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Growth involves recognizing what is so. Maturity involves an ongoing confrontation with the truth.
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are entitled to change your mind. It is a necessity of growth and maturity — but not of life — that you be able to re-evaluate your beliefs, thoughts, and knowledge. Many people get along just fine believing what is not true, because it is convenient, or suits some other purpose. However, past a certain point, there is no benefit, only delay and the prospect of an “eruption of truth.” I suggest you welcome any discoveries you make about yourself, or about anyone else. Growth involves recognizing what is so. Maturity involves an ongoing confrontation with the truth. It’s important to recognize that there are never two sides to any story; there is a diversity of subjective viewpoints, and perhaps some documentary evidence. Therefore, wisdom calls for taking a circumspect approach, looking at any topic from many angles. And integrity calls for finding and examining the direct evidence of any claim someone is making. The question, as always, is what you choose to accept as true within your own mind. This especially involves scrutinizing claims people make about you, and that you make about yourself.
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Do you discount your own reasons to believe you have the resources that you need? We might go further: do you invest in what you believe in?

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You could stand to be more confident about money. Mostly, you are kidding yourself if you think you lack resources, or the ability to create them. The deeper question is, whose thoughts are you thinking? They would seem to have their origin with someone else, in another time and place. While what some call “scarcity consciousness” is hardly original (and there are plenty of people still indirectly impacted by the depression of the 1930s) the question is: what is your own track record? Do you discount your own reasons to believe you have the resources that you need? We might go further: do you invest in what you believe in? Do you spend your money in accord with your claimed values? Are you cheap with yourself? Mars stationing direct in Gemini calls for a reassessment of your values, principles and priorities. The duration of Mars in Gemini, until March 25, gives you plenty of time to complete what you may have started last year, not knowing that’s what you were doing. In contemporary society, everything seems to come back to money, so this is a good place to start your evaluation. But there are other forms of resources that you have, and the question is: what do you do with them?
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We all seem to have many voices inside of us, and many sources of internal conflict. This is wholly an illusion.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars stationing direct this week is a reminder that you are one person. We all seem to have many voices inside of us, and many sources of internal conflict. This is wholly an illusion. Fiction writers and filmmakers make good use of this property of consciousness, though you are not a book or a movie. You have one reality; one existence. Yet there are ways in which life seems to compel people to split themselves up, giving different versions of “reality” to different people under various circumstances. This, of course, requires taking on those splits to make the different realities more convincing. This is a toxic game, more suited for politics than for civil society. You are one self, with one truth. You have one existence. Pause for a moment and you can acknowledge how you may feel and what you know about any subject or issue in your awareness. Mars will remain in your sign for over two more months, at the end of which is a kind of final exam, with just one question: Do you believe only what you know to be true?
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If you have remained motivated, interested in life and able to take action when you want to, you’re doing splendidly.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’ve made it through the past four or five months without major panic attacks, increased anxiety or paranoia, you’re doing fantastic. Mars has been retrograde in the most cryptic angle of your chart, one that is understood to be associated with fear of the unseen. If you have remained motivated, interested in life and able to take action when you want to, you’re doing splendidly. If you have managed to persist with your career plans or any form of your creative endeavors, your life is stellar. Mars retrograde through the 12th house — what you’ve just experienced — is not supposed to be easy, and Gemini is especially sensitive to the action of Mars. The underlying spiritual calling of this transit is to heal the various divisions in your mind, and to recognize the ways you play hide-and-seek with yourself. The work of Mars in this angle of your chart, which lasts until March 25, is about reckoning with your deepest inner truth, as deep as you can go. This is about a true self-reconciliation that involves confronting rather than avoiding the material in the seemingly shadowy crevices of your mind, and arriving in a place where you are committed to self-acceptance, on an ongoing basis.
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Leo in any form almost always shows up seeming to be self-assured, no matter how you may feel. People tend to see you this way, shining the light of boldness onto you.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — We have all come through a series of shocks to our desire and ability to socialize. Three years ago, it was made mandatory that all of society despise and distrust the rest of society. Humans are insecure enough without such assaults and intrusions. Mars has just returned to direct motion in the angle of your chart associated with your social reality. The message seems to be about reckoning with a false lack of confidence. Leo in any form almost always shows up seeming to be self-assured, no matter how you may feel. People tend to see you this way, shining the light of boldness onto you. The question is, how do you actually feel when you’re around other people, on more or less level ground? Are you able to speak openly about your inner reality or what you perceive, to those you consider your friends? You can afford to be bolder; you can set aside any public relations position that would make you seem more acceptable. Not everyone wants to do this. There are potential drawbacks and inconveniences. However, when you’re real with yourself, you have no desire to be anything but real with the people around you: they are part of the same personal quality.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
Are you able to meet people you consider your colleagues on level and truthful ground? Do you have people you can count on to support your efforts?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You have accomplished more than you think, particularly through the second half of 2022. You may not recognize this though, and I suggest that you do an assessment of the past year and give yourself credit for your good work. One question associated with Mars returning to direct motion is, how are your professional relationships? Are you able to meet people you consider your colleagues on level and truthful ground? Do you have people you can count on to support your efforts? Mars suggests you may have taken the “Army of One” approach, and if so, you might consider dialing that back and forming some new bonds. Yet the sole basis of those relationships would have to be a mutual understanding and an investment in reality. There can be no sustained relationship for convenience or mutual benefit without grounding on the level of values and principles. This is a much better way to live, and it prevents the establishment of conditions that can come back to haunt you in the future. But it’s not really the way of the world, which is currently a race to the bottom. I suggest you want one reputation and one only: that of true integrity. And when you are there, you will naturally be a little insecure, which is perfect.
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The question, after some sorting out, may be about resolution: what is the way forward, given what has happened in the past?

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are still making big decisions. Despite any outer distractions, the true source of your information is inward reflection and meditation. What you’re really contemplating is your relationship to existence, which is a large thing to say and a subtle thing to experience. Track your anger and resentment for clues to how you feel, which may not be a simple matter. The question, after some sorting out, may be about resolution: what is the way forward, given what has happened in the past? If you’re asking this, or even interested in the topic, that suggests you will find your way to some peace of mind. Such would not be about any external reassurances but rather coming to an understanding with yourself. It is fair to say that you are the only person you can count on to grow, change and evolve. Others may do so, though it’s rarely productive to count on that, if it’s a potential factor in your own happiness or success. You can account for your own errors; you can forgive yourself for bad choices you’ve made; you can give yourself credit for the constructive decisions you’ve made. Get ready to move forward with your ideas and be grateful you’re in a position to do so. In fact, you are.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
I suggest you assess the subject matter involved so you have a sense of where you stand on the financial angle, promises or commitments, and emotional investment.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars retrograde has represented the working out of a complex relationship situation. You are mostly through this process, though you still have some decisions to make. I suggest you assess the subject matter involved so you have a sense of where you stand on the financial angle, promises or commitments, and emotional investment. If you get a sense of those as distinct, you will see where you stand with yourself and with others. And you will have a way of identifying the potential overlap between them, which can be a source of confusion. Have you had the conversations that you need to have with others, to get a sense of where you stand with one another? You will not feel like you’ve resolved anything until you can have one or more conversations where you state your bottom line and find out the same thing about anyone else involved in the scenario. It is possible to not do this, and then have the material show up in another form. It’s probable that most of what needs to be covered is unfinished business. You have a rare opportunity now. Be bold, meaning truthful, as a way of life. Nothing real can be threatened.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
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The nice thing about this location in your chart, called the 7th place, is that you can look right at it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars has spent the past five months in your opposite sign Gemini, most of that time in retrograde motion. The nice thing about this location in your chart, called the 7th place, is that you can look right at it. And while you might not know what you’re looking at, Mars at least will hold your attention long enough to figure it out. While it would be easy enough to give a psychological rap on the passive-aggressive behavior of others and all that, I have a different concept: Mars represents your most fulfilling expression of your creativity, which means life force plus imagination plus taking action. It may be appearing as an irritant. It may be showing up as an invitation or opportunity you’re not sure about. Yet it’s right there, and not going away any time soon. However, one thing that tends to happen when a planet stations direct (as it did Thursday) is that it reveals some of its secrets (to those who listen). Mars retrograde is uncomfortable and yet it’s a crucial time of awareness, of learning, and in Gemini, of bringing together what you thought was separate. And that thing you’re bringing together is you.
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Pluto may seem to have been the cause of change and disruption, but it’s given you a measure of power over your affairs, and commitment to yourself, and you will miss it when it’s gone.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Here is some news: Pluto will make just two more conjunctions to the Sun in your birth sign before entering Aquarius. I suggest you count them as special occasions, such as graduation ceremonies, or shamanic initiations. The dates are Jan. 18, 2023, and Jan. 20, 2024. These represent the culmination of a phase in your life dating back to 2008 (which must seem like another lifetime — it does to me). Pluto’s action rearranges the structure of existence and composts the debris. That would be you. In my experience as an astrologer (and one subject to the planets), Pluto transits build a distinct form of confidence. This is the feeling that you can survive anything, because you’ve been through so much. Pluto may seem to have been the cause of change and disruption, but it’s given you a measure of power over your affairs, and commitment to yourself, and you will miss it when it’s gone. Therefore, I suggest you go through the upcoming 18-month transition into Aquarius fully consciously, learn all you can, review what you’ve learned in the past, and remember how you became who you have become. It has not been easy, and you deserve every bit of the wisdom you have gained.
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If you need encouragement, here are a few ideas: There are three ways to learn, so far as I can tell. One is through relationships. One is through deep study and reflection. And the other is through direct, physical experience.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you want a peak experience of some kind, I suggest you consider that as a real possibility. It’s not the kind of thing you would do every day, but it may be the thing to do when the spirit moves you, and when you feel the energy flowing. If that is now, remember that this is a transient calling and it will be easy to let it pass without taking action. If you need encouragement, here are a few ideas: There are three ways to learn, so far as I can tell. One is through relationships. One is through deep study and reflection. And the other is through direct, physical experience. That last item is on its way out. We are nearly all the way into the sci-fi scenarios where people plug into the wall and drift off for their big adventure. Your physical body wants experiences in the physical world. You may not know if it’s right or wrong, but nothing is 100% anything. Maybe do a worst-case scenario risk assessment. Nearly all the time, the glider lands safely on the airfield; the bungee cord does not break; or you wake up the next morning with the ability to think: Well, that was fun and interesting!
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2

The spiritual dimension involves whether you feel like you belong in your own life, and Mars has compelled you to come to terms with some deep elements of your being.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The past three months of Mars retrograde have served you as an initiation into a new level of emotional confidence. Gemini, the scene of this event, is your 4th place of home, and your sense of home. This includes the four walls that surround you, and whether you feel you belong there. The spiritual dimension involves whether you feel like you belong in your own life, and Mars has compelled you to come to terms with some deep elements of your being. This always happens gradually; it cannot be rushed. However, Mars changing directions represents a new phase in this process, where you get to take action on all that you’ve learned. It is probable that you have reconciled some elements of what was previously at odds or seemed like an internal contradiction. Now you get to move forward with your brain hemispheres working more closely together; your masculine and feminine attributes feeling like they are not so different after all; and having made up your mind about a few things you want from life but were hesitant to go after. It’s easy in our times to be content with what you have. While it’s always a good idea to be grateful, you are free to acknowledge that you want more.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn