them will take a few stages.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The planets suggest putting nearly all of your energy into wrapping up old business. You are at the end-stage of what may have been the most critical transformational stage of your life, with origins back to 2008. That’s a lot of changes, almost all of which have involved the structures and frameworks of your life.
These may be emotional, or related to your family, or describe your adaptation to changes in the world around you. It is likely that you have a few matters that need to be wrapped up, and that some of them will take a few stages. You probably know what they are. Some may involve finishing inner work related to an outer-world project; some may be about doing the outer-work related to the deep inner changes you have gone through.
This is a medium-range project: figuring out the things you need to do to really get on with your life will take about a year. This is not to say that you must live in the past, but rather have a bold sense of what it will take to get out of the past in the real sense and not the New Age-y one. Be the taskmaster and accomplish what you need to do.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. On sale

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This is about new cycles starting over for you, which is only real if you treat it that way.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Two conjunctions happen in your sign within a short time — the New Moon’s conjunction to the Sun on Saturday; and the meeting of Venus with Saturn (and the Moon) on Sunday.
This is about new cycles starting over for you, which is only real if you treat it that way. The overall feeling is a little like the kind of reminder you see in the I Ching — riffing a little, “Increase by reducing” or “Gain through economy” or “Creative flow through discipline.” The planets seem to be saying: though you have abundant energy, contain yourself a little and expend your power in ways that you consciously choose. You may have an opportunity to advocate for someone, or even for yourself. If so, you do not need to overwhelm anyone; you need to be strategic and use the least influence possible to get the result that you want.
This is an approach that will go well with your long-range astrology — that of Pluto in your birth sign. This transit will bestow you with all kinds of superpowers that you will want to handle delicately and in a well-practiced way. You must know your strength, and how to use it.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33

Certain sublime elements of your spiritual path are coming into your awareness, with a kind of glowing light and harmonious sound — not a bell going off.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Amidst many other astrological gems taking place this week is Vesta making a conjunction with Neptune. This may be the most Pisces-like aspect of them all, and it’s happening right in your birth sign. It’s the astrology of an ineffable spiritual calling that you can imagine nobody else will see the way you do.
It’s the kind of thing hardly anyone would notice, though you seem to be picking up the signal. Certain sublime elements of your spiritual path are coming into your awareness, with a kind of glowing light and harmonious sound — not a bell going off. There may be a profound change or “settling in” happening in deeply personal matters of your sexuality. This may have nothing to do with your relationships but rather with your deeply personal inward orientation. Allow the feeling of completion to give you confidence and poise.
You are receiving information from a deep source about what is right for you. The long-term outcome does not matter. What matters is that you soak in the changes that your inner being is making available, and draw all the nourishment that you can.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn