It should be fairly easy to spot, as it’s either something on a short deadline or an issue that has been brewing for a while and now needs to be addressed.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be facing a diversity of complications on the work front, though I would advise against believing any rumors you may hear about yourself. Most of it amounts to static and noise. However, I can assure you that there is one critical decision you must make, or matter you must attend to.
It should be fairly easy to spot, as it’s either something on a short deadline or an issue that has been brewing for a while and now needs to be addressed. Either it’s actually important, or it will become so if it’s neglected. How you handle the situation matters. While you may not be the party with tangible power, how you communicate with those in power makes all the difference in the outcome.
Therefore, be prepared. Know your facts and figures and keep them ready. Before you let anyone convince you that the clock has run out, make sure that’s true. A contract signed under duress is not valid, so don’t put your signature on something that you don’t understand or accept
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You might need to accept responsibility for something you would normally be inclined to let slide, or do better the next time. You don’t like to live as if you owe anyone anything

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There would seem to be an ethical matter that needs attention — an actual question of right or wrong. Your challenge is to make your own assessment rather than thinking like anyone else (such as your mother, for instance). You may have to think this through in a deep way.
You might need to accept responsibility for something you would normally be inclined to let slide, or do better the next time. You don’t like to live as if you owe anyone anything; Taurus is famous for the “Irish goodbye” (slipping out of the party or event without saying anything). However, I suggest you sort out one particular situation carefully and do a real assessment of what part is yours.
Rather than feeling guilty, or taking the view that forgiveness is the highest good, stick to the nuts and bolts of the situation and take a little extra responsibility rather than a little less. You will feel better, you will help someone, and you’ll set a good example.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
This may take you by surprise, since laidback Neptune has been running this part of your chart for the past decade, and is not famous for its ability to focus on goals.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Sun is soon to begin its journey across the career and public relations angle of your chart, when it enters Pisces on the 18th. This is just the warmup for Saturn’s entry into Pisces in early March; you are commencing a phase when your professional standing will be the most important subject in your world, or at least right at the top.
This may take you by surprise, since laidback Neptune has been running this part of your chart for the past decade, and is not famous for its ability to focus on goals. Venus is also working this territory; think of it as a probe, helping you get a feeling for your true preferences and desires.
Make a note of those things as you notice them and as you feel them; by the time Venus makes its conjunction to Neptune next week, you might forget. What you want matters, and when you are granted the awesome manifesting power of Saturn, it will help if you guide yourself based on what you want, or what you have decided is necessary.
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The one thing I strongly caution against is falling for someone trying to put the screws on you and make you do or agree to anything you don’t want to do.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Use the last week of the Sun’s trek through Aquarius to tidy up any lingering matters related to contracts and tax affairs. Since there is always something new on the horizon, it’s helpful to keep on top of old business, and resolve it as efficiently as possible.
The one thing I strongly caution against is falling for someone trying to put the screws on you and make you do or agree to anything you don’t want to do. You have lived through a long phase where you’ve had no choice but to understand the ways of coercive people: those who would apply any kind of force, but then claimed that you gave your willing consent.
It’s hard times for those who understand that we humans have a right to make our choices and to be faithful to ourselves. In a perfect world that would not involve having to stand up to those who are running an agenda, but I can think of no better use for free will and free choice.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
The most important boundary is the one between you and everything else. It may be true that “there is no other,” though this is a revelation that takes maturity and discipline to exist within

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be feeling the gradual increase of responsibility toward someone or something, as the Sun approaches its last conjunction to Saturn in your opposite sign. Remember that any true commitment to someone else is based on a commitment to yourself. I propose that is the level to stick to.
It’s the more challenging one, because externals have a way of dominating over inner matters. They have a way of being more obvious, and they can seem more important. However, you are at a tipping point where it becomes clear that reality proceeds from the inside out. This is difficult to grasp in a world being increasingly dominated by “virtual” reality, which is neither inside nor outside of us and can dominate both.
The most important boundary is the one between you and everything else. It may be true that “there is no other,” though this is a revelation that takes maturity and discipline to exist within. You want things that others do not; they want things that you’re not interested in. Then there is common ground.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
You might consider the spiritual satisfaction you get from collaboration with like-minded others and use that as an example of how to conduct yourself in other facets of your life.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You may be drawn into a romantic situation, though the question is whether it’s right for you in the long run. We are raised with very few concepts for what a “relationship” is. Most people develop workarounds, though these are mostly variations on the original, particularly if bank accounts have to get involved.
What I’m saying here is that something that seems simple could be more complex than it appears, and the complexity is the problem. It will help if you figure out what your emotional and sexual needs are, and set them aside from everything else that is supposed to come along with them. Work-related matters deserve to be a high priority for you right now, because you can get so much done if you devote yourself to them.
You might consider the spiritual satisfaction you get from collaboration with like-minded others and use that as an example of how to conduct yourself in other facets of your life. You thrive on having an actual purpose to focus on, and tangible goals to meet.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
You are the one who needs to take the creative risk, and also the one who will benefit the most from seeing yourself get a result from what you’ve done.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Genius really is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. But this is about breathing through a situation more than it is about sweating through your gym outfit. The development of any idea calls for a day-by-day process of experimentation and focused work that only you may care about. You can invest your time and energy getting supporters, and you can also invest the same resources in making real the thing that you want to be real.
You are actually in a good position to attract those who believe in what you’re doing, though only if you believe in it enough to stay focused every day. The next week or so is perfect for this, as the Sun works its way into a conjunction to the eminently Libran planet Saturn.
You are the one who needs to take the creative risk, and also the one who will benefit the most from seeing yourself get a result from what you’ve done. Consider this a down-payment on something greater that you want to accomplish in the future. It will likely prove to be a good investment.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
While it’s true that you need to be ready, you may never be readier than you are today — if you want to be free of the constraints that the situation has placed upon you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may not feel like you’ve made much progress in a long time, though I assure you that you have. Yet there remain several matters lingering from the past that you can only move through if you clear any withholds you have from close partners. Potential partners and close associates need the same treatment: you are real with them all the time, up front.
As you have discovered a few times, it’s easier and more spiritually aligned to be yourself from the get-go, when the stakes are lower. From the look of your solar chart, there seems to be one critical issue where you need to speak your mind to someone you’re close to.
While it’s true that you need to be ready, you may never be readier than you are today — if you want to be free of the constraints that the situation has placed upon you. You will feel better if you do this on a purely voluntary basis rather than being forced by circumstances to say what you need to say.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
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Even if you think it’s about someone else, bring it back to yourself as your own value, necessity or desire. You are the original cause and purpose of your own existence.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be experiencing anxiety over money, though I would propose that this is more about your priorities. What is really important to you, on the level of,“why get up every day?” If you know this, you will be able to bring it to the front of your life, and draw energy and strength from a tangible purpose.
A series of powerful conjunctions over the next few days — Mercury to Pluto, the Sun to Saturn and Venus to Neptune — can help you cover a lot of ground, personally, financially and creatively. Yet it would seem that the essence of all of them is knowing the single most important thing you’re living for — which must be something about you, not about someone else.
Even if you think it’s about someone else, bring it back to yourself as your own value, necessity or desire. You are the original cause and purpose of your own existence. And then everything ripples out from your center as you unde
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
So if you can find your blind spot, and then focus a question, the possibilities will open up and you will see a diversity of potential responses and solutions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – You may feel like the pressure is on this week, as Mercury aligns with Pluto in your birth sign. That looks like some kind of seemingly urgent decision, or some other kind of concern demanding action. However, since Mercury is the immediate factor, what you need is awareness first, which will boil down to certain specific facts; and then you will need a plan. Then you can act.
The timeframe is much wider than you may think. If you don’t allow yourself to feel rushed, the Sun’s alignment to Saturn over the next week will respond with the illumination you need. Therefore, follow the first rule of investigative reporting: know when you don’t know. The second rule is just as good: a tangible question is better than a seeming answer.
So if you can find your blind spot, and then focus a question, the possibilities will open up and you will see a diversity of potential responses and solutions. While I am on a roll spouting aphorisms, I would remind us all that anything that does not have a solution may not be a problem. Crazy, but it works.
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No doubt you have been faced with considerable new responsibilities these past three years; we all have, though you may be experiencing something next-level.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What may be showing up as an intense focus of anxiety or even paranoia is probably a smaller reason for concern than you think, and one that has a practical answer. So if something seems to be generating fear, see if you can figure out what it is. You should be able to discern whether it’s something that is subject to some form of action, or rather, a voice in your mind that is generating alarm. Anyway, it’s likely to blow over.
Of greater significance is the last conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in your birth sign, exact the 16th. This is the third of three — and then the next one is in 2050. So, you can be sure that you’ve got something significant that is requiring your love, your attention and most of all, your patience.
No doubt you have been faced with considerable new responsibilities these past three years; we all have, though you may be experiencing something next-level. The message of the stars seems to be, make sure you finish what you began. Then, you can move on to something different.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33

I suggest you do whatever you can to go as silent as you can over the next week or so and devote yourself first to listening, then to bringing your awareness under your full influence.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you have managed to turn your awareness inward for the past few weeks, that’s probably been helpful. If you have not, you still have more than a week before the Sun enters your sign, as it continues moving through your deeply introspective 12th place, Aquarius. While that sign tends to be about group dynamics, for you, it’s about conducting the chorus in your mind.
I suggest you do whatever you can to go as silent as you can over the next week or so and devote yourself first to listening, then to bringing your awareness under your full influence. That translates to self-awareness, which has nothing whatsoever to do with all those people (with all their concerns) who seem to be populating your life at the moment.
Like hungry seagulls, they will stick around as long as you keep throwing them bread. And you don’t need most of them anyway. Listen to yourself in a deep way and you will finally get some well-needed rest.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio50